487 research outputs found

    Kinetic Equations for Baryogenesis via Sterile Neutrino Oscillation

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    We investigate baryogenesis in the ν\nuMSM (neutrino Minimal Standard Model), which is the MSM extended by three right-handed neutrinos with masses below the electroweak scale. The baryon asymmetry of the universe can be generated by the mechanism via flavor oscillation of right-handed (sterile) neutrinos which are responsible to masses of active neutrinos confirmed by various experiments. We present the kinetic equations for the matrix of densities of leptons which describe the generation of asymmetries. Especially, the momentum dependence of the matrix of densities is taken into account. By solving these equations numerically, it is found that the momentum distribution is significantly distorted from the equilibrium one, since the production for the modes with lower momenta kTk \ll T (TT is the temperature of the universe) is enhanced, while suppressed for higher modes. As a result, the most important mode for the yields of sterile neutrinos as well as the baryon asymmetry is k2Tk \simeq 2 T, which is smaller than inferred from the thermal average. The comparison with the previous works is also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figure

    Prevalence of obesity and overweight and associated nutritional factors in a population-based Swiss sample: an opportunity to analyze the impact of three different European cultural roots.

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    Obesity represents a growing public health concern worldwide. The latest data in Switzerland rely on self-reported body mass index (BMI), leading to underestimation of prevalence. We reassessed the prevalence of obesity and overweight in a sample of the Swiss population using measured BMI and waist circumference (WC) and explored the association with nutritional factors and living in different linguistic-cultural regions. Data of 1,505 participants of a cross-sectional population-based survey in the three linguistic regions of Switzerland were analyzed. BMI and WC were measured, and a 24-h urine collection was performed to evaluate dietary sodium, potassium and protein intake. The prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was 32.2, 14.2 and 33.6%, respectively. Significant differences were observed in the regional distribution, with a lower prevalence in the Italian-speaking population. Low educational level, current smoking, scarce physical activity and being migrant were associated with an higher prevalence of obesity. Sodium, potassium and protein intake increased significantly across BMI categories. Obesity and overweight affect almost half of the Swiss adolescents and adults, and the prevalence appears to increase. Using BMI and WC to define obesity led to different prevalences. Differences were furthermore observed across Swiss linguistic-cultural regions, despite a common socio-economic and governmental framework. We found a positive association between obesity and salt intake, with a potential deleterious synergistic effect on cardiovascular risk

    Colour-electric spectral function at next-to-leading order

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    The spectral function related to the correlator of two colour-electric fields along a Polyakov loop determines the momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark near rest with respect to a heat bath. We compute this spectral function at next-to-leading order, O(alpha_s^2), in the weak-coupling expansion. The high-frequency part of our result (omega >> T), which is shown to be temperature-independent, is accurately determined thanks to asymptotic freedom; the low-frequency part of our result (omega << T), in which Hard Thermal Loop resummation is needed in order to cure infrared divergences, agrees with a previously determined expression. Our result may help to calibrate the overall normalization of a lattice-extracted spectral function in a perturbative frequency domain T << omega << 1/a, paving the way for a non-perturbative estimate of the momentum diffusion coefficient at omega -> 0. We also evaluate the colour-electric Euclidean correlator, which could be directly compared with lattice simulations. As an aside we determine the Euclidean correlator in the lattice strong-coupling expansion, showing that through a limiting procedure it can in principle be defined also in the confined phase of pure Yang-Mills theory, even if a practical measurement could be very noisy there.Comment: 38 page

    Ethnic differences in proximal and distal tubular sodium reabsorption are heritable in black and white populations.

