134 research outputs found

    Is adolescents' food intake associated with exposure to the food intake of their mothers and best friends?

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    Contains fulltext : 217211.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Both mothers' and best friends' food intake are associated with adolescents' food intake, but they are rarely investigated simultaneously. In this study, we tested the associations of mothers' and best friends’ food intake with adolescents' intake of unhealthy and healthy food, obtained from home and from outside the home, and the moderating role of adolescents' exposure to their food intake. Participants included 667 adolescents (53% female, Mage = 12.9) and 396 of their mothers. Within this adolescent sample, 378 best friend dyads were identified. All participants completed food frequency questionnaires. Mothers separately reported on their food intake in the presence and absence of their child, and adolescents indicated how often they ate and drank together with their best friend during school breaks. Mothers', but not best friends', food intake was positively related to adolescents' intake of unhealthy and healthy food obtained from home and healthy food obtained from outside the home. Exposure to mothers' healthy food intake magnified mother-child similarities in healthy food intake. Exposure to best friends' intake of unhealthy food moderated adolescent-friend similarities in unhealthy food intake. Future work should assess the mechanisms that underlie these similarities, and should investigate these associations over time and in later developmental periods.15 p

    Comparing the measurement of different social networks

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    __Background:__ Technological progress has enabled researchers to use new unobtrusive measures of relationships between actors in social network analysis. However, research on how these unobtrusive measures of peer connections relate to traditional sociometric nominations in adolescents is scarce. Therefore, the current study compared traditional peer nominated networks with more unobtrusive measures of peer connections: Communication networks that consist of instant messages in an online social platform and proximity networks based on smartphones' Bluetooth signals that measure peer proximity. The three social network types were compared in their coverage, stability, overlap, and the extent to which the networks exhibit the often observed sex segregation in adolescent social networks. __Method:__ Two samples were derived from the MyMovez project: a longitudinal sample of 444 adolescents who participated in the first three waves of the first year of the project (Y1; 51% male; Mage = 11.29, SDage = 1.26) and a cross-sectional sample of 774 adolescents that participated in fifth wave in the third year (Y3; 48% male; Mage = 10.76, SDage = 1.23). In the project, all participants received a research smartphone and a wrist-worn accelerometer. On the research smartphone, participants received daily questionnaires such as peer nomination questions (i.e., nominated networ

    Temporal changes in mindfulness skills and positive and negative affect and their Interrelationships during mindfulness based cognitive therapy for cancer patients

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    Objectives:  While efficacy research on mindfulness-based interventions in cancer patients is available, research on possible mechanisms of change is lacking. The current study investigated general and week-to-week changes and interrelations in mindfulness and positive and negative affect in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for cancer patients.  Methods:  In total, 163 cancer patients completed face-to-face or online MBCT. Mindfulness and positive and negative affect were measured weekly during the intervention. Autoregressive latent trajectory models were used to evaluate general and week-to-week effects.  Results:  Overall, mindfulness and positive affect increased, and negative affect decreased during MBCT. Higher general levels of mindfulness were associated with higher general levels of positive affect. Regarding week-to-week effects, positive affect in weeks 3, 7, and 8 predicted an increase in mindfulness in the following week. Various general relations were observed between mindfulness and negative affect, showing that higher mindfulness was related to less negative affect. To the contrary, week-to-week effects showed higher mindfulness consistently predicted increased negative affect in the subsequent week.  Conclusions:  In cancer patients, mindfulness appeared to be more robustly related to negative than to positive affect. Furthermore, mindfulness in one week was related to an increase of negative affect in the following week, possibly due to turning towards previously suppressed negative emotions. However, when focusing on the whole course from start to end, the increase of mindfulness was related to a decrease of negative affect, possibly due to acceptance of and exposure to negative emotions. Our findings reveal the complexity of mechanisms of MBCT and illustrate the necessity of sophisticated models with longitudinal measurements to truly elucidate these mechanisms.  Trial Registration: Clinical Trials.gov: NCT02138513

    The reciprocal effects of physical activity and happiness in adolescents

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    Background Positive associations exist between physical activity and happiness in adolescents. However, previous studies have mostly used self-reported measures and cross-sectional designs. There is a need for more insight into the directionality and duration of this association. The current study was the first to investigate whether an increase in physical activity leads to happiness and whether adolescents become more physically active when they are happier. These two effects were studied between (on a day-to-day

    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    There is a need to stimulate physical activity among adolescents, but unfortunately, they are hard to reach with traditional mass media interventions. A promising alternative is to carry out social network interventions. In social network interventions, a small group of individuals (influence agents) is selected to promote health-related behaviors within their social network. This study investigates whether a social network intervention is more effective to promote physical activity, compared to a mass media intervention and no intervention. Ad

    Promoting water consumption among Dutch children: an evaluation of the social network intervention Share H2 O

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    Background: There is a need to develop and improve interventions promoting healthy drinking behaviors among children. A promising method could be to stimulate peer influence within children’s social networks. In the Share H2O social network intervention (SNI), peer influence was utilized by selecting a subset of influential children and training them as ‘influence agents’ to promote water consumption—as an alternative to SSBs. Previous research has mainly focused on the process of selecting influence agents. However, the process of motivating influence agents to promote the behavior has hardly received any research attention. Therefore, in the SNI Share H2O SNI, this motivation process was emphasized and grounded in the self-determination t

