447 research outputs found

    Procedure for developing a turbomechanism productivity estimator based on a neural network during the power supply of non-traditional energy sources

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    У роботі розглянута процедура розробки оцінювача продуктивності для турбомеханізму при використанні апарата штучних нейронних мереж. Живлення установки при цьому відбувається від нетрадиційного джерела енергії.The paper considers the procedure of developing a productivity estimator for a turbomechanism using the apparatus of artificial neural networks. The power supply of the installation comes from an unconventional energy source

    The metaphysics of the disunified world.

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    Pluralism is usually opposed to realism. That's why realists tend to affirm reductionism, even if only the lapsed reductionism of supervenience. It is no accident that postmoderns talk about the different worlds we live in. The realist is bent upon one world with one history, and that is the history for the sciences to tell about it, albeit with different degrees of precision, for different purposes and different points of view. The opposition between realism and pluralism is multiplied when the domains of different theories float about as in the balloon image of the relation of the sciences (Figure 1) and when no combination of fields can together supply a set of descriptions in terms of which at least one baseline history can be told. But the opposition is not necessary.</jats:p

    Somatization among ethnic minorities and immigrants: Why does it matter to Consultation Liaison Psychiatry?

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    The article describes the reasons why psychiatrists working in the field of consultation-liaison should be trained and aware of the relevance of culture in their everyday work. Moreover, the article aims at advertising the special-interest group on cultural CLP, a network of clinicians and researchers within the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine that share their interest and activities in this subject

    Postoperative enzime changes in the radical operations in case of gastric cancer

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    USMF ”N. Testemițanu”, catedra Hematologie și Oncologie, IMSP Institutul Oncologic laboratorul gastropulmonologie, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Pe parcursul anilor – 2009-2011 sub supravegherea noastră au fost 13 bolnavi de cancer gastric – 8 bărbați şi 5 femei cu vârsta 40-65 ani – care au suportat operații radicale pe motive de cancer. Am monitorizat bolnavii în aspectul modificării indicilor enzimatici: α-amilaza, proteina C-reactivă, amilaza pancreatică şi lipaza în ziua operației, primele 3 zile, dacă indicii reveneau la normă, se repeta determinarea lor şi în ziua externării bolnavului. În cazul, că enzimele rămâneau la nivele sporite, determinarea lor se prelungea pe toată perioada până la externare. În rezultatul studiului am stabilit că amilaza plasmatică suporta devieri de la cifrele normale cu sporirea indicilor săi chiar în ziua operației şi, îndeosebi, în primele 3 zile postoperatorii. Cele mai profunde şi durabile modificări au fost înregistrate din partea lipazei, care s-a manifestat mai târziu și „normalizat” după o perioadă de tratament foarte îndelungat. În cazul, când indicii enzimatici persistau o perioadă mai îndelungată şi, în pofida tratamentului cu inhibitori sau cu administrare de citostatice, nu aveau tendința spre normalizare ne-am convins, în cele din urmă, că pancreatita a evoluat în pancreonecroză (2 cazuri) şi tratamentul a durat în timp cu vindecare peste 20-30 şi mai multe zile. Concluzii:1. Pancreatitele postoperatorii în cancerul gastric corelează cu 2 factori principali: 1) extinderea tumorii gastrice cu implicarea pancreasului; 2) traumatizarea glandei pancreatice în timpul mobilizării stomacului sau în cazul rezecției parțiale a pancreasului şi în splenectomie. 2. Cel mai precoce se modifică indicii amilazei, dar modificarea lipazei care persistă îndelungat este rezultatul evoluției în pancreonecroză şi normalizarea lor este criteriul vindecării pancreatitei.In our study we were monitorised and analised changes of ensimatic indixes of 13 patients radical operated with gastric cancer. We were find, that, in a fact, the exopancreatic sistem is very sensible than smolest traumatic actions during operations. More earlier was change amilase, but if increases lipase and persistes more time, probability of pancreatitis this is very higher, what was confirmate in our study

    Contrasting behavior of covalent and molecular carbon allotropes exposed to extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-electron laser radiation

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    All carbon materials, e.g., amorphous carbon (a-C) coatings and C60 fullerene thin films, play an important role in short-wavelength free-electron laser (FEL) research motivated by FEL optics development and prospective nanotechnology applications. Responses of a-C and C60 layers to the extreme ultraviolet (SPring-8 Compact SASE Source in Japan) and soft x-ray (free-electron laser in Hamburg) free-electron laser radiation are investigated by Raman spectroscopy, differential interference contrast, and atomic force microscopy. A remarkable difference in the behavior of covalent (a-C) and molecular (C60) carbonaceous solids is demonstrated under these irradiation conditions. Low thresholds for ablation of a fullerene crystal (estimated to be around 0.15 eV/atom for C60 vs 0.9 eV/atom for a-C in terms of the absorbed dose) are caused by a low cohesive energy of fullerene crystals. An efficient mechanism of the removal of intact C60 molecules from the irradiated crystal due to Coulomb repulsion of fullerene-cage cation radicals formed by the ionizing radiation is revealed by a detailed modeling

    Biodiversity–production feedback effects lead to intensification traps in agricultural landscapes

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    Intensive agriculture with high reliance on pesticides and fertilizers constitutes a major strategy for ‘feeding the world’. However, such conventional intensification is linked to diminishing returns and can result in ‘intensification traps’—production declines triggered by the negative feedback of biodiversity loss at high input levels. Here we developed a novel framework that accounts for biodiversity feedback on crop yields to evaluate the risk and magnitude of intensification traps. Simulations grounded in systematic literature reviews showed that intensification traps emerge in most landscape types, but to a lesser extent in major cereal production systems. Furthermore, small reductions in maximal production (5–10%) could be frequently transmitted into substantial biodiversity gains, resulting in small-loss large-gain trade-offs prevailing across landscape types. However, sensitivity analyses revealed a strong context dependence of trap emergence, inducing substantial uncertainty in the identification of optimal management at the field scale. Hence, we recommend the development of case-specific safety margins for intensification preventing double losses in biodiversity and food security associated with intensification traps

    Melting of magnetic order in NaOsO<sub>3</sub> by femtosecond laser pulses

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    NaOsO3 has recently attracted significant attention for the strong coupling between its electronic band structure and magnetic ordering. Here, we used time-resolved magnetic x-ray diffraction to determine the timescale of the photoinduced antiferromagnetic dynamics in NaOsO3. Our measurements are consistent with a sub-100 fs melting of the antiferromagnetic long-range order that occurs significantly faster than the lattice dynamics as monitored by the transient change in intensity of selected Bragg structural reflections, which instead show a decrease of intensity on a timescale of several ps