141 research outputs found

    The Influence of Exercise Dose, Exercise Intensity, and Weight Loss and Change in C-Reactive Protein in Sedentary Overweight Women

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    Objective: To examine the effect physical activity included in a weight loss program has on high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels in sedentary overweight women. Design, Setting, and Participants: This study examined the change in hs-CRP in overweight and obese women in response to a 6 month behavioral weight loss program. The parent study was a randomized trial involving 201 sedentary overweight women who participated in a weight control program, with data from 182 subjects available for this secondary analysis. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 exercise groups based on energy expenditure (1000kcal/week or 2000 kcal/week) and intensity (vigorous vs. moderate). Groups included: vigorous intensity/high dose; vigorous intensity/moderate dose; moderate intensity/moderate dose; and moderate intensity/high dose. Participants were prescribed an energy restricted diet consisting of 1200 kcal/day or 1500 kcal/day and daily dietary fat intake between 20%-30% of total energy intake. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between dose of exercise, moderate vs. high, (F=0.330, p=0.58) or level of intensity, moderate vs. vigorous (F=0.118, p=0.731) for change in hs-CRP. However, there was a significant decrease in hs-CRP from baseline to 6 months (F=25.553, p<0.0004); there was a significant 3 way interaction between energy expenditure, intensity, and Pre/Post differences (F=4.035, p=0.035), post hoc analysis revealed a significant decrease in hs-CRP in the moderate/high (p<0.0004) and vigorous/moderate groups (p=004). The results were unchanged after controlling for the change in body weight, body fatness, or body distribution. The change in hs-CRP was not significantly correlated with the change in body weight, percent body fat, waist circumference, or self-reported physical activity. hs-CRP at 6 months was correlated with 6 month measures of weight, BMI, percent body fat, and fat distribution (p<0.0004). Conclusions: hs-CRP was reduced in overweight and obese women in response to a 6 month weight loss intervention that included a prescribed reduction in energy intake and a prescribed increase in exercise with a significant reduction in the moderate intensity/high dose and vigorous intensity/moderate dose groups. Further research is needed to determine what effect exercise and or weight loss may have on markers of inflammation

    Total and high-molecular-weight adiponectin levels in relation to insulin resistance among overweight/obese adults.

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    Objective: To determine whether baseline levels or intervention-associated changes in total and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin levels were associated with insulin resistance after six months of behavioral treatment for weight loss. Design: An ancillary study to a behavioral weight loss trial; the intervention was delivered in group sessions. Methods: Participants included 143 overweight/obese adults with a mean BMI of 33.7 kg/m2. The sample was 88% female, 67% white, and 44.2 ± 8.5 years old. Circulating adiponectin levels (total and HMW) and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin resistance were measured and evaluated. Results: At baseline, there was significant inverse associations between total adiponectin and HOMA (p < 0.001) and between HMW adiponectin and HOMA (p < 0.001) independent of weight. At 6-mo, there was a 17% improvement in HOMA, 8% increase in total adiponectin, 17% increase in HMW adiponectin levels, and 8.72% weight loss (p's for all< 0.001). There was also a significant inverse association between changes in total adiponectin and HOMA (p = 0.04) that was independent of baseline weight and weight loss. In contrast, the association between changes in HMW adiponectin and HOMA was attenuated after adjustment for weight loss. Conclusions: An increased level of total adiponectin was associated with improved insulin sensitivity, regardless of baseline weight and weight loss. However, baseline total and HMW adiponectin levels were more strongly associated with HOMA than changes in these measures at six months. HMW adiponectin level was not related more closely to insulin resistance than total adiponectin level

    Total and high-molecular-weight adiponectin levels in relation to insulin resistance among overweight/obese adults

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    Objective: To determine whether baseline levels or intervention-associated changes in total and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin levels were associated with insulin resistance after six months of behavioral treatment for weight loss.Design: An ancillary study to a behavioral weight loss trial; the intervention was delivered in group sessions.Methods: Participants included 143 overweight/obese adults with a mean BMI of 33.7 kg/m2. The sample was 88% female, 67% white, and 44.2 ± 8.5 years old. Circulating adiponectin levels (total and HMW) and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin resistance were measured and evaluated.Results: At baseline, there was significant inverse associations between total adiponectin and HOMA (p &lt; 0.001) and between HMW adiponectin and HOMA (p &lt; 0.001) independent of weight. At 6-mo, there was a 17% improvement in HOMA, 8% increase in total adiponectin, 17% increase in HMW adiponectin levels, and 8.72% weight loss (p's for all&lt; 0.001). There was also a significant inverse association between changes in total adiponectin and HOMA (p = 0.04) that was independent of baseline weight and weight loss. In contrast, the association between changes in HMW adiponectin and HOMA was attenuated after adjustment for weight loss.Conclusions: An increased level of total adiponectin was associated with improved insulin sensitivity, regardless of baseline weight and weight loss. However, baseline total and HMW adiponectin levels were more strongly associated with HOMA than changes in these measures at six months. HMW adiponectin level was not related more closely to insulin resistance than total adiponectin level.

