33 research outputs found

    Residential building heating upgrades

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    Teoretická část se zabývá tepelnou pohodou prostředí a nároky na otopná tělesa. Dále popisuje druhy otopných těles, jejich dělení a základní způsoby zapojení v systému ústředního vytápění. Výpočtová a projektová část řeší vytápění nadstavby bytového domu a přípravu teplé vody v bytovém domě.The theoretical part deals with the thermal comfort environment and requirements for heating elements. It also describes types of heating elements, their division and the basic methods involved in the central heating system. The design of project solves heating of superstructure of apartment building and hot water in the apartment building.

    Hotel type building heating gas and alternative media source

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    Návrh vytápění objektu hotelového typu. První část popisuje analýzu a podrobnější popis zdrojů tepla navržených ve třetí části, což jsou plynové kondenzační kotle, krb a krbová kamna. V druhé části najdeme dvě varianty technického řešení zapojení kotelny. Třetí část obsahuje řešení vybrané varianty.Proposal for heating the building of the hotel type. The first part describes the detailed description and analysis of heat sources proposed in the third part, which are gas-fired condensing boilers, fireplaces and stoves. In the second part we find two technical solutions involvement boiler room. The third section contains solutions for selected variants.

    Non-linear dynamics of kinematically excited bistable pendulum

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    Basic properties of a bistable mechanical oscillator

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    The contribution deals with analysis of dynamical properties of 1 DOF bistable mechanical oscillators. These systems appear in many technical applications which advantageously use their both static and dynamic properties. First, a mechanical mode based on von Mises truss is introduced and corresponding mathematical model is formulated. Then, the model is used to show the basic properties of the system and some parametric studies are performed

    Impact of electrical machine structural parts on its modal and vibration behavior

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    In the paper, authors deal with the case study of an impact of stator frame and vertical mounting on modal and vibration behavior of a squirrel-cage induction machine. The study is performed using finite element analysis where resulting magnetic forces from magnetic transient analysis are set as an excitation in the analysis of harmonic response. Modal analysis is carried out to identify the modes and natural frequencies of the modeled structures and their possible effect on vibration spectra. Resulting vibration spectra are compared to the analysis of a solely stator lamination and to the experimental results on the full machine assembly

    Dynamic Analysis of Vibro-Impact Gear Drive System

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    The mechanical systems with impact motion introduce a large class of mechanical devices. Impact oscillations are usually perceived as undesirable and harmful dynamic phenomena. However, the impact motions can have positive eects (impact forming machines, drop hammers, impact presses, etc.). The contribution presents a methodology of modelling of mechanical systems with contacts which include normal forces. Such systems are described by non-smooth mathematical models, and specific numerical strategies have to be employed to solve them (smoothing method, switch method, event driven method). The methodology will be tested on a simplified model of test single-stage transmission

    Periodically stimulated remodelling of a muscle fibre: perturbation analysis of a simple system of first-order ODEs

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    The paper deals with the dynamical analysis of the system of first-order ODE’s describing the isometric stimulation of the muscle fibre. This system is considered to be a non-autonomous one having the periodical excitation. For the analysis of dynamical behaviour the system the multiple scale method (MSM) is employed. The main goal of this contribution is to show the application of MSM to the non-autonomous dynamical system using the first order approximation of the solution. The existence of the degenerated Hopf’s bifurcation of the gained solution is presented

    Perpetual points in the Cajal-like intersticial cell model

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    Intersticiální buňky Cajalova typu (IC-LC) hrají důležitou roli při fyziologické i patologické funkci močového měchýře. Aautory vyvinutý relativně jednoduchý model sestává z pěti nelineárních obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic (ODE). Jeho přesnost byla ověřena srovnáním s publikovanými experimentálními výsledky. Hlubší analýza tohoto modelu ukázala existenci více stabilních a tzv. skrytých atraktorů, které mohou významně ovlivňovat chování celého měchýře. Jako výhodné se ukázalo využití metody, založené na perpetuálních bodech. V příspěvku je stručně uvedena definice těchto bodů. Ač tato metoda není dosud plně dokázána, dovoluje určit výše uvedené atraktory. Cílem je prokázat aplikaci této metody na uvedeném 5D systému. Toto je demonstrováno na několika příkladech.Cajal-like interstitial cells (IC-LC) play important role in both physiological and pathological function of the bladder. The authors developed relative simple mathematical model consisting of five nonlinear ODEs. The model accuracy was verified using published experimental results. Deeper analysis of this model has shown existence of the multi-stable and hidden attractors which can have important influence on the behavior of the whole bladder. As the most effective way to obtain these attractors seems to be to use the method based on the calculation of the perpetual point. In the contribution is shortly introduced the definition of these points. Although this method is till now not fully proved it allows to calculate some multi-stable or hidden attractors. The goal is to show the application of this method on the more complex 5D system. This is presented on suitably chosen example