10 research outputs found

    Condición física, adiposidad y autoconcepto en adolescentes. Estudio piloto

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    Un alto índice de masa corporal y una baja capacidad aeróbica se asocia con un peor autoconcepto. Se ha observado también que personas obesas pero con buena forma física están físicamente sanos, fenómeno conocido como "fat but fit". El presente estudio pretende: 1) determinar la relación entre cantidad de grasa corporal y principales componentes de la condición física con el autoconcepto en adolescentes; 2) testar si el fenómeno fat but fit se asocia con un mejor autoconcepto. Un total de 69 adolescentes (14.68 ± 1.36 años) participaron en la evaluación de la composición corporal y la condición física (Batería ALPHA-Fitness). La capacidad aeróbica (forma vs. no en forma) e índice de masa corporal (normo-peso vs. sobrepeso-obesidad) fueron categorizadas usando criterios estándar. Cinco dimensiones del autoconcepto fueron evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Forma 5. La grasa total y central se correlacionó negativamente con el autoconcepto físico, mientras que la condición física (fuerza, velocidad-agilidad y capa- cidad aeróbica) se correlacionó positivamente (p .3). Los resultados confirman la paradoja fat but fit, el sobrepeso se asocia a un peor autoconcepto físico, pero si se tiene una buena forma física los valores de autoconcepto se igualan a los de los adolescentes con normo-peso.A high body mass index and low level of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with a poor self-concept. It has also been noted that obese people who are fit are physically healthy, a fact which is known as 'fat but fit'. The present study aims to: 1) determine the association between body fat and the main components of physical fitness and adolescents' self-concept; 2) test whether the phenomenon called 'fat but fit' is related to a better selfconcept. A total of 69 adolescents (14.68 ± 1.36 years old) took part in the body composition and physical fitness evaluation (ALPHA-Fitness Test Battery). Cardiorespiratory fitness (fit vs. not fit) and the body mass index (normal-weight vs. overweight-obesity) were classified using standard criteria. Five dimensions of self-concept were evaluated by means of the Self-Concept Form 5 Questionnaire. Total and central fat was negatively correlated with physical self-concept, whereas physical condition (strength, speed-agility and aerobic capacity) was positively correlated (p < .05 to .001). High levels of fat mass and little speed-agility were correlated with a worse social self-concept (p < .05). The adolescents who were overweight-obese but in good physical condition (fat but fit) showed a higher self-concept than those who were overweight-obese/not fit (p = .006), with similar figures to adolescents with a normal weight

    Basic psychological need satisfaction in active commuting to and from school BPNS-ACS(SWE)

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    This research was funded by VINNOVA, project number 2021-03049.Background: The absence of appropriate Swedish-language instrumentation to assess active commuting to school has largely hampered the study of the individual factors of the children, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness to active commuting to school. Purpose: Building upon self-determination theory, the objective of this research was to gather evidence of the validity and reliability of the Swedish version of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Active Commuting to and from School (BPNS-ACS) tool. Methods: The cross-sectional and purposive sample included 273 children (51.28% girls) from urban areas. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis underpinned the three-factor correlated model, which was invariant across gender. Evidence in support of discriminant and convergent validity and reli- ability was gathered. Criterion validity evidence was met by positive and significant predictions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness satisfaction on active commuting to and from school. Conclusions: The Swedish version of the BPNS-ACS is a psychometrically robust measure of children’s perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness satisfaction in active commuting to school and could be used to assess the effects of school-based interventions on need satisfaction for active commuting to school.VINNOVA 2021-0304

    Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of a Scale to Measure Perceived External and Internal Faces of Controlling Teaching among Students in Physical Education

