8 research outputs found

    In Situ Immobilization on the Silica Gel Surface and Adsorption Capacity of Poly[N-(4-carboxyphenyl)methacrylamide] on Toxic Metal Ions

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    In situ immobilization of poly[N-(4-carboxyphenyl)methacrylamide] has been performed on silica gel surface. Infrared (IR) and mass spectroscopies as well as thermogravimetry (TG) analysis have been used to elucidate the structure of immobilized polymer. An adsorption capacity of the synthesized composite towards Cu(II), Pb(II), Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), and Ni(II) ions has been estimated. Adsorption activity to microquantities of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II) in a neutral aqueous medium has been observed

    In situ polymerization of 4-(methacryloylamino) phenyl-2-methylacrylate on the surface of silicagel

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    Immobilization of 4-(methacryloylamino)phenyl-2-methylacrylate homopolymer on the silica gel surface has been carried out in situ. The structure and quantitative characteristics of immobilized polymer have been examined by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and mass spectrometry. Adsorption activity towards microquantitatives of Pb(II), Cu (II), Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Fe(III) ions in the range of pH 6-8,5 has been observed. Quantitative adsorption of trace Pb(II) in neutral and slightly alkaline media has been reported

    Surgical treatment of newborns with coarctation of aorta and severe distal aortic arch hypoplasia by modified amato method

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment of newborns with coarctation of the aorta and severe hypoplasia of the distal aortic arch in a modified Amato method according to the data of the immediate and mid-term results. Methods: 33 newborns with coarctation of aorta and severe distal aortic arch hypoplasia were subjected through left posterior thoracotomy using for plasty of arch tissue the left carotid artery and the left subclavian artery and then classic resection coarctation next extended end-toend anastomosis.. Eight of them had associated difficult concomitant cardiac abnormality of large overload blood and associated of high pulmonary hypertension required pulmonary artery banding before distal aortic arch plasty and extended end-to-end anastomosis. Mean age and weight were 9 (6–21) days and 3,4 (2,5–3,9) kg, respectively. Median preoperative Z-score of distal aortic arch was – 3,26 (-4,56 to -2,12) and istmus -3,66 (-5,16 to -2,76). Results: Thirty one patients had successfully operated by this approach. The nonischemic and ischemic aortic cross clamping mean time were 28 min and 25 min accordingly. The immediate postoperative mean Z-score of the distal aortic arch was 0.58, and after the average mid-term period of 4.7 (1–9) years it was – 0.17 (-0.36 to 0.75), which allows it to be affirmed these indicators as normal. Conclusions: Tissues the left carotid artery and the left subclavian artery after plasty give growth to distal arch of aorta in the mid-term period more than 93,9% of cases

