15 research outputs found

    A snapshot of pediatric inpatients and outpatients with COVID-19: a point prevalence study from Turkey

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    This multi-center point prevalence study evaluated children who were diagnosed as having coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19). On February 2nd, 2022, inpatients and outpatients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were included in the study from 12 cities and 24 centers in Turkey. Of 8605 patients on February 2nd, 2022, in participating centers, 706 (8.2%) had COVID-19. The median age of the 706 patients was 92.50 months, 53.4% were female, and 76.7% were inpatients. The three most common symptoms of the patients with COVID-19 were fever (56.6%), cough (41.3%), and fatigue (27.5%). The three most common underlying chronic diseases (UCDs) were asthma (3.4%), neurologic disorders (3.3%), and obesity (2.6%). The SARS-CoV-2-related pneumoniae rate was 10.7%. The COVID-19 vaccination rate was 12.5% in all patients. Among patients aged over 12 years with access to the vaccine given by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, the vaccination rate was 38.7%. Patients with UCDs presented with dyspnea and pneumoniae more frequently than those without UCDs (p 0.001 for both). The rates of fever, diarrhea, and pneumoniae were higher in patients without COVID-19 vaccinations (p = 0.001, p = 0.012, and p = 0.027). Conclusion: To lessen the effects of the disease, all eligible children should receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The illness may specifically endanger children with UCDs

    Invasive Pneumococcal Infection Due to Serotype 15A after the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Implementation in Turkey

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    Invasive pneumococcal infections among children are a serious public health problem in many countries, including Turkey. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has been included in Turkey's National Immunization Programme since 2009. We report the first two pediatric cases of invasive pneumococcal infection due to non-vaccine serotype 15A after pneumococcal conjugate vaccine implementation in Turkey. It is essential to monitor the countries' own local seroepidemiologic data for detecting selective pressure of non-vaccine serotypes of S. pneumonia.Wo

    Clinical And Microbiological Characteristics Of Pantoea Agglomerans Infection In Children

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    Pantoea agglomerans is an environmental Gram-negative bacterium that rarely is responsible for the infections in humans but it is often a causative factor of a number of occupational diseases. This study evaluated the clinical and microbiological characteristics and pathogenicity of P. agglomerans in children. We retrospectively reviewed microbiological test results for all children (1 month old to 18 years old) who were admitted to our pediatric hospital between January 2000 to June 2015 and had positive clinical specimen cultures for P. agglomerans. Isolates were identified using conventional tests and the BBL Crystal E/NF ID or MALDI-TOF MS systems. Antibiotic susceptibilities were evaluated using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. We identified fifteen positive cultures from 14 patients with confirmed infections. The positive specimens included pus, urine, tracheal aspirate, blood, and central venous line samples that yielded P. agglomerans. The median patient age was 8.8 years (range: 1.5 months to 16.5 years), and all patients had underlying comorbidities. Five patients had medical devices, and two devices were removed. The most common P. agglomerans infections involved wound infections (35.7%), pneumonia (21.4%), and urinary tract infections (21.4%). Three patients had concomitant infections (Enterococcus faecium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Aspergillus fumigatus). Five patients had anemia. Three patients (21.4%) died, and all three had carbapenem-resistant P. agglomerans that was detected after the first week of hospitalization; two cases involved pneumonia, which was ineffectively treated. P. agglomerans infections may be life-threatening, especially in young patients with pneumonia. Hospital-acquired P. agglomerans may have different pathogenicity and clinical features, compared to community-acquired P. agglomerans, although further studies are needed to understand the drug resistance patterns in this bacterium. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Limited on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.WoSScopu

    Add-On Therapy With Ertapenem In Infections With Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria: Pediatric Experience

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    Optimal therapy for infections with carbapenem resistant GNB is not well established due to the weakness of data. Patients presenting with bloodstream infections caused by multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae were treated with a combination treatment. Optimal therapy for infections with carbapenem resistant Gram-negative bacteria is a serious problem in pediatric patients. We presented three cases who were successfully treated with addition of ertapenem to the combination treatment for bacteremia with multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Dual carbapenem treatment approach is a new approach for these infections and requires more data in children.PubMe

    Antifungal consumption, indications and selection of antifungal drugs in paediatric tertiary hospitals in Turkey: Results from the first national point prevalence survey

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    WOS: 000452555000048PubMed ID: 30121343Objectives: The aim of this point prevalence survey was to evaluate the consumption, indications and strategies of antifungal therapy in the paediatric population in Turkey. Methods: A point prevalence study was performed at 25 hospitals. In addition to general data on paediatric units of the institutes, the generic name and indication of antifungal drugs, the presence of fungal isolation and susceptibility patterns, and the presence of galactomannan test and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) results were reviewed. Results: A total of 3338 hospitalised patients were evaluated. The number of antifungal drugs prescribed was 314 in 301 patients (9.0%). Antifungal drugs were mostly prescribed in paediatric haematology and oncology (PHO) units (35.2%), followed by neonatal ICUs (NICUs) (19.6%), paediatric services (18.3%), paediatric ICUs (PICUs) (14.6%) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) units (7.3%). Antifungals were used for prophylaxis in 147 patients (48.8%) and for treatment in 154 patients (50.0%). The antifungal treatment strategy in 154 patients was empirical in 77 (50.0%), diagnostic-driven in 29 (18.8%) and targeted in 48 (31.2%). At the point of decision-making for diagnostic-driven antifungal therapy in 29 patients, HRCT had not been performed in 1 patient (3.4%) and galactomannan test results were not available in 12 patients (41.4%). Thirteen patients (8.4%) were receiving eight different antifungal combination therapies. Conclusion: The majority of antifungal drugs for treatment and prophylaxis were prescribed in PHO and HSCT units (42.5%), followed by ICUs. Thus, antifungal stewardship programmes should mainly focus on these patients within the availability of diagnostic tests of each hospital. (C) 2018 International Society for Chemotherapy of Infection and Cancer. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Türkiye’ de Pediatrik Nötropenik Hasta İzlemi

