2,756 research outputs found

    Thermal treatment of the minority game

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    We study a cost function for the aggregate behavior of all the agents involved in the Minority Game (MG) or the Bar Attendance Model (BAM). The cost function allows to define a deterministic, synchronous dynamics that yields results that have the main relevant features than those of the probabilistic, sequential dynamics used for the MG or the BAM. We define a temperature through a Langevin approach in terms of the fluctuations of the average attendance. We prove that the cost function is an extensive quantity that can play the role of an internal energy of the many agent system while the temperature so defined is an intensive parameter. We compare the results of the thermal perturbation to the deterministic dynamics and prove that they agree with those obtained with the MG or BAM in the limit of very low temperature.Comment: 9 pages in PRE format, 6 figure

    Dynamical quenching and annealing in self-organization multiagent models

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    We study the dynamics of a generalized Minority Game (GMG) and of the Bar Attendance Model (BAM) in which a number of agents self-organize to match an attendance that is fixed externally as a control parameter. We compare the usual dynamics used for the Minority Game with one for the BAM that makes a better use of the available information. We study the asymptotic states reached in both frameworks. We show that states that can be assimilated to either thermodynamic equilibrium or quenched configurations can appear in both models, but with different settings. We discuss the relevance of the parameter GG that measures the value of the prize for winning in units of the fine for losing. We also provide an annealing protocol by which the quenched configurations of the GMG can progressively be modified to reach an asymptotic equlibrium state that coincides with the one obtained with the BAM.Comment: around 20 pages, 10 figure

    A Method to Determine the In-Air Spatial Spread of Clinical Electron Beams

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    We propose and analyze in detail a method to measure the in-air spatial spread parameter of clinical electron beams. Measurements are performed at the center of the beam and below the adjustable collimators sited in asymmetrical configuration in order to avoid the distortions due to the presence of the applicator. The main advantage of our procedure lies in the fact that the dose profiles are fitted by means of a function which includes, additionally to the Gaussian step usually considered, a background which takes care of the dose produced by different mechanisms that the Gaussian model does not account for. As a result, the spatial spread is obtained directly from the fitting procedure and the accuracy permits a good determination of the angular spread. The way the analysis is done is alternative to that followed by the usual methods based on the evaluation of the penumbra width. Besides, the spatial spread found shows the quadratic-cubic dependence with the distance to the source predicted by the Fermi-Eyges theory. However, the corresponding values obtained for the scattering power are differing from those quoted by ICRU nr. 35 by a factor ~2 or larger, what requires of a more detailed investigation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 Postscript figures, to be published in Medical Physic

    X-ray Spectra of the RIXOS source sample

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    We present results of an extensive study of the X-ray spectral properties of sources detected in the RIXOS survey, that is nearly complete down to a flux limit of 3e-14 cgs (0.5-2 keV). We show that for X-ray surveys containing sources with low count rate spectral slopes estimated using simple hardness ratios in the ROSAT band can be biased. Instead we analyse three-colour X-ray data using statistical techniques appropriate to the Poisson regime which removes the effects of this bias. We have then applied this technique to the RIXOS survey to study the spectral properties of the sample. For the AGN we find an average energy index of 1.05+-0.05 with no evidence for spectral evolution with redshift. Individual AGN are shown to have a range of properties including soft X-ray excesses and intrinsic absorption. Narrow Emission Line Galaxies also seem to fit to a power-law spectrum, which may indicate a non-thermal origin for their X-ray emission. We infer that most of the clusters in the sample have a bremsstrahlung temperature >3 keV, although some show evidence for a cooling flow. The stars deviate strongly from a power-law model but fit to a thermal model. Finally, we have analysed the whole RIXOS sample containing 1762 sources. We find that the mean spectral slope of the sources hardens at lower fluxes in agreement with results from other samples. However, a study of the individual sources demonstrates that the hardening of the mean is caused by the appearance of a population of very hard sources at the lowest fluxes. This has implications for the nature of the soft X-ray background.Comment: 31,LaTeX file, 2 PS files with Table 2 and 22 PS figures. MNRAS in pres

