7,043 research outputs found

    Filter cassette for high volume air sampler

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    Filter cassette eliminates or substantially reduces contamination of filter media by extraneous material and facilitates handling

    Statistical summary of air quality data for metropolitian Cleveland, Ohio, 1967 - 1972: Total suspended particulates, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide

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    Air-quality data for metropolitan Cleveland, Ohio, from 1967 through 1972 were collated and statistically analyzed. Total suspended particulates (TSP) departed from lognormal distribution in 1972. Nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, departed significantly from lognormal distributions in 1972. In Cleveland the Ohio standards were not met. However, the data indicate a general improvement in air quality. Unusually high precipitation (43% above the average in 1972) may be responsible in lowering these values from the 1971 levels. The mean values of TSP, NO2, and SO2 are 104, 191, and 83 microgram/cu m respectively

    50 Years of Research at the North Platte Experiment Station

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    The North Platte Experiment was established fifty years ago. So many changes have occurred since then that few people remember why research in dry land agriculture was started in Nebraska and other Great Plains states. In order to get a proper perspective, it may be well to consider some early history

    Use of Whatman-41 filters in air quality sampling networks (with applications to elemental analysis)

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    The operation of a 16-site parallel high volume air sampling network with glass fiber filters on one unit and Whatman-41 filters on the other is reported. The network data and data from several other experiments indicate that (1) Sampler-to-sampler and filter-to-filter variabilities are small; (2) hygroscopic affinity of Whatman-41 filters need not introduce errors; and (3) suspended particulate samples from glass fiber filters averaged slightly, but not statistically significantly, higher than from Whatman-41-filters. The results obtained demonstrate the practicability of Whatman-41 filters for air quality monitoring and elemental analysis

    Perceptual Oscillations in Gender Classification of Faces, Contingent on Stimulus History

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    Perception is a proactive ‘‘predictive’’ process, in which the brain takes advantage of past experience to make informed guesses about the world to test against sensory data. Here we demonstrate that in the judgment of the gender of faces, beta rhythms play an important role in communicating perceptual experience. Observers classified in forced choice as male or female, a sequence of face stimuli, which were physically constructed to be male or female or androgynous (equal morph). Classification of the androgynous stimuli oscillated rhythmically between male and female, following a complex waveform comprising 13.5 and 17 Hz. Parsing the trials based on the preceding stimulus showed that responses to androgynous stimuli preceded by male stimuli oscillated reliably at 17 Hz, whereas those preceded by female stimuli oscillated at 13.5 Hz. These results suggest that perceptual priors for face perception from recent perceptual memory are communicated through frequency-coded beta rhythms

    Inhibition of crown gall induction by Agrobacterium vitis strain F2/5 in grapevine and Ricinus

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    Biological control measures to prevent or reduce Agrobacterium vitis-caused losses in grapevine cultures are a worldwide increasing challenge. In the present study, tumour development in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) was induced in the sensitive cv. Kerner by infection with Agrobacterium vitis strain K306, carrying the p35Sgus-int plasmid with the gus gene as marker for transformation by the wild-type T-DNA. Pre-inoculation with the non-tumorigenic A. vitis strain F2/5 prevented tumour induction by K306(p35gus-int). Strain M1154, a Tn5 mutant of F2/5 in the luxR-like aviR gene, partially reduced the biocontrol efficiency compared to the wild-type F2/5. GUS-labelling by K306gus was poor in grapevine in contrast to A. tumefaciens 281(p35gus-int)-induced tumours in Arabidopsis, indicating plant species-dependent variable gus expression. To use the more reliable direct mRNA expression assay by RTPCR, a new experimental plant/A. vitis system was established with Ricinus communis as model plant. Ricinus/A. vitis galls were available within one week after K306gus inoculation, reached diameters up to 5 cm, and contained more abundant GUS staining. An additional transformation marker, mRNA expression of the T-DNA-located iaaM oncogene, coding auxin synthesis, was apparent only in tumours induced by the wild-type A. vitis strain K306 in the absence of the gus construct, which is under the control of the strong 35S CaMV promoter. F2/5 pre-inoculation suppressed GUS staining and gus mRNA expression. DAPI staining revealed the loss of vital fluorescent cell nuclei in F2/5-inoculated grapevine tissue and thus inhibition of any successful T-DNA transfer into host cell nuclei. Differentiation of typical circular vessels in globular vascular bundles in M1154-pretreated galls suggests interference with plant auxin metabolism. In conclusion, together with successfully establishing a new experimental model system, Ricinus/A. vitis, pre-treatment of host tissue with the non-pathogenic strain F2/5 resulted in preventing the integration and expression of the oncogenic T-DNA of A. vitis strains by locally necrotizing host cell nuclei.

