93 research outputs found

    Asociación de percepción de riesgo de COVID-19 e intención de vacunarse contra el SARS-CoV2 en Trujillo-Perú

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    Objetivo: Determinar si la percepción de riesgo de COVID-19 está asociada a la intención de vacunarse contra SARS-CoV2. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal correlacional mediante una encuesta a personas no vacunadas contra el Covid-19 en la provincia de Trujillo en Perú.Se preguntó a los participantes sobre su disposición a vacunarse, la percepción de riesgo que tenían de COVID-19 y otros datos sociodemográficos y clínicos.Sus respuestas se ingresaron en una regresión logística multinomial para evaluar posibles predictores de una variable de resultado, utilizando ""intención de vacunar"" como variable dependiente y tomando ""SÍ"" como categoría de referencia. Resultados: De una muestra de 383 participantes (48,8% hombres, 35,2% entre 18 y 24 años), el 67% tenía intención de vacunarse. Se encontró que la percepción de bajo riesgo de Covid-19 estaba asociada con la intención de rechazar la vacunación, además se encontró que la percepción de alto riesgo aumenta la intención de vacunación (X2 = 4,280; valor de p <0,05). Se realizó un análisis correlacional mediante la prueba estadística Rho de Spearman, encontrándose correlación positiva entre las dos variables (coeficiente de 0,158; valor de p < 0,05). Otras variables en la negativa a recibir la vacuna COVID-19 son: sexo, religión, nivel educativo, situación laboral, tamaño del hogar e historial de COVID-19 en una persona cercana. Las razones de vacilación más citadas fueron la preocupación por los efectos secundarios y la poca confianza en la seguridad de la vacuna. Conclusión: Existe correlación positiva entre la percepción de riesgo de COVID 19 y la intención de vacunarse contra SARS-CoV2, por lo que una persona que percibe un alto riesgo de COVID-19 tendrá la intención de recibir la vacuna contra SARS-CoV2. Muchos factores demográficos y creencias personales influyen en la resistencia a la vacunaciónObjective: To determine if the perception of COVID-19 risk is associated to the intention to vaccinate against SARS-CoV2. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by means of a survey of unvaccinated persons against COVID-19 in the province of Trujillo in Peru. Participants were asked about their willingness to be vaccinated, their perceived risk of Covid-19, and other sociodemographic and clinical data. Their responses were entered into a multinomial logistic regression to assess possible predictors of an outcome variable, using ""intention to vaccinate"" as the dependent variable and taking ""YES"" as the reference category. Results: Of a sample of 383 participants (48.8% male, 35.2% aged 18-24 years), 67% intended to be vaccinated. Low risk perception of Covid-19 was found to be associated with intention to refuse vaccination, furthermore, high risk perception was found to increase vaccination intention (X2 = 4.280; p-value <0.05). A correlational analysis was performed using Spearman's Rho statistical test, finding a positive correlation between the two variables (coefficient of 0.158; p value < 0.05). Other variables in the refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine are: sex, religion, educational level, employment status, household size and history of COVID-19 in a close person. The most commonly cited reasons for hesitancywere concern about side effects and low confidence in the safety of the vaccine. Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between perceived risk of COVID-19 and intention to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV2, so a person who perceives a high risk of COVID-19 will intend to receive the SARS-CoV2 vaccine. Many demographic factors and personal beliefs influence resistance to vaccinationTesi

    Obtención de cartografía derivada empleando servicios OGC : exploración y ejemplo de aplicación.

