52 research outputs found

    Reducing the Gap Between Business and Information Systems Through Complex Event Processing

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    According to the Object Management Group, a rule is a proposition that is a claim of obligation or of necessity. The concept of rule is usually employed in the context of business process to manage companies operations. While a workflow is an explicit specification of tasks' execution flow, business rules only impose restrictions on the tasks' execution. This provides a great deal of flexibility for the process execution, since the stakeholders are free to choose an execution flow which does not violate the rules. The execution of a task in a process can be seen as the occurrence of an event, which may enable/disable the execution of some other tasks in the process. Event-driven programming is a paradigm in which the program control-flow is determined by the occurrence of events. The capacity to handle processes that are unpredictably non-linear and dynamic makes the event-driven paradigm an effective solution for the implementation of business rules. However, the connection between the business rules and their implementation through event-driven programming has been made in an ad-hoc and unstructured manner. This paper proposes a methodology to tackle such a problem by systematically moving from business rules described in natural language toward a concrete implementation of a business process. We use complex event processing (CEP) to implement the process. CEP relies on the event driven paradigm for monitoring and processing events. The methodology allows for the active participation of business people at all stages of the refinement process. Throughout the paper, we show how our methodology was employed to implement the operations of the World Bank

    Association of sleep quality and psychological aspects with reports of bruxism and TMD in Brazilian dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Dentists are exposed to contamination by SARS-CoV-2 due to dental interventions, leading to a state of alert and potential risk of negative impact in mental health and sleep quality, associated with Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and bruxism. Objective: to evaluate the psychosocial status, sleep quality, symptoms of TMD, and bruxism in Brazilian dentists (DSs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: The sample (n=641 DSs) was divided into three groups (quarantined DSs; DSs in outpatient care; and frontline professionals), which answered an electronic form containing the TMD Pain Screening Questionnaire (Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders – DC/TMD), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and the sleep and awake bruxism questionnaire. ANOVA test and Mann Whitney post-test were used, with Bonferroni adjustment (p<0.016) and a 95% confidence level. Results: Probable TMD was found in 24.3% (n=156) of the participants, while possible sleep and awake bruxism were diagnosed in 58% (n=372) and 53.8% (n=345) of them, respectively. Among all variables evaluated, only symptoms of depression were significantly greater in the quarantined DSs group when compared to those who were working at the clinical care (p=0.002). Working DSs were significantly less likely (OR=0.630, p=0.001) to have depressive symptoms. Those who were not worried or less worried about the pandemic were less likely to experience stress (OR=0.360), anxiety (OR=0.255), and poor sleep quality (OR=0.256). Sleep had a strong positive and moderate correlation with psychological factors on frontline workers and DSs in outpatient care, respectively. Conclusion: The results suggest confinement may have a more negative impact on the life of DSs than the act of being actively working. The concern about Covid-19 and poor sleep quality was significantly prevalent and may negatively affect the quality of life of DSs. Thus, further research on the topic is needed

    Ação do PIBID Biologia na Educação Básica através da abordagem temática Feireana: ações formativas na educação ambiental

