460 research outputs found

    Spin-transfer switching and low-field precession in exchange-biased spin valve nano-pillars

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    Using a three-dimensional focused-ion beam lithography process we have fabricated nanopillar devices which show spin transfer torque switching at zero external magnetic fields. Under a small in-plane external bias field, a field-dependent peak in the differential resistance versus current is observed similar to that reported in asymmetrical nanopillar devices. This is interpreted as evidence for the low-field excitation of spin waves which in our case is attributed to a spin-scattering asymmetry enhanced by the IrMn exchange bias layer coupled to a relatively thin CoFe fixed layer.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. To appear in APL, April 200

    Cygnus X-3 in outburst : quenched radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity

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    We present multiwavelength observations of Cygnus X-3 during an extended outburst in 1994 February - March. Intensive radio monitoring at 13.3, 3.6 & 2.0 cm is complemented by observations at (sub)millimetre and infrared wavelengths, which find Cyg X-3 to be unusually bright and variable, and include the first reported detection of the source at 0.45 mm. We report the first confirmation of quenched radio emission prior to radio flaring independent of observations at Green Bank. The observations reveal evidence for wavelength-dependent radiation losses and gradually decreasing opacity in the environment of the radio jet. We find that the radiation losses are likely to be predominantly inverse Compton losses experienced by the radio-emitting electrons in the strong radiation field of a luminous companion to the compact object. We interpret the decreasing opacity during the flare sequence as resulting from a decreasing proportion of thermal electrons entrained in the jet, reflecting a decreasing density in the region of jet formation. We present, drawing in part on the work of other authors, a model based upon mass-transfer rate instability predicting gamma-ray, X-ray, infrared and radio trends during a radio flaring sequence.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Critical Current Oscillations in Strong Ferromagnetic Pi-Junctions

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    We report magnetic and electrical measurements of Nb Josephson junctions with strongly ferromagnetic barriers of Co, Ni and Ni80Fe20 (Py). All these materials show multiple oscillations of critical current with barrier thickness implying repeated 0-pi phase-transitions in the superconducting order parameter. We show in particular that the Co barrier devices can be accurately modelled using existing clean limit theories and so that, despite the high exchange energy (309 meV), the large IcRN value in the pi-state means Co barriers are ideally suited to the practical development of superconducting pi-shift devices.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures 1 table. Revised version as accepted for publication. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Planar Superconductor-Normal-Superconductor Josephson Junctions in MgB2

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    Since the discovery of superconductivity in MgB2 considerable progress has been made in determining the physical properties of the material, which are promising for bulk conductors. Tunneling studies show that the material is reasonably isotropic and has a well-developed s-wave energy gap (∆), implying that electronic devices based on MgB2 could operate close to 30K. Although a number of groups have reported the formation of thin films by post-reaction of precursors, heterostructure growth is likely to require considerable technological development, making single-layer device structures of most immediate interest. MgB2 is unlike the cuprate superconductors in that grain boundaries do not form good Josephson junctions, and although a SQUID based on MgB2 nanobridges has been fabricated, the nanobridges themselves do not show junction-like properties. Here we report the successful creation of planar MgB2 junctions by localised ion damage in thin films. The critical current (IC) of these devices is strongly modulated by applied microwave radiation and magnetic field. The product of the critical current and normal state resistance (ICRN) is remarkably high, implying a potential for very high frequency applications.Comment: 7 pages including 4 figure

    DMI meter: Measuring the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction inversion in Pt/Co/Ir/Pt multilayers

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    We describe a field-driven domain wall creep-based method for the quantification of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) in perpendicularly magnetized thin films. The use of only magnetic fields to drive wall motion removes the possibility of mixing with current-related effects such as spin Hall effect or Rashba field, as well as the complexity arising from lithographic patterning. We demonstrate this method on sputtered Pt/Co/Ir/Pt multilayers with a variable Ir layer thickness. By inserting an ultrathin layer of Ir at the Co/Pt interface we can reverse the sign of the effective DMI acting on the sandwiched Co layer, and therefore continuously change the domain wall (DW) structure from right- to the left-handed N\'{e}el wall. We also show that the DMI shows exquisite sensitivity to the exact details of the atomic structure at the film interfaces by comparison with a symmetric epitaxial Pt/Co/Pt multilayer

    Legislative strengthening meets party support in international assistance: a closer relationship?

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    Recent reports recommend that international efforts to help strengthen legislatures in emerging democracies should work more closely with support for building stronger political parties and competitive party systems. This article locates the recommendations within international assistance more generally and reviews the arguments. It explores problems that must be addressed if the recommendations are to be implemented effectively. The article argues that an alternative, issue-based approach to strengthening legislatures and closer links with civil society could gain more traction. However, that is directed more centrally at promoting good governance for the purpose of furthering development than at democratisation goals sought by party aid and legislative strengtheners in the democracy assistance industry

    The incidence of Gorlin syndrome in 173 consecutive cases of medulloblastoma.

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    We have investigated the incidence of Gorlin syndrome (GS) in patients with the childhood brain tumour, medulloblastoma. One hundred and seventy-three consecutive cases of medulloblastoma in the North-West Regional Health Authority between 1954 and 1989 (Manchester Regional Health Board before 1974) were studied. After review of case notes, X-rays and health surveys only 2/173 cases had evidence supporting a diagnosis of GS. A further case at 50% risk of GS died of a brain tumour aged 4 years. The incidence of GS in medulloblastoma is, therefore, probably between 1-2%. A population based study of GS in the region started in 1983 was used to assess the incidence of medulloblastoma in GS, which was found to be between 3-5%. This figure is lower than previous estimates, but this is the first population based study undertaken. In view of the early age of onset in GS (mean 2 years) children presenting with medulloblastoma, especially under 5 years, should be examined for signs of the syndrome. Those at high risk of developing multiple invasive basal cell carcinomata will then be identified

    Frustration and thermalization in an artificial magnetic quasicrystal

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    Artificial frustrated systems offer a playground to study the emergent properties of interacting systems. Most work to date has been on spatially periodic systems, known as artificial spin ices when the interacting elements are magnetic. Here we have studied artificial magnetic quasicrystals based on quasiperiodic Penrose tiling patterns of interacting nanomagnets. We construct a low-energy configuration from a step-by-step approach that we propose as a ground state. Topologically induced emergent frustration means that this configuration cannot be constructed from vertices in their ground states. It has two parts, a quasi-one-dimensional ‘skeleton’ that spans the entire pattern and is capable of long-range order, surrounding ‘flippable’ clusters of macrospins that lead to macroscopic degeneracy. Magnetic force microscopy imaging of Penrose tiling arrays revealed superdomains that are larger for more strongly coupled arrays, especially after annealing the array above its blocking temperature

    Novel Josephson Junction Geometries in NbCu bilayers fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Microscope

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    We explore novel junction configurations as an extension of our established Focused Ion Beam-based low TC SNS Junction fabrication technique. By milling a circular trench (diameter 1 micron, width 50 nm) in a 125 nm Nb 75 nm Cu bilayer we define a superconducting island connected to the bulk of the film by a normal metal barrier and entirely enclosed in-plane by the superconducting film. The circular junction properties can be probed by depositing an insulating layer over the device and drilling a 0.3 micron diameter hole down to the island to allow a Nb via to be deposited. Device behavior has been studied at 4.2 K. An SNS-like current voltage characteristic and Shapiro steps are observed. It is in terms of magnetic field behavior that the device exhibits novel characteristics: as the device is entirely enclosed in type II superconductor, when a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the film, only quantized flux can enter the junction. Hence as applied magnetic field is increased the junction critical current is unchanged, then abruptly suppressed as soon as a flux quantum enters (close to the expected value of lower critical field for the film).Comment: 10 pages including 6 figures Minor Corrections inlight of referees' comment

    Dynamical N-body Equlibrium in Circular Dilaton Gravity

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    We obtain a new exact equilibrium solution to the N-body problem in a one-dimensional relativistic self-gravitating system. It corresponds to an expanding/contracting spacetime of a circle with N bodies at equal proper separations from one another around the circle. Our methods are straightforwardly generalizable to other dilatonic theories of gravity, and provide a new class of solutions to further the study of (relativistic) one-dimensional self-gravitating systems.Comment: 4 pages, latex, reference added, minor changes in wordin
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