491 research outputs found
Equilibrium states for potentials with \sup\phi - \inf\phi < \htop(f)
In the context of smooth interval maps, we study an inducing scheme approach
to prove existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for potentials
with he `bounded range' condition \sup \phi - \inf \phi < \htop, first used
by Hofbauer and Keller. We compare our results to Hofbauer and Keller's use of
Perron-Frobenius operators. We demonstrate that this `bounded range' condition
on the potential is important even if the potential is H\"older continuous. We
also prove analyticity of the pressure in this context.Comment: Added Lemma 6 to deal with the disparity between leading eigenvalues
and operator norms. Added extra references and corrected some typo
Electromagnetic signals produced by elastic waves in the Earth’s crust
The paper describes the excitation of
geoelectromagnetic-field oscillations caused by elastic waves propagating in the Earth’s crust and generated by
natural and anthropogenic phenomena, such as earthquakes, explosions, etc. Two mechanisms of electromagnetic signal generation, i.e. induction and electrokinetics ones, are considered and a comparative analysis between them is carried out. The first mechanism is associated with the induction of Foucault currents due to movements of the Earth’s crust in the core geomagnetic field. The second mechanism is connected with movements of liquids filling pores and cracks of rocks. An equation is derived for describing in a uniform way these two manifestations of seismomagnetism. The equation is solved for body and surface waves. The study shows that a magnetic precursor signal is moving in the front of elastic waves
High resolution simulations of a flash flood near Venice.
Abstract. During the MAP D-PHASE (Mesoscale Alpine Programme, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region) Operational Period (DOP, 1 June–30 November 2007) the most intense precipitation event observed south of the Alps occurred over the Venice Lagoon. In the early morning of 26 September 2007, a mesoscale convective system formed in an area of convergence between a south-easterly low level jet flowing along the Adriatic Sea and a north-easterly barrier-type wind south of the Alps, and was responsible for precipitation exceeding 320 mm in less than 12 h, 240 mm of which in only 3 h. The forecast rainfall fields, provided by several convection resolving models operated daily for the D-PHASE project, have been compared. An analysis of different aspects of the event, such as the relevant mechanisms leading to the flood, the main characteristics of the MCS, and an estimation of the predictability of the episode, has been performed using a number of high resolution, convection resolving models (MOLOCH, WRF and MM5). Strong sensitivity to initial and boundary conditions and to model parameterization schemes has been found. Although low predictability is expected due to the convective nature of rainfall, the forecasts made more than 24 h in advance indicate that the larger scale environment driving the dynamics of this event played an important role in favouring the achievement of a relatively good accuracy in the precipitation forecasts
Chains of infinite order, chains with memory of variable length, and maps of the interval
We show how to construct a topological Markov map of the interval whose
invariant probability measure is the stationary law of a given stochastic chain
of infinite order. In particular we caracterize the maps corresponding to
stochastic chains with memory of variable length. The problem treated here is
the converse of the classical construction of the Gibbs formalism for Markov
expanding maps of the interval
Natural equilibrium states for multimodal maps
This paper is devoted to the study of the thermodynamic formalism for a class
of real multimodal maps. This class contains, but it is larger than,
Collet-Eckmann. For a map in this class, we prove existence and uniqueness of
equilibrium states for the geometric potentials , for the largest
possible interval of parameters . We also study the regularity and convexity
properties of the pressure function, completely characterising the first order
phase transitions. Results concerning the existence of absolutely continuous
invariant measures with respect to the Lebesgue measure are also obtained
Phase transitions for suspension flows
This paper is devoted to study thermodynamic formalism for suspension flows
defined over countable alphabets. We are mostly interested in the regularity
properties of the pressure function. We establish conditions for the pressure
function to be real analytic or to exhibit a phase transition. We also
construct an example of a potential for which the pressure has countably many
phase transitions.Comment: Example 5.2 expanded. Typos corrected. Section 6.1 superced the note
"Thermodynamic formalism for the positive geodesic flow on the modular
surface" arXiv:1009.462
AISA Eagle II hyperspectral data for carbonate geological mapping in a vegetated high relief area: a geologically orientated atmospheric correction
[EN] Carbonated rocks are crucial targets for oil exploration, outcropping often in large areas with minimum spectral differences among geological units. The typical carbonate spectral absorptions in 2200 nm and 2300 nm, are excluded from the wavelength range of AISA Eagle II. AISA Eagle II hyperspectral data are processed in flight lines of 1024 swath pixels in the visible to near-infrared wavelength range (400 to 970 nm). The flight has a spatial resolution of 1 m and records a total of 128 channels with a spectral resolution of 4,8 nm. The area of study is a carbonate rocky mountain densely vegetated, covered by variably dense trees and bushes. Masking vegetation cover and shade effects is prior to any geological analysis using hyperspectral image processing. Carbonate units occur in mountain slopes, with small areas of ridges of rock outcrops and wide fans of loose material. The background soil of different geological units differ spectrally only by overall reflectance. Instead, limestone rocky outcrops display spectral responses with smooth typical iron oxide absorptions that distinguish them apart from loose boulders of limestone. Trying to enhance spectral differences in the visible wavelength range among carbonate geological units, an atmospheric correction using field spectra from geologically selected targets in a limestone quarry was performed. This way, it was possible to map apart lithologically similar detrital units dominated by carbonate in a river plain. The limy river bottom displays spectra with a straight line in the visible wavelength range due to abundant organic matter and small grain size. The spectra of the upper terraces record spectral absorption features related to iron oxide contents similar to the rock outcrops in ridges of mountains. The use of field spectra from geologically selected targets improves the mapping capability of hyperspectral imagery in areas with geological units with a homogeneous spectral response.[ES] Las calizas son rocas críticas en la exploración de petróleo. Desarrollan series estratigráficas a menudo espesas, que afloran con frecuencia en zonas extensas de la superficie terrestre. Estas formaciones litológicas predominantemente carbonatadas presentan diferencias espectrales mínimas entre sí, que permiten su diagnóstico por su respuesta espectral y su cartografía con imágenes. Las bandas de absorción espectral típicas de los carbonatos en 2200 nm y 2300 nm no forman parte del intervalo de longitudes de onda del espectrómetro AISA Eagle II (400 nm-970 nm), con una resolución espectral de 4,8 nm en 128 canales, y 1 m de resolución espacial en el vuelo de estudio. La zona de estudio se encuentra localizada en el Prepirineo español formando un relieve rocoso carbonatado con vegetación densa. El suelo de las distintas formaciones geológicas carbonatadas cartografiadas se distingue espectralmente sólo por su reflectancia global. Los afloramientos rocosos de calizas in situ presentan respuestas espectrales con absorciones típicas de óxidos de hierro. La expresión espectral de las formaciones calizas en las imágenes iniciales mostraban defectos sistemáticos. Para conseguir espectros geológicamente diagnosticables con espectrotecas de referencia, se ha ensayado una corrección atmosférica con espectros de campo tomados en una cantera de calizas, y en afloramientos rocosos de formaciones calcáreas seleccionados, con un espectrómetro de campo y laboratorio ASD Fieldspec 3. En las imágenes hiperespectrales así corregidas, se cartografían formaciones geológicas litológicamente similares correspondientes a la cuenca fluvial del río Noguera Ribagorzana, a su paso por Alfarrás (Lérida), en la que los sedimentos de la llanura aluvial con limos de materiales comparativamente más finos y materia orgánica, presentan espectros típicos con un trazo rectilíneo en el visible, que no aparecía en las imágenes anteriores a la corrección. El uso de espectros de campo seleccionados con criterios geológicos para la corrección atmosférica de imágenes hiperespectrales, mejora la capacidad de las imágenes para elaborar cartografías de formaciones litológicamente similares usando espectrotecas de referencia.El sensor AISA Eagle II fue cedido en préstamo por SPECIM al Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) para su prueba en vuelo y pre-tratamiento digital. Los estudios de interpretación geológica se han realizado en un convenio entre la Universidad de Barcelona y REPSOL Exploración para formación postdoctoral. Las bases para comenzar este trabajo surgieron durante la tesis doctoral de Buzzi (BES-2008-003648).Buzzi, J.; Costa, E.; Riaza, A.; Fernández, O.; García-Sellés, D.; Corbera, J. (2018). Cartografía de calizas con datos hiperespectrales AISA Eagle II en una zona montañosa con vegetación densa: cómo orientar geológicamente la corrección atmosférica. Revista de Teledetección. (51):125-133. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2018.8998SWORD12513351ASD. 2006. FieldSpecR 3 User Manual, ASD Document 600540 Rev. F. Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. Disponible en: http://www.asdi.com [Último acceso: junio de 2018].Buzzi, J. 2012. Imaging spectroscopy to evaluate the contamination from sulphide mine waste in the Iberian Pyrite Belt using hyperspectral sensors (Huelva, Spain), Tesis Doctoral Universidad de León, 212 p.Buzzi, J., Riaza, A., García-Meléndez, Carrère, V., Bachmann, M. 2011. Aplicación de modelos Gaussianos modificados a datos hiperespectrales de una zona contaminada por drenaje ácido. Caso del río Odiel (Huelva, España). XIV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Mieres, 21- 23 Septiembre 2011, 285-288.Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.E., Wise, R., Livo, E., Hoefen, T., Kokaly, R., Sutley, S.J. 2007. USGS Digital Spectral Library splib06a. Digital Data Series 231, USGS: Denver, Co, USA, 2007.EXELIS, 2011. ENVI User's Guide. Exelis Visual Information Solutions: Boulder, Co, USA.Hunt, G.R., Salisbury, J.W. 1971a. Visible and Near-infrared Spectra of Minerals and Rocks: II. Carbonates. Modern Geology, 2, 23-30.Hunt, G.R., Salisbury, J.W., Lenhof, J. 1971b. Visible and Near-infrared Spectra of Minerals and Rocks: III Oxides and Hydroxides. Modern Geology, 2, 191-205.Hunt, G.R., Salisbury, J.W., 1976. Visible and Near-infrared Spectra of Minerals and Rocks: XI. Sedimentary Rocks. Modern Geology, 5, 211-217.López-Mir, B., Antón Muñoz, J., García-Senz, J. 2016, 3D geometric reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous passive diapirs and salt withdrawal basins in the Cotiella Basin (southern Pyrinees), Journal of the Geological Society, 173, 616-627. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2016-002Martínez, L., Tardà, A., Palà, V., Arbiol, R. 2006. Atmospheric correction algorithm applied to CASI multi-height hyperspectral imagery. Proceedings Second International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 25-29 Septiembre 2006.Riaza, A. Buzzi, J., García-Meléndez, E., del Moral, B., Carrère, V., Richter, R. 2017. Monitoring salt crusts on an AMD contaminated coastal wetland using hyperspectral Hyperion data (Estuary of the River Odiel, SW Spain). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(12), 3735-3762. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2017.1302621Riaza, A., García-Meléndez, E., Carrère, V., Mueller, A. 2014. Cartografía de sales marinas y fluviales en estuarios receptores de aguas ácidas con imágenes hiperespectrales Hyperion (Marismas del río Odiel, Huelva). Revista de Teledetección, 41, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2014.2255Riaza, A., Buzzi, J., García-Meléndez, E., Carrère, V., Müller, A. 2011. Monitoring the extent of contamination from acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) using hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing, 3, 2166-2186. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs3102166Riaza, A., Buzzi, J., García-Meléndez, E., Vázquez, I., Bellido, E., Carrère, V., Müller, A. 2012. Pyrite mine waste and water mapping using Hymap and Hyperion hyperspectral data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66-7, 1957-1971. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1422-
Perfil nutricional de surfistas amadores de ItajaÃ-SC, Brasil
O surfe é um esporte que evoluiu e cresceu muito nos últimos anos, especialmente no Brasil, uma das três maiores potências mundiais, principalmente após a recente conquista de tÃtulos internacionais por surfistas brasileiros. A evolução no esporte sofre influência de diversos fatores como ondas, equipamentos, treinamento especÃfico e alimentação adequada. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o perfil nutricional de surfistas amadores das praias de ItajaÃ. Participaram da pesquisa, 21 surfistas amadores, de ambos os sexos, cadastrados na Associação das Praias de Itajaà (ASPI), presentes durante uma etapa do circuito local, com idade entre 18 e 45 anos. Foram coletadas variáveis antropométricas e aplicado um questionário de frequência alimentar. Resultados: 96% dos atletas estavam eutróficos e com média de gordura corporal de 16%, classificado como bom, IMC de 22,93 kg/m², classificado como eutrofia e segundo a RCQ 86% não apresentaram risco para desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares. Quanto ao questionário de frequência alimentar 71% dos atletas consumiam pão francês, 62% leite integral, 52% ovos, 43% vegetais e 29% frutas diariamente, o consumo de carne vermelha foi de 57%, porém, três vezes na semana. Observou-se consumo diário de carboidratos simples, proteÃnas principalmente ovos e carnes vermelhas, baixo consumo de frutas, verduras e hortaliças, e um consumo representativo de açaÃ, biscoitos e álcool pelos atletas. ABSTRACT Nutritional profile of amateur surfers of ItajaÃ-SC, BrazilSurfing is a sport that has evolved and grown a lot lately, especially in Brazil, which has come to be considered one of the three major world powers, especially after the recent conquest of world titles by Brazilian surfers. The evolution in the sport is influenced by several factors such as waves, equipment, specific training and adequate nutrition. The objective of this study was to identify the nutritional profile of amateur surfers from Itajaà beaches. Twenty-one amateur surfers of both sexes, enrolled in the Surfing Association of Itajaà Beaches (ASPI), were present during a stage of the local circuit, aged between 18 and 45 years old. Anthropometric variables were collected and a food frequency questionnaire was applied. Results: 96% of the athletes were eutrophic and with a mean body fat of 16%, BMI of 22.93 kg / m2 and according to WHR, 86% did not present a risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Regarding the food frequency questionnaire, 71% of the athletes consumed French bread, 62% whole milk, 52% eggs, 43% vegetables and 29% fruits daily, red meat consumption was 57%, but three times a week. Daily consumption of simple carbohydrates, proteins mainly eggs and red meats, low consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables was observed
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