42 research outputs found

    Teaching for Excellence and Equity

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    This open access book examines the interrelationship of national policy, teacher effectiveness, and student outcomes with a specific emphasis on educational equity. Using data from the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) conducted between 1995 and 2015, it investigates grade four and grade eight data to assess trends in key teacher characteristics (experience, education, preparedness, and professional development) and teacher behaviors (instructional time and instructional content), and how these relate to student outcomes. Taking advantage of national curriculum data collected by TIMSS to assess changes in curricular strategy across countries and how these may be related to changes in teacher and student factors, the study focuses on the distributional impact of curriculum and instruction on students, paying particular attention to overall inequalities and variations in socioeconomic status at the student and country level, and how such factors have altered over time. Multiple methods, including regression and fixed effects analyses, and structural equation modelling, establish the evolution of these associations over time

    Advancing human health in the decade ahead: pregnancy as a key window for discovery: A Burroughs Wellcome Fund Pregnancy Think Tank.

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    Recent revolutionary advances at the intersection of medicine, omics, data sciences, computing, epidemiology, and related technologies inspire us to ponder their impact on health. Their potential impact is particularly germane to the biology of pregnancy and perinatal medicine, where limited improvement in health outcomes for women and children has remained a global challenge. We assembled a group of experts to establish a Pregnancy Think Tank to discuss a broad spectrum of major gestational disorders and adverse pregnancy outcomes that affect maternal-infant lifelong health and should serve as targets for leveraging the many recent advances. This report reflects avenues for future effects that hold great potential in 3 major areas: developmental genomics, including the application of methodologies designed to bridge genotypes, physiology, and diseases, addressing vexing questions in early human development; gestational physiology, from immune tolerance to growth and the timing of parturition; and personalized and population medicine, focusing on amalgamating health record data and deep phenotypes to create broad knowledge that can be integrated into healthcare systems and drive discovery to address pregnancy-related disease and promote general health. We propose a series of questions reflecting development, systems biology, diseases, clinical approaches and tools, and population health, and a call for scientific action. Clearly, transdisciplinary science must advance and accelerate to address adverse pregnancy outcomes. Disciplines not traditionally involved in the reproductive sciences, such as computer science, engineering, mathematics, and pharmacology, should be engaged at the study design phase to optimize the information gathered and to identify and further evaluate potentially actionable therapeutic targets. Information sources should include noninvasive personalized sensors and monitors, alongside instructive "liquid biopsies" for noninvasive pregnancy assessment. Future research should also address the diversity of human cohorts in terms of geography, racial and ethnic distributions, and social and health disparities. Modern technologies, for both data-gathering and data-analyzing, make this possible at a scale that was previously unachievable. Finally, the psychosocial and economic environment in which pregnancy takes place must be considered to promote the health and wellness of communities worldwide

    Effects of short-term experimental manipulation of captive social environment on uropygial gland microbiome and preen oil volatile composition

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    IntroductionAvian preen oil, secreted by the uropygial gland, is an important source of volatile compounds that convey information about the sender’s identity and quality, making preen oil useful for the recognition and assessment of potential mates and rivals. Although intrinsic factors such as hormone levels, genetic background, and diet can affect preen oil volatile compound composition, many of these compounds are not the products of the animal’s own metabolic processes, but rather those of odor-producing symbiotic microbes. Social behavior affects the composition of uropygial microbial communities, as physical contact results in microbe sharing. We experimentally manipulated social interactions in captive dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) to assess the relative influence of social interactions, subspecies, and sex on uropygial gland microbial composition and the resulting preen oil odor profiles.MethodsWe captured 24 birds at Mountain Lake Biological Station in Virginia, USA, including birds from two seasonally sympatric subspecies – one resident, one migratory. We housed them in an outdoor aviary in three phases of social configurations: first in same-sex, same-subspecies flocks, then in male-female pairs, and finally in the original flocks. Using samples taken every four days of the experiment, we characterized their uropygial gland microbiome through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and their preen oil volatile compounds via GC-MS.ResultsWe predicted that if social environment was the primary driver of uropygial gland microbiome composition, and if microbiome composition in turn affected preen oil volatile profiles, then birds housed together would become more similar over time. Our results did not support this hypothesis, instead showing that sex and subspecies were stronger predictors of microbiome composition. We observed changes in volatile compounds after the birds had been housed in pairs, which disappeared after they were moved back into flocks, suggesting that hormonal changes related to breeding condition were the most important factor in these patterns.DiscussionAlthough early life social environment of nestlings and long-term social relationships have been shown to be important in shaping uropygial gland microbial communities, our study suggests that shorter-term changes in social environment do not have a strong effect on uropygial microbiomes and the resulting preen oil volatile compounds

