159 research outputs found

    К 80-летию профессора кафедры минералогии и петрографии Пермского госуниверситета Р. Г. Ибламинова

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    Brief information about academic and research activity of Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology Department of the Perm State University R.G. Iblaminov is presented.Приведены краткие сведения о жизненном пути, научной и педагогической деятельности Почетного работника высшего образования, профессора кафедры минералогии и петрографии Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета Рустема Гильбрахмановича Ибламинова, от-метившего 80-летие

    To the 80th Anniversary of N.E. Moloshtanova

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    Приведены сведения о научной, учебной и производственной деятельности доцента Н.Е. Молоштановой.On the anniversary of teaching and scientific activity of N.E.Moloshnanova in Perm State University

    К юбилею академика РАЕ Фаины Алексеевны Курбацкой

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    The brief review of geological, teaching, scientific, and organizing activity of Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia, professor of Mineralogy and Petrography Department of the Perm State University Faina Alekseevna Kurbatskaya is presented.Приведены краткие сведения о производственной, учебной, научной и организаторской деятельности доктора геолого-минералогических наук, академика РАЕ, профессора и заведующей кафедрой минералогии и петрографии ПГНИУ Фаины Алексеевны Курбацко

    Рустему Гильбрахмановичу Ибламинову – 75!

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    Information about scientific, academic and administrative activity of Dr. Sci., Chair of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography Rustem Gilbrakhmanovich Iblaminov is presented.Приведены сведения о научной, учебной и организационной деятельности доктора геолого-минералогических наук, заведующего кафедрой минералогии и петрографии Пермского университета Рустема Гильбрахмановича Ибламинов

    Electrochemical amination. Ti(IV)/Ti(III) mediator system in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid

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    As a result of polarographic and spectrophotometric studies, and mathematical modeling, the dependence of electrochemical properties of the Ti(IV)/Ti(III) pair on the composition of the Ti(IV) complexes is established in sulfuric acid solutions. It is found that Ti(IV) in 1-17 M H2SO 4 at the metal ion concentrations used in the process of amination of aromatic compounds can exist in the form of twelve basic complex forms, of which seven, including the binuclear and two tetranuclear ones, are observed for the first time. Ten forms are electrochemically active. An increase in the overall amount of reversibly reducing cationic mononuclear hydrosulfate complexes of Ti(IV) among these at a growing H2SO4 concentration results in an increase in the redox potential of the Ti(IV)/Ti(III) mediator system and therefore in an increase in the yield of the electrochemical amination products. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    Анализ электрических параметров жидкостей в коаксиальной камере при изменении температуры

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    Determination of the electrophysical properties of materials is relevant to many areas of human activity. Methods, approaches and devices are improving, the use of which makes it possible to estimate the electrophysical properties of liquids depending on different parameters. This work presents the analysis of the electrical parameters of liquids with different chemical composition in a coaxial cell in a wide frequency range when the temperature changes. The analysis is based on the S-parameters of liquids measured with a vector circuit analyzer in the frequency range up to 12 GHz, placed inside the coaxial cell, which temperature is set by the heat-cold chamber in the range from 0 to 50 °C. The changes in frequency dependences of liquids S-parameters detected using the above approach indicate their characteristic features occurring at certain frequencies. To investigate the influence of liquids temperature on changes in their electrophysical parameters, we have applied the method of principal components. This method has revealed the relationship between chemical composition of liquids and their representation in the space of principal components. Nevezhin V. N., Busygina A. V., Komnatnov M. E. Analysis of Electrical Parameters of Liquids in a Coaxial Cell at Varying Temperatures. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(1):37–55. (In Russ.) DOI 10.15826/ urej.2023.7.1.003.Определение электрофизических свойств материалов актуально для многих областей жизнедеятельности человека. Совершенствуются методы, подходы и устройства, использование которых позволяет оценить электрофизические свойства жидкостей в зависимости от разных параметров. В работе представлен анализ электрических параметров жидкостей с различным химическим составом в коаксиальной камере в широком диапазоне частот при изменении температуры. Анализ выполнен на основе измеренных векторным анализатором цепей S-параметров жидкостей в диапазоне частот до 12 ГГц, размещенных внутри коаксиальной камеры, температура которых задавалась камерой «тепло-холод» в диапазоне от 0 до 50 °C. Выявление изменения частотных зависимостей S-параметров жидкостей с разным химическим составом в зависимости от температуры с использованием коаксиальной камеры позволило выявить их характерные особенности, возникающие на определенных частотах. Применен метод главных компонент для исследования влияния температуры жидкостей на изменение их электрофизических параметров, позволивший выявить связь между химическим составом жидкостей и представлением их в пространстве главных компонент. Невежин В. Н., Бусыгина А. В., Комнатнов М. Е. Анализ электрических параметров жидкостей в коаксиальной камере при изменении температуры. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(1):37–55. DOI 10.15826/ urej.2023.7.1.003

    Features of the organization and conduct of career guidance work in turin multidisciplinary college under modern conditions

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    В ГБОУ СПО СО «Туринский многопрофильный техникум» на протяжении последних лет ведется непрерывная работа по профориентации. В данной статье описана система организации профориентационной работы нашего техникума. Данная система направлена на организацию комплекса мероприятий, направленных на формирование жизненной позиции по выбору профессиональной деятельности, поднятие имиджа нашего техникума.At GBOU act WITH "the Turin multidisciplinary College" during several recent years a continuous work on vocational guidance has been conducting. This article describes the system of the organization of vocational guidance of our College. This system is aimed at the organization of complex of activities intended for the formation of living position on the choice of professional activity, raising the image of our College

    The teacher’s self-presentation in terms of students’ assessments or the study of the teacher’s self-presentation features

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    The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of self-presentation, as a significant mechanism that helps to build effective communication between teachers and students. To study the described phenomenon, we used the author's questionnaire "Assessment of the image of the teacher." A study conducted on a sample of teachers and their students led us to the conclusion that there are differences between the “I-image” of teachers and the “I-expert”, i.e. between teachers' self-image and student grading system. Teachers evaluate themselves higher in terms of the studied parameters than their students evaluate. As a result, we came to the empirical conclusion that it is important for teachers to pay attention to the development of self-presentation skills

    The teacher’s self-presentation in terms of students’ assessments or the study of the teacher’s self-presentation features

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    The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of self-presentation, as a significant mechanism that helps to build effective communication between teachers and students. To study the described phenomenon, we used the author's questionnaire "Assessment of the image of the teacher." A study conducted on a sample of teachers and their students led us to the conclusion that there are differences between the “I-image” of teachers and the “I-expert”, i.e. between teachers' self-image and student grading system. Teachers evaluate themselves higher in terms of the studied parameters than their students evaluate. As a result, we came to the empirical conclusion that it is important for teachers to pay attention to the development of self-presentation skills