    Genetic monitoring of endemic measles virus circulation in European countries

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    Introduction. The measles virus is still one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in children and adults and is a threat of infectious outbreaks in many countries around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO), at the 2015 meeting in Europe, set out to eliminate measles infection. To control the elimination of this disease requires the accumulation of genotyping data of the detected measles virus to interrupt the situation of endemic spread. All six WHO regions have set a target for combating measles. In order to monitor and evaluate the degree of endemic circulation of measles virus (MV), the transmission chains of the epidemiologically relevant variants of MV identified in Central and Western Europe are analyzed. More systematic molecular monitoring and recording of MV transmission data between many countries can help to create a meaningful picture of the process of eliminating the problem of the occurrence and spread of measles infection. Goal. To study whether molecular surveillance meets the challenge of eliminating measles infection with the assurance of molecular data quality, continuity and intensity of molecular monitoring and analysis of transmission chains in different geographical regions.  Material & methods. Published articles, molecular program for external WHO quality assessment, WHO EUR central infectious disease information system, and WHO measles surveillance database.  Results & discussion. According to the WHO standardized nomenclature using the nucleotide (nt) sequences of the N and H variable genes, wild-type measles viruses are currently divided into 24 genotypes. The most variable is the 450-nt variable coding sequence of the C-terminal portion of the N protein (N-450 region) and is used to differentiate detected MV for observation. Antigenic differences between measles virus strains - representatives of different genotypes are minimal, all known genotypes of the virus belong to one serotype. Since the beginning of molecular surveillance in Europe in the early 1990s, only two genotypes of MV (C2 and D6) have been identified, which have been spread throughout the region and are therefore called indigenous European genotypes. Molecular observation has shown that, over the years, the endemic genotypes C2 (IR / Kempten.DEU / 23.00) and D6 (IR / Berlin.DEU / 47.00) have changed rapidly with the circulating D7 genotype (IR / Mainz.DEU / 06.00) to the beginning of 2003. The imported measles virus of genotypes B3, D4, D5, D6, D8, D9, H1 appeared in Germany from 2005 to 2009 - 2010. Most cases were related to the measles virus of genotype D4, and its several sub-variants. According to the monitoring data, genotypes D8, B3, H1, D9, D4 have been circulating in the world in recent years (from August 2017 to July 2018).  Of the 179 measles deaths reported in European countries during 2009-2018, 114 (64%) occurred during 2017-2018, including 93 (82%) in four countries: Romania (46), Ukraine ( 20), Serbia (15) and Italy (12). EU countries report 17587 measles virus sequences to the WHO global measles surveillance database. The most common measles virus genotypes were D4 (21% overall, 66% in 2009-2012), D8 (45% overall, 76% in 2013-2016) and B3 (33% overall, 58% in 2017- 2018). Conclusion. Our research illustrates the long-term transmission of MV in Europe. Which probably happens because of the unvaccinated people in the various hard-to-reach groups that transmit the infection to the general population. This situation is, of course, inconsistent with the purpose of the WHO and UNESCO (WHO-UNICEF, 2002) measles elimination program already achieved in America and Australia. In order to address the global problem of measles infection worldwide, additional efforts are needed to identify deficiencies in immunization among the population. As the elimination of MV should be a problem for all EUR countries, similar research to ours should be expanded to obtain comprehensive information on the circulation of MV strains in different regions across Europe.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.388518

    Хирургическое лечение новорожденных с критической коарктацией аорты

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    У період з 2004 по 2016 рр. у відділенні серцево-судинної хірургії ОДКЛ прооперовано 68 послідовних пацієнтів із критичною КоА, у тому числі 21 (31,3%) новонароджений з ізольованою КоА. У 16 (23%) хворих КоА поєднувалася з дефектом міжшлуночкової перегородки, у 31 пацієнта (45,5%) – з гіпоплазією дистальної дуги аорти та іншими інтракардіальними аномаліями. 66 (97%) хворих добре перенесли оперативне втручання. Летальність склала 3%.In the period from 2004 to 2016 in the department of cardiovascular surgery Odessa Regional Pediatric Hospital were operated on 68 patients with critical CoA: 22 (32.4%) infants with isolated CoA, 16 (23%) patients CoA combined with interventricular septum defect (VSD), 31 patients (45.5%) – CoA combined with distal aortic arch hypoplasia (DАA) and other intracardiac abnormality. 66 (97%) patients underwent surgery well. Them died with 3%.За период с 2004 по 2016 гг. в отделении сердечно-сосудистой хирургии ОДКБ прооперировано 68 последовательных пациентов с критической КоА, в том числе 21 (31,3%) новорожденный с изолированной КоА. У 16 (23%) больных КоА сочеталась с ДМЖП, у 31 (45,5%) пациента – с гипоплазией ДДА и другими интракардиальными аномалиями. 66 (97%) больных хорошо перенесли оперативное вмешательство. Летальность составила 3%

    Опыт хирургического лечения критической коарктации аорты у новорожденных

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    У період з 2004 по 2015 рр. у відділенні серцево-судинної хірургії ОДКЛ оперовано 55 послідовних новонароджених із критичною коарктакцією аорти (КоА) : із них у 25 (45, 5 %) була виражена гіпоплазія дистальної дуги аорти (ДДА), ще 20 (36%) мали великий дефект міжшлуночкової перегодки або одношлуночкове серце і високу легеневу гіпертензію, операція доповнювалася звуженням стовбура легеневої артеріїї. За даиними ЕхоКГ, показники дуги аорти до операції були такими : "А" – 2, 2 ± 0, 4 мм (Z-score-0, 29). Летальність склала 1, 8 %.There were operated of consecutive 55 newborns with critical coarctation of aorta (CoA) at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of Odessa Regional Children’s Hospital from 2004 to 2015: 25 (45.5%) of them had severe hypoplasia of the distal aortic arch (DAA), 20 (36%) of them had large ventricular septal defect or single ventricle and high pulmonary hypertension, an operation was supplemented by banding of the pulmonary artery. According to echocardiography records of the aortic arch before the operations were as follows-« À» – 2,2±0,4 mm (Z-score -3,63); «Â» – 4,45±0,3 mm (Z-score -5,51), after operations it was recorded significant expansion of segments of the aortic arch: «À» – 8,33±0,52 mm (Z-score 2,59); «Â» – 7,38±0,44 mm (Zscore -0,29). Mortality was 1,8%.В период с 2004 по 2015 гг. в отделении сердечно-сосудистой хирургии ОДКБ оперировано 55 последовательных новорожденных с критической коарктацией аорты (КОА) : из них у 25 (45, 5 %) была выраженная гипоплазия дистальной дуги аорты (ДДА), еще 20 (36 %) имели большой дефект межжелудочковой перегородки или одножелудочковое сердце и высокую легочную гипертензию, операция дополнялась суживанием ствола легочной артерии. По данным ЭхоКГ, показатели дуги аорты до операции были такими : "А" – 2, 2 ± 0, 4 мм (Z-score - 3, 63); "В" – 4, 45 ± 0, 3 мм (Z-score - 5, 51), после операции зафиксировано значительное расширение сегментов дуги аорты : "А" – 8, 33 ± 0, 52 мм (Z-score 2, 59); "В" – 7, 38 ± 0, 44 мм (Z-score - 0, 29). Летальность составила 1, 8 %

    Использование аутоперикардиального клапанного кондуита у младенца в хирургической коррекции общего артериального ствола (клинический случай)

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    У відділенні серцево-судинної хірургії Одеської обласної клінічної лікарні в серпні 2015 року оперовано немовля зі спільним артеріальним стовбуром. Реконструкцію вихідного тракту правого шлуночка виконано власноруч створеним аутоперикардіальним клапанним кондуїтом діаметром 12 мм і довжиною 55 мм. У віддаленому періоді через 6 місяців за даними ехокардіографії відмічається задовільний стан з добрими гемодинамічними показниками функціонування клапанного кондуїта: максимальний градієнт систолічного тиску 20 mmHg без регургітації на клапані та решунтування VSD, зворотний тік на клапані аорти 1+.There was operated a newborn had common arterial trunk at the cardiosurgery department of Odessa Regional Children Hospital in august 2015. It was made outflow tract reconstruction of the right ventricle by personally prepared autopericardial valve conduit, diameter and a length of this one 12mm x 55 mm. In the long term, 6 months later, it notes satisfactory condition with good hemodynamic parameters of functioning of the valve conduit, maximum systolic gradient is 20 mm Hg. There is no regurgitation on the valve and no reshunt on VSD. It is insignifcant regurgitation on the aortic valve.В отделении сердечно-сосудистой хирургии Одесской областной клинической больницы в августе 2015 года оперирован младенец с общим артериальным стволом. Реконструкция выходного тракта правого желудочка выполнена собственноручно созданным аутоперикардиальным клапанным кондуитом диаметром 12 мм и длиной 55 мм. В отдаленном периоде через 6 месяцев отмечается удовлетворительное состояние пациента, согласно данным эхокардиографии – с хорошими гемодинамическими показателями функционирования клапанного кондуита: максимальный градиент систолического давления 20 mmHg без регургитации на клапане, решунтирования VSD нет, обратный ток на аортальном клапане 1+