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto será la obtención de una cartografía derivada empleando servicios OGC. Dado que se desconoce la funcionalidad y disponibilidad de dichos servicios se tendrá que hacer un análisis a priori de dichos servicios y a partir de este se seleccionará una zona de trabajo, objetivo y escala adecuada del mapa final. Objetivos Específicos: - Exploración y análisis de las diferentes IDEs dependientes de organizaciones oficiales. - Analizar la disponibilidad real de datos en sus correspondientes servicios de WFS, así como sus posibilidades de descarga y necesidad de registro. - Elección de una zona de trabajo, fin del mapa y escala adecuada. - Creación de una cartografía base. - Creación del mapa del Camino de Santiago a su paso por La Rioja y Navarra, relacionado con los monumentos y bodegas de la zona. - Impresión y maquetación.na de trabajo, objetivo y escala adecuada del mapa final. El Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) fue creado en 1994 y agrupa (en febrero de 2009) a 372 organizaciones públicas y privadas. Su fin es la definición de estándares abiertos e interoperables dentro de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica y de la World Wide Web. Persigue acuerdos entre las diferentes empresas del sector que posibiliten la interoperación de sus sistemas de geoprocesamiento y facilitar el intercambio de la información geográfica en beneficio de los usuarios. Facilitar el acceso del público en general a productos cartográficos y descargas de información geográfica de gran calidad, siempre actualizados y cumpliendo requisitos de interoperabilidad. En este análisis tenemos en cuenta los siguientes servicios: - Web Map Service (WMS), o Servicios Web de Mapas - Web Feature Services (WFS), o Servicios Web de Entidades vectoriales - Web Coverage Services (WCS), o Servicios Web de Coberturas ráster

    In Search of Human Remains in the Layers of a Passage Tomb: The Combination of ICP-MS, Fluorescence (XRF) and SEM Methods at the Cobertoria Dolmen (Salas, Asturias, Spain)

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    Este artículo resume los resultados de la primera investigación dentro del megalitismo asturiano sobre composiciones químicas de los horizontes funerarios. La combinación de tres técnicas analíticas permitió una caracterización detallada de los niveles del dolmen de la Cobertoria (Salas, Asturias), monumento datado sobre el 3500 a.C. En el texto se describen las técnicas utilizadas para analizar estos niveles, así como los resultados obtenidos y su relación con el contexto arqueológico. La presencia de algunos componentes corresponde a la naturaleza geológica del sitio mientras que otros, como el fósforo, deben ser explicados por otros motivos. El uso de FRX y de ICP-MS mostró cifras elevadas de este componente que no pueden ser entendidas sin tener en cuenta el uso funerario que tuvo esta entrada. La descomposición de cadáveres, o de elementos orgánicos asociados a estos, es aquí la razón más probable para explicar estos altos índices de fósforo

    Building a funerary chamber through several monumental architectures: first results of the research developed in the Cobertoria (Salas, Asturias, Spain)

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    El Proyecto de la Cobertoria está desarrollando desde 2015 dos líneas principales de actuación. Por un lado, la revisión del inventario arqueológico del concejo de Salas con prospecciones y análisis LiDAR para descubrir nuevas tumbas o comprender mejor las ya conocidas. Por el otro, excavaciones arqueológicas en megalitos de interés para estudiar el grado de implantación de las primeras sociedades agropecuarias en el centro-occidente de Asturias. La segunda línea de trabajo se centra en las excavaciones del túmulo de la Cobertoria, incluido en la necrópolis de la sierra de San Juan. Aquí se dan a conocer los resultados preliminares de la secuencia estratigráfica de este enclave y sus fases constructivas prehistóricas, todas ellas datadas radiométricamente. Diacronías y proyectos arquitectónicos muy diferentes, desarrollados todos ellos en un largo ciclo temporal, han salido a la luz estos años. La importancia del monumento trasciende además más allá de la Prehistoria, ya que los expoliadores acudieron atraídos por el conjunto de leyendas y nombres singulares que se concentran en el lugar.The archaeological Project of la Cobertoria has developed two main lines of research since 2015. One of these lines focuses on updating the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) of Salas’ council with excavations and LiDAR analysis, in order to gather more information about unknown barrows or to find new data about the sites already included in the SMR. The second line focuses on how the excavations of remarkable barrows are a key point to understand the degree of implementation of the first prehistoric farming societies in central-western Asturias. With this purpose in mind, barrow number five of the San Juan cemetery, called la Cobertoria, has been excavated since 2016. This paper gathers the first results of this research, based on the analysis of the stratigraphies and the radiocarbon and TL datings. Several hiatus, as well as different architectural projects, had been found in la Cobertoria. They were carried out in a short prehistoric time frame: five centuries. The importance of the site goes beyond the prehistoric horizon and plunderers have been sacked the tomb since post Medieval times attracted by the legends and unique names concentrated in the area

    Mg(II) and Ni(II) induce aggregation of poly(rA)poly(rU) to either tetra-aggregate or triplex depending on the metal ion concentration

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    The ability of magnesium(II) and nickel(II) to induce dramatic conformational changes in the synthetic RNA poly(rA)poly(rU) has been investigated. Kinetic experiments, spectrofluorometric titrations, melting experiments and DSC measurements contribute in shedding light on a complex behaviour where the action of metal ions (Na+, Mg2+, Ni2+), in synergism with other operators as the intercalating dye coralyne and temperature, all concur in stabilising a peculiar RNA form. Mg2+ and Ni2+ (M) bind rapidly and almost quantitatively to the duplex (AU) to give a RNA/metal ion complex (AUM). Then, by the union of two AUM units, an unstable tetraaggregate (UAUA(M2)*) is formed which, in the presence of a relatively modest excess of metal, evolves to the UAUM triplex by releasing a single AM strand. On the other hand, under conditions of high metal content, the UAUA(M2)* intermediate rearranges to give a more stable tetra-aggregate (UAUA(M2)). As concerns the role of coralyne (D), it is found that D strongly interacts with UAUA(M2). Also, in the presence of coralyne, the ability of divalent ions to promote the transition of AUD into UAUD is enhanced, according to the efficiency sequence [Ni2+]≫[Mg2+]≫[Na+]

    Binding of Al(III) to synthetic RNA and metal-mediated strand aggregation

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    Over the last few years, focused interest in aluminum has been heightened by recent studies regarding its health effects. Its possible relation with chronic diseases makes it convenient to address more in depth the reactivity of aluminum with biologically relevant molecules. The present work investigates the interaction of the aluminum ion with two synthetic RNAs, poly(rA) and poly(rU), through a detailed thermodynamic and kinetic study. The trivalent aluminum ion was kept in solution by complexation with the cacodylate anion, even at neutral pH, thus making the study with biological molecules feasible. The results obtained by spectrophotometry, circular dichroism, viscometry and thermal stability measurements indicate that aluminium strongly interacts with single and duplex RNA structures. The kinetic experiments point out that, even though cacodylate is required to keep the metal in solution, it actually inhibits the reaction of aluminum with RNA as it converts the metal into an unreactive dimer species. Notably, further interaction occurred in an excess of the aluminum/cacodylate complex, inducing aggregation of single-stranded RNAs. An analysis of the kinetic data has shown that the modes of aggregation of the two RNAs differ and such a difference can be ascribed to the diverse polynucleotide secondary structures. The observed stabilization of multiple-stranded systems by aluminum can serve as a model for future studies due to the interest aroused by this metal in the study of non-canonical nucleic acid structures

    The Use of Non-Prescribed Prescription Drugs and Substance Use Among College Students: A 9-Year Follow-Up Cohort Study

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    The use of non-prescribed prescription drugs (NPPD) is common in post-modern societies and a significant proportion of youth consume NPPD concomitantly to other drugs. We studied the prevalence of this consumption among university students in Spain, and its relationship to different patterns of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use. A cohort study among university students (n=1,380) (2005–2015) was carried out. Students completed self-administered questionnaires at initial (n=1,363, 98.7%), at 2 years (n=875, 75%) and 9 years of follow-up (n=415, 30.5%). Consumption of medicines (last 15 days), risky alcohol consumption (RC), heavy episodic drinking (HED), and tobacco and cannabis use were measured. Multilevel logistic regressions for repeated measures were generated using consumption of medicines with or without medical prescription as dependent variables. Prevalence of RC, HED, tobacco and cannabis had significant reductions during the follow-up. The use of NPPD increased over time, from 35.5% and 33.3% at 18 and 22 years old, respectively, to 49.6% at 27 years old. The highest rates were found among cannabis, tobacco, RC and HED users. For females, cannabis and RC constitute signitifant risk factors for use of NPPD. Conversely, for males, tobacco and cannabis were risk factors for such use of medicines. Later onset of alcohol consumption constitutes a protective factor for females. Our results reveal high prevalence of NPDD among university students. Those who consume NPPD are -at the same time- more likely to be alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis users than those who take medication under prescription. Preventive strategies should be reinforced and focused on this target population to decrease these high levels of poly-consumptionFunding for this study was provided by the Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (Spain) (2005/PN014) and the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Spain) (PI15/00165). CC has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No. 754535S

    Alcohol Consumption among Freshman College Students in Spain: Individual and Pooled Analyses of Three Cross-Sectional Surveys (2005, 2012 and 2016)

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    Objective: We aimed to evaluate changes in the prevalence of Heavy Episodic Drinking (HED) and Risky Consumption (RC) in freshman college students between 2005, 2012 and 2016; and to identify the explanatory variables of these patterns of consumption using individual and pooled analyses. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 5260 students was carried out in Spain in 2005, 2012 and 2016. HED and RC were determined using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Another questionnaire was used to measure parental education level and alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, age of onset of alcohol use and alcohol-related expectancies. Adjusted Odds Ratios (ORs) of RC and HED and their 95% Confidence Intervals were estimated using logistic regression. Results: An increase in the prevalence rates of HED and RC was observed among women during the three-study periods, nonetheless there was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence rates among men. High maternal educational level, living away from parental home, initiating drinking before the age of 15 and having positive expectancies about drinking are associated with higher prevalence of RC in both genders. High positive expectancies and early onset of alcohol use are associated with higher rates of HED among men and women. Students recruited in 2012 and 2016 are protected against RC in comparison to those recruited in 2005. Conclusions: The age of alcohol consumption onset is the most influencing factor on HED and RC for both genders in the three-study periods. Alcohol prevention campaigns targeting youth at early ages can reduce risky drinking behaviorsFunding for this study was provided by the Spanish National Plan on Drugs (PND, SPI/3462/2010). PND played no further rule in this studyS

    Heavy drinking and non-medical use of prescription drugs among university students: a 9-year follow-up

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    Purpose: Investigations suggest non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) is associated with heavy drinking and polydrug use among university students. Our aim is to determine the prevalence of NMUPD among university students and to analyze its association with alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use, and to study the role of the age of drinking onset. Methods: Cohort study among university Spanish students (n = 1382). Heavy drinking (HED) and risky consumption (RC) were measured with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Questions related to tobacco and cannabis consumption were also formulated. NMUPD refers to sedative, anxiety, or pain medication intake within the last 15 days without medical prescription. All variables were measured at 18, 20, and 27 years. Multilevel logistic regression for repeated measures was used to obtain adjusted OR (odds ratios). We analyzed the results from a gender perspective. Results: Prevalence of NMUPD were higher in students who already partook in NMUPD at the beginning of the study. NMUPD in women at 27 is 3 times higher than at 18, while in men it is twice. Among females, RC (OR = 1.43) and cannabis consumption (OR = 1.33) are risk factors for NMUPD, while later onset of alcohol use (OR = 0.66) constitutes a protective factor. No significant differences were found for males. Conclusions: NMUPD is prevalent among university students. RC and early onset of alcohol use were associated with higher prevalence of NMUPD in females. The prevalence of NMUPD increased with age in both sexes. Strategies for reducing risky drinking and delaying onset of drinking should be provided for university students. Pharmacists and parents should be alerted to the risk of NMUPDPlan Nacional sobre Drogas (Spain) (2005/PN014) and Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Spain) (PI15/00165)S