    Promoting Water Consumption among Children: A Three-Arm Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Testing a Social Network Intervention

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    Objective: To test the effectiveness of a social network intervention (SNI) to improve children's healthy drinking behaviors. Design: A three-arm cluster randomized control trial design was used. In the SNI, a subset of children were selected and trained as 'influence agents' to promote water consumption-as an alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs)-among their peers. In the active control condition, all children were simultaneously exposed to the benefits of water consumption. The control condition received no intervention. Setting: 11 schools in the Netherlands. Participants: 451 children (M age = 10.74, SD age =.97; 50.8% girls). Results: Structural path models showed that children exposed to the SNI consumed.20 less SSBs per day compared to those in the control condition (β =.25, p =.035). There was a trend showing that children exposed to the SNI consumed.17 less SSBs per day than those in the active control condition (β =.20, p =.061). No differences were found between conditions for water consumption. However, t

    Desempenho produtivo de tambacus alimentados com dietas suplementadas com vitamina E

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da suplementação da dieta de tambacus com concentrações de vitamina E sobre variáveis de desempenho e hematológicas, bem como determinar a relação da atividade da glutationa peroxidase com a inclusão de vitamina E e selênio na dieta. Foram utilizados 250 juvenis de tambacu, divididos em 25 aquários. A dieta basal constituiu-se de ração peletizada com 32% de proteína bruta e 3.300 kcal kg-1 de energia digestível, e inclusão de 0,40 mg kg-1 de Se. As dietas-teste - isoprotéicas e isoenergéticas - foram compostas da dieta basal com diferentes concentrações de vitamina E (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 mg kg-1), em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Não foi observado efeito significativo da suplementação com vitamina E sobre o comprimento total, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e número de eritrócitos, nem sobre a atividade da glutationa peroxidase. Peso final e conversão alimentar aparente, no entanto, sofreram efeito dos tratamentos suplementados. O teor de 400 mg kg-1 de vitamina E melhorou o comprimento padrão e ganho de peso. A suplementação da dieta com vitamina E resulta em melhor desempenho produtivo de tambacus

    Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    How long does the average person sleep? Here, Kocevska et al. conducted a meta-analysis including over 1.1 million people to produce age- and sex-specific population reference charts for sleep duration and efficiency.We aimed to obtain reliable reference charts for sleep duration, estimate the prevalence of sleep complaints across the lifespan and identify risk indicators of poor sleep. Studies were identified through systematic literature search in Embase, Medline and Web of Science (9 August 2019) and through personal contacts. Eligible studies had to be published between 2000 and 2017 with data on sleep assessed with questionnaires including >= 100 participants from the general population. We assembled individual participant data from 200,358 people (aged 1-100 years, 55% female) from 36 studies from the Netherlands, 471,759 people (40-69 years, 55.5% female) from the United Kingdom and 409,617 people (>= 18 years, 55.8% female) from the United States. One in four people slept less than age-specific recommendations, but only 5.8% slept outside of the 'acceptable' sleep duration. Among teenagers, 51.5% reported total sleep times (TST) of less than the recommended 8-10 h and 18% report daytime sleepiness. In adults (>= 18 years), poor sleep quality (13.3%) and insomnia symptoms (9.6-19.4%) were more prevalent than short sleep duration (6.5% with TST = 9 h in bed, whereas poor sleep quality was more frequent in those spending = 41 years) reported sleeping shorter times or slightly less efficiently than men, whereas with actigraphy they were estimated to sleep longer and more efficiently than man. This study provides age- and sex-specific population reference charts for sleep duration and efficiency which can help guide personalized advice on sleep length and preventive practices.Pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of agein

    "Bad romance": Links between psychological and physical aggression and relationship functioning in adolescent couples

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    Contains fulltext : 150442.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Assortative mating is an important issue in explaining antisocial, aggressive behavior. It is yet unclear, whether the similarity paradigm fully explains frequent displays of aggression in adolescents' romantic relationships. In a sample of 194 romantic partner dyads, differences between female and male partners' reports of aggression (psychological and physical) and different measures of relationship functioning (e.g., jealousy, conflicts, and the affiliative and romantic quality of the relationship) were assessed. A hierarchical cluster analysis identified five distinct subgroups of dyads based on male and female reports of psychological and physical aggression: nonaggressive couples, couples with higher perceived aggressiveness (both physical and psychological) by females, couples with higher aggressiveness perceived by males and mutually aggressive couples. A substantial number of non-aggressive dyads emerged. Of note was the high number of females showing one-sided aggression, which was, however, not countered by their partner. The mutually aggressive couples showed the least adaptive relationship functioning, with a lack of supportive, trusting relationship qualities, high conflict rates and high jealousy. The discussion focuses on the different functions of aggression in these early romantic relations, and the aggravating impact of mutual aggression on relationship functioning and its potential antisocial outcomes.19 p