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    Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics and Committee for Clinical Research of Aragon (PI15/0283, 21 11 2015). Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Data Availability Statement: Data availability on request due to restrictions privacy or ethical.There are no validated instruments to date that have examined the students’ perceptions of externally and internally controlling teaching practices in physical education (PE). Grounded in self-determination theory, the objective of this research was to provide validity and reliability evidence of the Controlling Teaching Scale for Physical Education (CTS-PE) to assess the external and internal faces of controlling teaching in PE through two sequential studies. In Study 1 (n = 241 students), an exploratory factor analysis revealed an eight-item two-factor solution (four items per factor). In Study 2 (n = 968 students), a confirmatory factor analysis supported the eight-item two-factor correlated model (i.e., externally and internally controlling teaching) that was invariant across gender. Reliability coefficients indicated an acceptable level of reliability for the two factors of the CTS-PE. A structural equation modelling showed that externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours positively predicted need frustration, and negatively need satisfaction. The current study gathered evidence to consider the CTS-PE as a valid and reliable instrument to assess students’ perceptions of PE teachers’ externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours. The CTS-PE provides PE teachers with deeper insights into the negative psychological experiences associated with externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours in PE.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) EDU2013-42048-

    Decline in running performance in highest-level soccer: analysis of the UEFA champions league matches

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    It is widely recognized that there is a decline in match running performance (MRP) towards the end of matches. To clarify whether it is primarily a consequence of fatigue, pacing or situational influences, this study aimed to examine MRP across 15-min match periods for players on different playing positions. Players’ MRP (n = 244) were examined from the UEFA Champions League matches (n = 20) using a semiautomatic optical tracking system. Linear mixed models for repeated measures were adjusted to analyze MRP over the six 15-min match periods while controlling the influence of situational factors. No effects of match outcome, match location, team, and opponent quality on total distance (TD) and high-intensity running (HIR) for players in all playing positions were found (F = 0.03–2.75; all p &gt; 0.05). Significant differences in TD (F = 17.57–53.01; η2 = 0.39–0.52, all large effect sizes) and HIR (F = 3.67–7.64; η2 = 0.05–0.19, small to medium effect sizes) among six 15-minute match periods were found for players in all playing positions. In addition, players in all playing positions covered less TD (d = 1.41–2.15, large to very large effect sizes) and HIR (d = 0.16–0.6, trivial to medium effect sizes) in the last compared to the first 15-min match period. No differences in TD and HIR between the last two match periods in the second half were observed. This study confirmed that soccer players reduce MRP towards the end of matches, and suggest that the decline of MPR in highest-level soccer may be a consequence of pacing strategies

    Effects of the “MAMI Deporte®” Family Sports Program on Parents’ Motivation towards Sport Participation: A Randomized Controlled Intervention

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    As most parents do not meet physical activity (PA) recommendations, new PA promotion strategies need to be developed considering the role of motivation as an essential underlying factor of PA behavior. Recreational sports programs practiced in the family would represent an effective strategy to promote PA for the entire family in general, and for parents in particular. Building upon self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Active Methodology for Improving Sports Initiation (MAMI Deporte®) program on parents’ behavioral regulation. The participants were 58 parents (50% men) and 78 children (48.71% boys), who were randomized into a control group (29 parents and 39 children), which followed its habitual sports activity over 8 months, and an experimental group (29 parents and 39 children), which completed the MAMI Deporte® program. Specifically, the MAMI Deporte® program focused on simultaneous participation between parents and children in multisports activities, including 32 lessons distributed into 2 h/week for 8 months. Pre-and-post-intervention measures were collected. The results showed significant differences in the parents’ level of intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, identified regulation and introjected regulation in favor of the experimental group. Nonsignificant effects were found for gender. These results were discussed, highlighting the internalization process of the value of sport in the family experienced by parents after the MAMI Deporte® family-based sports program

    Psychometric Assessment of the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale with Professional Romanian Athletes

