110 research outputs found

    in vivo toxicity of the ribosome-inactivating lectin ebulin f in elderly mice

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    Producción CientíficaEbulin f is a ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) present in green fruits of the dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus L). Since dwarf elder fruits are used for food and as a medicine, we assessed the study of toxicological effects and safety of ebulin f in elderly mice, comparing these results with those reported in young animals and with other RIPs. Female Swiss mice aged 6 and 12 months of age were intraperitoneally injected with a single dose from 1.4 to 4.5 mg/kg ebulin f. Heart, stomach, intestines, lung, kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary and brain were studied. Histology analysis was carried out by staining with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome observed with a light microscope, or apoptosis detection by TUNEL method observed with a confocal laser microscope. Treated animals injected with the lower dose could recover their weights, but after 14 days half of them died. The higher dose caused a progressive loss of body weight leading to death. In the animals of the experimental groups it was found atrophy of Lieberkühn's crypts, pneumonia, nephronal degeneration, myocardial atrophy, centrolobular hepatic necrosis, splenic white pulp necrosis foci and increased rate of apoptosis in the intestines and liver, in which apoptoses were mainly located in the vicinity of the lobular central vein. We conclude that ebulin f affects vital organs in elderly mice.UVa-GIR Inmunotoxinas AntitumoralesUCM-CAM Research group 95024

    Lidar ratio derived for pure dust aerosols: multi-year micro pulse lidar observations in a Saharan dust-influenced region

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    El volumen 119 de 2016 de la revista EPJ Web of Conferences recoge las ponencias del 27th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 27)A seasonal distribution of the Lidar Ratio (LR, extinction-to-backscattering coefficient ratio) for pure Saharan dust particles has been achieved. Simultaneous MPLNET/Micro Pulse lidar measurements in synergy with AERONET sun-photometer data were collected in the Tenerife area, a Saharan dust-influenced region, from June 2007 to November 2009. Dusty cases were mostly observed in summertime (71.4 % of total dusty cases). No differences were found among the LR values derived for spring, summertime and autumn times (a rather consistent seasonally averaged LR value of 57 sr is found). In wintertime, however, a higher mean LR is derived (65 sr), associated likely with a potential contamination from fine biomass burning particles coming from Sahel area during wintertime deforestation fires period. Results, obtained from a free-tropospheric pristine station (AEMET/Izaña Observatory) under Saharan dust intrusion occurrence, provide a more realistic perspective about LR values to be used in elastic lidar-derived AOD inversion for Saharan pure dust particles, and hence in improving CALIPSO AOD retrievals.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under grant CGL2011-24891 (AMISOC project)

    Limitations and Challenges in the Stability of Cysteamine Eye Drop Compounded Formulations

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    Accumulation of cystine crystals in the cornea of patients suffering from cystinosis is considered pathognomonic and can lead to severe ocular complications. Cysteamine eye drop compounded formulations, commonly prepared by hospital pharmacy services, are meant to diminish the build-up of corneal cystine crystals. The objective of this work was to analyze whether the shelf life proposed for six formulations prepared following different protocols used in hospital pharmacies is adequate to guarantee the quality and efficacy of cysteamine eye drops. The long-term and in-use stabilities of these preparations were studied using different parameters: content of cysteamine and its main degradation product cystamine; appearance, color and odor; pH and viscosity; and microbiological analysis. The results obtained show that degradation of cysteamine was between 20% and 50% after one month of storage in the long-term stability study and between 35% and 60% in the in-use study. These data confirm that cysteamine is a very unstable molecule in aqueous solution, the presence of oxygen being the main degradation factor. Saturation with nitrogen gas of the solutions offers a means of reducing cysteamine degradation. Overall, all the formulae studied presented high instability at the end of their shelf life, suggesting that their clinical efficacy might be dramatically compromised

    Toxicity of the Anti-ribosomal Lectin Ebulin f in Lungs and Intestines in Elderly Mice

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    All parts of dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus L.) studied so far contain a ribosome-inactivating protein with lectin activity (ribosome-inactivating lectin; RIL), known as ebulin. Green fruits contain ebulin f, the toxicity of which has been studied in six-week-old mice, where it was found that the intestines were primary targets for it when administered intraperitoneally (i.p.). We performed experiments to assess whether ebulin f administration to six- and 12-month-old mice would trigger higher toxicity than that displayed in six-week-old mice. In the present report, we present evidence indicating that the toxicological effects of ebulin f after its i.p. administration to elderly mice are exerted on the lungs and intestines by an increased rate of apoptosis. We hypothesize that the ebulin f apoptosis-promoting action together with the age-dependent high rate of apoptosis result in an increase in the lectin’s toxicity, leading to a higher lethality level

    Avaluació acreditativa del “Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)” als ensenyaments d’enginyeries TICs