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    BACKGROUND: Segmental handling of sodium along the proximal and distal nephron might be heritable and different between black and white participants. METHODS: We randomly recruited 95 nuclear families of black South African ancestry and 103 nuclear families of white Belgian ancestry. We measured the (FENa) and estimated the fractional renal sodium reabsorption in the proximal (RNaprox) and distal (RNadist) tubules from the clearances of endogenous lithium and creatinine. In multivariable analyses, we studied the relation of RNaprox and RNadist with FENa and estimated the heritability (h) of RNaprox and RNadist. RESULTS: Independent of urinary sodium excretion, South Africans (n = 240) had higher RNaprox (unadjusted median, 93.9% vs. 81.0%; P &lt; 0.001) than Belgians (n = 737), but lower RNadist (91.2% vs. 95.1%; P &lt; 0.001). The slope of RNaprox on FENa was steeper in Belgians than in South Africans (-5.40 +/- 0.58 vs. -0.78 +/- 0.58 units; P &lt; 0.001), whereas the opposite was true for the slope of RNadist on FENa (-3.84 +/- 0.19 vs. -13.71 +/- 1.30 units; P &lt; 0.001). h of RNaprox and RNadist was high and significant (P &lt; 0.001) in both countries. h was higher in South Africans than in Belgians for RNaprox (0.82 vs. 0.56; P &lt; 0.001), but was similar for RNadist (0.68 vs. 0.50; P = 0.17). Of the filtered sodium load, black participants reabsorb more than white participants in the proximal nephron and less postproximally. CONCLUSION: Segmental sodium reabsorption along the nephron is highly heritable, but the capacity for regulation in the proximal and postproximal tubules differs between whites and blacks

    Right-Handed Sector Leptogenesis

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    Instead of creating the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe by the decay of right-handed (RH) neutrinos to left-handed leptons, we propose to generate it dominantly by the decay of the RH neutrinos to RH leptons. This mechanism turns out to be successful in large regions of parameter space. It may work, in particular, at a scale as low as \sim~TeV, with no need to invoke quasi-degenerate RH neutrino masses to resonantly enhance the asymmetry. Such a possibility can be probed experimentally by the observation at colliders of a singlet charged Higgs particle and of RH neutrinos. Other mechanisms which may lead to successful leptogenesis from the RH lepton sector interactions are also briefly presented. The incorporation of these scenarios in left-right symmetric and unified models is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, latex, axodraw; minor clarifications and references added, extended discussion of the signatures at collider

    Blood pressure changes after renal denervation at 10 European expert centers

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    We did a subject-level meta-analysis of the changes (Δ) in blood pressure (BP) observed 3 and 6 months after renal denervation (RDN) at 10 European centers. Recruited patients (n=109; 46.8% women; mean age 58.2 years) had essential hypertension confirmed by ambulatory BP. From baseline to 6 months, treatment score declined slightly from 4.7 to 4.4 drugs per day. Systolic/diastolic BP fell by 17.6/7.1 mm Hg for office BP, and by 5.9/3.5, 6.2/3.4, and 4.4/2.5 mm Hg for 24-h, daytime and nighttime BP (P0.03 for all). In 47 patients with 3- and 6-month ambulatory measurements, systolic BP did not change between these two time points (P0.08). Normalization was a systolic BP of &#60;140 mm Hg on office measurement or &#60;130 mm Hg on 24-h monitoring and improvement was a fall of 10 mm Hg, irrespective of measurement technique. For office BP, at 6 months, normalization, improvement or no decrease occurred in 22.9, 59.6 and 22.9% of patients, respectively; for 24-h BP, these proportions were 14.7, 31.2 and 34.9%, respectively. Higher baseline BP predicted greater BP fall at follow-up; higher baseline serum creatinine was associated with lower probability of improvement of 24-h BP (odds ratio for 20-μmol l(-1) increase, 0.60; P=0.05) and higher probability of experiencing no BP decrease (OR, 1.66; P=0.01). In conclusion, BP responses to RDN include regression-to-the-mean and remain to be consolidated in randomized trials based on ambulatory BP monitoring. For now, RDN should remain the last resort in patients in whom all other ways to control BP failed, and it must be cautiously used in patients with renal impairment

    Pioglitazone improves fat distribution, the adipokine profile and hepatic insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic end-stage renal disease subjects on maintenance dialysis: a randomized cross-over pilot study.