    Diseño y evaluación de un sistema inmunoenzimático rápido de tercera generación para la detección de anticuerpos antiVlH

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    This paper describes the development of a third generation method for the detection of specific antibodies against the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (VIH) types 1 and 2. The method uses a Microelisa, based on the use of a mixture of synthetic peptides as antigens derived from gp41 and p24 of HIV 1 and p36 of HIV 2. This system requires a total of twenty minutes (20') in order to obtain a result with 100% specificity and 99% sensitivity, comparable to the new third - generation commercially available systems.Una mezcla de péptidos sintéticos correspondientes a regiones conservadas e inmunodominantes de las proteínas gp41 y p24 del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 (VIH 1) y de p36 del VIH tipo 2, se emplearon como antígenos para el desarrollo de un sistema de microelisa para la detección de anticuerpos específicos antiVlH en suero de pacientes infectados. Este abordaje multiepitópico permite la elaboración de un ELlSA rápido (20 minutos) con una sensibilidad del 99% y una especificidad del 100% cuando se enfrenta con un panel de 300 sueros: 100 de pacientes seropositivos y pacientes con SlDA y 200 muestras de donantes sanos. Estos resultados sugieren que el sistema de microelisa rápido posee una sensibilidad y especificidad comparables a la de los estuches comerciales de tercera generación disponibles actualmente

    New Superhard Phases for 3D C60-based Fullerites

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    We have explored new possible phases of 3D C60-based fullerites using semiempirical potentials and ab-initio density functional methods. We have found three closely related structures - two body centered orthorhombic and one body centered cubic - having 52, 56 and 60 tetracoordinated atoms per molecule. These 3D polymers result in semiconductors with bulk moduli near 300 GPa, and shear moduli around 240 GPa, which make them good candidates for new low density superhard materials.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Low Energy Electron and Nuclear Recoil Thresholds in the DRIFT-II Negative Ion TPC for Dark Matter Searches

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    Understanding the ability to measure and discriminate particle events at the lowest possible energy is an essential requirement in developing new experiments to search for weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter. In this paper we detail an assessment of the potential sensitivity below 10 keV in the 1 m^3 DRIFT-II directionally sensitive, low pressure, negative ion time projection chamber (NITPC), based on event-by-event track reconstruction and calorimetry in the multiwire proportional chamber (MWPC) readout. By application of a digital smoothing polynomial it is shown that the detector is sensitive to sulfur and carbon recoils down to 2.9 and 1.9 keV respectively, and 1.2 keV for electron induced events. The energy sensitivity is demonstrated through the 5.9 keV gamma spectrum of 55Fe, where the energy resolution is sufficient to identify the escape peak. The effect a lower energy sensitivity on the WIMP exclusion limit is demonstrated. In addition to recoil direction reconstruction for WIMP searches this sensitivity suggests new prospects for applications also in KK axion searches

    First measurement of the Head-Tail directional nuclear recoil signature at energies relevant to WIMP dark matter searches

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    We present first evidence for the so-called Head-Tail asymmetry signature of neutron-induced nuclear recoil tracks at energies down to 1.5 keV/amu using the 1m^3 DRIFT-IIc dark matter detector. This regime is appropriate for recoils induced by Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMPs) but one where the differential ionization is poorly understood. We show that the distribution of recoil energies and directions induced here by Cf-252 neutrons matches well that expected from massive WIMPs. The results open a powerful new means of searching for a galactic signature from WIMPs.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Multiparticle Reactions with Spatial Anisotropy

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    We study the effect of anisotropic diffusion on the one-dimensional annihilation reaction kA->inert with partial reaction probabilities when hard-core particles meet in groups of k nearest neighbors. Based on scaling arguments, mean field approaches and random walk considerations we argue that the spatial anisotropy introduces no appreciable changes as compared to the isotropic case. Our conjectures are supported by numerical simulations for slow reaction rates, for k=2 and 4.Comment: nine pages, plain Te