249 research outputs found

    Antifungal, Acute Toxicity and Mutagenicity Activity of Extracts from Datura stramonium, Jacquinia macrocarpa and Krameria erecta on Fusarium verticillioides

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    The effect of Baccharis glutinosa, Jacquinia macrocarpa, and Krameria erecta extracts was investigated on the growth and the spore germination of Fusarium verticillioides (ATCC 52539). Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) was used to evaluate the potential acute toxicity of the fractions obtained from plant extracts. The butanol fraction of J. macrocarpa totally inhibited the radial growth for 144 h and up to 95% after 168 h. The ethyl acetate fraction of B. glutinosa caused 100% of radial growth inhibition for 96 h. The ethyl acetate fractions of B. glutinosa and K. erecta caused the higher inhibitory effect on F. verticillioides spore germination, 100 and 95%, respectively. All plant fractions tested at a concentration of 5.0 mg mL-1 caused 100% brine shrimp lethality after 24 h. The Ames test did not reveal the presence of an evident mutagenic activity.Keywords: Antifungal Activity, Plant Extracts, Brine Shrimp Bioassay, Mutagenicity Assay, Fusarium verticillioide

    Multidisciplinary consensus on the approach to hospital malnutrition in Spain

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    Rationale: Disease-related malnutrition constitutes a highly prevalent healthcare problem with high costs associated. In Spain, the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients has been reported from 30% to 50%. Objectives: Main purposes of this consensus document were to establish recommendations that facilitate decision- making and action to prevent and early-diagnose disease-related hospital malnutrition, on the management of nutritional support methods and actions to evaluate nutritional treatment compliance and efficacy. Methods: A systematic bibliographical search of authors was performed, complemented by updated bibliography by author references up to 2010. From this review, some recommendations were defined, modified and critically evaluated by the representatives of scientific societies in a consensus conference (Dec 2010) following a structured brainstorming technique: the Metaplan® technique. A double validation process was undertaken until final recommendations were obtained. Results: 30 consensus recommendations for the prevention and management of hospital malnutrition are presented in this document. Recommendations cover all clinical care settings as well as prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of disease-related malnutrition. Conclusions: Nutritional screening is strongly recommended at all clinical settings when nutritional risk factors are identified or there is clinical suspicion of malnutrition. Nutritional assessment should be designed and performed according to centers’ resources, but clearly identified protocols should be available.La desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad constituye un problema sanitario de elevada prevalencia y altos costes. En España, la prevalencia de desnutrición de los pacientes hospitalizados se ha estimado entre el 30% y el 50%. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de este consenso fue establecer recomendaciones para facilitar la toma de decisiones para la prevención y el diagnostico precoz de la desnutrición hospitalaria, el manejo del soporte nutricional, y las acciones para evaluar el cumplimiento de la intervención nutricional y su eficacia. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de autor complementada por bibliografía actualizada por referencias de autor hasta el año 2010. A partir de esta revisión, se definieron algunas recomendaciones que fueron criticadas y modificadas por los representantes de las Sociedades Científicas participantes en una conferencia de consenso (Diciembre 2010) siguiendo una técnica de brainstorming estructurado: la técnica Metaplan®. Se realizaron dos vueltas de validación de las recomendaciones hasta obtener las recomendaciones finales. Resultados: Este documento presenta 30 recomendaciones para la prevención y el manejo de la desnutrición hospitalaria. Las mismas cubren todas las áreas de actuación clínica así como la prevención, cribado, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la desnutrición hospitalaria relacionada con la enfermedad. Conclusiones: Se recomienda enérgicamente el cribado nutricional en todas las áreas de actuación clínica cuando se identifiquen factores de riesgo nutricional o sospecha clínica de desnutrición. La valoración del estado nutricional debe diseñarse y realizarse de acuerdo a los recursos disponibles en cada centro, disponiendo de claros protocolos de actuación

    Plasticity of Dendritic Spines. Not Only for Cognitive Processes

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    Excitatory synaptic transmission is associated with the input of “new” information at synaptic junctions established by dendritic spines. The role that each type of spine plays in the transmission of the synaptic impulses is different. Indeed, there is a close relationship between the shape of spines and the differential processing of the excitatory synaptic information that is relayed to them, influencing in turn the transmission of synaptic information related to several psychoneural processes

    Lifestyle and fat distribution in asthmatic and healthy adolescents

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    Introducción: el objetivo es analizar el estilo de vida, en función del ejercicio y la dieta, de un grupo de adolescentes de la Comunidad de Madrid, teniendo en cuenta género y patología y su relación con el estado nutricional, la distribución de grasa y la función pulmonar. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de 207 sujetos que analizó el estilo de vida a partir del nivel de actividad física (AF) y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, el estado nutricional y la distribución de grasa, y la salud respiratoria. Resultados: El grupo de no asmáticos fue más activo (p=0,003) y presentó menor ICT (p=0,001) que el grupo de asmáticos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro del grupo sin asma en nivel de AF siendo los varones más activos (p=0,01) y presentando menor índice cintura-talla (ICT) que las mujeres del mismo grupo (p=0,001). Conclusiones: Los adolescentes no asmáticos fueron más activos y presentaron mejor distribución de grasa que los asmáticosObjectives: objective is to analyze the lifestyle, integrating exercise and diet, of a group of adolescents from the Community of Madrid, taking into account gender and pathology and its relationship with nutritional status, fat distribution and lung function in adolescents with or without asthma. Methods: This was a descriptive study including 207 subjects aged 13.20 ± 0.62 years. Lifestyle was assessed in terms of physical activity (PA) levels, Mediterranean diet, nutritional status, and respiratory health measured through FEV1 (z). Results: In the non-asthma group, boys were more active (p = 0.01) and showed a lower waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) than girls (p = 0.001). Participants without asthma were more active (p = 0.003), and had a better WHtR (p = 0.001) and FEV1 (p = 0.001) than those with asthma. Conclusions: In this Spanish population sample, non-asthmatic adolescents were more active and showed a better nutritional status, fat distribution and respiratory health than their peers with asthmaFinanciado a través de la VII Convocatoria Real Madrid-Universidad Europea (Ref 2015/03RM); Tercer premio en los XV Premios Neumomadrid; Beca Jóvenes Investigadores de la SENP 2015

    The Proteasomal Deubiquitinating Enzyme PSMD14 Regulates Macroautophagy by Controlling Golgi-to-ER Retrograde Transport

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    Ubiquitination regulates several biological processes, however the role of specific members of the ubiquitinome on intracellular membrane trafficking is not yet fully understood. Here, we search for ubiquitin-related genes implicated in protein membrane trafficking performing a High-Content siRNA Screening including 1187 genes of the human “ubiquitinome” using amyloid precursor protein (APP) as a reporter. We identified the deubiquitinating enzyme PSMD14, a subunit of the 19S regulatory particle of the proteasome, specific for K63-Ub chains in cells, as a novel regulator of Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retrograde transport. Silencing or pharmacological inhibition of PSMD14 with Capzimin (CZM) caused a robust increase in APP levels at the Golgi apparatus and the swelling of this organelle. We showed that this phenotype is the result of rapid inhibition of Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, a pathway implicated in the early steps of the autophagosomal formation. Indeed, we observed that inhibition of PSMD14 with CZM acts as a potent blocker of macroautophagy by a mechanism related to the retention of Atg9A and Rab1A at the Golgi apparatus. As pharmacological inhibition of the proteolytic core of the 20S proteasome did not recapitulate these effects, we concluded that PSMD14, and the K63-Ub chains, act as a crucial regulatory factor for macroautophagy by controlling Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport

    Detection of optical emission from the supernova remnant G7.7–3.7

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    The work of VD is supported by a grant from NWO graduate programme/GRAPPA-PhD programme. VD also acknowledges support from the LKBF, subsidy no. 19.2.027. JVHS acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. PZ acknowledges the support from the NWO Veni Fellowship, grant no. 639.041.647 and NSFC grant 11590781. SA thanks the support under the grant 5077 financed by IAASARS/NOA. AdB thanks the support from the Spanish Government Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through grants PGC-2018-091, 3741-B-C22, and SEV 2015-0548, from the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI) of the Canary Islands Government, and from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under grant with reference ProID2017010115.We present the first optical study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G7.7–3.7, with the aim of determining its evolutionary phase since it has been suggested to be the remnant of SN 386 AD. We obtained narrow-band images in the filters H α + [N ii], H β, [O iii], [S ii] that revealed faint optical emission in the southern region of the SNR consisting of two filaments elongated in the east–west direction aligned with the X-ray emitting region of the remnant. The filaments were seen in H α + [N ii], [O iii] images and marginally in the [S ii] images, with a non-detection in H β. Long-slit spectroscopy of the three regions along one filament revealed large ratios of [S ii]/H α = (1.6–2.5), consistent with that expected for a shock-heated SNR. The [S ii] doublet ratio observed in two of the regions implies an upper limit for the electron density of the gas, with estimates falling below 400 cm−3 and 600 cm−3 in the respective areas. We discuss potential physical mechanisms that formed the observed optical filaments and we suggest that most likely they resulted by a collision of the SNR with a dense circumstellar shell lying at the southern region of the remnant.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Detection of optical emission from the supernova remnant G7.7-3.7

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    We present the first optical study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G7.7-3.7, with the aim of determining its evolutionary phase since it has been suggested to be the remnant of SN 386 AD. We obtained narrow-band images in the filters Hα\alpha + [NII], Hβ\beta, [OIII], [SII] that revealed faint optical emission in the southern region of the SNR consisting of two filaments elongated in the east-west direction aligned with the X-ray emitting region of the remnant. The filaments were seen in Hα\alpha + [NII], [OIII] images and marginally in the [SII] images, with a non-detection in Hβ\beta. Long-slit spectroscopy of three regions along one filament revealed large ratios of [SII] / Hα\alpha = (1.6-2.5), consistent with that expected for a shock-heated SNR. The [SII] doublet ratio observed in two of the regions implies an upper limit for the electron density of the gas, with estimates falling below 400 cm3^{-3} and 600 cm3^{-3} in the respective areas. We discuss potential physical mechanisms that formed the observed optical filaments and we suggest that most likely they resulted by a collision of the SNR with a dense circumstellar shell lying at the southern region of the remnant.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Antiproliferative activity of protein extracts from the black clam (Chione fluctifraga) on human cervical and breast cancer cell lines

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    The wide diversity of the marine environment has been an important resource for the discovery of new bioactive agents from marine organisms. The aim of this study was to obtain protein extracts from the clam Chione fluctifraga and determine its antiproliferative activity against cervical and breast cancer cells. The extracts were obtained by ammonium sulfate fractionation, gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Antiproliferative activity was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay (MTT). The results showed that 3F3 had antiproliferative effect against HeLa and MDA-MB-231 cell lines with IC50 values of 138.035 and 157.19 μg/ml, respectively, and 2F2 showed IC50 values of 67.46 μg/ml on HeLa cells. These results suggest that protein extracts from C. fluctifraga might be potential anticancer agents.Key words: Protein extracts, clam, antiproliferative activity, breast cancer, cervical cancer

    Isolation and Identification of an Antimutagenic Phthalate Derivative Compound from Octopus (Paraoctopus limaculatus)

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    Purpose: To isolate and evaluate the antimutagenic properties of compounds previously identified in octopus (Paraoctopus limaculatus).Methods: Octopus fractions, previously obtained by a sequential thin layer chromatography (TLC) procedure, were subjected to further fractionation by TLC and their anti-mutagenic activity monitored using Salmonella tester strains TA98 and TA100 with metabolic activation (S9) in Ames test. The isolated fractions were subjected to structural studies by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C NMR), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Results: Five new fractions were obtained from a previously isolated and reported anti-mutagenic octopus fraction. Fractions RB21321b2 and RB21321b3 inhibited > 80 % of the mutagenicity induced by 500 ng AFB1 on both tester strains and were selected for chemical/structural characterization. Data from IR and 1H and 13C NMR suggested the presence of phthalate type of compounds. GC-MS analysis revealed 278 m/z for both fractions which is consistent with a butyl isobutyl phthalate structure.Conclusion: Based on the findings, the compound responsible for the high anti-mutagenic activity of the isolated fraction from octopus is 1-butyl-2-isobutyl-phthalate.Keywords: Octopus, Anti-Mutagenic, Paraoctopus limaculatus, 1-Butyl-2-isobutyl-phthalat