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    BACKGROUND: Fat redistribution, increased inflammation and insulin resistance are prevalent in non-diabetic subjects treated with maintenance dialysis. The aim of this study was to test whether pioglitazone, a powerful insulin sensitizer, alters body fat distribution and adipokine secretion in these subjects and whether it is associated with improved insulin sensitivity. TRIAL DESIGN: This was a double blind cross-over study with 16 weeks of pioglitazone 45 mg vs placebo involving 12 subjects. METHODS: At the end of each phase, body composition (anthropometric measurements, dual energy X-ray absorptometry (DEXA), abdominal CT), hepatic and muscle insulin sensitivity (2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp with 2H2-glucose) were measured and fasting blood adipokines and cardiometabolic risk markers were monitored. RESULTS: Four months treatment with pioglitazone had no effect on total body weight or total fat but decreased the visceral/sub-cutaneous adipose tissue ratio by 16% and decreased the leptin/adiponectin (L/A) ratio from 3.63×10-3 to 0.76×10-3. This was associated with a 20% increase in hepatic insulin sensitivity without changes in muscle insulin sensitivity, a 12% increase in HDL cholesterol and a 50% decrease in CRP. CONCLUSIONS/LIMITATIONS: Pioglitazone significantly changes the visceral-subcutaneous fat distribution and plasma L/A ratio in non diabetic subjects on maintenance dialysis. This was associated with improved hepatic insulin sensitivity and a reduction of cardio-metabolic risk markers. Whether these effects may improve the outcome of non diabetic end-stage renal disease subjects on maintenance dialysis still needs further evaluation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrial.gov NCT01253928

    Scalar Multiplet Dark Matter

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    We perform a systematic study of the phenomenology associated to models where the dark matter consists in the neutral component of a scalar SU(2)_L n-uplet, up to n=7. If one includes only the pure gauge induced annihilation cross-sections it is known that such particles provide good dark matter candidates, leading to the observed dark matter relic abundance for a particular value of their mass around the TeV scale. We show that these values actually become ranges of values -which we determine- if one takes into account the annihilations induced by the various scalar couplings appearing in these models. This leads to predictions for both direct and indirect detection signatures as a function of the dark matter mass within these ranges. Both can be largely enhanced by the quartic coupling contributions. We also explain how, if one adds right-handed neutrinos to the scalar doublet case, the results of this analysis allow to have altogether a viable dark matter candidate, successful generation of neutrino masses, and leptogenesis in a particularly minimal way with all new physics at the TeV scale.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figure

    Knotting probabilities after a local strand passage in unknotted self-avoiding polygons

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    We investigate the knotting probability after a local strand passage is performed in an unknotted self-avoiding polygon on the simple cubic lattice. We assume that two polygon segments have already been brought close together for the purpose of performing a strand passage, and model this using Theta-SAPs, polygons that contain the pattern Theta at a fixed location. It is proved that the number of n-edge Theta-SAPs grows exponentially (with n) at the same rate as the total number of n-edge unknotted self-avoiding polygons, and that the same holds for subsets of n-edge Theta-SAPs that yield a specific after-strand-passage knot-type. Thus the probability of a given after-strand-passage knot-type does not grow (or decay) exponentially with n, and we conjecture that instead it approaches a knot-type dependent amplitude ratio lying strictly between 0 and 1. This is supported by critical exponent estimates obtained from a new maximum likelihood method for Theta-SAPs that are generated by a composite (aka multiple) Markov Chain Monte Carlo BFACF algorithm. We also give strong numerical evidence that the after-strand-passage knotting probability depends on the local structure around the strand passage site. Considering both the local structure and the crossing-sign at the strand passage site, we observe that the more "compact" the local structure, the less likely the after-strand-passage polygon is to be knotted. This trend is consistent with results from other strand-passage models, however, we are the first to note the influence of the crossing-sign information. Two measures of "compactness" are used: the size of a smallest polygon that contains the structure and the structure's "opening" angle. The opening angle definition is consistent with one that is measurable from single molecule DNA experiments.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics