80 research outputs found

    The goals of industrial policy of the Russian Federation : state intervention into the economy as a factor of industrialization

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    The article studies the problems of formation and implementation of the state industrial policy of the Russian Federation. The main methods, values and goals underlying the formation of the modern industrial policy of the Russian Federation are emphasized. Under the conditions of deepening risks of economic isolation the issues of achieving economic independence and economic sovereignty are the main factors of the national security. Therefore, a sufficiently high level of autarchy should act as a safety cushion in the face of unfavorable global economic conditions. Based on the current challenges facing the Russian system of state administration it is concluded that in order to carry out re-industrialization it is necessary to conduct a further transition to an active model of industrial policy based on the essential role of state intervention in economic activity. The world experience shows that if a forced development is needed, then a free market system unregulated by the state is not used. The transition from protectionism to the free market is possible only after the development of the national productive forces. The modern economy is a system of management, the effective functioning and innovative development of which is ensured by the state of its infrastructure. Therefore, the implementation of big infrastructural projects is one of the most important elements of the state industrial policy formed in the Russian Federation.peer-reviewe

    От социального противоречия к социальной конкуренции – базовому правовому режиму (способу) жизнедеятельности государства (Часть I)

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    The subject of the article is social competition as a natural mechanism for resolving social contradictions that arise and exist in society.The aim of the article is to confirm or refute hypothesis that the resolution of social contra- dictions is a kind of legal regime for the realization of property as the fundamental purpose of the existence of the stateAccording to the author's methodology of normative structuralism, the assignment to each mode of property organization of a specific function (social development function, social compromise (convergence) function, social security function) generated the corresponding potential for the emergence and existence of social contradictions, where the state as an artificial (reasonable) sufficiency had to direct the energy of the said contradictions into the normative-legal channel and thus ensure the existence of social competition.The main results. The restriction and leveling of social competition and the transition to domination as the basic legal regime (mode) of statehood destroys the natural mechanism for resolving social contradictions and transfers this mechanism to the plane of directive political and ideological expediency. As a result, the power of the structural organization of the state is transformed into a goal of its existence, and property only into a means of real- izing this goal. There is a disavowal of property as a fundamental goal of the existence of the state; the escalation of its imperialization begins, triggering the destruction of social competition as the basic legal regime (mode) of life. There is a danger of an existential rup- ture between the three most important social institutions of human civilization: property, competition, and the state.Society, constituting the creation of the state as artificial (reasonable) sufficiency, through the functioning of the structural organization of power has fixed the fundamental purpose of existence - property in the form of an integral structural platform of the main ways of its organization (private (individualized), mixed (corporate), general (collective)), assigning to each of them the execution of the corresponding social function.Conclusions. Society, realizing the existence of a social contradiction, purposefully forms appropriate ways (rules) to overcome them to ensure its progressive development. The es- sence of the legal regime as the existence of the resolution of this social contradiction can be defined by the concept of “competition”. Представлена первая часть исследования социальной конкуренции как естественного механизма разрешения социальных противоречий, которые возникают и существуют в обществе. Автор считает разрешение социальных противоречий своеобразным правовым режимом реализации собственности как фундаментальной цели существования государства. Согласно авторской методологии нормативного структурализма, присвоение каждому способу организации собственности определенной функции (функции социального развития, функции социального компромисса, функции социального обеспечения) породило соответствующий потенциал для возникновения и существования социальных противоречий, а государство должно направлять энергию указанных противоречий в нормативно-правовое русло и тем самым обеспечивать существование социальной конкуренции

    Россия: собственность и государство. Из истории постсоветского правоприменения (Часть II)

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    The subject. The relevance of the article is stipulated by the gap in the study of property and the state as a consistent system. The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that each way of organizing property such as private, mixed (corporate) and general (collective) potentially stimulates the existence of a certain state structure. The methodology. The author uses normative structuralism. This methodology is created by the author and is based on the idea that property as the main system-forming goal of the state’s existence predetermines principles of rationing its structure genetically. The main results of the research. Each way of organizing property in a particular social time period can acquire the quality of the main backbone in the organization structure of the state. Each way of organizing property provides proper social function: private way of organizing property provides function of social development; mixed (corporate) way provides function of social compromise (convergence); general (collective) way provides function of social security in the broadest sense. If private way of organizing property genetically programmed for the production and reproduction of social competition, mixed (corporate) and common (collective) ways are determined by the idea of its limitations and leveling. When the private way of organizing property becomes the main system-forming one it begins to fully stimulate the existence of a democratic structure of state organization. In turn, when mixed (corporate) and common (collective) ways of organizing property become the main system-forming ones, they stimulate the existence of a wide structural range of state functioning: from various regimes of democratic orientation to specific non-democratic regimes. Conclusions. The study of property as the main system-forming goal of the state existence through the normative structuralism concept allows us to conclude that that each way of organizing property stimulates the existence of a certain state structure. Актуальность статьи обусловлена существованием пробела в исследовании собственности и государства как единого системного отношения. Цель статьи – показать на примере постсоветского правоприменения, что каждый способ организации собственности – частный, смешанный (корпоративный), общий (коллективный) – потенциально стимулирует существование определенной структуры государства. Используется авторская методология исследования государства – нормативный структурализм. Обосновывается теоретическая концепция авторского исследования собственности как основной системообразующей цели существования государства, которая позволяет расширить спектр инструментальных средств изучения российской государственности

    Россия: собственность и государство. Из истории постсоветского правоприменения (Часть I)

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    The subject. The relevance of the article is stipulated by the gap in the study of property and the state as a consistent system.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that each way of organizing property such as private, mixed (corporate) and general (collective) potentially stimulates the existence of a certain state structure.The methodology. The author uses normative structuralism. This methodology is created by the author and is based on the idea that property as the main system-forming goal of the state’s existence genetically predetermines principles of rationing its structure.The main results of the research. Each way of organizing property in a particular social time period can acquire the quality of the main backbone in the organization structure of the state. Each way of organizing property provides proper social function: private way of organizing property provides function of social development; mixed (corporate) way provides function of social compromise (convergence); general (collective) way provides function of social security in the broadest sense. If private way of organizing property genetically programmed for the production and reproduction of social competition, mixed (corporate) and common (collective) ways are determined by the idea of its limitations and leveling. When the private way of organizing property becomes the main system-forming one it begins to fully stimulate the existence of a democratic structure of state organization. In turn, when mixed (corporate) and common (collective) ways of organizing property become the main system-forming ones, they stimulate the existence of a wide structural range of state functioning: from various regimes of democratic orientation to specific non-democratic regimes. Conclusions. The study of property as the main system-forming goal of the state existence through the normative structuralism concept allows us to conclude that that each way of organizing property stimulates the existence of a certain state structure.Актуальность статьи обусловлена существованием пробела в исследовании собственности и государства как единого системного отношения. Цель статьи – показать на примере постсоветского правоприменения, что каждый способ организации собственности – частный, смешанный (корпоративный), общий (коллективный) – потенциально стимулирует существование определённой структуры государства. Используется авторская методология исследования государства – нормативный структурализм. Обосновывается теоретическая концепция авторского исследования собственности как основной системообразующей цели существования государства, которая позволяет расширить спектр инструментальных средств изучения российской государственности