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    Background: Although athletes’ experiences of autonomy, competence, and relatedness play in key role in their motivation, performance-related outcomes, and wellness, there is no evidence to date on measures of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the Romanian sport context. Building upon self-determination theory, the objective of this research was to adapt the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale and analyze its psychometric properties in the Romanian sport context. Methods: The participants were 642 professional athletes (354 males and 288 females; Mage = 22.81, SD = 5.78) who competed at the international and/or national level. Results: The results from confirmatory factor analyses psychometrically supported a six-factor correlated model, which was invariant across gender, age, and sport. Convergent validity was met by average variance extracted values between 0.60 and 0.74. Discriminant validity was underpinned by values from −0.72 to 0.72 for a heterotrait–monotrait ratio of correlations among the six factors. Reliability was endorsed by Cronbach’s alpha scores between 0.75 and 0.89, and between 0.76 and 0.89 for Raykov’s composite reliability coefficient. Criterion validity was supported by positive relationships of autonomy, competence, and relatedness satisfaction to autonomous motivation, and positive associations of autonomy, competence, and relatedness frustration with controlled motivation and amotivation. Conclusions: The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale is shown to be a valid and reliable measure of need satisfaction and frustration in professional Romanian athletes

    Quality Physical Education at Home. Curricular implementation proposal in Middle Secondary School

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    Ante situaciones de emergencia que obligan al conjunto de la población – en especial a los adolescentes – a permanecer en casa, la Educación Física (EF) representa una buena estrategia para contribuir a mantener los niveles de actividad física diarios desde casa. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue mostrar una propuesta didáctica que, basada en el currículum de Educación Física de educación secundaria obligatoria, contribuya a promocionar la actividad física en casa. Para ello, esta propuesta se fundamenta en un enfoque competencial, incluyendo tanto tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como el establecimiento de retos, con la finalidad de abordar los diferentes contenidos curriculares relacionados con la calidad de vida y salud, condición física y motriz, juegos y deportes, expresión corporal y actividades físicas en el medio natural. La evaluación se plantea mediante una serie de instrumentos (rúbrica, diario, portafolio, hoja de observación y cuestionario) que permitan conocer el grado de consecución de los criterios de evaluación. Después de todo, esta propuesta abre nuevas vías para que el profesorado de EF desarrolle otras propuestas didácticas que faciliten no sólo seguir con las clases de educación física, sino la realización de actividad física en casa.In emergency situations that force the whole population – particularly adolescents – to stay at home, Physical Education represents an optimal strategy to contribute to adolescents’ physical activity at their home. Therefore, this study aims at showing a didactic proposal that, based on Middle Secondary School Physical Education curriculum, promotes adolescents’ physical activity at home. For this end, this proposal relies on a competence approach, including both communication and information technologies and the establishment of challenging activities, in order to tackle the different curricular contents related to health and quality of life, physical and motor fitness, games and sports, body expression and physical activities in natural environment. Assessment focuses on a series of instruments (rubric, diary, portfolio, observation sheets, and questionnaire) allowing to evaluate the degree of accomplishment for each assessment criterion. Finally, this proposal offers new avenues for Physical Education teachers to develop other didactic proposals facilitating not only Physical Education classes, but also physical activity at home

    Efficacy of physical activity shared between parents and children to improve sports initiation in the M.A.M.I.deporte® program

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    Objective: To determine if the active methodology for improving sports initiation (M.A.M.I.deporte®) shared between children and parents successfully promotes children in sports activities, maintains their activity and improves long-term adherence. Participants: The study involved 118 participants aged between 2 and 11 years (6.3 ± 2.3). In the first season, 34 participated (16 girls; 18 boys); in the second season, 46 participated (22 girls; 24 boys) and in the third season, 38 participated (19 girls; 19 boys). Methodology: It was carried out fromOctober to June over three academic years for two hours a week. Every 4 sessions a different sporting activity was carried out, planned so that parents and children could practise them, simultaneously. Analysis: At the beginning and end of each period, a survey was carried out on the sports activities in which the participants had started. If participants remained in the activity, the survey was face-to-face and if participants no longer attended the activity, they were contacted by telephone. Descriptive values were obtained for the variables in absolute and percentage form and a repeated measures anova was performed. Results: Vigorous physical activity performed was 3.82 ± 1.16 h/week in the first year, 3.38 ± 1.59 in the second year and 2.99 ± 1.46 in the third year with no significant differences between any of the years. 32.20% joined other sporting activities and only 6.78% gave up vigorous physical activity. Conclusion: Joint activity of parents and children contributed to maintaining vigorous physical activity at the recommended levels in the child population with only 6.78% (n = 8) of the participants dropping out.R&D Project DEP2013 47656-P of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Government of SpainTeaching Innovation Projects of the University of Granada 2013–2015, code 13–79, and 2015–2017, code 15–83, titled Active Methodology for Initiation into Sport

