52 research outputs found

    Prevenção do desperdício alimentar sob a avaliação de ciclo de vida : ferramenta e aplicação em casos práticos

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    This thesis has as main subject the study of food wastage (food losses and waste) and how Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can be implemented into this topic regarding prevention of food wastage. The main objective is to build an LCA-based tool which allows assessing environmental avoided impacts due to prevention of food wastage strategies. In order to do that, a literature review of the main approaches used is performed and some guidelines are proposed. Along with these and the main tool, two practical cases are assessed, both located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One of them assesses the potential avoidable food wastage and associated carbon footprint in two restaurants, the other assesses a prevention strategy from wholesales to consumption, in a social restaurant, also from a climate change perspective. Auxiliary research yields that little data is currently available in Brazil regarding food wastage amounts, a setback in the study of LCA practical cases. Nevertheless, some proposals are posed for future research when such data becomes available in order to assess several prevention strategies in Brazil, for decision makers in public policy or private stakeholders.Esta tese tem como eixo de trabalho o estudo do desperdício de alimentos e a inserção da ferramenta de Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para análise de estratégias de prevenção de resíduo alimentar. O principal objetivo é construir uma ferramenta baseada em ACV para avaliar os impactos ambientais evitados devido à implementação de ações de prevenção de desperdício alimentar. Para tanto, faz-se uma revisão bibliográfica das principais abordagens usadas na literatura e são propostas algumas diretrizes para a realização de estudos de ACV neste âmbito. De posse das diretrizes e da ferramenta criada, avaliam-se dois casos práticos reais localizados no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Um deles quantifica o potencial resíduo evitável e a pegada de carbono associada em dois restaurantes; o outro avalia uma estratégia de prevenção que vai do atacado ao consumidor final, em forma de restaurante social, também do ponto de vista de mudanças climáticas. Com pesquisas auxiliares, ajuda-se a determinar que ainda não existem dados quantificativos sobre desperdício alimentar no Brasil para se usar nos casos práticos, mas são propostos caminhos para quando houver esses dados, em futuras pesquisas ajudar a avaliar várias estratégias de prevenção de resíduo alimentar no Brasil, para poder tomar decisões em nível de políticas públicas e/ou empresariais

    México-Estados Unidos-Canadá

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    El presente volumen de la serie México-Estados Unidos-Canadá, abarca los años de 1995 y 1996, consta de ocho artículos que analizan diversos aspectos de las relaciones entre México, Canadá y Estados Unidos, en los ámbitos bilateral y trilateral, así como un estudio sobre el gobierno del presidente Clinton y el 103 Congreso. Dos estudios relativos al impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (tlcan) en la política exterior de México y un análisis comparativo de las similitudes y diferencias que presentan el tlcan y el Mercosur.En la segunda parte de este volumen se presenta la reseña de la mesa redonda intitulada "Apertura económica, tlcan y economía mexicana: perspectivas sectoriales sobre producción, empleo y migración internacional", organizada conjuntamente por El Colegio de México y la Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, celebrada el 3 de junio de 1996 en la Sala Alfonso Reyes de El Colegio de México

    No es lo que parece

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic 2019-2020El motivo para realizar este proyecto audiovisual es el aumento de posturas radicales entre los partidos políticos españoles acerca de la inmigración, pudiendo enfrentar a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas entre sí y con los inmigrantes. Uno de nuestros objetivos es presentar las contradicciones y/o coincidencias de los discursos políticos con los datos oficiales y testimonios de sujetos que forman parte del fenómeno de la inmigración en España. Para ello hemos recopilado información a través de fuentes documentales, aunque no de institucionales ni inmigrantes debido al estado de alarma establecido por la pandemia de la COVID-19. Hemos ideado un documental en formato docuweb compuesto por un vídeo introductorio y cuatro vídeos temáticos sobre la legalidad, los centros de ayuda, el empleo y la sanidad. Además, hay un apartado dedicado a las entrevistas completas a fuentes institucionales y a los documentos oficiales, y otro dedicado a las entrevistas completas de los inmigrantes. Así, hemos alcanzado varios de nuestros objetivos tras contemplar los resultados del proyecto. Hemos identificado los aspectos más polémicos de los discursos políticos sobre la inmigración y hemos expuesto las contradicciones y/o coincidencias de algunos discursos con las fuentes documentales. Sin embargo, al no haber podido rodar debido a la pandemia, tampoco hemos podido presentar el material audiovisual en el docuweb, aunque sí hemos diseñado y creado una versión beta de la web (Anexo 22.1.). También hemos logrado parcialmente nuestro objetivo de fomentar una reflexión más independiente del usuario sobre la temática gracias a que el formato docuweb facilita una mayor capacidad de decisión del usuario para la construcción de un relato propio, minimizando nuestra influencia en su impresión final. De este modo, podemos contribuir a la concienciación del espectador sobre la complejidad del fenómeno migratorio y sus diferentes maneras de ser representado, pudiendo surgir en el usuario el deseo de seguir informándose sobre la temática.The reason for making this audiovisual project is the increase of radical stances among Spanish political parties regarding immigration, being able to confront citizens among themselves and with immigrants. One of our objectives is to present the contradictions and/or concordances of political speeches with the official data and testimonies of subjects that form part of the phenomenon of immigration in Spain. To this end, we have collected information from documentary sources, although not from institutional or immigrant sources due to the state of alarm established by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have created a documentary in webdoc format consisting of an introductory video and four thematic videos on legality, assistance centers, employment, and health service. In addition, there is a section dedicated to complete interviews to institutional sources and to official documents, and another dedicated to complete interviews to immigrants. Thus, we have achieved several of our objectives after considering the results of the project. We have identified the most controversial aspects of the political speeches on immigration and we have shown the contradictions and/or concordances of some speeches with the documentary sources. However, as we were not able to shoot due to the pandemic, we were also unable to present the audiovisual material on the webdoc, although we did design and create a beta version of the website (Annex 22.1). We have also partially achieved our objective of encouraging a more independent reflection of the user on the topic thanks to the webdoc format. The webdoc facilitates that the user has a greater capacity to make decisions to construct his own story, minimizing our influence on his final impression. This way, we can contribute to the spectator’s awareness of the complexity of the migratory phenomenon and its different ways of being represented. And the user may wish to continue getting information about the topic

    A compressive review about Taxol® : history and future challenges

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Molecules. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25245986Taxol®, which is also known as paclitaxel, is a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat different cancers. Since the discovery of its antitumoral activity, Taxol® has been used to treat over one million patients, making it one of the most widely employed antitumoral drugs. Taxol® was the first microtubule targeting agent described in the literature, with its main mechanism of action consisting of the disruption of microtubule dynamics, thus inducing mitotic arrest and cell death. However, secondary mechanisms for achieving apoptosis have also been demonstrated. Despite its wide use, Taxol® has certain disadvantages. The main challenges facing Taxol® are the need to find an environmentally sustainable production method based on the use of microorganisms, increase its bioavailability without exerting adverse effects on the health of patients and minimize the resistance presented by a high percentage of cells treated with paclitaxel. This review details, in a succinct manner, the main aspects of this important drug, from its discovery to the present day. We highlight the main challenges that must be faced in the coming years, in order to increase the effectiveness of Taxol® as an anticancer agent

    Características productivas y rasgos de la canal de corderos Pelibuey alimentados con heno y suplementados con gallinaza y harina de soya

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    Feeding effect of a protein supplement including soybean meal and poultry dung at different levels (0; 30; 45; 60 and 75%) was studied taking into account a rate between liveweight and nonprotein nitrogen equal to 50:46 in which raw protein requirements (N x 6,25) were 100% fulfilled for a liveweight gain of 150 g/animal/day. 30 creole sheep with 20,31 g liveweight were sampled by a completely randomized design. Animals were also fed with Crossed Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon) gramineous hay, water, and mineral salts. Liveweight gains reached values of 23; 86; 98; 127 and 130 g/animal/day, respectively. A lineal weight increase was detected as supplement level got higher. Dry matter total consumption showed a similar behaviour reaching values of 0,645; 0,929; 1,053; 1,180 and 1,206 kg/animal/day. Carcass yield values were over 40% and no significant differences concerning digestion content were detected. Legs and ribs influenced the most upon carcass weight. First and second class meat did not show any difference concerning treatments, and logissimus dorsi muscle area ranged between 11 and 12,4 cm. Therefore, available local resources proved to be a relevant alternative for creole sheep meat production in tropical regions.Se estudió el efecto del suministro de diferentes niveles (0; 30; 45; 60 y 75%) de un suplemento proteico que contenía harina de soya y gallinaza, en una relación peso vivo: nitrógeno no proteico de 50:46, donde el 100% cubría los requerimientos de proteína bruta (N x 6,25) para una ganancia de 150 g/animal/día. Se utilizaron 30 corderos Pelibuey con 20,3l kg de peso vivo en un diseño completamente al azar. Los animales dispusieron además de heno de gramínea Bermuda Cruzada (Cynodon dactylon), agua y sales minerales. Las ganancias de peso vivo fueron de 23; 86; 98; 127 y 130 g/animal/día, respectivamente. Se observó un incre- mento lineal del peso al aumentar el nivel de suplementación. Comportamiento similar tuvo el consumo total de MS: 0,645; 0,929;1,053; 1,180 y 1,206 kg/animal/día. Los rendimientos en canales fueron mayores de 40%, sin diferencias significativas en el contenido digestivo. La pierna y el costillar fueron las piezas que más influyeron en el peso de la canal. Las categorías de carne de primera y segunda no difirieron entre tratamientos y el área del músculo longissimus dorsi osciló entre 11 y 12,4 cm. Se concluye que el cordero Pelibuey, explotado con recursos locales disponibles, representa una opción importante para la producción de carne en el trópico