    A Patient-Specific in silico Model of Inflammation and Healing Tested in Acute Vocal Fold Injury

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    The development of personalized medicine is a primary objective of the medical community and increasingly also of funding and registration agencies. Modeling is generally perceived as a key enabling tool to target this goal. Agent-Based Models (ABMs) have previously been used to simulate inflammation at various scales up to the whole-organism level. We extended this approach to the case of a novel, patient-specific ABM that we generated for vocal fold inflammation, with the ultimate goal of identifying individually optimized treatments. ABM simulations reproduced trajectories of inflammatory mediators in laryngeal secretions of individuals subjected to experimental phonotrauma up to 4 hrs post-injury, and predicted the levels of inflammatory mediators 24 hrs post-injury. Subject-specific simulations also predicted different outcomes from behavioral treatment regimens to which subjects had not been exposed. We propose that this translational application of computational modeling could be used to design patient-specific therapies for the larynx, and will serve as a paradigm for future extension to other clinical domains

    Data from: Nest shape explains variation in sexual dichromatism in New World blackbirds

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    Following Charles Darwin, research on sexual dichromatism has long focused on sexual selection driving ornamentation in males. However, Alfred Russel Wallace proposed another explanation – that dichromatism evolves as a result of selection favoring crypsis in incubating females. Many recent studies suggest that evolutionary changes in sexual dichromatism often result from changes in female, in addition to male, plumage, yet the evolutionary mechanisms driving changes in female plumage remain largely unexplained. To test Wallace's hypothesis, we examined variation in sexual dichromatism and nest shape, a proxy for predation risk, among New World blackbirds (Aves: Icteridae). Phylogenetic models reveal an evolutionary correlation between sexual dichromatism and nest exposure. Specifically, we found that transitions in monochromatic lineages with exposed nests toward either concealed nests or dichromatism were common. Although this evidence supports Wallace's hypothesis that female incubation leads to selection for crypsis or concealment, we also found that transitions to monomorphism were common, even in lineages with exposed nests – a result suggestive of a role for positive selection on female ornamentation. These patterns of plumage evolution support a growing body of work emphasizing the importance of developing and testing hypotheses to explain evolutionary changes in female, as well as male, ornamentation

    dataset 1

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    Main dataset describing the coverage for each tree and designations of nest shape and dichromatism for each species

    bayestraits files

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    Files required for running RJ-MCMC analyse

    Teaching for Excellence and Equity

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    This open access book examines the interrelationship of national policy, teacher effectiveness, and student outcomes with a specific emphasis on educational equity. Using data from the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) conducted between 1995 and 2015, it investigates grade four and grade eight data to assess trends in key teacher characteristics (experience, education, preparedness, and professional development) and teacher behaviors (instructional time and instructional content), and how these relate to student outcomes. Taking advantage of national curriculum data collected by TIMSS to assess changes in curricular strategy across countries and how these may be related to changes in teacher and student factors, the study focuses on the distributional impact of curriculum and instruction on students, paying particular attention to overall inequalities and variations in socioeconomic status at the student and country level, and how such factors have altered over time. Multiple methods, including regression and fixed effects analyses, and structural equation modelling, establish the evolution of these associations over time