1,458 research outputs found

    Guidelines for data collection and monitoring for asset management of New Zealand road bridges

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    La centralidad de la cultura del traductor : la Celestina de Fernando de Rojas y la creación del estilo en traducción

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    Este artículo analiza el modo en que la cultura del traductor (clase social, educación, período histórico, experiencia académica y traductora) incide sobre las estrategias que afectan a una nueva versión inglesa de La Celestina y el modo en que el traductor crea el que considera que es el nuevo estilo necesario para emular la «conmoción de lo nuevo» lograda por el converso Fernando de Rojas frente a la tradición traductora basada en la imitación de un lenguaje pseudoisabelino. Se hacen comparaciones con otras traducciones históricas y contemporáneas, y se detalla el proceso de reescritura de un pasaje concreto. El traductor describe su concepción de la obra como primera novela europea (1500) en lugar de como obra teatral «defectuosa», así como sus decisiones interpretativas para resaltar la originalísima «igualdad de retórica» que culmina en la caracterización de la alcahueta y sus amigas. El pasaje seleccionado esboza el gusto de Celestina por el juego léxico y la energía intelectual que despliega en sus actividades como alcahueta. Dicho análisis desafía las limitaciones de la investigación basada en el análisis de corpus aplicado a la traducción.An analysis of how the culture of the translator - social class, education, historical period, experience of scholarship and translation - impacts on strategies for a new translation of La Celestina and of how the translator creates what he believes to be the necessary style to emulate converso Fernando de Rojas's "shock of the new" against the tradition of fashioning a pseudo-Elizabethan language. Comparisons are made with historic and contemporary re-translations and the drafting process of a particular passage is detailed. The translator describes his framing of the work as the first European novel (1500) rather than a "flawed" drama and the interpretive moves within his translation to highlight de Rojas's most original "equality of rhetoric" which climaxes in the characterisation of the procuress and her female friends. The selected passage delineates Celestina's appetite for verbal play and the intellectual energy deploys in her scurrilous activities. The analysis challenges the narrowness of corpus research on translating styles

    The Act of Translation : The Case of Juan Goytisolo's A Cock-Eyed Comedy

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    What defines the act of literary translation is the striving towards a final version that will be published. This movement towards words on a page encompasses re-readings, multiple research, re-draftings and possible collaborations with author and publisher, all framed by contract, copyright and the inevitable deadline. In this paper, the tasks of the translator will be analysed in the context of a work-in-progress -my translation of a recent novel by Juan Goytisolo, A Cock- Eyed Comedy, to be published by Serpents Tail in September 2002. The paper will focus on the interpretive moves of the translator within a determining process of writing. The translator is not a depersonalised subject but a critical, historical and emotional subjectivity. The different layers of consciousness are above all galvanised by the re-creation of the original text: a musical, verbal architecture whose making is no adequately captured by most of the concepts currently in vogue within Translation Studies.El que defineix l'acte de la traducció literària és l'esforç per donar una versió final que es publicarà. Aquest moviment cap a les paraules d'una pàgina comporta un seguit de lectures, recerques, revisions i possibles col·laboracions amb l'autor i l'editor, i tot plegat emmarcat pel contracte, el copyright i l'inevitable termini. En aquest article s'analitzen les tasques del traductor en el context d'un treball en curs: la meva traducció d'una novel·la recent de Juan Goytisolo, A Cock-Eyed Comedy, que serà publicada per Serpents Tail el setembre de 2002. L'article se centra en els passos interpretatius del traductor en el si d'un procés d'escriptura determinant. El traductor no és un subjecte despersonalitzat, sinó una subjectivitat crítica, històrica i emocional. Els diferents nivells de consciència estan fusionats per la recreació del text original, una arquitectura verbal i musical l'elaboració de la qual no és captada adequadament per la majoria dels conceptes actualment en boga en els Translation Studies

    Senior Recital: Peter Bush, tenor

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    Junior Recital: Peter Bush, tenor

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    An investigation into piston ring blowby and its effect on biogas engines

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    This study has investigated the severe corrosion of Biogas engines by the blowby gases. The formation of blowby its composition and flow rate have been measured and simulated. The nature of the piston ring sealing, lubrication and breakdown has been examined. A study of Biogas engines showed that Copper corrosion of the small end and camshaft bearings by HZS gas was the reason for engine failure. H2S is present in all Biogas at a concentration of usually less than 1%, but succeeds in chemical attack despite its good combustion properties, and the expected reaction with the bases present in the lubrication oil. The HZS was corroding in its gaseous state, but only those bearings with indirect lubrication. The solution to this problem is either to adopt force fed lubrication of the bearings, or to replace the alloy with Aluminium-Tin. The experimental work used four engines of differing wear. The constant speed work showed that the fuel content of blowby gas increases with load despite any increase in fuelling rate. This trend was consistent for all gaseous fuels present including H2S. A series of computer calculations of piston ring blowby were completed, using conventional and novel input data. The resultant blowby flow was within an order of magnitude, confirming that two blowby mechanisms, ring gap blowby and ring seal breakdown, are present on worn engines. The composition results showed that the fuel content of blowby is subject to the complex nature of the quenching process in the combustion chamber. A study of the oil present at the top ring showed that the oil is greatly modified when compared with the sump oil, as a result of thermal degradation and base depletion. The oil has a high acid TAN, which suggests it could encourage corrosive wear of the cylinder liner

    Structural design of an in-line bolted joint for the space shuttle solid rocket motor case segments

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    Results of a structural design study of an in-line bolted joint concept which can be used to assemble Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) case segments are presented. Numerous parametric studies are performed to characterize the in-line bolted joint behavior as major design variables are altered, with the primary objective always being to keep the inside of the joint (where the O-rings are located) closed during the SRM firing. The resulting design has 180 1-inch studs, an eccentricity of -0.5 inch, a flange thickness of 3/4 inch, a bearing plate thickness of 1/4 inch, and the studs are subjected to a preload which is 70% of ultimate. The mass penalty per case segment joint for the in-line design is 346 lbm more than the weight penalty for the proposed capture tang fix

    Lightweight structural design of a bolted case joint for the space shuttle solid rocket motor

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    The structural design of a bolted joint with a static face seal which can be used to join Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) case segments is given. Results from numerous finite element parametric studies indicate that the bolted joint meets the design requirement of preventing joint opening at the O-ring locations during SRM pressurization. A final design recommended for further development has the following parameters: 180 one-in.-diam. studs, stud centerline offset of 0.5 in radially inward from the shell wall center line, flange thickness of 0.75 in, bearing plate thickness of 0.25 in, studs prestressed to 70 percent of ultimate load, and the intermediate alcove. The design has a mass penalty of 1096 lbm, which is 164 lbm greater than the currently proposed capture tang redesign

    Topological feature selection for time series data

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    We use tools from applied topology for feature selection on vector-valued time series data. We employ persistent homology and sliding window embeddings to quantify the coordinated dynamics of time series. We describe an algorithm for gradient descent to assign scores, or weights, to the variables of the time series based on their contribution to the dynamics as quantified by persistent homology; the result is a convex combination of a subset of the variables. In this setting, we prove persistence vineyards are piecewise linear and we give a simple formula for the derivatives of the vines. We demonstrate our method of topological feature selection with synthetic data and C. elegans neuronal data.Comment: 15 page

    Elective Recital: Karla Faggard, soprano, & Peter Bush, tenor

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