1,411 research outputs found

    Error Characterization of Flight Trajectories Reconstructed Using Structure from Motion

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    This research effort assessed the accuracy of Structure from Motion (SFM) algorithms in replicating aircraft fight trajectories. Structure from Motion techniques can be used to estimate aircraft trajectory by determining the position and pose of an aircraft mounted camera from a sequential series of images taken during flight. An algorithm is proposed and implemented that successfully reconstructed aircraft trajectory using only a known starting position and a sequential series of images. The error in and reliability of the algorithm was found to be a function of image resolution as well as the amount of overlap and angular separation between sequential images. The trajectory estimated by the algorithm drifted from the true trajectory as a function of distance traveled. The drift was dominated by uncertainty in the scale of the reconstruction as well as angular errors in estimated camera orientations. A proposed system architecture that incorporated scale and attitude updates was tested on actual flight test data. The architecture successfully reconstructed a variety of trajectories but drift rates were highly variable


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    A Cox nonnested test with parametric bootstrap is developed to select between the linearized version of the First Difference Almost Ideal Demand System (FDAIDS) and the Rotterdam model. The Cox test with parametric bootstrap is expected to be more powerful than the various orthodox tests used in past research. The new approach is then used for U. S. meat demand (beef, pork, and chicken) and compared to results obtained with an orthodox test. The orthodox test gives inconsistent results. In contrast, under the same varied conditions, the Cox test with parametric bootstrap consistently indicates that the Rotterdam model is preferred to the FDAIDS.Demand and Price Analysis,


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    A Cox test with parametric bootstrap is developed to select between the linearized version of the First-Difference Almost Ideal Demand System (FDAIDS) and the Rotterdam model. A Cox test with parametric bootstrap has been shown to be more powerful than encompassing tests like those used in past research. The bootstrap approach is used with U.S. meat demand (beef, pork, chicken, fish) and compared to results obtained with an encompassing test. The Cox test with parametric bootstrap consistently indicates the Rotterdam model is preferred to the FDAIDS, while the encompassing test sometimes fails to reject FDAIDS.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Risks to bees from dusts emitted at sowing of coated seeds: concerns, risk assessment and risk management

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    contribution to session V Honey bee poisoning incidents and monitoring scheme

    Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Alexithymia, and Social Phobia Are Associated With Disordered Eating in Male and Female Undergraduate Athletes

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Investigations of disordered eating in the athlete population tend to focus on females and the influence of sport level. This leaves unanswered whether, and how, team interdependence (i.e., whether the competition is engaged with one person or as a team) may differentially impact male athletes. In the present study, we recruited a sample of non-athletes, individual athletes, and team athletes and examined the interaction of gender and teammate interdependence on established psychosocial risk factors for disordered eating, including social phobia, alexithymia, and emotion regulation. Although we identified a significant main effect of gender, there was no main effect of team type, nor was there a significant interaction of gender and team type. Using descriptive discriminant analysis, these variables significantly discriminated between genders. Women were defined by higher scores than men on drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, and emotion recognition and men were defined by relatively higher scores on emotion dysregulation and binge eating. When we combined all athletes and compared them with non-athletes, a significant interaction of gender and athlete status emerged such that female athletes, compared to male athletes and women non-athletes, were defined by higher scores on drive for thinness, emotion dysregulation, and binge eating. Conversely, male athletes, compared to female athletes, were defined by greater difficulty identifying feelings and body dissatisfaction. Non-athletes were not well defined by the discriminant function. These results highlight that emotional processes convey risk of eating disorders in men and women, particularly in athletes, and these risk factors are not uniform.5T32MH016434-405K12HD08584

    Prothonotary warbler demography and nest site selection in natural and artificial cavities in bottomland forests of Arkansas, USA [Démographie et sélection du site de nidification de la paruline orangée dans des cavités naturelles et artificielles en forêts sur terres basses de l\u27Arkansas, É.-U.]

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    Anthropogenic alterations to bottomland forests in the United States that occurred post-European settlement likely negatively affected many avian species. The Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea), a secondary cavity nester that breeds predominantly in these forests, has steadily declined over the past 60 years, and our ability to mitigate this trend is partially limited by a lack of basic biological data. Although much research has been devoted to Prothonotary Warblers, most studies have focused on local breeding populations that use nest boxes; we lack information about habitat selection behavior and demographic parameters of individuals that use natural cavities, which includes the vast majority of the global population. We studied warblers nesting both in boxes and natural cavities in central Arkansas, USA. We aimed to evaluate: (1) microhabitat features important for nest site selection, (2) relationships between these features and nest survival, and (3) demographic parameters of individuals breeding in natural cavities versus nest boxes. We hypothesized (1) selected nest site characteristics are associated with nest survival, and (2) natural cavities and nest boxes provide similar nest features related to clutch size and number fledged, but that predation protection differs. We found that warblers preferred nesting in dead trees with cavities that were higher and shallower than available random cavities, and that canopy cover within 5 m of nests was inversely related to nest survival. Demographic parameters did not differ between natural cavities and nest boxes; however, when excluding flooded nests, boxes experienced lower rates of nest depredation. We believe that forest management strategies that increase the number of suitable dead nest trees and restore the natural hydrology of these ecosystems would create and improve habitat for this iconic species. We advocate multiscale experimental canopy cover manipulation to explore the causal mechanism(s) of the relationship we found between canopy cover and nest survival

    A practical approach to estimate resting energy expenditure in frail elderly people

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    Objectives: Some prediction equations of resting energy expenditure (REE) are available and can be used in clinical wards to determine energy requirements of patients. The aim of the present study was to assess the accuracy of those equations in sick elderly patients, using the Bland & Altman methods with our database of 187 REE measurements.Design: The 3 equations tested were Harris & Benedict equation of 1919, WHO/FAO/UNU equation of 1985 and Fredrix et al. equation of 1990. In addition, three models developed from the present data were tested.Results: The present study shows that the Fredrix et al equation gave an accurate prediction of REE without significant bias along the whole range of REE. It also shows that under-weight sick elderly patients (BMI ≤ 21 kg/m2) had a greater weight-adjusted REE than their normal weight counterparts.Conclusion: A simple formula using a factor multiplying body weight, i.e. 22 kcal/kg/d in under-weight and 19 kcal/kg/d in normal weight sick elderly was accurate to predicting REE and bias was not influenced by the level of REE. This model included half of the group in the range of ±10% of the difference between predicted REE and measured REE, but the confidence interval of the bias was ±400 kcal/d. Conversely, the Harris & Benedict and WHO formulae did accurately predict REE

    Detection of Circulating Prostate-Specific Antigen-Secreting Cells in Prostate Cancer Patients

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