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    This paper shares the experience of reflective thinking about a training process for teachers and students that was made viable by a program of the Brazilian federal government, the Institutional Program for Scholarships for Initiation in Teaching (pibid, for its initials in Portuguese) through a partnership between universities and basic education schools. In this case, the pibid team diagnosed the need to know the reality of students of the Profesor Benedicto Leme Vieira Neto State School (Salto de Pirapora, São Paulo, Brazil) and their views about their surroundings. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze, from a critical standpoint, the education process that took place between 2014 and 2015 through the action-research approach known as Freire’s thematic approach and a qualitative questionnaire answered by two students from each classroom, for a total of 33 answered questionnaires. Each response was evaluated, and the following situations that limit better living conditions were obtained: environmental problems, consequent risks to the health of the community, dissatisfaction with the environments intended for leisure, lack of identification with the school environment and its surroundings. By identifying these situations, we were able to plan and develop training activities at school, with the aim of articulating teachers in higher education, basic education and initial training. We problematized the notion that the problems observed are not individual and that they affect everyone. As a result, we observed the positive impact of the training activities promoted by the pibid team and the school community, and on the development of pedagogical workshops to continue the work.El presente artículo consiste en un relato de experiencia de cuño reflexivo en tornoa un proceso de formación de profesores y alumnos viabilizado por un programa delgobierno federal brasileño - PIBID (Programa Institucional de Beca de Iniciación a laDocencia) - a través del establecimiento de la asociación entre universidades y escuelasde educación básica. En este caso, el equipo del PIBID diagnosticó la necesidad deconocer la realidad vivida por los alumnos de la Escuela Estadual Profesor BenedictoLeme Vieira Neto (Salto de Pirapora – São Paulo – Brasil) y sus concepciones sobre el ambiente que les rodea. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir y analizar críticamente el proceso de formación que se desarrolló entre 2014 y 2015 a través de la metodología de investigación-acción denominada abordaje temático Freireano y de un cuestionario cualitativo aplicado a dos alumnos de cada aula, en un total de 33 cuestionarios respondidos. Se evaluó cada respuesta y se obtuvieram las siguientes situaciones limitantes de mejores condiciones de vida: problemas ambientales, consecuentes riesgos a la salud de la comunidad, descontento con los ambientes destinados al ocio, falta de identificación con el medio ambiente escolar y sus alrededores. La identificación de estas situaciones permitió la planificación y desarrollo de actividades de formación en la escuela, con el fin de articular los profesores en la educación superior, la educación básica y la formación inicial. Se problematizó la noción de que los problemas observados no son individuales, y afecta a todos. Como resultado fue observado el impacto positivo de las actividades formativas propiciadas por el equipo PIBID, junto a comunidad de la escuela, y en el desarrollo de talleres pedagógicos para la continuidad del trabajo.O presente artigo consiste em um relato de experiência de cunho reflexivo sobre o processo de formação de professores e alunos viabilizado por um programa do governo federal brasileiro — pibid (programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação à docência)- Através do estabelecimento da associação entre universidades e escolas de Educação Básica. Neste caso, a equipe do pibid diagnosticou a necessidade de conhecer a realidade vivenciada pelos alunos da Escola Estadual Professor Benedicto Leme Vieira Neto (Salto de Pirapora, São Paulo, Brasil) e suas concepções sobre o ambiente que os rodeia. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar criticamente o processo de formação desenvolvido entre 2014 e 2015, através da metodologia de pesquisa-ação denominada abordagem temática Feireana e um questionário qualitativo aplicado a dois alunos de cada sala de aula, em total 33 questionários respondidos. Avaliou-se cada resposta e obtiveram-se as seguintes situações limitantes de melhores condições de vida: problemas ambientais, consequentes riscos à saúde da comunidade, desconformidade com os ambientes destinados ao lazer, falta de identificação como o ambiente escolar e suas proximidades. A identificação dessas situações possibilitou a planificação e o desenvolvimento de atividades de formação na escola, visando articular os professores na educação superior, o ensino básico e a formação inicial. Problematizou-se a noção de que os problemas observados não são individuais e a afetam à comunidade. Como resultado, evidenciou-se o impacto positivo das atividades formativas propiciadas pela equipe pibid, em parceria com a comunidade da escola, no desenvolvimento de oficinas pedagógicas para a continuidade do trabalho

    Impacto do fechamento e reabertura do comércio na incidência e mortalidade pela COVID-19 em Juazeiro/BA e Petrolina/PE / Impact of the closing and reopening of trade on incidence and mortality by COVID-19 in Juazeiro/BA and Petrolina/PE

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    Em dezembro de 2019, foram relatados os primeiros casos da doença respiratória COVID-19, que a partir de 2020 tomou proporções enormes, se tornando uma pandemia devido à fácil disseminação do agente etiológico SARS-CoV-2. Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar o impacto do fechamento e reabertura do comércio não essencial no número de casos e mortes pela COVID-19 registrados nas cidades de Petrolina/PE e Juazeiro/BA. Por meio de um estudo epidemiológico, observacional e descritivo, utilizando dados secundários de número de casos e óbitos pela COVID-19, publicados pelas Secretarias de Saúde, calculou-se a média móvel de casos entre 23/03/2020 e 21/09/2020. Além disso, foi calculado o número de casos e óbitos que ocorreram nos períodos em que o comércio não essencial funcionou ou não. Com isso, percebeu-se em Petrolina um aumento significativo do número de casos e da média móvel de casos confirmados, ocorrendo um aumento de 78,83% na média móvel, ainda no 14º dia após a 1ª abertura do comércio, e, em Juazeiro, esse aumento também foi observado, chegando a uma elevação em 56,26% na média móvel após 14 dias da 1ª reabertura. Já na segunda retomada comercial, observou-se estabilização e, até mesmo, queda no número de casos em ambos os municípios. Com este trabalho pode-se perceber que são necessários mais estudos para analisar outros fatores que podem contribuir com o aumento dos números de casos confirmados de COVID-19, bem como as taxas de mortalidade