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    L’entorn Labview és un llenguatge de programació gràfic molt intuïtiu i potser el més estès en el món industrial. El coneixement que els estudiants tenen d’aquest entorn de programació Labview és pobre. L’objectiu essencial en el projecte va ser aconseguir que els estudiants disposessin dels coneixements i les competències professionals en la utilització de l’entorn Labview en l’àmbit de les enginyeries TICs. Per tal d’assolir l’objectiu vàrem programar els continguts de programació en l’entorn Labview en el programa acadèmic de les titulacions de Grau d’Enginyeria Electronica de Telecomunicació, Grau d’Enginyeria Biomèdica i Grau de Física. Una part d’aquests continguts en assignatures obligatòries i una altra part en una assignatura optativa. Finalitzada aquesta formació, National Instruments ofereix als estudiants que han seguit el programa, que puguin passar l’examen CLAD i habilitar-se com a programador oficial Labview. Aquest programa s’ha desenvolupat durant 2 anys i dues promocions d’estudiants l’han pogut seguir. Els estudiants que han aconseguit la fita de ser acreditats CLAD és aproximadament el 50% dels que s’han presentat. Aquesta tassa d’èxit és l’habitual en la majoria dels països europeus en els que s’ha posat en pràctica aquestes iniciatives. L’empresa National Instruments està molt satisfeta d’aquesta iniciativa i ha mostrat molt interès en continuar col·laborant amb nosaltres

    Resources for the online teaching of Technological Practical Courses: application and validation in Pharmaceutical Technology

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    Para llevar a cabo la virtualización, es importante adaptar la metodología a seguir, al objetivo, necesidades y contenido de la asignatura. Esto supone un reto a la hora de virtualizar prácticas de laboratorio en materias tecnológicas. Por ello se desarrolló un proyecto con el fin de crear diversos recursos para la virtualización de este tipo de materias. En concreto, el proyecto se centra en la virtualización de prácticas que comprenden la elaboración y control de calidad de comprimidos, la cual está recogida en el temario de la asignatura de Tecnología Farmacéutica I (grado en Farmacia). Para ello, se emplearon vídeolecciones como herramienta docente, ya que favorece los procesos perceptivos y cognitivos durante el proceso de aprendizaje del alumno, y además permite ver los procedimientos, equipos de fabricación y de control de calidad que son los pilares fundamentales en el desarrollo tecnológico de medicamentos. Otra estrategia desarrollada es la evaluación de datos prácticos para aplicarlos a la cumplimentación de un boletín de análisis de control de calidad. Todo ello se implementó en 3 grupos de 12 alumnos que recibieron prácticas semipresenciales y que posteriormente valoraron la utilidad de estos recursos como medio para la virtualización de las prácticas de laboratorio.To carry out virtualization, it is important to adapt the methodology, to the objective, needs and content of the course. E-teaching of laboratory courses of technological disciplines is really challenge. For this reason, a teaching project was developed to create various resources for the virtualization. of laboratory courses that include the production and quality control of tablets, which is included in the syllabus of the Pharmaceutical Technology I discipline (degree in Pharmacy). For this, video lessons were used as a teaching tool, since it favors the perceptual and cognitive processes during the student's learning process, and allows to see the procedures, manufacturing equipment and quality control that are the fundamental pillars in technological development of medications. Another strategy developed is the evaluation of practical data to apply them to the completion of a quality control analysis bulletin. All of this was implemented in 3 groups of 12 students who received blended practices and who subsequently assessed the usefulness of these resources as a means for the virtualization of laboratory practices.Facultad de Informátic

    Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of SPALINET- the SPAnish LIdar NETwork: methodology and results

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    A group of eight Spanish lidars was formed in order to extend the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network-Advanced Sustainable Observation System (EARLINET-ASOS) project. This study presents intercomparisons at the hardware and software levels. Results of the system intercomparisons are based on range-square-corrected signals in cases where the lidars viewed the same atmospheres. Comparisons were also made for aerosol backscatter coefficients at 1064 nm (2 systems) and 532 nm (all systems), and for extinction coefficients at 532 nm (2 systems). In total, three field campaigns were carried out between 2006 and 2007. Comparisons were limited to the highest layer found before the free troposphere, i.e., either the atmospheric boundary layer or the aerosol layer just above it. Some groups did not pass the quality assurance criterion on the first attempt. Following modification and improvement to these systems, all systems met the quality criterion. The backscatter algorithm intercomparison consisted of processing lidar signal profiles simulated for two types of atmospheric conditions. Three stages with increasing knowledge of the input parameters were considered. The results showed that all algorithms work well when all inputs are known. They also showed the necessity to perform, when possible, additional measurements to attain better estimation of the lidar ratio, which is the most critical unknown in the elastic lidar inversion