68 research outputs found

    High magnetic field transport measurement of charge-ordered Pr0.5_{0.5}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3_3 strained thin films

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    We have investigated the magnetic-field-induced phase transition of charge-ordered (CO) Pr0.5_{0.5}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3_3 thin films, deposited onto (100)-oriented LaAlO3_3 and (100)-oriented SrTiO3_3 substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique, by measuring the transport properties with magnetic fields up to 22T. The transition to a metallic state is observed on both substrates by application of a critical magnetic field (HC>10TH_C>10T at 60K). The value of the field required to destroy the charge-ordered insulating state, lower than the bulk compound, depends on both the substrate and the thickness of the film. The difference of the critical magnetic field between the films and the bulk material is explained by the difference of in-plane parameters at low temperature (below the CO transition). Finally, these results confirm that the robustness of the CO state, depends mainly on the stress induced by the difference in the thermal dilatations between the film and the substrate.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Ледотехнические аспекты создания объектов транспортной инфраструктуры и разведочного бурения в Арктике

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    Starting from the mid 2000-s the increase of sustained development of the Russian Arctic is observed, in many cases the technologies using the ice cover as an infrastructure element and the ice as the construction materials are used. In the present time the different approaches of use of natural and artificial ice for applied tasks on the Arctic offshore exist. For example, the clearance of the upper surface of ice from snow and ridges is used for the purposes of the vessel unloading on the fast ice or constructing the airstrips on the drifting ice cover. In case of insufficient thickness of the level ice the latter is increased by the means of preliminary freezing (natural on the bottom side of ice and artificial by pouring the fresh or saline water on the upper surface). By constructing the artificial ice islands the ice body is made by spraying the sea water with the partial freezing of the water drops in the air and further freezing of the 2-phase elements (i.e. ice crystals in the liquid film) on the surface of the ice cover. The problem of cracks in the ice cover is solved by different means according to the proper task. When it is possible, the cracks are “healed”— i.e. are filled with the snow and ice gravel and then freezed. In case of impossibility of use of such method (for example — presence of tidal cracks or relatively high air temperature) the cracks are overlapped with the help of different covers made of different materials and of different sizes. The promising trend of ice technology is involving the reinforced or composite ice, having the increased strength, into the ice engineering practice. By unloading the cargo ships on the fast ice the ice strength is decreased locally for the purpose of easy berthing of the vessel with safekeeping the original strength of the surrounding ice for the aims of the vessel unloading. This problem is solved by creating the system of notches in the ice cover according to the vessel dimensions. The specialized hydrometeorological support on every stage of the ice engineering operation is an essential element of the ice engineering activities on the ice cover of lakes, rivers and seas.Рассматриваются направления ледотехники, связанные с использованием ледяного покрова природных водоемов как несущей площадки для создания транспортной инфраструктуры (ледовые причалы, аэродромы, искусственные ледяные острова и т.п.). Обсуждаются общие вопросы организации и проведения инженерно-технических работ на льду и некоторые частные проблемы, связанные с решением отдельных конкретных задач. Особое внимание уделено специальному гидрометеорологическому обеспечению операций как неотъемлемой части ледотехнических работ

    Production of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons in argon-nucleus interactions at 3.2 AGeV

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    First physics results of the BM@N experiment at the Nuclotron/NICA complex are presented on {\pi}+ and K+ meson production in interactions of an argon beam with fixed targets of C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb at 3.2 AGeV. Transverse momentum distributions, rapidity spectra and multiplicities of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons are measured. The results are compared with predictions of theoretical models and with other measurements at lower energies.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure

    Xist localization and function: new insights from multiple levels

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    In female m ammals, one of the two X chromosomes in each cell is transcriptionally silenced in order to achieve dosage compensation between the genders in a process called X chromosome inactivation. The master regulator of this process is the long non-coding RNA Xist. During X-inactivation, Xist accumulates in cis on the future inactive X chromosome, triggering a cascade of events that provoke the stable silencing of the entire chromosome, with relatively few genes remaining active. How Xist spreads, what are its binding sites, how it recruits silencing factors and how it induces a specific topological and nuclear organization of the chromatin all remain largely unanswered questions. Recent studies have improved our understanding of Xist localization and the proteins with which it interacts, allowing a reappraisal of ideas about Xist function. We discuss recent advances in our knowledge of Xist-mediated silencing, focusing on Xist spreading, the nuclear organization of the inactive X chromosome, recruitment of the polycomb complex and the role of the nuclear matrix in the process of X chromosome inactivation

    The effectiveness of the russian healthcare system during the covid-19 epidemic: Public opinion

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    The article is devoted to the availability and quality of medical care of the population during the COVID-19 epidemic in the Russian Federation. The authors, based on the analysis of the opinion of the population participated in the study conducted in 2020, came to the conclusion that the Russian health care system work in the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, as a whole, can be con-sidered as satisfactory: the major part of population assessed an access to and quality of medical care at quite high level in all types of medical organizations. Thus, the Russian health care system has shown its ability to respond effectively and promptly to the emer-gency situation, to mobilize personnel, medical and technical resources for it in the shortest possible time, and to provide the population with timely and high-quality medical care

    Typology of regional media space

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    Статья посвящена актуальным проблемам типологизации регионального медиапространства страны для стандартизации управленческой среды. Анализируется одна из возможных кластерных структур, построенная на основе социально-экономических, демографических и медийных переменных.The article is devoted to topical problems of typology of regional media space of the country for the standardization of the management of the environment. The author analyses one of the possible cluster structures, built on the basis of socioeconomic, demographic and media variables

    Search for Chelyabinsk Meteorite Fragments in Chebarkul Lake Bottom (GPR and Magnetic Data)

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    The paper summarizes experimental efforts of the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN) undertaken in search of the biggest part of Chelyabinsk meteorite in the bottom of lake Chebarkul, South Ural, Russia, and to estimate the ecological effects of its subsequent excavation