1,450 research outputs found

    Políticas de frontera: los medios como herramienta para el diálogo sobre la migración

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    S'utilitza la fotografia de Aylan Kurdi usada per un cas d'estudi, amb l'objectiu d'analitzar les repercussions. El text es suporta en la comunicació, la semiòtica, la política i la psicologia. Es deconstrueixen els processos de alteritat i la violència exercida per les polítiques de fronteres tancades. Els mitjans són proposats com a eina de diàleg per a la migració.The photography of Aylan Kurdi is used as a case study to analyze the repercussions it had. The approaches used for it rely on the fields of communication, semiotics, politics and psychology. The process of otherness and the violence exerted by closed borders politics are addressed and deconstructed. Media is proposed as a tool in dialogues surrounding international human mobility.Se utiliza la fotografía de Aylan Kurdi usada para un caso de estudio, con el objetivo de analizar sus repercusiones. El texto se apoya la comunicación, la semiótica, la política y la psicología. Se deconstruyen los procesos de otredad y la violencia ejercida por las políticas de fronteras cerradas. Los medios son propuestos como herramienta de diálogo para la migración

    A critical analysis of Peru's HIV grant proposals to the Global Fund.

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    Peru has applied to six of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) rounds for funding, achieving success on four occasions. The process of proposal development has, however, been criticised, especially concerning the use of evidence, relevance/consistency and performance indicators. We aimed to analyse the Peruvian Global Fund proposals according to those dimensions, providing feedback to improve future local efforts and inform global discussions around Global Fund procedures. We analysed the content of four HIV-focused proposals (rounds 2, 5, 6 and 8) regarding epidemic context, needs identification and prioritisation and monitoring and evaluation systems. Peruvian proposals submitted after round 1 were described as resulting from collaborative inputs involving formerly unrepresented sectors, principally 'vulnerable populations'. However, difficulties arose regarding the amount and quality of evidence about the epidemiological context; limited consideration of social determinants of the epidemic; lack of theory-driven interventions, and little synergy across projects and the inclusion of weak monitoring and evaluation systems, with poor indicators and measurement procedures. Prioritising the development of analytical and technical skills to generate Global Fund proposals would enhance the country's capacity to produce and utilise evidence, improve the technical-political interface, strengthen information systems and lead to more informed decision making and accountability

    Un Modelo de Selección de Liceos de Enseñanza Media

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    In Chile, once the student finish primary school, he has to choose between two main types of high school education: scientific and technical education. The final decision between these options depends on a set of family characteristics such as schooling,

    A machine learning approach to pedestrian detection for autonomous vehicles using High-Definition 3D Range Data

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    This article describes an automated sensor-based system to detect pedestrians in an autonomous vehicle application. Although the vehicle is equipped with a broad set of sensors, the article focuses on the processing of the information generated by a Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR sensor. The cloud of points generated by the sensor (more than 1 million points per revolution) is processed to detect pedestrians, by selecting cubic shapes and applying machine vision and machine learning algorithms to the XY, XZ, and YZ projections of the points contained in the cube. The work relates an exhaustive analysis of the performance of three different machine learning algorithms: k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Naïve Bayes classifier (NBC), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). These algorithms have been trained with 1931 samples. The final performance of the method, measured a real traffic scenery, which contained 16 pedestrians and 469 samples of non-pedestrians, shows sensitivity (81.2%), accuracy (96.2%) and specificity (96.8%).This work was partially supported by ViSelTR (ref. TIN2012-39279) and cDrone (ref. TIN2013-45920-R) projects of the Spanish Government, and the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia” of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia—19895/GERM/15). 3D LIDAR has been funded by UPCA13-3E-1929 infrastructure projects of the Spanish Government. Diego Alonso wishes to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013–2016 for grant CAS14/00238

    Ferrocarril, patrimonio y cultura vitivinícola en la ribera del Duero vallisoletana (Castilla y León, España)