    Impact of the Expression System on Recombinant Protein Production in Escherichia coli BL21

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    Recombinant protein production for medical, academic, or industrial applications is essential for our current life. Recombinant proteins are obtained mainly through microbial fermentation, with Escherichia coli being the host most used. In spite of that, some problems are associated with the production of recombinant proteins in E. coli, such as the formation of inclusion bodies, the metabolic burden, or the inefficient translocation/transport system of expressed proteins. Optimizing transcription of heterologous genes is essential to avoid these drawbacks and develop competitive biotechnological processes. Here, expression of YFP reporter protein is evaluated under the control of four promoters of different strength (PT7lac, Ptrc, Ptac, and PBAD) and two different replication origins (high copy number pMB1′ and low copy number p15A). In addition, the study has been carried out with the E. coli BL21 wt and the ackA mutant strain growing in a rich medium with glucose or glycerol as carbon sources. Results showed that metabolic burden associated with transcription and translation of foreign genes involves a decrease in recombinant protein expression. It is necessary to find a balance between plasmid copy number and promoter strength to maximize soluble recombinant protein expression. The results obtained represent an important advance on the most suitable expression system to improve both the quantity and quality of recombinant proteins in bioproduction engineering

    redicción de la canal, composición tisular y rasgos regionales en corderos Pelibuey suplementados con gallinaza. V. Estimación del peso de la riñonada

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    80 Pelibuey lambs supplemented with chicken manure and slaughtered at 34.3 were used; 30.0; 27.3 and 25.3 kg of live weight, to determine the equations for estimating kidney weight, through multiple regressions between regional traits and simple body measurements easily obtained in the live animal. The multivariate technique was used and the meat yield, size and length were selected as the main components that explained 82% of the total accumulated variance of the carcass yield. The thoracic perimeter, chest depth and cane perimeter zoom measurements were highly correlated with the weight and composition of the canal, so it was possible to obtain regression equations to estimate the weight of the kidney by combinations of them. nothing, with R2 = 81 ***, which can be very useful for producers, teachers and researchers, since this anatomical region is one of the most important and economic value in lambs. It is concluded that the estimation equation obtained is very useful, in productive practice, for the breeders of Pelibuey lambs.Se utilizaron 80 corderos Pelibuey suplementados con gallinaza y sacrificados a 34,3; 30,0; 27,3 y 25,3 kg de peso vivo, para determinar las ecuaciones de estimación del peso de la riñonada, mediante regresiones múltiples entre ras- gos regionales y medidas corporales sencillas de fácil obtención en el animal vivo. Se empleó la técnica multivariada y se  seleccionaron: el rendimiento cárnico, talla y largo, como los componentes principales que explicaron el 82 % de la varianza total acumulada del rendimiento en canal. Las medidas zoométricas  perímetro torácico, profundidad del tórax y perímetro de la caña, estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con el peso y la composición de  la canal, por lo que fue posible obtener mediante combinaciones de ellas, ecuaciones de regresión para estimar el peso de la riño- nada, con R2 = 81***, que puede ser muy útil para  productores, docentes e investigadores, pues esta región anatómi- ca es una de las de mayor importancia y valor económico en corderos. Se concluye que la ecuación de estimación ob- tenida resulta de gran utilidad, en la práctica productiva, para los criadores de corderos Pelibuey

