471 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Chemical Treatments and Intrinsic Factors That Affect the Mutagenic Potential of Aflatoxin B1-Contaminated Corn.

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    In the present project the use of ammoniation and fermentation as an integrated process was studied in order to give aflatoxin-contaminated corn an alternative use. Aflatoxin-contaminated corn can be fermented to obtain fuel alcohol and decontaminated distiller\u27s dried solid grains (DDSG) can be used for animal feed. The efficacy of a fermentation process, with the inclusion of ammonium persulfate, for the decontamination of aflatoxin B\sb1-contaminated yellow corn was studied, as well as the effect of peroxides on the ethanol production. Addition of 2.0% ammonium persulfate decreased the aflatoxin B\sb1 levels by 87%. Peroxides did not have an effect on ethanol production. This process was not mutagenic in the Ames test using Salmonella tester strains TA98 and TA100 with metabolic activation. An isolation procedure based on thin layer chromatography technique was used to isolate factors that interfered with the mutagenic potential of AFB\sb1. A dose-response type of relationship between a constant dose of AFB\sb1 and different concentrations of corn and corn fraction extracts were found in the Ames test. The corn fractions were found not to be toxic to either, Salmonella tester strain TA98 or TA100. Anti-mutagenic fractions isolated from corn were tested against 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) to determine their activity on a direct acting mutagen. All corn fractions tested positive against MNNG in the Ames test using Salmonella tester strain TA100. Anti-mutagenic activity was tested in five different varieties of corn fractions. A dose-response effect was observed for all the corn fractions tested using two tester strains with S9. Four anti-mutagenic isolates were analyzed by MALDI-MS and GC-MS. MALDI-MS showed the presence of two groups of molecules or molecular fragments. The molecular mass of one group ranged from 250 to 370 m/z, the other ranged from 540 to 640 m/z. GC-MS showed the presence of a linoleic acid-like compound. The use of ammonium persulfate was shown to efficiently decontaminate AFB\sb1-contaminated corn during fermentation without affecting ethanol production. This research also found that corn has a number of compounds that may offer a protective effect against mutagenic events. One of these compounds may be linoleic acid or a linoleic acid-like compound

    Two classes of bipartite networks: nested biological and social systems

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    Bipartite graphs have received some attention in the study of social networks and of biological mutualistic systems. A generalization of a previous model is presented, that evolves the topology of the graph in order to optimally account for a given Contact Preference Rule between the two guilds of the network. As a result, social and biological graphs are classified as belonging to two clearly different classes. Projected graphs, linking the agents of only one guild, are obtained from the original bipartite graph. The corresponding evolution of its statistical properties is also studied. An example of a biological mutualistic network is analyzed in great detail, and it is found that the model provides a very good quantitative fitting of its properties. The model also provides a proper qualitative description of the statistical features observed in social webs, suggesting the possible reasons underlying the difference in the organization of these two kinds of bipartite networks.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Las ventas durante la pandemia Covid-19 y la situación financiera de un establo lechero en Virú, 2019-2022

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue analizar el comportamiento de las ventas en tiempo de pandemia Covid-19 y la situación financiera de una empresa productora de leche en Virú durante los años 2019-2022. Para cumplir con este objetivo se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo aplicado, diseño no experimental, alcance descriptivo y corte longitudinal, utilizando la técnica de análisis de datos financieros y como instrumento la ficha de registro de datos. La población en estudio fueron el registro de ventas y los estados financieros de la empresa del 2019-2022. Los resultados indicaron que debido a las medidas sanitarias implementadas durante la pandemia Covid-19, las ventas sufrieron bajas en meses específicos en el 2020, pero esto no influyó de manera anual ya que la producción fue constante y las ventas incrementaron periódicamente. Sin embargo, el margen neto, la rentabilidad económica y financiera se vieron afectados por altos costos y gastos, por lo que tuvieron que financiarse con ayuda del gobierno. En conclusión, durante el periodo de pandemia Covid-19 las ventas no perjudicaron la situación financiera de la empresa, pero sí lo hicieron los elevados costos de producción de la leche, así como los gastos administrativos y de ventas

    Specific Colon Cancer Cell Cytotoxicity Induced by Bacteriophage E Gene Expression under Transcriptional Control of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Promoter