    Preliminary analysis of an extensive one year survey of trace elements and compounds in the suspended particulate matter in Cleveland, Ohio

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    Beginning in 1971 a cooperative program has been carried on by the City of Cleveland Division of Air Pollution Control and NASA Lewis Research Center to study the trace element and compound concentrations in the ambient suspended particulate matter in Cleveland Ohio as a function of source, monitoring location and meteorological conditions. The major objectives were to determine the ambient concentration levels at representative urban sites and to develop a technique using trace element and compound data in conjunction with meteorological conditions to identify specific pollution sources which could be developed into a practical system that could be readily utilized by an enforcement agency

    Twitching motility among pathogenic Xylella fastidiosa isolates and the influence of bovine serum albumin on twitching-dependent colony fringe morphology

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    Fourteen Xylella fastidiosa isolates from grapevines exhibiting Pierce's disease symptoms in California, Texas, and South Carolina were examined for type IV pilus-mediated twitching motility, a phenotype previously observed in a Temecula isolate from California. All isolates except one from South Carolina (SC 19A97) exhibited colonies with a peripheral fringe on PW agar, a feature indicative of twitching motility; however, when individual cells of SC 19A97 were examined at higher magnifications twitching motility was observed. The presence and width of colony peripheral fringes were related to the amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) present in the medium; no or low levels of BSA (0-1.8 g L−1) permitted development of the widest fringe, whereas higher levels (3.5-6.0 g L−1) severely limited, and in many instances prevented, peripheral fringe development. The growth rate of the wild-type Temecula isolate in PW broth with different concentrations of BSA was similar for all tested concentrations of BSA; however, growth was significantly reduced in medium without BS

    Biological control of Agrobacterium vitis using non-tumorigenic agrobacteria

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    The potential use of non-tumorigenic agrobacteria for the biological control of grapevine crown gall in Italy was investigated. Four Agrobacterium strains belonging to the species radiobacter and vitis were used to protect the susceptible cv. Malvasia Istriana grafted on the rootstock 420 A. Moreover, the effect of each treatment on grapevine vitality and growth was assessed, including the percentage of marketable vines, as determined by industry standards. Treatments with the antagonists clearly reduced tissue colonization by the pathogen, with a drop of more than 100-fold in pathogen populations in the samples collected at the graft point. Another important effect was the reduction of internal necrosis possibly induced by the high concentration of the nopaline strain CG 49 used in the experiments. According to viticultural and commercial parameters, treatments with the antagonists improved the quality of the vines, with fewer discards and a high percentage of marketable material. Therefore, these antagonists can be considered beneficial for grapevine

    Hot-water treatment of dormant grape cuttings: Its effects on Agrobacterium tumefaciens and on grafting and growth of vine

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    Hot-water treatment (50°C for 20-30 min) was carried out to confirm its efficacy in eradicating Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 3 (AT3) in symptomless grape cuttings.After the forcing period, analyses of callus from cuttings of grape cvs Albana, Lambrusco Grasparossa, Rulander and Fortana, and from their graft combinations with the rootstocks 420A, 41B, 5BB and 1103P, revealed the low infection level in the grape material used. Dormant scion and rootstock cuttings treated identically in the U.S. gave similar results. Despite this, it was possible to confirm the efficacy of thermotherapy in eradicating the pathogen.An assessment was also made of the effect of treatment on growth parameters of grafted vines in the greenhouse and after 8 months in a field nursery. The effect of hot-water treatment on the vitality and growth of vines varied with the different scion-rootstock combinations. Treatment did not generally have detrimental effects on vitality; there were some negative effects on graft-take. The number and length of canes, as well as the diameter of the trunks, increased in most instances.The treatments and times usually did not affect bud survival and, in most cases, increased the level of callus formation at the base of cuttings.
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