    Predicción de la canal, composición tisular y rasgos regionales en corderos Pelibuey suplementados con gallinaza. II. Estimación del peso de la carne

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    80 creole sheep slaughtered at a liveweight of 34,3; 30; 27,3 and 25,3 kg were sampled to find out and equation to estimate car- cass meat total weigt. Multiple regressions from simple body measures in living animals and carcass traits were carried out to this effect. A multivariant technique was applied, and meat yield, size, and length were selected as the principal components account- ing for the 82% total variance of carcass yield. Zoometric measures such as chest girth and chest depth, together with liveweight, were highly correlated to carcass deadweight and composition, therefore, regression equations could be obtained out of these features combination in order to estimate total meat production concerning the carcass with R2 = 87***, a very useful finding for breeders. Equation residuals kept a normal distribution which, together with a high determinant coefficient and significance, guarantee this equation exactness. Therefore, the obtained equation proves to be highly useful for meat production, research work, and teaching.Se utilizaron 80 corderos Pelibuey sacrificados a 34,3; 30; 27,3 y 25,3 kg de peso vivo, para determinar la ecuación de estima- ción del peso total de la carne de la canal mediante regresiones múltiples obtenidas entre medidas corporales sencillas de fácil obtención en el animal vivo y rasgos de la canal. Se empleó la técnica multivariada y se seleccionaron: el rendimiento cárnico, talla y largo como los componentes principales que explicaron el 82% de la varianza total acumulada del rendimiento en canal. Las medidas zoométricas perímetro torácico y profundidad del pecho, conjuntamente con el peso vivo, estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con el peso y la composición de la canal, por lo que fue posible obtener mediante combinaciones de ellas, ecua- ciones de regresión para estimar la producción total de carne en la canal, con R2 = 87***, que puede ser muy útil para los produc- tores. Los residuos obtenidos para la ecuación mantienen una distribución normal lo cual, unido al alto coeficiente de determina- ción y la alta significación de la ecuación, garantizan su precisión. Se concluye que la ecuación de estimación obtenida es de gran utilidad para la práctica productiva, la investigación científica y la docencia

    Predicción de la canal, composición tisular y rasgos regionales en corderos Pelibuey suplementados con gallinaza. I. Estimación de la canal

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    80 creole sheep slaughtered at a liveweight of 34,3; 30; 27,3 and 25,3 kg were sampled to find out some equations to obtain half-carcass weight and carcass traits values. Multiple regressions out of simple body measures easily obtained in living animals were carried out to this effect. A multivariant technique was applied, and meat yield, size, and length were selected as the princi- pal components accounting for the 82% total variance of carcass yield. Zoometric measures such as height of the rump and chest depth, together with liveweight, showed a high correlation with carcass deadweight and composition; therefore regression equa- tions could be obtained out of these features combination in order to estimate half-carcass weight with R2 = 93***, a very useful finding for breeders, professors, and researchers. Equation residuals kept a normal distribution which, together with a high determinant coefficient and significance, guarantee   this equation exactness. Therefore, the obtained equation proves to be highly useful for creole sheep breeders.Se utilizaron 80 corderos Pelibuey sacrificados a 34,3; 30,0; 27,3 y 25,3 kg de peso vivo, para determinar las ecuaciones de es- timación del peso de la media canal y rasgos regionales, mediante regresiones múltiples entre medidas corporales sencillas de fácil obtención en el animal vivo. Se empleó la técnica multivariada y se seleccionaron el rendimiento cárnico, talla y largo, como los componentes principales que explicaron el 82% de la varianza total acumulada del rendimiento en canal. Las medidas zoomé- tricas altura de la grupa y profundidad del tórax, conjuntamente con el peso vivo, estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con el peso y la composición de la canal, por lo que fue posible obtener mediante combinaciones de ellas, ecuaciones de regresión para estimar el peso de la media canal, con R2 =93***, que puede ser muy útil para productores, docentes e investigadores. Los resi- duos de la ecuación mantienen una distribución normal, lo cual, unido al alto coeficiente de determinación y significación de la ecuación garantizan su precisión. Se concluye que la ecuación de estimación obtenida es de gran utilidad en la práctica producti- va, para los criadores de corderos Pelibuey
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