312 research outputs found

    Pre-natal exposure to glucocorticoids causes changes in developmental circadian clock gene expression and post-natal behaviour in the Japanese quail

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    Funding: JLH was funded by UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Eastbio Doctoral Training Programme grant number BB/M010996/1. KAS was funded by BBSRC grant (BB/ R003777/1). TJS was funded by the Leverhulme Trust. LFB was funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet: 2021-05466).The embryonic environment is critical in shaping developmental trajectories and consequently post-natal phenotypes. Exposure to elevated stress hormones during this developmental stage is known to alter a variety of post-natal phenotypic traits, and it has been suggested that pre-natal stress can have long term effects on the circadian rhythm of glucocorticoid hormone production. Despite the importance of the circadian system, the potential impact of developmental glucocorticoid exposure on circadian clock genes, has not yet been fully explored. Here, we showed that pre-natal exposure to corticosterone (CORT, a key glucocorticoid) resulted in a significant upregulation of two key hypothalamic circadian clock genes during the embryonic period in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Altered expression was still present 10 days into post-natal life for both genes, but then disappeared by post-natal day 28. At post-natal day 28, however, diel rhythms of eating and resting were influenced by exposure to pre-natal CORT. Males exposed to pre-natal CORT featured an earlier acrophase, alongside spending a higher proportion of time feeding. Females exposed to pre-natal CORT featured a less pronounced shift in acrophase and spent less time eating. Both males and females exposed to pre-natal CORT spent less time inactive during the day. Pre-natal CORT males appeared to feature a delay in peak activity levels. Our novel data suggest that these circadian clock genes and aspects of diurnal behaviours are highly susceptible to glucocorticoid disruption during embryonic development, and these effects are persistent across developmental stages, at least into early post-natal life.Peer reviewe

    Antimatter and Matter Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN (The NEWMASS Experiment NA52)

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    Besides the dedicated search for strangelets NA52 measures light (anti)particle and (anti)nuclei production over a wide range of rapidity. Compared to previous runs the statistics has been increased in the 1998 run by more than one order of magnitude for negatively charged objects at different spectrometer rigidities. Together with previous data taking at a rigidity of -20 GeV/c we obtained 10^6 antiprotons 10^3 antideuterons and two antihelium3 without centrality requirements. We measured nuclei and antinuclei (p,d,antiprotons, antideuterons) near midrapidity covering an impact parameter range of b=2-12 fm. Our results strongly indicate that nuclei and antinuclei are mainly produced via the coalescence mechanism. However the centrality dependence of the antibaryon to baryon ratios show that antibaryons are diminished due to annihilation and breakup reactions in the hadron dense environment. The volume of the particle source extracted from coalescence models agrees with results from pion interferometry for an expanding source. The chemical and thermal freeze-out of nuclei and antinuclei appear to coincide with each other and with the thermal freeze-out of hadrons.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference on 'Fundamental Issues in Elementary Matter' Bad Honnef, Germany, Sept. 25-29, 200

    Sperm competition in yellow dung flies: No consistent effect of sperm size

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    The male competition for fertilization that results from female multiple mating promotes the evolution of increased sperm numbers and can impact sperm morphology, with theory predicting that longer sperm can at times be advantageous during sperm competition. If so, males with longer sperm should sire more offspring than competitors with shorter sperm. Few studies have directly tested this prediction, and findings are inconsistent. Here we assessed whether longer sperm provide a competitive advantage in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae). Initially, we let brothers with different temperature-mediated mean sperm lengths compete – thus minimizing confounding effects of genetic background – and found no clear advantage of longer sperm. We then used flies from lines subjected to bidirectional selection on phenoloxidase activity that had shown correlated evolutionary responses in sperm and female spermathecal duct lengths. This experiment also yielded no main effect of sperm size on siring success. Instead, there was a trend for a shorter-sperm advantage, but only when competing in females with longer spermathecal ducts. Our data corroborated many previously reported findings (last-male precedence, effects of copula duration and body size), suggesting our failure to find sperm size effects is not inherently due to our experimental protocols. We conclude that longer sperm are not competitively superior in yellow dung flies under most circumstances, and that, consistent with previous work, in this species competitive fertilization success is primarily determined by the relative numbers of sperm competing

    Defining Treatment‐Related Adverse Effects in Patients with Glioma: Distinctive Features of Pseudoprogression and Treatment‐Induced Necrosis

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    Background: Pseudoprogression (PP) and treatment‐induced brain tissue necrosis (TN) are challenging cancer treatment–related effects. Both phenomena remain insufficiently defined; differentiation from recurrent disease frequently necessitates tissue biopsy. We here characterize distinctive features of PP and TN to facilitate noninvasive diagnosis and clinical management. Materials and Methods: Patients with glioma and confirmed PP (defined as appearance 5 months after RT) were retrospectively compared using clinical, radiographic, and histopathological data. Each imaging event/lesion (region of interest [ROI]) diagnosed as PP or TN was longitudinally evaluated by serial imaging. Results: We identified 64 cases of mostly (80%) biopsy‐confirmed PP (n = 27) and TN (n = 37), comprising 137 ROIs in total. Median time of onset for PP and TN was 1 and 11 months after RT, respectively. Clinically, PP occurred more frequently during active antineoplastic treatment, necessitated more steroid‐based interventions, and was associated with glioblastoma (81 vs. 40%), fewer IDH1 mutations, and shorter median overall survival. Radiographically, TN lesions often initially manifested periventricularly (n = 22/37; 60%), were more numerous (median, 2 vs. 1 ROIs), and contained fewer malignant elements upon biopsy. By contrast, PP predominantly developed around the tumor resection cavity as a non‐nodular, ring‐like enhancing structure. Both PP and TN lesions almost exclusively developed in the main prior radiation field. Presence of either condition appeared to be associated with above‐average overall survival. Conclusion: PP and TN occur in clinically distinct patient populations and exhibit differences in spatial radiographic pattern. Increased familiarity with both conditions and their unique features will improve patient management and may avoid unnecessary surgical procedures. Implications for Practice: Pseudoprogression (PP) and treatment‐induced brain tissue necrosis (TN) are challenging treatment‐related effects mimicking tumor progression in patients with brain cancer. Affected patients frequently require surgery to guide management. PP and TN remain arbitrarily defined and insufficiently characterized. Lack of clear diagnostic criteria compromises treatment and may adversely affect outcome interpretation in clinical trials. The present findings in a cohort of patients with glioma with PP/TN suggest that both phenomena exhibit unique clinical and imaging characteristics, manifest in different patient populations, and should be classified as distinct clinical conditions. Increased familiarity with PP and TN key features may guide clinicians toward timely noninvasive diagnosis, circumvent potentially unnecessary surgical procedures, and improve response assessment in neuro‐oncology

    Competition for access to mates predicts female-specific ornamentation and male investment in relative testis size

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    Sexually selected ornaments are highly variable and the factors that drive variation in ornament expression are not always clear. Rare instances of female‐specific ornament evolution (such as in some dance fly species) are particularly puzzling. While some evidence suggests that such rare instances represent straightforward reversals of sexual selection intensity, the distinct nature of trade‐offs between ornaments and offspring pose special constraints in females. To examine whether competition for access to mates generally favours heightened ornament expression, we built a phylogeny and conducted a comparative analysis of Empidinae dance fly taxa that display female‐specific ornaments. We show that species with more female‐biased operational sex ratios in lek‐like mating swarms have greater female ornamentation, and in taxa with more ornate females, male relative testis investment is increased. These findings support the hypothesis that ornament diversity in dance flies depends on female receptivity to mates, which is associated with contests for nutritious nuptial gifts provided by males. Moreover, our results suggest that increases in female receptivity lead to higher levels of sperm competition among males. The incidence of both heightened pre‐mating sexual selection on females and post‐mating selection on males contradicts assertions that sex‐roles are straightforwardly reversed in dance flies

    Magnescope: Applications in nondestructive evaluation

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    This paper describes recent results obtained with the Magnescope, which has been used on location in industrial environments and has successfully detected impending fatigue failure, creep damage, applied stress, and microstructural differences. It is concluded that the device provides a useful nondestructive method for evaluating the mechanical properties of materials through the measurement of their structure sensitive magnetic properties

    Charged pion production in fixed target Pb + Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    Changes in pion production as a function of the impact parameter of the collision or the incident energy, may reveal characteristics of a possible first-order phase transition from nuclear to quark matter, as predicted by lattice quantum chromodynamics. In this paper we investigate charged pion production in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon near 0° production angle and at forward rapidity (4.3y6.3)(4.3\leq y \leq 6.3). The centrality dependence of pion production is shown in the impact parameter range ~ 2-12 fm at the rapidities y = 5.7 and 6.3. An enhancement in the pi-/pi+ ratio has been measured near beam rapidity, indicating Coulomb interaction of charged pions with the spectator protons. The charged pion yield per nucleon participating in the collision (N_p) at y = 5.7 increases faster than linearly with N_p, up to N_p~100 and then it saturates, while at y = 6.3 it does not exhibit any sudden change as a function of N_p

    Growth rate mediates hidden developmental plasticity of female yellow dung fly reproductive morphology in response to environmental stressors

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    Understanding how environmental variation influences even cryptic traits is important to clarify the roles of selection and developmental constraints in past evolutionary divergence and to predict future adaptation under environmental change. Female yellow dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria) typically have three sperm storage compartments (3S), but occasionally four (4S). More spermathecae are thought to be a female adaptation facilitating sperm sorting after mating, but the phenotype is very rare in nature. We manipulated the flies' developmental environment by food restriction, pesticides, and hot temperatures to investigate the nature and extent of developmental plasticity of this trait, and whether spermatheca expression correlates with measures of performance and developmental stability, as would be expected if 4S expression is a developmental aberration. The spermathecal polymorphism of yellow dung fly females is heritable, but also highly developmentally plastic, varying strongly with rearing conditions. 4S expression is tightly linked to growth rate, and weakly positively correlated with fluctuating asymmetry of wings and legs, suggesting that the production of a fourth spermatheca could be a nonadaptive developmental aberration. However, spermathecal plasticity is opposite in the closely related and ecologically similar Scathophaga suilla, demonstrating that overexpression of spermathecae under developmental stress is not universal. At the same time, we found overall mortality costs as well as benefits of 4S pheno- and genotypes (also affecting male siblings), suggesting that a life history trade-off may potentially moderate 4S expression. We conclude that the release of cryptic genetic variation in spermatheca number in the face of strong environmental variation may expose hidden traits (here reproductive morphology) to natural selection (here under climate warming or food augmentation). Once exposed, hidden traits can potentially undergo rapid genetic assimilation, even in cases when trait changes are first triggered by random errors that destabilize developmental processes

    Centrality dependence of K+ produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    The NA52 collaboration searches for a discontinuous behaviour of charged kaons produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV as a function of the impact parameter, which could reveal a hadron to quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase transition. The K+ yield is found to grow proportional to the number of participating ('wounded') nucleons N, above N=100. Previous NA52 data agree with the above finding and show a discontinuous behaviour in the kaon centrality dependence near N=100, marking the onset of strangeness enhancement -over e.g. p+A data at the same \sqrt{s}- in a chemically equilibrated phase.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the XXXth International Conference on High Energy Physics, 27 July - 2 August, 2000, Osaka, Japa