    Condición física, adiposidad y autoconcepto en adolescentes. Estudio piloto

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    Un alto índice de masa corporal y una baja capacidad aeróbica se asocia con un peor autoconcepto. Se ha observado también que personas obesas pero con buena forma física están físicamente sanos, fenómeno conocido como "fat but fit". El presente estudio pretende: 1) determinar la relación entre cantidad de grasa corporal y principales componentes de la condición física con el autoconcepto en adolescentes; 2) testar si el fenómeno fat but fit se asocia con un mejor autoconcepto. Un total de 69 adolescentes (14.68 ± 1.36 años) participaron en la evaluación de la composición corporal y la condición física (Batería ALPHA-Fitness). La capacidad aeróbica (forma vs. no en forma) e índice de masa corporal (normo-peso vs. sobrepeso-obesidad) fueron categorizadas usando criterios estándar. Cinco dimensiones del autoconcepto fueron evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Forma 5. La grasa total y central se correlacionó negativamente con el autoconcepto físico, mientras que la condición física (fuerza, velocidad-agilidad y capa- cidad aeróbica) se correlacionó positivamente (p .3). Los resultados confirman la paradoja fat but fit, el sobrepeso se asocia a un peor autoconcepto físico, pero si se tiene una buena forma física los valores de autoconcepto se igualan a los de los adolescentes con normo-peso.A high body mass index and low level of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with a poor self-concept. It has also been noted that obese people who are fit are physically healthy, a fact which is known as 'fat but fit'. The present study aims to: 1) determine the association between body fat and the main components of physical fitness and adolescents' self-concept; 2) test whether the phenomenon called 'fat but fit' is related to a better selfconcept. A total of 69 adolescents (14.68 ± 1.36 years old) took part in the body composition and physical fitness evaluation (ALPHA-Fitness Test Battery). Cardiorespiratory fitness (fit vs. not fit) and the body mass index (normal-weight vs. overweight-obesity) were classified using standard criteria. Five dimensions of self-concept were evaluated by means of the Self-Concept Form 5 Questionnaire. Total and central fat was negatively correlated with physical self-concept, whereas physical condition (strength, speed-agility and aerobic capacity) was positively correlated (p < .05 to .001). High levels of fat mass and little speed-agility were correlated with a worse social self-concept (p < .05). The adolescents who were overweight-obese but in good physical condition (fat but fit) showed a higher self-concept than those who were overweight-obese/not fit (p = .006), with similar figures to adolescents with a normal weight

    Detrimental Effects of Disempowering Climates on Teaching Intention in (Physical Education) Initial Teacher Education

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    Previous research has looked at the positive consequences generated by teacher-generated climates on the motivational experiences of pre-service teachers. However, there is scant research focusing on the adverse motivational consequences that affect the perceptions of future teachers during the training process. The objective of this study was to explore the dark side of Duda’s multidimensional conceptualization, its influence on academic engagement, and the intention of pre-service teachers to be educators. A total of 1,410 university students in initial teacher training (including physical education pre-service teachers) (59.6% women; 40.3% men; 0.1% other; Mage = 23.85; SD = 5.13) participated. The following scales were used: disempowering motivational climate, frustration of basic psychological needs, academic motivation, academic engagement, and the intention to choose teaching. The results of the structural equation model with latent variables show the positive prediction of the disempowering climate on the dark side and its negative influence on the intention to be a teacher. Controlled motivation preceded by academic engagement significantly mediates the relationship between a disempowering climate and the intention to be a teacher, increasing the total effect on the latter variable. Therefore, this research highlights for both teachers and researchers the impact of a disempowering motivational style, as well as its influence on the dark side as a negative promoter in trainee teachers regarding their intention to become teachers