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    Objective: Infection is a common complication in children with malignancies. There is no consistent guidance for environmental infection control and isolation precautions for neutropenic patients (NP). There are differences between centers. the aim of this questionnaire study was to determine these differences in Turkey. Material and Methods: A multicenter-descriptive questionnaire was conducted on 36 centers from different geografical locations of Turkey. Bone marrow transplantation units were excluded. Each center was contacted at least three-times. Questionnaire was answered by two different doctors from each center. Results: Thirty-six centers including 20 (55.5%) University Hospitals, 12 (%33.3) Research Hospitals, three (8.3%) State Hospital and one Private University Hospital participated in this survey. 94.3% of the centers had a bed capacity of 50 beds and over. Twenty-one (58.3%) centers had pediatric infection ward that followed febrile NP. All centers had an infection control committee. 25% (9/36) of the centers always followed pediatric neutropenic fever patients in a single room. 66.6% (24/36) of the centers had toilet in all patients’ room. the door features of patients’ room included mostly (94.1%, 32/34) manually opened door. Ten (27.7%) centers had hepa filter system, five of them had positive-negative pressure room. Thirteen (38.2%, 13/34) centers prefered hickmann catheter for accessing a patient’s central line. Training was given for catheteter care in all centers. Sixteen (44.4%) centers had determined policies about keeping toys in patient rooms. Visitor restrictions were performed in all centers. None of the centers allowed plants or flowers in hospital rooms. There was a neutropenic diet specific for pediatric NP provided in twenty-seven centers (75%). Conclusion: the prevention and control of infection contributes to the improvement of the prognosis of patients with hematological malignancies. Physicians must be aware of the infection risks and take precautions for infectious complications through the neutropenic period and standard protocols should be established and implemented for patients with hematological malignancies.Giriş: Maligniteli hastaların tedavi sürecindeki en önemli komplikasyonlardan biri enfeksiyonlardır. Nötropenik hastalarda enfeksiyon kontrolü ve izolasyon önlemleri için merkezden merkeze değişen farklı uygulamalar mevcuttur. Anket çalışmasının amacı Türkiye’deki bu farklılıkları ve ihtiyaçları belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çok merkezli tanımlayıcı çalışmaya Türkiye’nin farklı coğrafik bölgelerinden pediatrik nötropenik hasta takip eden 36 merkez dahil edildi. Kemik iliği transplantasyon üniteleri çalışmaya alınmadı. Her merkezle en az üç kez iletişime geçildi. Anketi her merkezden iki doktor yanıtladı. Anket kişisel, genel hasta bakımı ve nötropenik hasta bakımını içeren 64 sorudan oluşmaktaydı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan merkezlerin 20 (%55.5)’si üniversite hastanesi, 12 (%33.3)’si eğitim araştırma hastanesi, 3 (%8.3)’ ü devlet hastanesi ve bir tanesi de özel üniversite hastanesi idi. Merkezlerin %94.3’ünün yatak kapasitesi 50 yatak ve üzerinde idi. Yirmi bir (%58) merkezin çocuk enfeksiyon hastalıkları servisi mevcuttu. Tüm merkezlerin enfeksiyon kontrol komitesi vardı. Merkezlerin %25 (n= 9)‘inde nötropenik ateş (NPA) tanısı alan çocuk hastalar tek kişilik odalarda izleniyordu. Tüm odalarda tuvalet bulunan merkez sayısı 24 (%66.6) idi. Hasta odalarının büyük çoğunluğunda elle açılıp kapanır kapı (%94.1) ve musluk (%97.1) mevcuttu. on (%27.7) merkezin oda havalandırması için hepa-filtreli sistemi vardı. Beşinde negatif basınçlı oda mevcuttu. on üç merkezde kateter olarak hickman kateter tercih edilmişti. Tüm merkezlerde kateter bakımı için eğitim verilmekte idi. Hiçbir merkezde hasta ziyaretine ve hastane odasında bitki veya çiçek bulundurmaya izin verilmemekteydi. Merkezlerin %45.7’sinde hastanede oyuncak bulundurma ile ilgili hastane politikası vardı. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, nötropenik hastaları enfeksiyondan korumak için hastanelerde çeşitli yaklaşımlar uygulanmaktadır. Rehberler belirlenip bu rehberler ışığında hastane koşulları düzenlenmeli ve nötropenik hasta izlemi yapılmalıdır