3,371 research outputs found

    : Les Struthionidae et les Pelagornithidae (Aves, Struthioniformes et Odontopterygiformes) du PliocĂšne final d'Ahl al Oughlam, Maroc

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    International audienceThe Pliocene locality of Ahl al Oughlam is situated at the southeastern limit of the city of Casablanca, in Morocco, on an ancient seashore of the Atlantic Ocean. It has yielded a very rich vertebrate fauna (macro- and micromammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes) including both terrestrial and marine forms. On the basis of biostratigraphy, the fauna has been dated at about 2.5 Ma, which corresponds to the latest Pliocene. The avifauna is very diverse and includes birds belonging to twelve different orders. In this paper we describe only the Struthionidae and the Pelagornithidae. Ostriches are represented by a large-sized form, referred to the extinct species Struthio asiaticus Milne-Edwards, and its eggshells, of struthioid type, are comparable to those of the recent species Struthio camelus, but thicker. The Pelagornithidae, giant marine birds with bony pseudoteeth, are represented by an extinct species of the genus Pelagornis. As far as we know, this species was probably the latest representative of the order Odontopterygiformes.Le gisement pliocĂšne d'Ahl al Oughlam est situĂ© Ă  la limite sud-est de la ville de Casablanca, au Maroc, sur un ancien rivage de l'OcĂ©an Atlantique. Il a livrĂ© une trĂšs riche faune de VertĂ©brĂ©s (macro- et micromammifĂšres, oiseaux, reptiles, amphibiens et poissons), appartenant surtout Ă  des formes terrestres, mais comportant aussi des formes marines. Des arguments biostratigraphiques ont permis de dater cette faune de 2,5 Ma, ce qui correspond au PliocĂšne final. L'avifaune est trĂšs diversifiĂ©e et comporte des oiseaux appartenant Ă  douze ordres diffĂ©rents. Dans cette Ă©tude nous dĂ©crivons seulement les Struthionidae et les Pelagornithidae. Les autruches sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es par une forme de grande taille, attribuĂ©e Ă  l'espĂšce Ă©teinte Struthio asiaticus Milne-Edwards, et leurs coquilles d'Ɠufs, de type struthioĂŻde, sont comparables Ă  celles de l'espĂšce actuelle Struthio camelus, mais sont plus Ă©paisses. Les Pelagornithidae, oiseaux marins gĂ©ants Ă  pseudodents, sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par une espĂšce Ă©teinte du genre Pelagornis. Les restes trouvĂ©s Ă  Ahl al Oughlam correspondent probablement aux derniers rĂ©prĂ©sentants connus de l'ordre des Odontopterygiformes

    Long-term labour productivity and GDP projections for the EU25 Member States : a production function framework

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    This paper presents the results of long run labour productivity and GDP growth rate projections (until 2050) for each of the 25 EU Member States and provides a detailed overview of the forecast methodology used. These projections were undertaken in order to provide an internationally comparable macroeconomic framework against which to assess the potential economic and fiscal effects of ageing populations. The projections presented in this paper, using a common production function methodology for all 25 countries, show the GDP growth rate effects of an assumptions-driven extrapolation of recent trends in employment and labour productivity. These base case projections reflect the working assumption of “no policy change”.Various sensitivity tests are carried out to check the GDP per capita impact of some factors which have been excluded from the baseline scenario for reasons of simplicity or because of a lack of consensus in the academic literature. Some of the interesting conclusions that emerge from these sensitivity tests include : ‱ Firstly, the GDP per capita impact of changes in the participation rate assumption used in the projections is much greater than for assumed changes in the share of part-time employment (i.e. in average hours worked per worker). ‱ Secondly, the negative effect of a change in the age-structure of the population is fairly limited, although it is accepted that the labour productivity of an individual is likely to decline after the age of 55. A very strong fall in the productivity of older workers compared with that of prime-age workers would be required to significantly depress total labour productivity. Such an outcome, on the basis of current evidence, appears rather unlikely. ‱ Thirdly, changing the TFP growth rate targets (e.g. use of the 1990’s average instead of the long-term 1970-2004 average) could strongly affect the projections. ‱ Finally, an assumption of productivity convergence in levels substantially alters the projections for most EU10 countries but leaves the EU15 almost unchanged. JEL classificProductivity; ageing; long-term projections; production function; labour productivity; older workers

    A Protocol to Detect Local Affinities Involved in Proteins Distant Interactions

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    The tridimensional structure of a protein is constrained or stabilized by some local interactions between distant residues of the protein, such as disulfide bonds, electrostatic interactions, hydrogen links, Wan Der Waals forces, etc. The correct prediction of such contacts should be an important step towards the whole challenge of tridimensional structure prediction. The in silico prediction of the disulfide connectivity has been widely studied: most results were based on few amino-acids around bonded and non-bonded cysteines, which we call local environments of bonded residues. In order to evaluate the impact of such local information onto residue pairing, we propose a machine learning based protocol, independent from the type of contact, to detect affinities between local environments which would contribute to residues pairing. This protocol requires that learning methods are able to learn from examples corrupted by class-conditional classification noise. To this end, we propose an adapted version of the perceptron algorithm. Finally, we experiment our protocol with this algorithm on proteins that feature disulfide or salt bridges. The results show that local environments contribute to the formation of salt bridges. As a by-product, these results prove the relevance of our protocol. However, results on disulfide bridges are not significantly positive. There can be two explanations: the class of linear functions used by the perceptron algorithm is not enough expressive to detect this information, or cysteines local environments do not contribute significantly to residues pairing

    Le camp d’internement des Milles : enjeux mĂ©moriels (1939-2013)

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    Le mĂ©morial du camp d’internement des Milles a Ă©tĂ© inaugurĂ© en septembre 2012 aprĂšs soixante-dix ans d’oubli. Le prĂ©sent article s’interroge sur les diffĂ©rents phĂ©nomĂšnes mĂ©moriels qui ont jalonnĂ© son histoire. En dĂ©pit de son caractĂšre singulier, s’inscrit-il dans un paradigme mĂ©moriel plus vaste, tel que l’histoire de Vichy ou la mĂ©moire de l’exil allemand ? Quand cette mĂ©moire s’est-elle rĂ©veillĂ©e et pour quelles raisons ? Qui en sont les instigateurs ? Quelles sont les manifestations organisĂ©es par le mĂ©morial actuel et ses ambitions pour l’avenir ?The memorial of the Milles Internment Camp was inaugurated in September 2012 after 70 years of oblivion. This article focuses on the various memory phenomena that have punctuated its history. In spite of its singular nature, we can wonder if this memorial falls within a larger paradigm, such as the history of Vichy or the memory of the German exile. We can also ask ourselves when this need for memory arose, the reasons why it did so, and who are the people who triggered it? What kind of events are organized by the current memorial and what are its ambitions for the future
