6,120 research outputs found

    Precision measurement with an optical Josephson junction

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    We study a new type of Josephson device, the so-called "optical Josephson junction" as proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 170402 (2005). Two condensates are optically coupled through a waveguide by a pair of Bragg beams. This optical Josephson junction is analogous to the usual Josephson junction of two condensates weakly coupled via tunneling. We discuss the use of this optical Josephson junction, for making precision measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    EBSD mapping of herringbone domain structures in tetragonal piezoelectrics

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    Herringbone domain structures have been mapped using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in two tetragonal piezoelectrics, lead zirconate titanate, [Pb(Zr,Ti)O<sub>3</sub>] and bismuth ferrite – lead titanate, [(PbTi)<sub>0.5</sub>(BiFe)<sub>0.5</sub>O<sub>3</sub>]. Analysis of the domain misorientations across the band junctions shows that the structures correspond very well to crystallographic models. High resolution mapping with a 20 nm step size allowed the crystal rotation across one of these band junctions in lead zirconate titanate to be studied in detail and allowed an improved estimation of the peak strain at the junction, of 0.56 GPa. The significance of this for crack nucleation and propagation in such materials is discussed

    Analysis of high quality superconducting resonators: consequences for TLS properties in amorphous oxides

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    1/f1/f noise caused by microscopic Two-Level Systems (TLS) is known to be very detrimental to the performance of superconducting quantum devices but the nature of these TLS is still poorly understood. Recent experiments with superconducting resonators indicates that interaction between TLS in the oxide at the film-substrate interface is not negligible. Here we present data on the loss and 1/f1/f frequency noise from two different Nb resonators with and without Pt capping and discuss what conclusions can be drawn regarding the properties of TLS in amorphous oxides. We also estimate the concentration and dipole moment of the TLS.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Hydrogen and fluorine in the surfaces of lunar samples

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    The resonant nuclear reaction F-19 (p, alpha gamma)0-16 has been used to perform depth sensitive analyses for both fluorine and hydrogen in lunar samples. The resonance at 0.83 MeV (center-of-mass) in this reaction has been applied to the measurement of the distribution of trapped solar protons in lunar samples to depths of about 1/2 micrometer. These results are interpreted in terms of terrestrial H2O surface contamination and a redistribution of the implanted solar H which has been influenced by heavy radiation damage in the surface region. Results are also presented for an experiment to test the penetration of H2O into laboratory glass samples which have been irradiated with 0-16 to simulate the radiation damaged surfaces of lunar glasses. Fluorine determinations have been performed in a 1 pm surface layer on lunar samples using the same F-19 alpha gamma)0-16 resonance. The data are discussed from the standpoint of lunar fluorine and Teflon contamination

    Entanglement between atomic condensates in an optical lattice: effects of interaction range

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    We study the area-dependent entropy and two-site entanglement for two state Bose-Einstein condensates in a 2D optical lattice. We consider the case where the array of two component condensates behave like an ensemble of spin-half particles with the interaction to its nearest neighbors and next nearest neighbors. We show how the Hamiltonian of their Bose-Einstein condensate lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions can be mapped into a harmonic lattice. We use this to determine the entropy and entanglement content of the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, title change

    Mass fractionation of the lunar surface by solar wind sputtering

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    The sputtering of the lunar surface by the solar wind is examined as a possible mechanism of mass fractionation. Simple arguments based on current theories of sputtering and the ballistics of the sputtered atoms suggest that most ejected atoms will have sufficiently high energy to escape lunar gravity. However, the fraction of atoms which falls back to the surface is enriched in the heavier atomic components relative to the lighter ones. This material is incorporated into the heavily radiation-damaged outer surfaces of grains where it is subject to resputtering. Over the course of several hundred years an equilibrium surface layer, enriched in heavier atoms, is found to form. The dependence of the calculated results upon the sputtering rate and on the details of the energy spectrum of sputtered particles is investigated. It is concluded that mass fractionation by solar wind sputtering is likely to be an important phenomenon on the lunar surface

    Modeling the non-recycled Fermi gamma-ray pulsar population

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    We use Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detections and upper limits on non-recycled pulsars obtained from the Large Area Telescope (LAT) to constrain how the gamma-ray luminosity L depends on the period P and the period derivative \dot{P}. We use a Bayesian analysis to calculate a best-fit luminosity law, or dependence of L on P and \dot{P}, including different methods for modeling the beaming factor. An outer gap (OG) magnetosphere geometry provides the best-fit model, which is L \propto P^{-a} \dot{P}^{b} where a=1.36\pm0.03 and b=0.44\pm0.02, similar to but not identical to the commonly assumed L \propto \sqrt{\dot{E}} \propto P^{-1.5} \dot{P}^{0.5}. Given upper limits on gamma-ray fluxes of currently known radio pulsars and using the OG model, we find that about 92% of the radio-detected pulsars have gamma-ray beams that intersect our line of sight. By modeling the misalignment of radio and gamma-ray beams of these pulsars, we find an average gamma-ray beaming solid angle of about 3.7{\pi} for the OG model, assuming a uniform beam. Using LAT-measured diffuse fluxes, we place a 2{\sigma} upper limit on the average braking index and a 2{\sigma} lower limit on the average surface magnetic field strength of the pulsar population of 3.8 and 3.2 X 10^{10} G, respectively. We then predict the number of non-recycled pulsars detectable by the LAT based on our population model. Using the two-year sensitivity, we find that the LAT is capable of detecting emission from about 380 non-recycled pulsars, including 150 currently identified radio pulsars. Using the expected five-year sensitivity, about 620 non-recycled pulsars are detectable, including about 220 currently identified radio pulsars. We note that these predictions significantly depend on our model assumptions.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, Accepted by ApJ on 8 September 201

    Investigating source confusion in PMN J1603-4904

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    PMN J1603-4904 is a likely member of the rare class of γ\gamma-ray emitting young radio galaxies. Only one other source, PKS 1718-649, has been confirmed so far. These objects, which may transition into larger radio galaxies, are a stepping stone to understanding AGN evolution. It is not completely clear how these young galaxies, seen edge-on, can produce high-energy γ\gamma-rays. PMN J1603-4904 has been detected by TANAMI Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations and has been followed-up with multiwavelength observations. A Fermi/LAT γ\gamma-ray source has been associated with it in the LAT catalogs. We have obtained Chandra observations of the source in order to consider the possibility of source confusion, due to the relatively large positional uncertainty of Fermi/LAT. The goal was to investigate the possibility of other X-ray bright sources in the vicinity of PMN J1603-4904 that could be counterparts to the γ\gamma-ray emission. With Chandra/ACIS, we find no other sources in the uncertainty ellipse of Fermi/LAT data, which includes an improved localization analysis of 8 years of data. We further study the X-ray fluxes and spectra. We conclude that PMN J1603-4904 is indeed the second confirmed γ\gamma-ray bright young radio galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&