58 research outputs found
Efecto del ácido ascórbico en casos nuevos de Tuberculosis pulmonar baciloscopía positiva que reciben tratamiento en primer nivel de atención: Ensayo clínico controlado
El presente estudio es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado y controlado a triple ciego, fase IV, para evaluar el efecto del ácido ascórbico en pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar
baciloscopía positiva que reciben Tratamiento Acortado Estrictamente Supervisado
(TAES) en el primer nivel de atención durante Septiembre 2014 a Enero 2015. La dosis
de 500 mg de ácido ascórbico por vía oral cada día adicionada al TAES categoría I, con
los datos preliminares al momento se puede observar que en sujetos caso nuevo de
Tuberculosis pulmonar Bk+ adscritos al TAES con categoría I en el primer nivel de
atención del MINSAL produce una negativización temprana de baciloscopía a la dosis
#27, así mismo se pudo evidenciar una leve mejoría clínica y nutricional en todos los
sujetos tratados.Tesis para optar al título de Doctor en Medicin
Propiedades de la luz
In this work we present a text in which we can know and understand some of the light properties and, how these are manifested in natural and artificial phenomena that are observed in daily living and are based on physical principles as dispersion, interference and polarization.En este trabajo presentamos un texto en el cual se pueden conocer y comprender algunas de las propiedades que tiene la luz y como éstas se manifiestan en los fenómenos naturales y artificiales que se observan en el diario vivir y que se basan en principios físicos como lo son la dispersión, la interferencia y la polarización
Guía para la implementación de un callcenter basado en elastix interactuando con bases de datos MYSQL
Gracias a los avances en la tecnología que constantemente se realizan, los
equipos, los dispositivos y los medios de comunicación del momento se van
quedando atrás y los equipos que llegan aparecen con mejoras tanto de
rendimiento como de productividad, por lo que si las empresas no se encuentran
actualizando constantemente sus equipos, su producción podría disminuir y
podrían quedarse atrás, frente a la competencia que si es capaz de mantener
dicha producción.
Los sistemas de voz evolucionan de forma constante, en lo referente a servicios y
aplicaciones de los sistemas telefónicos digitales, trayendo consigo mejores
prestaciones, interfaces amigables al usuario, y buscando siempre ofrecer mejor
calidad en la transmisión de voz.Incluye bibliografía, anexos e índic
Análisis por técnicas morfológicas y secuenciación de ADN del polen atmosférico de la Comunidad de Madrid: estudios preliminares. Morphological analysis and DNA sequencing of atmospheric pollen in Madrid region: preliminary study
Hasta el momento, el estudio de las partículas biológicas en el aire que respiramos, se ha dirigido, principalmente, al conocimiento y control del polen y esporas, aeroalérgenos cuyo impacto en salud es bien conocido. Recientemente la comunidad científica ha sugerido que el aire es un ecosistema en sí mismo, que tendría su propia “aerobiota”, compuesta principalmente por virus, bacterias, esporas de hongos y polen. Para estudiar en conjunto toda esta biodiversidad en el aire urbano en la Comunidad de Madrid, surge el consorcio pluridisciplinar AIRBIOTA-CM, que integra a cinco grupos de investigación de áreas muy diferentes, que pretenden obtener una visión conjunta sobre la composición y dinámica de las partículas biológicas del aire, optimizando los sistemas de muestreo y análisis. Las propuestas más novedosas de las investigaciones iniciadas por este consorcio, son la utilización de técnicas innovadoras de génetica molecular como la secuenciación masiva aplicada en metagenómica (“Next Generation Sequencing”, NGS) y el uso de nuevas estrategias de captación, como el empleo de aeronaves no tripuladas, para muestrear a diferentes alturas y en localizaciones geográficas urbanas que a priori puedan tener una composición diferente de la biota y tengan una actividad humana relevante.
El proyecto se inicia en otoño de 2014, y los resultados preliminares que presentamos son los obtenidos mediante el análisis morfológico tradicional y el análisis del ADN del polen de una misma muestra procedente de un captador Burkard. Estos resultados evidencian que los captadores tipo Hirst utilizados por las redes aerobiológicas pueden emplearse también en los estudios de metagenómica, y que los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de ambos métodos de análisis coinciden a grandes rasgos, lo que revela que esta nueva metodología constituye una buena aproximación y posible alternativa al análisis morfológico, aunque se necesitan más estudios comparativos para adaptar bien esta tecnología.
So far, the study of the biological particles in the air we breathe has been mainly directed at knowing and controlling pollen and spores, aeroallergens with a well-known health impact., It has been recently suggested that the air is an ecosystem in itself, and that it probably has its own biota, which would be composed mainly of viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, and pollen. The main objective of the AIRBIOTA-CM project is to study this diverse set of biological particles present in the urban air in the Community of Madrid using a multidisciplinary, innovative and integrative approach.
The project is collaboration between five research groups in very different fields, which aim is to get an overview on the composition and dynamics of biological particles in the air to optimize the methods of sampling and analysis. As a methodological innovation, there is an attempt to apply the breakthroughs in metagenomics to the study of bioaerosols. In addition, new collection strategies have been used, such as the use of unmanned aerial vehicles by designing or adapting new samplers for these vehicles, to sample at different altitudes and in urban geographic locations that might presumably have a different composition of the biota and relevant human activity. The project started in autumn 2014. The preliminary results presented here refer to the comparison of results obtained by means of traditional (light microscopy) and metagenomics methods on atmospheric pollen in the Community of Madrid. The data obtained by both analyses coincide broadly, revealing that the molecular methodology is a good and possible alternative approach to morphological analysis, although more comparative studies to adapt well this technology are needed
Monitoring of airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 2: Metagenomics applied to urban environments
The air we breathe contains microscopic biological particles such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and pollen, some of them with relevant clinic importance. These organisms and/or their propagules have been traditionally studied by different disciplines and diverse methodologies like culture and microscopy. These techniques require time, expertise and also have some important biases. As a consequence, our knowledge on the total diversity and the relationships between the different biological entities present in the air is far from being complete. Currently, metagenomics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) may resolve this shortage of information and have been recently applied to metropolitan areas. Although the procedures and methods are not totally standardized yet, the first studies from urban air samples confirm the previous results obtained by culture and microscopy regarding abundance and variation of these biological particles. However, DNA-sequence analyses call into question some preceding ideas and also provide new interesting insights into diversity and their spatial distribution inside the cities. Here, we review the procedures, results and perspectives of the recent works that apply NGS to study the main biological particles present in the air of urban environments. [Int Microbiol 19(2): 69-80 (2016)]Keywords: airborne biological particles · metagenomics · next-generation sequencing (NGS) · air biomonitoring · urban aerobiolog
La maquinaria molecular de la exocitosis: ¿un nuevo marcador en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas?
Monitoring of the airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 1: Importance, variability and ratios
The first part of this review (“Monitoring of airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 1: Importance, variability and ratios”) describes the current knowledge on the major biological particles present in the air regarding their global distribution, concentrations, ratios and influence of meteorological factors in an attempt to provide a framework for monitoring their biodiversity and variability in such a singular environment as the atmosphere. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen and fragments thereof are the most abundant microscopic biological particles in the air outdoors. Some of them can cause allergy and severe diseases in humans, other animals and plants, with the subsequent economic impact. Despite the harsh conditions, they can be found from land and sea surfaces to beyond the troposphere and have been proposed to play a role also in weather conditions and climate change by acting as nucleation particles and inducing water vapour condensation. In regards to their global distribution, marine environments act mostly as a source for bacteria while continents additionally provide fungal and pollen elements. Within terrestrial environments, their abundances and diversity seem to be influenced by the land-use type (rural, urban, coastal) and their particularities. Temporal variability has been observed for all these organisms, mostly triggered by global changes in temperature, relative humidity, et cetera. Local fluctuations in meteorological factors may also result in pronounced changes in the airbiota. Although biological particles can be transported several hundreds of meters from the original source, and even intercontinentally, the time and final distance travelled are strongly influenced by factors such as wind speed and direction. [Int Microbiol 2016; 19(1):1-1 3]Keywords: airborne biological particles · airbiota · bioaerosols · meteorological factors · air-genome ratio