    Delivering an In-Home Exercise Program via Telerehabilitation: A Pilot Study of Lung Transplant Go (LTGO)

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    We evaluated the feasibility, safety, system usability, and intervention acceptability of Lung Transplant Go (LTGO), an 8-week in-home exercise intervention for lung transplant recipients using a telerehabilitation platform, and described changes in physical function and physical activity from baseline to post-intervention. The intervention was delivered to lung transplant recipients in their home via the Versatile and Integrated System for TeleRehabilitation (VISYTER). The intervention focused on aerobic and strengthening exercises tailored to baseline physical function. Participants improved walk distance (6-minute walk distance), balance (Berg Balance Scale), lower body strength (30-second chair stand test) and steps walked (SenseWear Armband®). No adverse events were reported. Participants rated the program highly positively in regard to the technology and intervention. The telerehabilitation exercise program was feasible, safe, and acceptable. Our findings provide preliminary support for the LTGO intervention to improve physical function and promote physical activity in lung transplant recipients.

    Effect of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity on weight loss in a technology-supported behavioral intervention

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    Background: Examination of mediating behavioral factors could explain how an intervention works and thus provide guidance to optimize behavioral weight-loss programs. This study examined the mediating role of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity on weight loss in a behavioral weight-loss trial testing the use of personal digital assistants (PDA) for self-monitoring. Methods: Mediation analysis was conducted to examine the possible mediating role of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity between treatments using varying self-monitoring methods (paper record, PDA, and PDA with daily tailored feedback messages) and weight loss. Findings: The sample (N = 210) was predominantly white (78%) and female (85%). Compared to a paper record, using a PDA for self-monitoring diet (P = 0.027) and physical activity (P = 0.014) had significant direct effects on weight loss at 12 months, as well as a significant indirect effect on outcomes through improved adherence to self-monitoring (PS < 0.001). Receiving an automated daily feedback message via PDA only had a significant indirect effect on weight through self-monitoring adherence to diet (P = 0.004) and physical activity (P = 0.002). Conclusions: Adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity is important as the underlying mechanism in this technology-supported behavioral weight-loss intervention. © 2012 Wang et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Pilot Feasibility Study of a Campaign Intervention for Weight Loss among Overweight and Obese Adults

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    Background: Behavioral interventions produce significant short-term weight loss. However, these interventions typically require regular in-person sessions, which may not be feasible for all individuals. Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of a 12-week campaign intervention (CI) compared to a standard on-site, group-based behavioral weight loss intervention (SBWL) among overweight/obese adults. Methods: SBWL participants (n=13; age: 42.5 ± 9.1 years; BMI: 33.4 ± 3.8 kg/m²) attended weekly group meetings, were prescribed a daily reduced caloric goal and 200 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. CI participants (n=13; age: 43.8 ± 9.0 years; BMI: 33.2 ± 3.8 kg/m²) received the same recommendations as the SBWL, attended in-person group meetings at weeks 0 and 12, and received e-mail messages weeks 2-11. Additional CI features included a thematic framework and an incentive-based point system targeting behavioral goals. Results: Significant weight loss was demonstrated for intention-to-treat (SBWL: -5.6 ± 2.9 kg; CI: -3.1 ± 3.4 kg) (

    A PDA-based dietary self-monitoring intervention to reduce sodium intake in an in-center hemodialysis patient

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    Objective: The purpose of the BalanceWise-hemodialysis study is to determine the efficacy of a dietary intervention to reduce dietary sodium intake in patients receiving maintenance, in-center hemodialysis (HD). Personal digital assistant (PDA)-based dietary self-monitoring is paired with behavioral counseling. The purpose of this report is to present a case study of one participant's progression through the intervention. Methods: The PDA was individually programmed with the nutritional requirements of the participant. With 25 minutes of personalized instruction, the participant was able to enter his meals into the PDA using BalanceLog® software. Nutritional counseling was provided based on dietary sodium intake reports generated by BalanceLog®. Results: At initiation of the study the participant required 4 HD treatments per week. The participant entered 342 meals over 16 weeks (≥3 meals per day). BalanceLog® revealed that the participant consumed restaurant/fast food on a regular basis, and consumed significant amounts of corned beef as well as canned foods high in sodium. The study dietitian worked with the participant and his wife to identify food alternatives lower in sodium. Baseline sodium consumption was 4,692 mg, and decreased at a rate of 192 mg/week on average. After 11 weeks of intervention, interdialytic weight gains were reduced sufficiently to permit the participant to reduce HD treatments from 4 to 3 per week. Because of a low serum albumin at baseline (2.9 g/dL) the study dietitian encouraged the participant to increase his intake of high quality protein. Serum albumin level at 16 weeks was unchanged (2.9 g/dL). Because of intense pruritis and a high baseline serum phosphorus (6.5 mg/dL) BalanceLog® electronic logs were reviewed to identify sources of dietary phosphorus and counsel the participant regarding food alternatives. At 16 weeks the participant's serum phosphorus fell to 5.5 mg/dL. Conclusions: Self-monitoring rates were excellent. In a HD patient who was willing to self-monitor his dietary intake, BalanceLog® allowed the dietitian to target problematic foods and provide counseling that appeared to be effective in reducing sodium intake, reducing interdialytic weight gain, and alleviating hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia. Additional research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention. © 2008 Sevick et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd