453 research outputs found

    Physics Reach with a Monochromatic Neutrino Beam from Electron Capture

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    Neutrino oscillation experiments from different sources have demonstrated non-vanishing neutrino masses and flavour mixings. The next experiments have to address the determination of the connecting mixing U(e3) and the existence of the CP violating phase. Whereas U(e3) measures the strength of the oscillation probability in appearance experiments, the CP phase acts as a phase-shift in the interference pattern. Here we propose to separate these two parameters by energy dependence, using the novel idea of a monochromatic neutrino beam facility based on the acceleration of ions that decay fast through electron capture. Fine tuning of the boosted neutrino energy allows precision measurements able to open a window for the discovery of CP violation, even for a mixing as small as 1 degree.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, HEP-EPS 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, July 21-27, 200

    CP, T and CPT violation in future long baseline experiments

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    I give a short overview about the possibilities and problems related to the measurement of CP violation in long baseline experiments. Special attention is paid to the issue of degeneracies and a method for their resolution is quantitatively discussed. The CP violation reach for different experiments is compared in dependence of sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^22\theta_{13} and \dm{21}. Furthermore a short comment about the possible effects of matter induced T violation is made. Finally the limits on CPT violation obtainable at a neutrino factory are shown.Comment: Talk presented at NUFACT02, London, 1-6 July, 2002. 3 pages, 2 figure

    Perspectives in Neutrino Physics: Monochromatic Neutrino Beams

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    In the last few years spectacular results have been achieved with the demonstration of non vanishing neutrino masses and flavour mixing. The ultimate goal is the understanding of the origin of these properties from new physics. In this road, the last unknown mixing [Ue3][U_{e3}] must be determined. If it is proved to be non-zero, the possibility is open for Charge Conjugation-Parity (CP) violation in the lepton sector. This will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source. Here a novel method to create a monochromatic neutrino beam, an old dream for neutrino physics, is proposed based on the recent discovery of nuclei that decay fast through electron capture. Such nuclei will generate a monochromatic directional neutrino beam when decaying at high energy in a storage ring with long straight sections. We also show that the capacity of such a facility to discover new physics is impressive, so that fine tuning of the boosted neutrino energy allows precision measurements of the oscillation parameters even for a [Ue3][U_{e3}] mixing as small as 1 degree. We can thus open a window to the discovery of CP violation in neutrino oscillations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of GUSTAVOFEST - Symposium in Honour of Gustavo C. Branco: CP Violation and the Flavour Puzzle, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-20 July 200

    Physics Potential of the SPL Super Beam

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    Performances of a neutrino beam generated by the CERN SPL proton driver are computed considering a 440 kton water Cerenkov detector at 130 km from the target. Ξ13\theta_{13} sensitivity down to 1.2∘1.2^\circ and a ÎŽ\delta sensitivity comparable to a Neutrino Factory, for Ξ13≄3∘\theta_{13} \geq 3^\circ, are within the reach of such a project.Comment: Invited talk at the Nufact02 Workshop, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, July 200

    Neutrino Induced Charged Current 1π+\pi^+ Production At Intermediate Energies

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    The charged current one pion production induced by ΜΌ\nu_\mu from nucleons and nuclei like 12^{12}C and 16^{16}O nuclei has been studied. The calculations have been done for the incoherent and the coherent processes from nuclear targets assuming the Δ\Delta dominance model and take into account the effect of Pauli blocking, Fermi motion of the nucleon and renormalization of Δ\Delta properties in a nuclear medium. The effect of final state interactions of pions has been taken into account. The theoretical uncertainty in the total cross sections due to various parameterizations of the weak transition form factors used in literature has been studied. The numerical results for the total cross sections are compared with the recent preliminary results from the MiniBooNE collaboration on 12^{12}C and could be useful in analyzing future data from the K2K collaboration.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Untangling CP Violation and the Mass Hierarchy in Long Baseline Experiments

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    In the overlap region, for the normal and inverted hierarchies, of the neutrino-antineutrino bi-probability space for ΜΌ→Μe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance, we derive a simple identity between the solutions in the (sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13}, sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta) plane for the different hierarchies. The parameter sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} sets the scale of the ΜΌ→Μe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance probabilities at the atmospheric ÎŽmatm2≈2.4×10−3\delta m^2_{atm} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-3} eV2^2 whereas sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta controls the amount of CP violation in the lepton sector. The identity between the solutions is that the difference in the values of sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta for the two hierarchies equals twice the value of sin⁥22Ξ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}} divided by the {\it critical} value of sin⁥22Ξ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}}. We apply this identity to the two proposed long baseline experiments, T2K and NOÎœ\nuA, and we show how it can be used to provide a simple understanding of when and why fake solutions are excluded when two or more experiments are combined. The identity demonstrates the true complimentarity of T2K and NOÎœ\nuA.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures. Submitted to New Journal of Physics, ``Focus on Neutrino Physics'' issu

    Physics Potential of Very Intense Conventional Neutrino Beams

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    The physics potential of high intensity conventional beams is explored. We consider a low energy super beam which could be produced by a proposed new accelerator at CERN, the Super Proton Linac. Water Cherenkov and liquid oil scintillator detectors are studied as possible candidates for a neutrino oscillation experiment which could improve our current knowledge of the atmospheric parameters and measure or severely constrain the parameter connecting the atmospheric and solar realms. It is also shown that a very large water detector could eventually observe leptonic CP violation. The reach of such an experiment to the neutrino mixing parameters would lie in-between the next generation of neutrino experiments (MINOS, OPERA, etc) and a future neutrino factory.Comment: Talk given at the Venice Conference on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, March, 200

    Neutrino oscillation physics with a higher Îł\gamma ÎČ\beta-beam

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    The precision measurement and discovery potential of a neutrino factory based on a storage ring of boosted radioactive ions (ÎČ\beta-beam) is re-examined. In contrast with past designs, which assume ion Îł\gamma factors of ∌100\sim 100 and baselines of L=130 km, we emphasize the advantages of boosting the ions to higher Îł\gamma and increasing the baseline proportionally. In particular, we consider a medium-Îł\gamma scenario (ÎłâˆŒ500\gamma \sim 500, L=730 km) and a high-Îł\gamma scenario (ÎłâˆŒ2000\gamma \sim 2000, L = 3000 km).The increase in statistics, which grow linearly with the average beam energy, the ability to exploit the energy dependence of the signal and the sizable matter effects at this longer baseline all increase the discovery potential of such a machine very significantly.Comment: An error corrected, conclusions unchanged. Revised version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Unveiling Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation

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    We review the present understanding of neutrino masses and mixings, discussing what are the unknowns in the three family oscillation scenario. Despite the anticipated success coming from the planned long baseline neutrino experiments in unraveling the leptonic mixing sector, there are two important unknowns which may remain obscure: the mixing angle Ξ13\theta_{13} and the CP-phase Ύ\delta. The measurement of these two parameters has led us to consider the combination of superbeams and neutrino factories as the key to unveil the neutrino oscillation picture.Comment: Invited brief review, 18 pages, 6 figure