    Virulence in Murine Model Shows the Existence of Two Distinct Populations of Brazilian Vaccinia virus Strains

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    Brazilian Vaccinia virus had been isolated from sentinel mice, rodents and recently from humans, cows and calves during outbreaks on dairy farms in several rural areas in Brazil, leading to high economic and social impact. Some phylogenetic studies have demonstrated the existence of two different populations of Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains circulating in nature, but little is known about their biological characteristics. Therefore, our goal was to study the virulence pattern of seven Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains. Infected BALB/c mice were monitored for morbidity, mortality and viral replication in organs as trachea, lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, brain and spleen. Based on the virulence potential, the Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains were grouped into two groups. One group contained GP1V, VBH, SAV and BAV which caused disease and death in infected mice and the second one included ARAV, GP2V and PSTV which did not cause any clinical signals or death in infected BALB/c mice. The subdivision of Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains into two groups is in agreement with previous genetic studies. Those data reinforce the existence of different populations circulating in Brazil regarding the genetic and virulence characteristics


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    Este estudo parte de uma investigação longitudinal (2019-2022) mais ampla, vinculada ao Grupo Multidisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação, Psicopedagogia e Psicologia Escolar, UFAM/CNPq, PROCAD/AMAZÔNIA-PPGEUFAM/UFPA/UFMT, Processo CAPES 8881.314288/2019-0, articula-se metodológica e teoricamente com interfaces entre a psicologia escolar, psicologia educacional, pedagogia do ensino superior e educação escolar. Atua no sentido de entender os efeitos de variáveis cognitivas e contextuais sobre o sucesso acadêmico e o bem estar na universidade. A metodologia para coleta de dados é a aplicação de caderno de instrumentos próprios com apoio do Googleodocs, a amostra atual é de n=1112 estudantes de diferentes países (Brasil, México, República Dominicana, Bolívia, Moçambique, Angola, Venezuela, Colômbia, Espanha e Portugal), do sexo masculino e feminino, idade entre 18 e 54 anos e de 51 universidades públicas e privadas que colaboram com a iniciativa. Os dados são analisados com auxílio do Excel e SPSS, de acordo com os interesses dos pesquisadores e objetivos da investigação. Os resultados atuais demonstram a importância da pesquisa sobre os temas abordados pela iniciativa considerando o impacto das variáveis estudadas sobre o rendimento acadêmico e bom estar tanto de estudantes como de docentes e técnicos no ensino superior. Foram identificadas diferenças de países, renda, etnia, gênero e renda. No caso dos docentes e técnicos verificamos evidências da exaustão feminina. Os resultados podem apoiar a administração geral e coordenação educativa e psicopedagógica universitária em sentido amplo, visando a melhoria dos indicadores de sucesso acadêmico e bem estar, por meio da proposição de novas políticas e gestão da educação superior. Palavras-chave: Pesquisa em educação, Ensino superior, Rendimento acadêmico, Bem estar. Políticas de gestão da educação superior. Educação comparada.   IMPACT OF COGNITIVE AND CONTEXTUAL VARIABLES ABOUT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND  WELLBEING IN THE UNIVERSITY. Whato to do? Qhato not to do?   Abstract: This study, part of a further longitudinal investigation (2019-2022), attached to a multidisciplinary group of Educational Research  Scholar Psychotherapy and Psychology, UFAM/CNPq, PROCAD/AMAZONIA-PPGEUFAM/UFPA/UFMT, CAPES process 8881.314288/2019-0, it is articulated methodological and theoretically with interfaces between the scholar and educational psychology, upper and scholar education pedagogy. It acts in the direction of understanding 5he effects og cognitive and contextual variables about the academic achievement and wellness in the university. The methodology to data collection is the application of own instrument cards with the support of Googledocs, the actual sample is quantity of n=1112 students from 51 private and public universities of different countries (Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Mozambique, Angola, Venezuela, Colombia, Spain and Portugal), from both male and female genders, aging between 18 and 54 years-old. The data were analyzed with the support of software Excel and SPSS, according to the interests of researchers and investigation focus. The actual results show the importance of the research about the themes cited in the initiative considering the impacts of the studied variables over the academic performance and wellness of the students as the teachers and technicians from upper education. There were found differences between countries, income, ethnic and gender. In the cases of the teachers and technicians it was found evidences of female exhaustion. The results could support the general administration, educative and psychopedagogy coordination and in a wide range, looking forward the better successful academic indicators and wellness, through the proposition of new policies and management of upper education. Keywords: Educational Reserch, upper educatión, academic performance, wellness, upper educaciton mangement policies, compared education. &nbsp