Monitoring of airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 1: Importance, variability and ratios
The first part of this review ("Monitoring of airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 1: Importance, variability and ratios") describes the current knowledge on the major biological particles present in the air regarding their global distribution, concentrations, ratios and influence of meteorological factors in an attempt to provide a framework for monitoring their biodiversity and variability in such a singular environment as the atmosphere. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen and fragments thereof are the most abundant microscopic biological particles in the air outdoors. Some of them can cause allergy and severe diseases in humans, other animals and plants, with the subsequent economic impact. Despite the harsh conditions, they can be found from land and sea surfaces to beyond the troposphere and have been proposed to play a role also in weather conditions and climate change by acting as nucleation particles and inducing water vapour condensation. In regards to their global distribution, marine environments act mostly as a source for bacteria while continents additionally provide fungal and pollen elements. Within terrestrial environments, their abundances and diversity seem to be influenced by the land-use type (rural, urban, coastal) and their particularities. Temporal variability has been observed for all these organisms, mostly triggered by global changes in temperature, relative humidity, et cetera. Local fluctuations in meteorological factors may also result in pronounced changes in the airbiota. Although biological particles can be transported several hundreds of meters from the original source, and even intercontinentally, the time and final distance travelled are strongly influenced by factors such as wind speed and direction
Monitoring of airborne biological particles in outdoor atmosphere. Part 2: Metagenomics applied to urban environments
The air we breathe contains microscopic biological particles such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and pollen, some of them with relevant clinic importance. These organisms and/or their propagules have been traditionally studied by different disciplines and diverse methodologies like culture and microscopy. These techniques require time, expertise and also have some important biases. As a consequence, our knowledge on the total diversity and the relationships between the different biological entities present in the air is far from being complete. Currently, metagenomics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) may resolve this shortage of information and have been recently applied to metropolitan areas. Although the procedures and methods are not totally standardized yet, the first studies from urban air samples confirm the previous results obtained by culture and microscopy regarding abundance and variation of these biological particles. However, DNA-sequence analyses call into question some preceding ideas and also provide new interesting insights into diversity and their spatial distribution inside the cities. Here, we review the procedures, results and perspectives of the recent works that apply NGS to study the main biological particles present in the air of urban environments
Análisis del comportamiento de visitantes internos ante el desarrollo urbanístico y territorial del microcentro de San Salvador.
En El Salvador, las actividades de recreación forman parte fundamental del desarrollo social, cultural y sostenible, siendo el turismo un sector con alto potencial de crecimiento en el país. A lo largo de la historia del Microcentro de San Salvador ha sufrido transformaciones arquitectónicas, geográficas y culturales debido a fenómenos naturales y sociales. Para solventar la situación, se pusieron en marcha diferentes planes de ordenamiento municipal. El último fue ejecutado durante la administración de 2015-2018 donde se implementaron herramientas de marketing urbanístico y territorial con el objetivo de impulsar un desarrollo turístico, fomentando actividades culturales y de recreación tanto para visitantes internos y extranjeros. Esta reestructuración fomentó desarrollo económico, social y cultural; establecimiento de nuevos comercios, mayor número de actividades culturales, restauración y remodelación de áreas recreativas; la afluencia de los visitantes al Microcentro aumentó junto a la seguridad pública proporcionada por la alcaldía de San Salvador. Gracias a la investigación, se determinó que los visitantes siguen ciertos patrones de conductas reflejados en diferentes teorías de comportamiento. Los resultados señalan que la diferencia de los patrones conductuales entre cada variable radica en la prioridad de sus necesidades: a pesar de que ambos realizan las mismas actividades, comparten gustos y preferencias, es indiscutible que su orden dista de ser igual. Existen altas perspectivas por parte de visitantes internos del Microcentro de San Salvador hacia un continuo desarrollo cultural y económico de la zona
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