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    Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. Patients in advanced stages often develop metastases that require chemotherapy and usually show a poor response, have a low survival rate and develop considerable toxicity with adverse symptoms. Gene therapy may act as an adjuvant therapy in attempts to destroy the tumor without affecting normal host tissue. The bacteriophage E gene has demonstrated significant antitumor activity in several cancers, but without any tumor-specific activity. The use of tumor-specific promoters may help to direct the expression of therapeutic genes so they act against specific cancer cells. We used the carcinoembryonic antigen promoter (CEA) to direct E gene expression (pCEA-E) towards colon cancer cells. pCEA-E induced a high cell growth inhibition of human HTC-116 colon adenocarcinoma and mouse MC-38 colon cancer cells in comparison to normal human CCD18co colon cells, which have practically undetectable levels of CEA. In addition, in vivo analyses of mice bearing tumors induced using MC-38 cells showed a significant decrease in tumor volume after pCEA-E treatment and a low level of Ki-67 in relation to untreated tumors. These results suggest that the CEA promoter is an excellent candidate for directing E gene expression specifically toward colon cancer cells.This research was funded by FEDER, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III- Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) through Projects PI11/01862 and PI11/0257


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    In the present investigation, the validation of the gravimetric method was carried out to determine the total suspended solids dried at 103-105 ° Cin natural and residual waters. This process is fundamental in laboratories certified according to ISO / IEC 17025 and allows to obtain reliabledata, for this work was developed taking as a reference the method of section 2540 D proposed by the standard method edition 23, for the determination of total suspended solids. In this particular case, the method consisted of filtering a well-mixed sample through a previously weighed standard fiberglass filter, and then drying the filter and the residue retained therein at a constant weight in a 103-well oven. 105 ° C. The increase in filter weight represents the total suspended solids. The results for this method are reliable due to the fact that error percentages and coefficients of variation were lower than 10%, which shows that this analysis was performed with good accuracy and precision, with a limit of detection of 11,010 mg SST / L, showing that a good process was performed in the determination of total suspended solids. The validation carried out in this work shows that the methodologies used meet the criteria required before the control entities such as IDEAM, which allow us to guarantee that the above results are highly reliable in the Research and Environmental Quality laboratory of the SENA Regional Córdoba and in turn is a support to maintain accreditation under resolution 0477 of May 15, 2019, retaining the guidelines of the aforementioned standard.En la presente investigación, se llevó a cabo la validación del método gravimétrico para determinar los sólidos suspendidos totalessecados a 103-105°C en aguas naturales y residuales. Este proceso es fundamental en los laboratorios certificados según ISO / IEC17025 y permite obtener datos confiables. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo fue tomado como referencia el método de la sección 2540 Dpropuestos por el estándar método edición 23, para la determinación de sólidos suspendidos totales. En este caso particular, el método consistióen la filtración de una muestra bien mezclada a través de un filtro de fibra de vidrio estándar previamente pesado, y luego de secado el filtroy el residuo retenido en él a un peso constante en un horno a 103-105 °C. El aumento en el peso del filtro representa los sólidos suspendidostotales. Los resultados para este método son confiables debido a que se logró porcentajes de error y de coeficientes de variación, inferioresal 10%, lo que muestra que dicho análisis se realizó con una buena exactitud y precisión, con un límite de detección de 11,01 mg de caolín/L,mostrando que se realizó un buen proceso en la determinación de solidos suspendidos totales. La validación realizada en este trabajo, muestraque las metodologías empleadas cumplen con los criterios exigidos ante los entes de control como el IDEAM, que permiten garantizar que losanteriores resultados son de alta confiabilidad en el laboratorio de Investigación y Calidad Ambiental del SENA Regional Córdoba y a su vez es un soporte para mantener la acreditación bajo la resolución 0477 del 15 de mayo 2019, conservando los lineamientos de la norma anteriormente citada

    Las Fuerzas Armadas y los nuevos problemas de seguridad en el Ecuador

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    La idea fundamental del presente trabajo, es determinar las nuevas amenazas que afectan a la Seguridad Nacional y el papel que desempeñan las Fuerzas Armadas frente a éstas.- Solamente al tomar conocimiento del tema de nuestro estudio, se evidencia la complejidad y dificultad del análisis; para lo cual hemos estructurado un esquema, que a nuestro juicio encima de mucha objetividad. Intentaremos definir el papel que juegan las Fuerzas Armadas, que históricamente han participado en la conformación del Estado Ecuatoriano y que simultáneamente le ha proporcionado el aval para su supervivencia. Se hace necesario revisar el Nuevo Ordenamiento Mundial, como producto de la terminación de la Guerra Fría. Situación que ha obligado a reevaluar la orientación de las Instituciones del Estado, particularmente de las Fuerzas Armadas, y que representa el marco referencial para el análisis de la Seguridad Nacional Ecuatoriana. Frente a ésta, las Fuerzas Armadas se enfrentan a un importante desafío para elaborar una estrategia aplicable en todo el espectro del empleo militar. Para cumplir con la meta propuesta se hace necesario examinar con objetividad cómo ha evolucionado la sociedad desde sus formas más primitivas, a la conformación de una sociedad con personalidad e historia propias y a su constitución como sociedad política y jurídicamente organizada. Es aquí donde corresponde analizar las responsabilidades de esta nueva sociedad para Conseguir el bien común de quienes la conforman; ya que nadie en lo particular, ni las instituciones mismas como el Estado, pueden desenvolverse eficientemente, si en su interior se manifiestan situaciones que alteren su ordenamiento. Ante esta situación se hace imperativo que la sociedad y las instituciones se desarrollen ordenadamente, que éstas se desenvuelvan dentro de un estado de derecho, de equilibrio entre el orden social y las libertades propias del Individuo

    Quality of Olive Oil Obtained by Regulated Deficit Irrigation

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    Olive oil is one of the basic products in the Mediterranean diet, and, due to its nutritional value, it is becoming more and more widespread in the world. Even though it has traditionally been a rainfed crop, farmers are currently transforming their plantations into super-high-density orchards to increase production. However, the increasingly acute drought in Mediterranean countries forces the establishment of water control mechanisms that allow restriction the contribution of water without undermining the properties of the products obtained. Under this concept, hydroSOS crops and products arose. This study aims to analyze the influence of the application of deficit irrigation on the olive oil obtained from the Arbequina and Arbosana varieties. The sensory parameters descriptive profile and consumers satisfaction degree were measured using trained and consumers’ panels, and the chemical parameters peroxide index, fatty acids, and volatile profile were analyzed using the methods from the International Olive Oil Council and gas chromatography. The experimental results showed that applying this type of irrigation leads to an oil that is more valued by consumers, with a higher concentration of aromatic compounds related with a greener aroma (hexanol, trans-2-hexen-1-ol, hexanal), a higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and greater antioxidant capacity. Deficit irrigation strategies led to environmentally friendly olive oil with high acceptance by Spanish consumers.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Antimutagenicity and Antiproliferative Studies of Lipidic Extracts from White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    An organic extract from fresh shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was studied for antimutagenic and antiproliferative properties using Salmonella typhimurium tester strains TA98 and TA100 with metabolic activation (S9) and a cancer cell line (B-cell lymphoma), respectively. Shrimp extract was sequentially fractionated by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and each fraction was tested for antimutagenic and antiproliferative activities. Crude organic extracts obtained from shrimp reduced the number of revertants caused by aflatoxina B1, showing a dose-response type of relationship. Sequential TLC fractionation of the active extracts produced several antimutagenic and/or antiproliferative fractions. These results suggested that the lipid fraction of the tested species contained compounds with chemoprotective properties that reduce the mutagenicity of AFB1 and proliferation of a cancer cell line

    Transcultural adaptation and theoretical models of validation of the spanish version of the self-care of heart failure index version 6.2 (schfi v.6.2)

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) is a major and growing public health problem worldwide. Across the world, heart failure is associated with high mortality, high hospitalization rates, and poor quality of life. Self-care is defined as a naturalistic decision-making process involving the choice of behaviors that maintain physiologic stability, the response to symptoms when they occur, and the ability to follow the treatment regimen and control symptoms. One instrument used to measure self-care is the Self Care of Heart Failure Index. Aim: The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Self Care of Heart Failure Index v.6.2 (SCHFI v.6.2). Methodology: Before testing its psychometric properties, the SCHFI v.6.2 was translated and adapted from its original English version into Spanish. Subsequently, we tested the instrument’s psychometric properties on a sample of 203 participants with HF. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical variables, and to describe item responses. We tested the factorial validity of the SCHFI v.6.2 using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed using the our pre-existing models which resulted with poor fit indices. Thus, we performed exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on each of the SCHFI v.6.2 scales. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the SCHFI v.6.2. has good characteristics of factorial validity and can be used in clinical practice and research to measure self-care in patients with HF