    Способ организации собственности и социалистическое государство

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    The subject. The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between property and the state-building in socialist States.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that the socialist practice of state-building, depending on the combination of interaction of the main ways of organizing property, has a different social nature of existence. Methodology. The work provides the author’s methodology for studying the structure of the state, depending on the combination of interaction of the main ways of organizing property. The main results of the research. There are some possible basic options for the existence of a socialist practice of state building. After the disappointing results of the Soviet experience, the quite logical question is: what will be the future of the socialist concept of state-building and does it even exist? Socialist practice of state-building, depending on the combination of the interaction of the main ways of organizing property, has a different social nature of existence. The Soviet model was based on the liquidation of the private way of organizing property and the monopoly dominance of the forms of the general (collective) way of organizing it. The Chinese model, in which the monopoly of the forms of the general (collective) way of organizing property, corresponds to the legislative assumption of a private way of organizing it. The European Social Democratic model, where the private way of organizing property as the main system-forming one, acts in combination with forms of general (collective) and mixed (corporate) ways of organizing it.If we take into account that each method of organizing property is determined by the need to perform a specific social function, then in each model of socialist construction, depending on the particular combination of methods of organizing property, it is clear which of the social functions is dominant in the practice of construction. For example, if the main system-forming way of property organization is private, then this is a function of social development; if general (collective), then the function of social security, and finally, if mixed (corporate), then the function of social compromise (convergence). Such determination, in our opinion, is sustainable. Conclusions. Socialist practice of state-building has a different social nature of existence. This nature can be described provisionally as the Soviet, the Chinese and the European Social Democratic models.Исследуется социалистическая практика государственного строительства, которая в зависимости от комбинации взаимодействия основных способов организации собственности имеет различную социальную природу существования. Делается вывод, что советская модель была основана на ликвидации частного способа организации собственности и монопольном доминировании форм общего (коллективного) способа её организации; в китайской модели монополия форм общего (коллективного) способа организации собственности корреспондируется с законодательным допущением частного способа её организации; в европейской социал-демократической модели частный способ организации собственности в качестве основного системообразующего действует в комбинации с формами общего (коллективного) и смешанного (корпоративного) способов её организации

    Распространенность патологии органа зрения у телеутов — коренного сельского населения Кузбасса

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    The vision status in teleut native countymen residing in Kemerovo Region. Studied structure and prevalence of eye disease have been evaluated following ophthalmologic examination of 609 teleuts (213 men and 396 women) accounting for 30% of the whole population residing at this area. The general population disease rate was found to account for 1 394,08‰.Изучено состояние органа зрения у коренного малочисленного населения - телеутов, проживающих на территории Кемеровской области. Установлены структура, распространенность и особенности формирования болезней глаз на основании осмотра 609 телеутов (213 мужчин и 396 женщин), составивших высокорепрезентативную выборочную совокупность (более 30% общего количества проживающих на данной территории коренных сельских жителей). Общепопуляционный показатель распространенности болезней глаз составил 1 394,08‰

    The Use of Mechanically Activated Micronized Coal in Thermal Power Engineering

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    Coal is one of the main energy resources and development of new promising technologies on its basis is certainly topical. This article discusses the use of new technology of gas and fuel oil replacement by mechanically activated micronized coal in power engineering: ignition and stabilization of pulverized coal flame combustion, as well as gasification of micronized coal in the flow. The new technology coal combustion with two stages of grinding is suggested. Optimization of the scheme of two-stage combustion is calculated. The first experimental data on the combustion process are obtained. The first demonstration tests on gas and heavy oil replacement by micronized coal during boiler ignition were carried out in the real power boiler with the capacity of 320 tons of steam per hour

    On the limit of Quaternary glaciations in the east of the Russian Plain.

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    A study of ancient glaciation in the eastern part of the Russian Plain has been carried out over a long period using geological and geomorphological research methods, which included a detailed petrographic, granulometric, morphometric and textural analysis of detrital material from both bedrock and Pliocene-Quaternary deposits. The research confirmed that the area of Tatariya, Udmurtiya and the southern part of the Kirov region were never covered by ice during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. - translated by P.Cook


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    A contact melting model based on the possible existence of a quasiliquid layer on the metal surface is proposed. Using the interaction potentials between metal atoms, the temperature at which a quasiliquid layer will exist on the surface of at least one of them upon contact of their surfaces is calculated. It is shown that this temperature is lower than that realized in experiments on contact melting