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    Wine and the railroad are two key elements in the history of the Ribera del Duero in Valladolid. Over the years this area has undergone a series of social, economic and landscape significant changes due to the agrarian crisis of the mid-twentieth century. Yet the wine industry has established itself as the engine of the riverside economy through the production of quality wines and, more recently, the wine tourism which has allowed the development of a stronger economic fabric. Using this potential in wine and the railway line Valladolid-Ariza, a proposal for boosting tourism is suggested which will group all other heritage resources (landscape, cuisine, art and culture) located in the Valladolid section of the Ribera del Duero.El vino y el ferrocarril son dos elementos claves en la historia de la Ribera del Duero vallisoletana. A lo largo de los años este territorio ha ido experimentado una serie de transformaciones sociales, económicas y paisajísticas de cierta relevancia debido a la crisis agraria de mediados del siglo XX. A pesar de todo la industria del vino se ha consolidando como el motor de la economía ribereña gracias a la producción de caldos de calidad y más recientemente al enoturismo, que ha permitido el desarrollo de un tejido económico más sólido. Utilizando este potencial vitivinícola y la vía de ferrocarril Valladolid-Ariza se plantea una propuesta de dinamización turística que agrupe al resto de recursos patrimoniales, paisajísticos, gastronómicos, artísticos y culturales que se localizan en el tramo vallisoletano de la Ribera del Duero

    Thermorresponsive magnetic nanoparticles as target drug delivery for cancer treatment

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    In this research, temperature sensitive microgels with magnetic core for controlled release of 5-fluoruracil was synthesized. Magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4) were prepared by coprecipitation method and the surface was functionalized by acrylic acid. Polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) were grown by free radical polymerization in presence of cross-liker and initiator. The size of the polymer was manipulated by changing the mole percent of the crosslinker and evaluated for their morphology (TEM), particle size, zeta potential, loading efficiency, drug content and drug release. Furthermore, microgels were tagged with FITC, a fluorochrome which could be applied for cell imaging. Cytotoxicity studies revealed that the microgels were not toxic. These complex nanoparticles (Fe3O4/pNIPAM/FITC/5-Fu) appear to be a great promise to be used in controlled drug delivery and tumor targeting.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El cine ha muerto. ¡Larga vida al cine! El Plan de Fomento del INCAA ante el desarrollo de la tecnología HD

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    In the context of cultural industries, film industry deserves special treatment. Its high production cost and difficulty of recovery (even for commercial cinema) required an active attitude of States to preserve their own narratives from the subjugation to Hollywood´s films.In Argentina, since the creation of the National Film Institute, now renamed as INCAA (with double-A referring to Audiovisual Arts) to the present, the State of Argentina has involved itself in the field of film production.How did Argentina moved from producing 11 films a year in 1991 to almost 150 in 2011? What were the policies that encouraged this growth? What role did independent producers' associations played? What tensions were incorporated by the introduction of digital technology? This article traces some of the milestones in this process of change in conditions (and logic) of the national film industry.En el contexto de las industrias culturales, el cine merece un tratamiento especial. Su elevado costo de producción y su dificultad de recupero (aún para el cine comercial) requirieron de una actitud activa de los estados para conservar narrativas propias ante el avasallamiento del cine Hollywoodense.En nuestro país, desde la creación del Instituto Nacional de Cinematografía, hoy actualizado en  INCAA (con doble A de Artes Audiovisuales), hasta la actualidad el Estado Argentino ha intervenido en el campo de la producción cinematográfica.¿Cómo pasó la Argentina de producir 11 películas en 1991 a casi 150 en 2011? ¿Cuáles fueron las políticas públicas que alentaron ese crecimiento? ¿Qué rol cumplieron las asociaciones de productores independientes? ¿Qué tensiones incorporó el advenimiento de la tecnología digital? El presente artículo recupera algunos hitos en este proceso de cambio de las condiciones (y la lógica) de la producción cinematográfica nacional

    Synthesis of New Analogues of the Bengamides to encapsulate in magnetic nanoparticles

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    The development and identification of new antitumoral has become a research area of great interest and maximum priority due to secondary effects of current antitumoral and the appearance of tumours resistant to these agents. Marine sponges corresponding to the Jaspidae family have proved to be a prolific source of bioactive natural products. Among these, the Bengamides have showed an important biological profile, including antitumor, antibiotic and anthelmintic properties. Due to the interest of theses natural products, we describe a study directed towards the total synthesis of this class of compounds. Then we encapsulate Bengamides in temperature sensitive microgels with a magnetic core. Magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O 4) were prepared by coprecipitation method and the surface was functionalized by acrylic acid. Polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) were grown by free radical polymerization in presence of cross-liker and initiator.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec