373 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of sports training athlete-athlete

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    Sport training currently is an important component of the system of preparation of the sportsman. It is a pedagogical process, which is based on application of physical exercises to improve functional capabilities of the athleteСпортивная тренировка в настоящее время является важной составной частью системы подготовки спортсмена. Она представляет собой педагогический процесс, который основан на использовании физических упражнений с целью совершенствования функциональных возможностей спортсмен

    Perspective directions in the development of architecture of the polytechnic museums

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    The museums of science and technology (or polytechnic) highlight the process of the innovational development of the society and have their own place in the system of school-science-industry-technical culture. The innovational activity of certain regions, states or groups of states is comprised of inventions, discoveries, new products and technologies that is all that provides the development of society and its competitive advantages. The modern polytechnic museums combine not only the functions of the demonstration of the achievements of the scientific and technological progress but also training and development of new inventions. In connection with the multifunctional nature of the modern polytechnic museum architects face the challenge of the creation of the architecture with universal dimensional planning elements, with its possible transformation in the course of time.Keywords: museum; science; innovations; technology; typolog

    The Work of Free Foreign Goldsmiths by Imperial Order in the Middle of the 18th Century

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    В статье проанализировано творчество вольных иностранных золотых дел мастеров, работавших по императорскому заказу в середине XVIII века. Изучение архивных документов позволило ввести в научный оборот новые сведения о биографии и деятельности этих ювелиров. Исследование показало, что несмотря на наличие придворных мастерских, где работали «штатные» мастера, существовала потребность и в вольных ювелирах. Большинство вольных золотых дел мастеров состояло в городском цехе. Удалось установить, что ювелиры различались по характеру деятельности: кто-то, как братья Дункель, Жереми Позье, Луи Давид Дюваль, разбирался в драгоценных камнях, продавая как сами камни, так и драгоценные изделия ко двору (не всегда ими самими созданные), что сближало их с купцами; кто-то сам умел хорошо работать с металлом (Иоганн Царт, Себастьян Штульбергер, Георг Фридрих Экарт и др.)The article analyzes the work of free foreign goldsmiths working under the imperial order in the middle of the 18th century. The study of archival documents made it possible to introduce new information about the biography and activities of these jewelers into scientific circulation. The study showed that, despite the presence of court workshops where “full-time” craftsmen worked, there was a need for free jewelers. Most of the free goldsmiths were in the city workshop. It was found that jewelers differed in the nature of their activities: someone, like the Dunkel brothers, Jeremy Pozier, Louis David Duval, had awareness in gemstones, selling both the stones themselves and jewelry to the court (not always created by themselves), which brought them closer to merchants; someone was able to work well with metal himself (Johann Zart, Sebastian Stuhlberger, Georg Friedrich Eckart, etc.

    Features of Formation of Russian Legislation on Higher Education of the XVII-XVIII Centuries

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    The article discusses the formation of legislation on higher education in Russia. The sphere of education is the most important condition for the spiritual, professional formation and development of the individual, the social well-being of society, political and economic formation of the state. An analysis of the historical and legal experience of regulating public relations is a prerequisite for building modern legislation in the field of education. The relevance of the study of the Russian features of legislation on higher education of the XVII-XVIII centuries is that modern social relations in the field of education are not fully regulated. This is evidenced by a range of legal problems. Particular attention should be paid to the legislative regulation of certain powers of participants in public relations in the field of higher education, by-law legal regulation, as well as the implementation of certain legal norms of the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ. The need to resolve these problems updates the relevance of theoretical problems. The answer to the above questions is an analysis of the historical foundations of Russian legislation on higher education. In the pre-revolutionary Russia, sufficient experience in managing higher education, as well as regulating relevant social relations was in place. The completeness of the study of the subject of public relations in the field of education in the historical context is closely related to the analysis of the activities of Russian universities. The article considers the reasons for the appearance of educational institutions in Russia. The first domestic educational institutions appeared at the end of the 18th century - at a historical moment when the expansion of Western European ideas for organizing university education reached the Russian state. Russia had an urgent need to train specialists in the field of public administration - officials, theologians - to strengthen the Orthodox faith, teachers - to educate and promote morality. The authorization of the first regulatory and legal sources in the field of higher education was associated with attempts to create the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow. The revival of the ideas of education in Russia objec'tively accelerated the process of creating domestic educational institutions. The further development of legislation on higher education is associated with the implementation of new ideas about the establishment of universities under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine the Great . In the final part of the work, it is noted that in connection with the creation of the first educational institution in Russia, the first normative legal act regulating legal relations in the field of higher education is published - "Privilege for the Academy." During the XVII-XVIII centuries Russian legislation on higher education contained personal regulatory legal acts. They were strictly targeted and regulated the activities of the educational institution, its officials, teachers, students, as well as other participants in academic social relations


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    Experimental results of studying the efficiency of cattle selection method use on a genotype are presented to technologies of industrial milk production. For carrying out researches three groups of cows of the Ural black-andwhite breed type from lines Sovering Reflexion, Vis Back Ideal, Montwick Chiftain were created, up to 20 heads in every. The comparative analysis of dairy efficiency and quality of cow milk of different linear accessory is carried out. Impact of linear accessory of cows on a milk yield in 305 days of lactation, the content in milk of fat and protein, a ratio in milk protein of replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids is defined. It is revealed that the Ballele a kappa casein is characterized by the high content of protein in milk with the best abomasal coagulability. 14.3% of cows of the line Montwick Chiftain and 8% Sovering Reflexion had a desirable genotype on kappa casein - Centuries. Protein content in cow milk with a genotype of BB exceeded milk-protein indicators of cows of other genotypes by 0.14-0.18%. By amount of irreplaceable amino acids cow milk of the line Vis Back Ideal was the best that exceeded value of this indicator in cow milk of the line Montwick Chiftain and Sovering Reflexion by 9.5% and 4.5% respectively. It is established that in cow milk with AA genotype the share of irreplaceable amino acids exceeded their content as a part of the general protein in cow milk with a genotype of BB and AB for 8.9 and 39% respectively. Keywords: milk, kappa casein, milk fat and protein, selection, genotype, amino acids

    Simulation models in terms of integration of the energy markets

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. Study considers to the modeling of wholesale energy markets in the context of implementation of the roadmap. We use a comprehensive simulation model to study the influence of structural factors on the development of national and regional energy. In addition, we evaluate the impact of the generating companies specifically its impact on prices, offers and sales of electric power on the market without a reaction from competitors. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the road map in energy. Our findings are also applicable to wholesale energy markets, the EU and Russia

    With Phenotypic Signs of Connective Tissue Dysplasia: Cross-Sectional Clinical Study

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    Background. The dental health is an integral part of a person's well-being. Students of higher educational institutions comprise a health risk group, since they experience extensive physiological changes and personal socialization. The impact of connective tissue dysplasia on dental health is a relevant research task.Objective. To analyze the correlation between dental pathology and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia in first-year students.Methods. A cross-sectional clinical study of the dental health and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia was conducted as part of routine dental examination of 263 first-year students of KubSMU, aged 18–23. All participants were divided into 2 groups: group 1 – participants with 0-2 signs of connective tissue dysplasia (n = 108); group 2 – participants with 3 or more signs of dysplasia (n = 155). Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Statistica 6.0.Results. Unsatisfactory and poor oral hygiene levels in the group of participants with connective tissue dysplasia outnumber these levels in the control group by 30% and 22%, with very poor level in the second group 2.3 times higher (p ≤ 0.05). The incidence of noncarious tooth pathology in individuals with dysplasia is 26% higher than in the control group. The caries intensity index in group 2 is almost 20% bigger than in the control group. As expected, the group of participants with no signs of dysplasia revealed better periodontal health, namely 51.85% versus 45.81% (p ≤ 0.05). In terms of mucosal pathology, a statistical significant difference between groups 1 and 2 was noted for traumatic injuries (16.35% and 19.35%, respectively). Dentofacial abnormalities were observed more often in individuals with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia.Conclusion. Higher morbidity rate of caries and noncarious pathology in the group of first-year students with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia, compared to the group with 0–2 phenotypic manifestations of dysplasia, indicated the need to create a database of the dentofacial profiles of students, develop an algorithm for regular medical check-up of students, as well as provide differentiated preventive and therapeutic measures for students with dysplasia


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    The concept of elaboration of mobile laboratories of integrated assessment and forecasting of emergency situations was developed. They provide operational radiation control in routine and emergency situations, remote and contact monitoring of concentration of harmful chemical contaminants in the atmosphere, soil, water, food, forage, etc. High technology equipment in theselaboratories enables to carry out assessment of the integral man-made and natural risks, to anticipate arising and development of emergency situations promptly, to forecast development and implementation of priority measures, to mitigate and eliminate potential effects of accidents and disasters.Розроблена концепція зі створення мобільних лабораторій комплексної оцінки та прогнозування надзвичайних ситуацій, які забезпечать оперативний радіаційний контроль в штатних і аварійних ситуаціях, дистанційний і контактний контроль концентрацій шкідливих хімічних домішок в атмосфері, ґрунті, воді, продуктах харчування, кормах та ін. Наукомістка апаратура таких лабораторій дає можливість проводити інтегральну оцінку техногенних і природних ризиків, прогнозувати виникнення та розвиток надзвичайних ситуацій, оперативно здійснювати розробку і впровадження першочергових заходів з ліквідації та пом'якшення можливих наслідків аварій і катастроф

    The Correlation between Adolescents’ Sociometric Statuses and their Positions in Bullying

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 20.10.2023 г.Статья посвящена проблеме буллинга в подростковой среде. С опорой на опубликованные работы по данной проблематике определена цель исследования: выявить взаимосвязь социометрических статусов подростков с их позициями в буллинге. В выборку вошли ученики 6-х и 9-х классов в количестве 86 человек. В качестве диагностического инструментария использованы три методики: опросник состояния агрессии А. Басса, А. Дарки, методика «Социометрия» Дж. Морено, методика на выявление «буллинг-структуры» Е. Г. Норкиной. В результате эмпирического исследования установлено наличие взаимосвязей социометрических статусов подростков с их позициями в буллинге. Выявлены значимые корреляции между позициями подростков в буллинге и видами агрессии. В результате сравнительного анализа обнаружены достоверные различия между подростками, занимающими разные позиции в буллинге, в выраженности у них определенных видов агрессии. Определены различия между мальчиками и девочками в распределении ролей в буллинге: мальчики чаще выступают в роли «защитника», девочки — «наблюдателя».This article addresses the issue of bullying in the adolescent environment. Based on published works on this issue, the research goal was defined the following way — to identify the relationship between adolescents’ sociometric statuses and their positions in bullying. The sample included 86 students from the 6th and 9th grades. Three methods were used as diagnostic tools: the Buss Durky Hostility Inventory (BDHI), J. Moreno’s Sociometry Method, and E. G. Norkina’s method for identifying the “Bullying Structure”. As a result of the empirical research, correlations were established between adolescents’ sociometric statuses and their positions in bullying. Significant correlations were found between adolescents’ positions in bullying and the types of aggression. In the course of comparative analysis, significant differences were found among adolescents occupying different positions in bullying in terms of expressed types of aggression. The differences were identified between boys and girls in the distribution of roles in bullying: boys more often take on the role of a “defender,” while girls are more likely to be “observers.