204 research outputs found

    Estrategias de Desarrollo y Federalismo Fiscal : Una comparación entre los lineamientos del federalismo argentino durante la Sustitución de Importaciones y durante la supremacía neoliberal

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    El siguiente trabajo intentará, en primera instancia, poner de manifiesto los lineamientos que rigieron al federalismo fiscal argentino, tanto durante la etapa de industrialización sustitutiva de importaciones (ISI) como durante los períodos gobernados por ideologías neoliberales (fundamentalmente a partir de 1976 y posteriormente durante la década del 90'). El trabajo parte de suponer que ambos modelos económicos han trasladado sus respectivas bases ideológicas al terreno del federalismo fiscal, que pasará a constituir de esta manera un instrumento para llevar a cabo las estrategias de desarrollo por las que cada modelo brega. Las estrategias de desarrollo y de política económica del régimen de la ISI y de los gobiernos neoliberales fueron muy distintas entre sí. También lo fueron, por lo tanto, los lineamientos que rigieron al federalismo argentino durante estas etapas. El objetivo del trabajo será destacar estas diferencias, realizando simultáneamente un análisis crítico de las misma

    Estrategias de desarrollo y federalismo fiscal : Una comparación entre los lineamientos del federalismo argentino durante la sustitución de importaciones y durante la supremacía neoliberal

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    El siguiente trabajo intentará, en primera instancia, poner de manifiesto los lineamientos que rigieron al federalismo fiscal argentino, tanto durante la etapa de industrialización sustitutiva de importaciones (ISI) como durante los períodos gobernados por ideologías neoliberales (fundamentalmente a partir de 1976 y posteriormente durante la década del 90). El trabajo parte de suponer que ambos modelos económicos han trasladado sus respectivas bases ideológicas al terreno del federalismo fiscal, que pasará a constituir de esta manera un instrumento para llevar a cabo las estrategias de desarrollo por las que cada modelo brega. Las estrategias de desarrollo y de política económica del régimen de la ISI y de los gobiernos neoliberales fueron muy distintas entre sí. También lo fueron, por lo tanto, los lineamientos que rigieron al federalismo argentino durante estas etapas. El objetivo del trabajo será destacar estas diferencias, realizando simultáneamente un análisis crítico de las mismas.Mesa 18: El Estado como problema y solución: Estado, administración y políticas públicas.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Agricultural Internet of Things and decision support for precision smart farming

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    Agricultural Internet of Things and Decision Support for Smart Farming reveals how a set of key enabling technologies (KET) related to agronomic management, remote and proximal sensing, data mining, decision-making and automation can be efficiently integrated in one system. Chapters cover how KETs enable real-time monitoring of soil conditions, determine real-time, site-specific requirements of crop systems, help develop a decision support system (DSS) aimed at maximizing the efficient use of resources, and provide planning for agronomic inputs differentiated in time and space. This book is ideal for researchers, academics, post-graduate students and practitioners who want to embrace new agricultural technologies

    Conserved rotavirus NSP5 and VP2 domains interact and affect viroplasm

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    One step of the life cycle common among all rotaviruses (RV) studied so far is the formation of viroplasms, membrane-less cytosolic inclusions providing a microenvironment for early morphogenesis and RNA replication. Viroplasm-like structures (VLS) are simplified viroplasm models consisting of complexes of non-structural protein 5 (NSP5) with either the RV core-shell VP2 or NSP2. We identified and characterized the domains required for NSP5-VP2 interaction and VLS formation. VP2 mutations L124A, V865A, or I878A impaired both NSP5 hyperphosphorylation and NSP5/VP2 VLS formation. Moreover, NSP5-VP2 interaction does not depend on NSP5 hyperphosphorylation. The NSP5 tail region is required for VP2 interaction. Notably, VP2 L124A expression acts as dominant-negative by disrupting the formation of either VLSs or viroplasms and blocking RNA synthesis. In silico analyses revealed that VP2 L124, V865, and I878 are conserved among RV A to H species. The detailed knowledge of the protein interaction interface required for viroplasm formation may facilitate the design of broad-spectrum antivirals to block RV replication. Importance Alternative treatments to combat rotavirus infection are a requirement for susceptible communities where vaccines cannot be applied. This demand is urgent for newborn infants, immunocompromised patients but also for adults traveling to high-risk regions and even for livestock industry. Aside from structural and physiological divergences among RV species studied until now, all replicate within cytosolic inclusions termed viroplasms. These inclusions are composed of viral and cellular proteins and viral RNA. Viroplasm-like structures (VLS), composed of RV proteins NSP5 with either NSP2 or VP2, are models for investigating viroplasms. In this study, we identified a conserved amino acid in the VP2 protein, L124, necessary for its interaction with NSP5 and the formation of both VLSs and viroplasms. As RV vaccines cover a narrow range of viral strains, the identification of VP2 L124 residue lays the foundations for the design of drugs that specifically block NSP5-VP2 interaction as a broad-spectrum RV antiviral

    A Geostatistical Approach to Assess the Spatial Association between Indoor Radon Concentration, Geological Features and Building Characteristics: The Case of Lombardy, Northern Italy

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    Radon is a natural gas known to be the main contributor to natural background radiation exposure and second to smoking, a major leading cause of lung cancer. The main source of radon is the soil, but the gas can enter buildings in many different ways and reach high indoor concentrations. Monitoring surveys have been promoted in many countries in order to assess the exposure of people to radon. In this paper, two complementary aspects are investigated. Firstly, we mapped indoor radon concentration in a large and inhomogeneous region using a geostatistical approach which borrows strength from the geologic nature of the soil. Secondly, knowing that geologic and anthropogenic factors, such as building characteristics, can foster the gas to flow into a building or protect against this, we evaluated these effects through a multiple regression model which takes into account the spatial correlation of the data. This allows us to rank different building typologies, identified by architectonic and geological characteristics, according to their proneness to radon. Our results suggest the opportunity to differentiate construction requirements in a large and inhomogeneous area, as the one considered in this paper, according to different places and provide a method to identify those dwellings which should be monitored more carefully