595 research outputs found
Ring Star Formation Rates in Barred and Nonbarred Galaxies
Nonbarred ringed galaxies are relatively normal galaxies showing bright rings
of star formation in spite of lacking a strong bar. This morphology is
interesting because it is generally accepted that a typical ring forms when
material collects near a resonance, set up by the pattern speed of a bar or
bar-like perturbation. Our goal in this paper is to examine whether the ring
star formation properties are related to the non-axisymmetric gravity potential
in general. For this purpose, we obtained H{\alpha} emission line images and
calculated the line fluxes and star formation rates (SFRs) for 16 nonbarred SA
galaxies and four weakly barred SAB galaxies with rings. For comparison, we
combine our observations with a re-analysis of previously published data on
five SA, seven SAB, and 15 SB galaxies with rings, three of which are
duplicates from our sample. With these data, we examine what role a bar may
play in the star formation process in rings. Compared to barred ringed
galaxies, we find that the inner ring SFRs and H{\alpha}+[N ii] equivalent
widths in nonbarred ringed galaxies show a similar range and trend with
absolute blue magnitude, revised Hubble type, and other parameters. On the
whole, the star formation properties of inner rings, excluding the distribution
of H ii regions, are independent of the ring shapes and the bar strength in our
small samples. We confirm that the deprojected axis ratios of inner rings
correlate with maximum relative gravitational force Q_g; however, if we
consider all rings, a better correlation is found when local bar forcing at the
radius of the ring, Q_r, is used. Individual cases are described and other
correlations are discussed. By studying the physical properties of these
galaxies, we hope to gain a better understanding of their placement in the
scheme of the Hubble sequence and how they formed rings without the driving
force of a bar.Comment: 55 pages; 21 figures and 9 tables. Article has been accepted for
publication in the Astronomical Journa
Combined color indexes and photometric structure of galaxies NGC 834 and NGC 1134
We present the results of BVRI photometry of two galaxies with active star
formation: NGC 834 and NGC 1134. Combined color index Q_{BVI} was used to
investigate the photometrical structure of the galaxies. Index Q_{BVI} is not
affected by internal extinction and is sensitive to the presence of blue stars.
Ring-like region with active star formation at 15" from the center reveals
itself in the Q_{BVI} map of NGC 834. Three-arm spiral structure is well-seen
on the Q_{BVI} map of NGC 1134.
We propose to use the combined indexes Q_{BVI} and similarly defined indices
as a tracers of Star Formation activity and structure of dusty galaxies.Comment: 3 pages, 4 embedded figures, LaTeX2e, using the EslabStyle.cls file,
presented as a poster in the 33rd ESLAB Symp. "Star formation from the small
to the large scale", Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2-5 November 1999, (F.
Favata, A.A. Kaas & A. Wilson eds, ESA SP-445
Gravitational torques in spiral galaxies: gas accretion as a driving mechanism of galactic evolution
The distribution of gravitational torques and bar strengths in the local
Universe is derived from a detailed study of 163 galaxies observed in the
near-infrared. The results are compared with numerical models for spiral galaxy
evolution. It is found that the observed distribution of torques can be
accounted for only with external accretion of gas onto spiral disks. Accretion
is responsible for bar renewal - after the dissolution of primordial bars - as
well as the maintenance of spiral structures. Models of isolated, non-accreting
galaxies are ruled out. Moderate accretion rates do not explain the
observational results: it is shown that galactic disks should double their mass
in less than the Hubble time. The best fit is obtained if spiral galaxies are
open systems, still forming today by continuous gas accretion, doubling their
mass every 10 billion years.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters (accepted
Comparison of bar strengths in active and non-active galaxies
Bar strengths are compared between active and non-active galaxies for a
sample of 43 barred galaxies. The relative bar torques are determined using a
new technique (Buta and Block 2001), where maximum tangential forces are
calculated in the bar region, normalized to the axisymmetric radial force
field. We use JHK images of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey. We show a first clear
empirical indication that the ellipticies of bars are correlated with the
non-axisymmetric forces in the bar regions. We found that nuclear activity
appears preferentially in those early type galaxies in which the maximum bar
torques are weak and appear at quite large distances from the galactic center.
Most suprisingly the galaxies with the strongest bars are non-active. Our
results imply that the bulges may be important for the onset of nuclear
activity, but that the correlation between the nuclear activity and the early
type galaxies is not straightforward.Comment: MNRAS macro in tex format, 9 pages, 10 figure
Neutral Hydrogen in the Ringed Barred Galaxies NGC 1433 and NGC 6300
We have made observations of the \ion{H}{1} in the southern ringed barred
spiral galaxies NGC~1433 and NGC~6300 with the Australia Telescope Compact
Array (ATCA), the main goal being to test the resonance theory for the origin
of these rings. NGC~1433 is the prototypical ringed barred spiral, and displays
distinct \ion{H}{1}~counterparts to its nuclear ring, inner ring, outer
pseudoring, and plume-like features. The and regions at
corotation, as well as the bar itself, are relatively devoid of neutral atomic
hydrogen. By associating the inner ring of NGC~1433 with the inner second
harmonic resonance, and its outer pseudoring with the outer Lindblad resonance,
we are able to infer a bar pattern speed for NGC~1433 of
~km~s~kpc. By way of contrast, NGC~6300 possesses a much
more extended \ion{H}{1}~disk than NGC~1433. There is a gas ring underlying the
inner pseudoring, but it is both broader and slightly larger in diameter than
the optical feature. By again linking this inner ring feature to the inner
second harmonic resonance, we derive a bar pattern speed for NGC~6300 of
~km~s~kpc, but in this case, neither the outer pseudoring
nor the nuclear ring predicted by the resonance-ring theory can be identified
in NGC~6300. Although it may be the case that the ring in NGC~6300 is not
related to a resonance with the bar at all, we postulate instead that NGC~6300
is merely a less well-developed example of a resonance-ring galaxy than is
NGC~1433.Comment: 21 pages, aas2pp4 LaTeX, no figures included. Accepted for April 1
1996 ApJ. Full paper (with figures) available from
The Kinematically Measured Pattern Speeds of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245
We have applied the Tremaine-Weinberg continuity equation method to derive
the bar pattern speed in the SB(r)b galaxy NGC 2523 and the SB(r)0/a galaxy NGC
4245 using the Calcium Triplet absorption lines. These galaxies were selected
because they have strong inner rings which can be used as independent tracers
of the pattern speed. The pattern speed of NGC 2523 is 26.4 6.1 km
s kpc, assuming an inclination of 49.7 and a distance
of 51.0 Mpc. The pattern speed of NGC 4245 is 75.5 31.3 km s
kpc, assuming an inclination of 35.4 and a distance of 12.6
Mpc. The ratio of the corotation radius to the bar radius of NGC 2523 and NGC
4245 is 1.4 0.3 and 1.1 0.5, respectively. These values place the
bright inner rings near and slightly inside the corotation radius, as predicted
by barred galaxy theory. Within the uncertainties, both galaxies are found to
have fast bars that likely indicate dark halos of low central concentration.
The photometric properties, bar strengths, and disk stabilities of both
galaxies are also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 11 figures, 2
The Distribution of Dark Matter in a Ringed Galaxy
Outer rings are located at the greatest distance from the galaxy center of
any feature resonant with a bar. Because of their large scale, their morphology
is sensitive to the distribution of the dark matter in the galaxy. We introduce
here how study of these rings can constrain the mass-to-light ratio of the bar,
and so the percentage of dark matter in the center of these galaxies. We
compare periodic orbits integrated in the ringed galaxy NGC 6782 near the outer
Lindblad resonance to the shape of the outer ring. The non-axisymmetric
component of the potential resulting from the bar is derived from a
near-infrared image of the galaxy. The axisymmetric component is derived
assuming a flat rotation curve. We find that the pinched non-self-intersecting
periodic orbits are more elongated for higher bar mass-to-light ratios and
faster bars. The inferred mass-to-light ratio of the bar depends on the assumed
inclination of the galaxy. With an assumed galaxy inclination of i=41 degrees,
for the orbits to be consistent with the observed ring morphology the
mass-to-light ratio of the bar must be high, greater than 70% of a maximal disk
value. For i=45 degrees, the mass-to-light ratio of the bar is of
the maximal disk value. Since the velocity field of these rings can be used to
constrain the galaxy inclination as well as which periodic orbit is represented
in the ring, further study will yield tighter constraints on the mass-to-light
ratio of the bar. If a near maximal disk value for the bar is required, then
either there would be little dark matter within the bar, or the dark matter
contained in the disk of the galaxy would be non-axisymmetric and would rotate
with the bar.Comment: AAS Latex + jpg Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
A Dust-Penetrated Classification Scheme for Bars as Inferred from their Gravitational Force Fields
The division of galaxies into ``barred'' (SB) and ``normal'' (S) spirals is a
fundamental aspect of the Hubble galaxy classification system. This ``tuning
fork'' view was revised by de Vaucouleurs, whose classification volume
recognized apparent ``bar strength'' (SA, SAB, SB) as a continuous property of
galaxies called the ``family''. However, the SA, SAB, and SB families are
purely visual judgments that can have little bearing on the actual bar strength
in a given galaxy. Until very recently, published bar judgments were based
exclusively on blue light images, where internal extinction or star formation
can either mask a bar completely or give the false impression of a bar in a
nonbarred galaxy. Near-infrared camera arrays, which principally trace the old
stellar populations in both normal and barred galaxies, now facilitate a
quantification of bar strength in terms of their gravitational potentials and
force fields. In this paper, we show that the maximum value, Qb, of the ratio
of the tangential force to the mean radial force is a quantitative measure of
the strength of a bar. Qb does not measure bar ellipticity or bar shape, but
rather depends on the actual forcing due to the bar embedded in its disk. We
show that a wide range of true bar strengths characterizes the category ``SB'',
while de Vaucouleurs category ``SAB'' corresponds to a much narrower range of
bar strengths. We present Qb values for 36 galaxies, and we incorporate our bar
classes into a dust-penetrated classification system for spiral galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (LaTex, 30
pages + 3 figures); Figs. 1 and 3 are in color and are also available at
Bar-Halo Friction in Galaxies II: Metastability
It is well-established that strong bars rotating in dense halos generally
slow down as they lose angular momentum to the halo through dynamical friction.
Angular momentum exchanges between the bar and halo particles take place at
resonances. While some particles gain and others lose, friction arises when
there is an excess of gainers over losers. This imbalance results from the
generally decreasing numbers of particles with increasing angular momentum, and
friction can therefore be avoided if there is no gradient in the density of
particles across the major resonances. Here we show that anomalously weak
friction can occur for this reason if the pattern speed of the bar fluctuates
upwards. After such an event, the density of resonant halo particles has a
local inflexion created by the earlier exchanges, and bar slowdown can be
delayed for a long period; we describe this as a metastable state. We show that
this behavior in purely collisionless N-body simulations is far more likely to
occur in methods with adaptive resolution. We also show that the phenomenon
could arise in nature, since bar-driven gas inflow could easily raise the bar
pattern speed enough to reach the metastable state. Finally, we demonstrate
that mild external, or internal, perturbations quickly restore the usual
frictional drag, and it is unlikely therefore that a strong bar in a galaxy
having a dense halo could rotate for a long period without friction.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap
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