1,487 research outputs found

    The mass area of jets

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    We introduce a new characteristic of jets called mass area. It is defined so as to measure the susceptibility of the jet's mass to contamination from soft background. The mass area is a close relative of the recently introduced catchment area of jets. We define it also in two variants: passive and active. As a preparatory step, we generalise the results for passive and active areas of two-particle jets to the case where the two constituent particles have arbitrary transverse momenta. As a main part of our study, we use the mass area to analyse a range of modern jet algorithms acting on simple one and two-particle systems. We find a whole variety of behaviours of passive and active mass areas depending on the algorithm, relative hardness of particles or their separation. We also study mass areas of jets from Monte Carlo simulations as well as give an example of how the concept of mass area can be used to correct jets for contamination from pileup. Our results show that the information provided by the mass area can be very useful in a range of jet-based analyses.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures; v2: improved quality of two plots, added entry in acknowledgments, nicer form of formulae in appendix A; v3: added section with MC study and pileup correction, version accepted by JHE

    Non-Global Logarithms in Filtered Jet Algorithms

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    We analytically and numerically study the effect of perturbative gluons emission on the "Filtering analysis", which is part of a subjet analysis procedure proposed two years ago to possibly identify a low-mass Higgs boson decaying into b\bar{b} at the LHC. This leads us to examine the non-global structure of the resulting perturbative series in the leading single-log large-N_c approximation, including all-orders numerical results, simple analytical approximations to them and comments on the structure of their series expansion. We then use these results to semi-analytically optimize the parameters of the Filtering analysis so as to suppress as much as possible the effect of underlying event and pile-up on the Higgs mass peak reconstruction while keeping the major part of the perturbative radiation from the b\bar{b} dipole.Comment: 47 pages, 25 figures, 1 figure and a few comments added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Foot pain and foot health in an educated population of adults: results from the Glasgow Caledonian University Alumni Foot Health Survey

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    Abstract Background Foot pain is common amongst the general population and impacts negatively on physical function and quality of life. Associations between personal health characteristics, lifestyle/behaviour factors and foot pain have been studied; however, the role of wider determinants of health on foot pain have received relatively little attention. Objectives of this study are i) to describe foot pain and foot health characteristics in an educated population of adults; ii) to explore associations between moderate-to-severe foot pain and a variety of factors including gender, age, medical conditions/co-morbidity/multi-morbidity, key indicators of general health, foot pathologies, and social determinants of health; and iii) to evaluate associations between moderate-to-severe foot pain and foot function, foot health and health-related quality-of-life. Methods Between February and March 2018, Glasgow Caledonian University Alumni with a working email address were invited to participate in the cross-sectional electronic survey (anonymously) by email via the Glasgow Caledonian University Alumni Office. The survey was constructed using the REDCap secure web online survey application and sought information on presence/absence of moderate-to-severe foot pain, patient characteristics (age, body mass index, socioeconomic status, occupation class, comorbidities, and foot pathologies). Prevalence data were expressed as absolute frequencies and percentages. Multivariate logistic and linear regressions were undertaken to identify associations 1) between independent variables and moderate-to-severe foot pain, and 2) between moderate-to-severe foot pain and foot function, foot health and health-related quality of life. Results Of 50,228 invitations distributed, there were 7707 unique views and 593 valid completions (median age [inter-quartile range] 42 [31–52], 67.3% female) of the survey (7.7% response rate). The sample was comprised predominantly of white Scottish/British (89.4%) working age adults (95%), the majority of whom were overweight or obese (57.9%), and in either full-time or part-time employment (82.5%) as professionals (72.5%). Over two-thirds (68.5%) of the sample were classified in the highest 6 deciles (most affluent) of social deprivation. Moderate-to-severe foot pain affected 236/593 respondents (39.8%). High body mass index, presence of bunions, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, hip pain and lower occupation class were included in the final multivariate model and all were significantly and independently associated with moderate-to-severe foot pain (p < 0.05), except for rheumatoid arthritis (p = 0.057). Moderate-to-severe foot pain was significantly and independently associated lower foot function, foot health and health-related quality of life scores following adjustment for age, gender and body mass index (p < 0.05). Conclusions Moderate-to-severe foot pain was highly prevalent in a university-educated population and was independently associated with female gender, high body mass index, bunions, back pain, hip pain and lower occupational class. Presence of moderate-to-severe foot pain was associated with worse scores for foot function, foot health and health-related quality-of-life. Education attainment does not appear to be protective against moderate-to-severe foot pain

    Sensitivity of markers of DNA stability and DNA repair activity to folate supplementation in healthy volunteers

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    We have previously reported that supplementation with folic acid (1.2 mg day−1 for 12 week) elicited a significant improvement in the folate status of 61 healthy volunteers. We have examined effects of this supplement on markers of genomic stability. Little is known about the effect of folate supplementation on DNA stability in a cohort, which is not folate deficient. Preintervention, there was a significant inverse association between uracil misincorporation in lymphocyte DNA and red cell folate (P<0.05). In contrast, there were no associations between folate status and DNA strand breakage, global DNA methylation or DNA base excision repair (measured as the capacity of the lymphocyte extract to repair 8-oxoGua ex vivo). Folate supplementation elicited a significant reduction in uracil misincorporation (P<0.05), while DNA strand breakage and global DNA methylation remained unchanged. Increasing folate status significantly decreased the base excision repair capacity in those volunteers with the lowest preintervention folate status (P<0.05). Uracil misincorporation was more sensitive to changes in folate status than other measures of DNA stability and therefore could be considered a specific and functional marker of folate status, which may also be relevant to cancer risk in healthy people

    Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms in SCET

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    Jet shapes are weighted sums over the four-momenta of the constituents of a jet and reveal details of its internal structure, potentially allowing discrimination of its partonic origin. In this work we make predictions for quark and gluon jet shape distributions in N-jet final states in e+e- collisions, defined with a cone or recombination algorithm, where we measure some jet shape observable on a subset of these jets. Using the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, we prove a factorization theorem for jet shape distributions and demonstrate the consistent renormalization-group running of the functions in the factorization theorem for any number of measured and unmeasured jets, any number of quark and gluon jets, and any angular size R of the jets, as long as R is much smaller than the angular separation between jets. We calculate the jet and soft functions for angularity jet shapes \tau_a to one-loop order (O(alpha_s)) and resum a subset of the large logarithms of \tau_a needed for next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy for both cone and kT-type jets. We compare our predictions for the resummed \tau_a distribution of a quark or a gluon jet produced in a 3-jet final state in e+e- annihilation to the output of a Monte Carlo event generator and find that the dependence on a and R is very similar.Comment: 62 pages plus 21 pages of Appendices, 13 figures, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: corrections to finite parts of NLO jet functions, minor changes to plots, clarified discussion of power corrections. v3: Journal version. Introductory sections significantly reorganized for clarity, classification of logarithmic accuracy clarified, results for non-Mercedes-Benz configurations adde

    Cancer-selective, single agent chemoradiosensitising gold nanoparticles

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    Two nanometre gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), bearing sugar moieties and/or thiol-polyethylene glycol-amine (PEG-amine), were synthesised and evaluated for their in vitro toxicity and ability to radiosensitise cells with 220 kV and 6 MV X-rays, using four cell lines representing normal and cancerous skin and breast tissues. Acute 3 h exposure of cells to AuNPs, bearing PEG-amine only or a 50:50 ratio of alpha-galactose derivative and PEG-amine resulted in selective uptake and toxicity towards cancer cells at unprecedentedly low nanomolar concentrations. Chemotoxicity was prevented by co-administration of N-acetyl cysteine antioxidant, or partially prevented by the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. In addition to their intrinsic cancer-selective chemotoxicity, these AuNPs acted as radiosensitisers in combination with 220 kV or 6 MV X-rays. The ability of AuNPs bearing simple ligands to act as cancer-selective chemoradiosensitisers at low concentrations is a novel discovery that holds great promise in developing low-cost cancer nanotherapeutics

    The plight of the sense-making ape

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    This is a selective review of the published literature on object-choice tasks, where participants use directional cues to find hidden objects. This literature comprises the efforts of researchers to make sense of the sense-making capacities of our nearest living relatives. This chapter is written to highlight some nonsensical conclusions that frequently emerge from this research. The data suggest that when apes are given approximately the same sense-making opportunities as we provide our children, then they will easily make sense of our social signals. The ubiquity of nonsensical contemporary scientific claims to the effect that humans are essentially--or inherently--more capable than other great apes in the understanding of simple directional cues is, itself, a testament to the power of preconceived ideas on human perception

    The gait profile score characterises walking performance impairments in young stroke survivors

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    Background: The Gait Profile Score (GPS) provides a composite measure of the quality of joint movement during walking, but the relationship between this measure and metabolic cost, temporal (e.g. walking speed) and spatial (e.g. stride length) parameters in stroke survivors has not been reported. Research Question: The aims of this study were to compare the GPS (paretic, non-paretic, and overall score) of young stroke survivors to the healthy able-bodied control and determine the relationship between the GPS and metabolic cost, temporal (walking speed, stance time asymmetry) and spatial (stride length, stride width, step length asymmetry) parameters in young stroke survivors to understand whether the quality of walking affects walking performance in stroke survivors. Methods: Thirty-nine young stroke survivors aged between 18 and 65years and 15 healthy age-matched able-bodied controls were recruited from six hospital sites in Wales, UK. Joint range of motion at the pelvis, hip, knee and ankle, and temporal and spatial parameters were measured during walking on level ground at self-selected speed with calculation of the Gait Variable Score and then the GPS. Results: GPS for the paretic leg (9.40° (8.60–10.21) p < 0.001), non-paretic leg (11.42° (10.20–12.63) p < 0.001) and overall score (11.18° (10.26–12.09) p < 0.001)) for stroke survivors were significantly higher than the control (4.25° (3.40–5.10), 5.92° (5.11 (6.73)). All parameters with the exception of step length symmetry ratio correlated moderate to highly with the GPS for the paretic, non-paretic, and/or overall score (ρ = <−0.732 (p < 0.001)). Significance: The quality of joint movement during walking measured via the GPS is directly related to the speed and efficiency of walking, temporal (stance time symmetry) and spatial (stride length, stride width) parameters in young stroke survivors

    Precursors to social and communication difficulties in infants at-risk for autism: gaze following and attentional engagement

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    Whilst joint attention (JA) impairments in autism have been widely studied, little is known about the early development of gaze following, a precursor to establishing JA. We employed eye-tracking to record gaze following longitudinally in infants with and without a family history of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at 7 and 13 months. No group difference was found between at-risk and low-risk infants in gaze following behaviour at either age. However, despite following gaze successfully at 13 months, at-risk infants with later emerging socio-communication difficulties (both those with ASD and atypical development at 36 months of age) allocated less attention to the congruent object compared to typically developing at-risk siblings and low-risk controls. The findings suggest that the subtle emergence of difficulties in JA in infancy may be related to ASD and other atypical outcomes

    New approaches to measuring anthelminthic drug efficacy: parasitological responses of childhood schistosome infections to treatment with praziquantel

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    By 2020, the global health community aims to control and eliminate human helminthiases, including schistosomiasis in selected African countries, principally by preventive chemotherapy (PCT) through mass drug administration (MDA) of anthelminthics. Quantitative monitoring of anthelminthic responses is crucial for promptly detecting changes in efficacy, potentially indicative of emerging drug resistance. Statistical models offer a powerful means to delineate and compare efficacy among individuals, among groups of individuals and among populations.; We illustrate a variety of statistical frameworks that offer different levels of inference by analysing data from nine previous studies on egg counts collected from African children before and after administration of praziquantel.; We quantify responses to praziquantel as egg reduction rates (ERRs), using different frameworks to estimate ERRs among population strata, as average responses, and within strata, as individual responses. We compare our model-based average ERRs to corresponding model-free estimates, using as reference the World Health Organization (WHO) 90 % threshold of optimal efficacy. We estimate distributions of individual responses and summarize the variation among these responses as the fraction of ERRs falling below the WHO threshold.; Generic models for evaluating responses to anthelminthics deepen our understanding of variation among populations, sub-populations and individuals. We discuss the future application of statistical modelling approaches for monitoring and evaluation of PCT programmes targeting human helminthiases in the context of the WHO 2020 control and elimination goals