591 research outputs found

    Sophisticated software systems for small self-contained space shuttle payload G285

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    The increasing development of small microprocessor systems has allowed the use of more advanced software in the area of control systems. This paper discusses the development of software for small Space Shuttle Getaway Special Project payloads using payload G285 as a case example. The development process behind a space related software package (as in any software package) is a major factor. The design process for G285 is discussed in some detail along with the general scheme behind data acquisition and thermal environmental control for a space related payload. Additionally, key concepts in a software system concern the implementation of redundant systems, error detection, and error response. All of these factors are discussed

    Laws, morals and politics

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    Resource Allocation for Outdoor-to-Indoor Multicarrier Transmission with Shared UE-side Distributed Antenna Systems

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    In this paper, we study the resource allocation algorithm design for downlink multicarrier transmission with a shared user equipment (UE)-side distributed antenna system (SUDAS) which utilizes both licensed and unlicensed frequency bands for improving the system throughput. The joint UE selection and transceiver processing matrix design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem for the maximization of the end-to-end system throughput (bits/s). In order to obtain a tractable resource allocation algorithm, we first show that the optimal transmitter precoding and receiver post-processing matrices jointly diagonalize the end-to-end communication channel. Subsequently, the optimization problem is converted to a scalar optimization problem for multiple parallel channels, which is solved by using an asymptotically optimal iterative algorithm. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed resource allocation algorithm for the SUDAS achieves an excellent system performance and provides a spatial multiplexing gain for single-antenna UEs.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 201

    Visualization and phenotyping of proinflammatory antigen-specific T cells during collagen-induced arthritis in a mouse with a fixed collagen type II-specific transgenic T-cell receptor beta-chain

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    Introduction: The Vbeta12-transgenic mouse was previously generated to investigate the role of antigen-specific T cells in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), an animal model for rheumatoid arthritis. This mouse expresses a transgenic collagen type II (CII)-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-chain and consequently displays an increased immunity to CII and increased susceptibility to CIA. However, while the transgenic Vbeta12 chain recombines with endogenous alpha-chains, the frequency and distribution of CII-specific T cells in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse has not been determined. The aim of the present report was to establish a system enabling identification of CII-specific T cells in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse in order to determine to what extent the transgenic expression of the CII-specific beta-chain would skew the response towards the immunodominant galactosylated T-cell epitope and to use this system to monitor these cells throughout development of CIA. Methods: We have generated and thoroughly characterized a clonotypic antibody, which recognizes a TCR specific for the galactosylated CII(260-270) peptide in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse. Hereby, CII-specific T cells could be quantified and followed throughout development of CIA, and their phenotype was determined by combinatorial analysis with the early activation marker CD154 (CD40L) and production of cytokines. Results: The Vbeta12-transgenic mouse expresses several related but distinct T-cell clones specific for the galactosylated CII peptide. The clonotypic antibody could specifically recognize the majority (80%) of these. Clonotypic T cells occurred at low levels in the naïve mouse, but rapidly expanded to around 4% of the CD4+ T cells, whereupon the frequency declined with developing disease. Analysis of the cytokine profile revealed an early Th1-biased response in the draining lymph nodes that would shift to also include Th17 around the onset of arthritis. Data showed that Th1 and Th17 constitute a minority among the CII-specific population, however, indicating that additional subpopulations of antigen-specific T cells regulate the development of CIA. Conclusions: The established system enables the detection and detailed phenotyping of T cells specific for the galactosylated CII peptide and constitutes a powerful tool for analysis of the importance of these cells and their effector functions throughout the different phases of arthritis

    Efficacy of the CELCIS Intensive English Program

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    The Center for English Language and Culture for International Students (CELCIS) program at Western Michigan University provides English language instruction to international students wishing to conduct academic study in the United States. This study intends to answer three questions: 1. Do CELCIS graduates perform as well in their university studies as students who have been granted restricted admission, but have not completed CELCIS? 2. How does the university performance of students who have completed CELCIS compare with students who have attended CELCIS but not completed its curriculum? 3. What recommendations could encourage further capitalization of the strengths and needs of the CELCIS program and its students

    Competition between simultaneous demand-side flexibility options: The case of community electricity storage systems

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    Community electricity storage systems for multiple applications promise benefits over household electricity storage systems. More economical flexibility options such as demand response and sector coupling might reduce the market size for storage facilities. This paper assesses the economic performance of community electricity storage systems by taking competitive flexibility options into account. For this purpose, an actor-related, scenario-based optimization framework is applied. The results are in line with the literature and show that community storage systems are economically more efficient than household storage systems. Relative storage capacity reductions of community storage systems over household storage systems are possible, as the demand and generation profiles are balanced out among end users. On average, storage capacity reductions of 9% per household are possible in the base case, resulting in lower specific investments. The simultaneous application of demand-side flexibility options such as sector coupling and demand response enable a further capacity reduction of the community storage size by up to 23%. At the same time, the competition between flexibility options leads to smaller benefits regarding the community storage flexibility potential, which reduces the market viability for these applications. In the worst case, the cannibalization effects reach up to 38% between the flexibility measures. The losses of the flexibility benefits outweigh the savings of the capacity reduction whereby sector coupling constitutes a far greater influencing factor than demand response. Overall, in consideration of the stated cost trends, the economies of scale, and the reduction possibilities, a profitable community storage model might be reached between 2025 and 2035. Future work should focus on the analysis of policy frameworks

    The Bidayuh Mountain Framework: An Indigenous Model of Reversing Language Shift (RLS)

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    In his ground-breaking work Fishman (1991) introduced and expounded the notion of Reversing Language Shift (RLS) using a "Richter Scale" typology, which became known as Fishman’s GIDS (Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale). The use of “Richter Scale” provided metaphors to facilitate discussions of the language revitalization process that is useful in many situations. However, as it is, the metaphor is not always easily understood and applied by ethnic minority speakers engaged in their own language revitalization efforts. In our efforts to understand in a concrete way what was sought by Fishman’s typology, we have developed an indigenous model. The “Bidayuh Mountain Framework”, which provides a straightforward account of the relationship between life and language in the Bidayuh context, is the model that was developed to help the Bidayuh people understand what is involved in “reversing language shift” and promoting the development and revitalisation of their language. The presenters will describe the model, its process of development and the way it is being used. They will also look at the potential for expanding the model so that it can be used to assist language revitalisation efforts in other minority language communities

    Professional Perceptions of Six Sigma’s Value

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    At the 2008 American Society of Quality (ASQ) World Conference on Quality and Improvement in Houston, Texas, generational diversity and knowledge transfer were two areas of focus.  Quality methodology and tools have not changed much over the years. However, these practices and techniques have been repackaged and sold to upper management as the latest and greatest cure for what ails the company.  With each acceptance of a repackaged methodology aging professionals are replaced by advocates of the latest methods that promise greater productivity.  Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma are the current corporate management approaches that have been marketed widely.  The selling point for such initiatives is the promise that a large return on investment (ROI) can be realized.  A survey was developed to compare the cost of implementing a program such as Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma for various size organizations. The survey, which was divided into an initial and a follow-on survey, was administered to professionals who are employed in some field where implementations have been perceived as successful to one extent or another.  The survey’s focus was to explore whether there are situations where the promise is not kept and/or where there are situations where the impact of the cultural change does not justify the effort. Based upon the occupations of the volunteer subjects, there is a very high possibility of a positive bias in the results.  While survey results were generally quiet supportive of the methodologies and would lead to a recommendation for the adoption of one of the programs, it is necessary for there to be further study

    Impact of dietary sulfolipid-derived sulfoquinovose on gut microbiota composition and inflammatory status of colitis-prone interleukin-10-deficient mice

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    The interplay between diet, intestinal microbiota and host is a major factor impacting health. A diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids has been reported to stimulate the growth of Bilophila wadsworthia by increasing the proportion of the sulfonated bile acid taurocholate (TC). The taurine-induced overgrowth of B. wadsworthia promoted the development of colitis in interleukin-10-deficient (IL-10-/-) mice. This study aimed to investigate whether intake of the sulfonates sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerols (SQDG) with a dietary supplement or their degradation product sulfoquinovose (SQ), stimulate the growth of B. wadsworthia in a similar manner and, thereby, cause intestinal inflammation. Conventional IL-10-/- mice were fed a diet supplemented with the SQDG-rich cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina). SQ or TC were orally applied to conventional IL-10-/- mice and gnotobiotic IL-10-/- mice harboring a simplified human intestinal microbiota with or without B. wadsworthia. Analyses of inflammatory parameters revealed that none of the sulfonates induced severe colitis, but both, Spirulina and TC, induced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in cecal mucosa. Cell numbers of B. wadsworthia decreased almost two orders of magnitude by Spirulina feeding but slightly increased in gnotobiotic SQ and conventional TC mice. Changes in microbiota composition were observed in feces as a result of Spirulina or TC feeding in conventional mice. In conclusion, the dietary sulfonates SQDG and their metabolite SQ did not elicit bacteria-induced intestinal inflammation in IL-10-/- mice and, thus, do not promote colitis