2,264 research outputs found

    Analysis of contents about sexuality and human reproduction in school textbooks in Spain

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    Objectives: The spread of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in adolescents and teenage pregnancy rates are increasing. A decrease in the average age of youth’s first sexual experience is also being noted. Sexual education programs in schools have an important role to play in addressing these issues. The objective of this study is to analyze the content of textbooks in the area of sexuality and human reproduction in order to evaluate the extent to which these textbooks promote healthy reproductive life styles, as well as risk behavior avoidance among the adolescent students. Study design: Descriptive study of school textbooks content. Methods: The study sample consisted of 12 textbooks (about 80% of all the textbooks) used in Spanish secondary school and edited in 2002. A content analysis evaluated the extent to which these books demonstrated reliable scientific information about: a) condom effectiveness; b) consequences, prevention, and treatment of STI; c) family planning methods; d) Assisted reproductive technologies and e) the promotion of healthy reproductive lifestyles. Results: All textbooks presented inaccurate information in the areas studied. Two hundred and eighty one quotes were identified that facilitated an incomplete perception of sexuality or enabled risky behavior. An average of 12.6 incorrect messages was identified in each textbook. Conclusions: The textbooks examined are neither appropriate nor comprehensive enough for adolescent education on issues of sexuality. Results suggest a need for alternative textbooks based on better scientific evidence. It is essential that textbooks empower adolescents to make healthy decisions through the promotion of useful life skills that provide a more integrated concept of sexuality. In any case, there is a need for approaches to sexual education to integrate values commonly held by parents of the youth that use such texts

    Tunable injectable alginate-based hydrogel for cell therapy in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Islet transplantation has the potential of reestablishing naturally-regulated insulin production in Type 1 diabetic patients. Nevertheless, this procedure is limited due to the low islet survival after transplantation and the lifelong immunosuppression to avoid rejection. Islet embedding within a biocompatible matrix provides mechanical protection and a physical barrier against the immune system thus, increasing islet survival. Alginate is the preferred biomaterial used for embedding insulin-producing cells because of its biocompatibility, low toxicity and ease of gelation. However, alginate gelation is poorly controlled, affecting its physicochemical properties as an injectable biomaterial. Including different concentrations of the phosphate salt Na2HPO4 in alginate hydrogels, we can modulate their gelation time, tuning their physicochemical properties like stiffness and porosity while maintaining an appropriate injectability. Moreover, these hydrogels showed good biocompatibility when embedding a rat insulinoma cell line, especially at low Na2HPO4 concentrations, indicating that these hydrogels have potential as injectable biomaterials for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus treatment

    Behavioral and ERP correlates of long-term physical and mental training on a demanding switch task

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    Physical and mental training are associated with positive effects on executive functions throughout the lifespan. However, evidence of the benefits of combined physical and mental regimes over a sedentary lifestyle remain sparse. The goal of this study was to investigate potential mechanisms, from a source-resolved event-related-potential perspective, that could explain how practicing long-term physical and mental exercise can benefit neural processing during the execution of an attention switching task. Fifty-three healthy community volunteers who self-reported long-term practice of Tai Chi (n = 10), meditation + exercise (n = 16), simple aerobics (n = 15), or a sedentary lifestyle (n = 12), aged 47.8 ± 14.6 (SD) were included in this analysis. All participants undertook high-density electroencephalography recording during a switch paradigm. Our results indicate that people who practice physical and mental exercise perform better in a task-switching paradigm. Our analysis revealed an additive effect of the combined practice of physical and mental exercise over physical exercise only. In addition, we confirmed the participation of frontal, parietal and cingulate areas as generators of event-related-potential components (N2-like and P3-like) commonly associated to the performance of switch tasks. Particularly, the N2-like component of the parietal and frontal domains showed significantly greater amplitudes in the exercise and mental training groups compared with aerobics and sedentary groups. Furthermore, we showed better performance associated with greater N2-like amplitudes. Our multivariate analysis revealed that activity type was the most relevant factor to explain the difference between groups, with an important influence of age, and body mass index, and with small effects of educational years, cardiovascular capacity, and sex. These results suggest that chronic combined physical and mental training may confer significant benefits to executive function in normally aging adults, probably through more efficient early attentional processing. Future experimental studies are needed to confirm our results and understand the mechanisms on parieto-frontal networks that contribute to the cognitive improvement associated with practicing combined mental and aerobic exercise, while carefully controlling confounding factors, such as age and body mass index

    Anålisis de roles de género, emoción y expresividad a través del manga

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    En el presente trabajo se emplea el manga como herramienta de anĂĄlisis de cuestiones de gĂ©nero en la sociedad japonesa. Dicho producto cultural refleja valores que siguen vigentes en su sociedad. En este ensayo, se analizan valores de gĂ©nero (ligados a dimensiones sociales de las emociones). Los tĂ­tulos seleccionados van destinados a un pĂșblico juvenil, y todos ellos han llegado a nuestro paĂ­s. Nos hemos propuesto observar diferentes aspectos emocionales y psicolĂłgicos de los personajes, poniendo atenciĂłn en el lenguaje visual que los autores emplean para destacar la expresividad emocionalEn aquest treball es fa servir el manga com a eina d'anĂ lisi de qĂŒestions de gĂšnere en la societat japonesa. Aquest producte cultural reflecteix uns valors que romanen vigents a la seva societat. En aquest assaig, s'analitzen valors de gĂšnere (lligats a dimensions socials de les emocions). Els tĂ­tols seleccionats van dirigits a un pĂșblic juvenil, i tots ells han arribat al nostre paĂ­s. Ens hem proposat observar diferents aspectes emocionals i psicolĂČgics dels personatges, parant atenciĂł al llenguatge visual que els autors fan servir per destacar l'expressivitat emocionalIn this essay manga is used as a tool for analysis of gender issues in Japanese society. This cultural product reflects values that still remain in their society. In this paper, gender values will be analyzed (linked to social dimensions of emotions). The selected titles are aimed at a young audience, and all of them have arrived to Spain. In this work, we will observe different emotional and psychological aspects of the characters, paying especial attention to the visual language that their authors use to highlight the emotional expressivenes

    Force Spectroscopy Imaging and Constriction Assays Reveal the Effects of Graphene Oxide on the Mechanical Properties of Alginate Microcapsules

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    Microencapsulation of cells in hydrogel-based porous matrices is an approach that has demonstrated great success in regenerative cell therapy. These microcapsules work by concealing the exogenous cells and materials in a robust biomaterial that prevents their recognition by the immune system. A vast number of formulations and additives are continuously being tested to optimize cell viability and mechanical properties of the hydrogel. Determining the effects of new microcapsule additives is a lengthy process that usually requires extensive in vitro and in vivo testing. In this paper, we developed a workflow using nanoindentation (i.e., indentation with a nanoprobe in an atomic force microscope) and a custom-built microfluidic constriction device to characterize the effect of graphene oxide (GO) on three microcapsule formulations. With our workflow, we determined that GO modifies the microcapsule stiffness and surface properties in a formulation-dependent manner. Our results also suggest, for the first time, that GO alters the conformation of the microcapsule hydrogel and its interaction with subsequent coatings. Overall, our workflow can infer the effects of new additives on microcapsule surfaces. Thus, our workflow can contribute to diminishing the time required for the validation of new microcapsule formulations and accelerate their clinical translation

    Dietary patterns and difficulty conceiving: a nested case–control study

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    Objective: To investigate potential associations between dietary patterns (defined using factor analysis) and difficulty conceiving. Design: Case–control study nested in a Spanish cohort of university graduates (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra [SUN] Project). Setting: Female university graduates all over Spain participating in the SUN Project. Patient(s): A total of 485 women, aged 20–45 years, reporting having presented with difficulty getting pregnant, and 1,669 age-matched controls who had at least one child. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Reported difficulty getting pregnant. Data were collected from baseline and follow-up questionnaires of the SUN Project. Results: Two dietary patterns were identified. They were labeled as “Mediterranean-type” and “Western-type” patterns. A lower risk of difficulty getting pregnant was apparent in the highest quartile of adherence to the Mediterranean-type pattern compared with the lowest quartile (odds ratio 0.56, 95% confidence interval 0.35–0.95). Greater adherence to the Western-type dietary pattern showed no association with this outcome. Conclusion: A greater adherence to the Mediterranean-type dietary pattern may enhance fertility. Further evidence about the relationship between this dietary pattern and fertility is needed to develop nutritional interventions for women desiring to get pregnant

    The complete submillimetre spectrum of NGC 891

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    Submillimetre maps of NGC 891 have been obtained with the PRONAOS balloon-borne telescope and with the ISOPHOT instrument on board the ISO satellite. In this article, we also gather data from IRAS and SCUBA to present the complete submillimetre spectrum of this nearby edge-on spiral galaxy. We derive submillimetre emission profiles along the major axis. The modified blackbody fits, assuming a single dust component, lead to temperatures of 19-24 K toward the centre and 18-20 K toward the edges, with possible variations of the dust spectral index from 1.4 to 2. The two-component fits lead to a warm component temperature of 29 K all along the galaxy with a cold component at 16 K. The interstellar medium masses derived by these two methods are quite different: 4.6 x 10^9 Mo in the case of the one-component model and 12 x 10^9 Mo in the case of the two-component one. This two-component fit indicates that the cold dust to warm dust ratio is 20 to 40, the highest values being in the wings of this galaxy. Comparing to dust mass estimates, both estimations of the ISM mass are consistent with a gas to dust mass ratio of 240, which is close to the Milky Way value. Our results illustrate the importance of accurate submillimetre spectra to derive masses of the interstellar medium in galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted May 2003 in the MNRA

    Characterization and assessment of new fibrillar collagen inks and bioinks for 3D printing and bioprinting

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    Collagen is a cornerstone protein for tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting due to its outstanding biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, and natural abundance in human tissues. Nonetheless, it still poses some important challenges, such as complicated and limited extraction processes, usually accompanied by batchto-batch reproducibility and influence of factors, such as temperature, pH, and ionic strength. In this work, we evaluated the suitability and performance of new, fibrillar type I collagen as standardized and reproducible collagen source for 3D printing and bioprinting. The acidic, native fibrous collagen formulation (5% w/w) performed remarkably during 3D printing, which was possible to print constructs of up to 27 layers without collapsing. On the other hand, the fibrous collagen mass has been modified to provide a fast, reliable, and easily neutralizable process. The neutralization with TRIS-HCl enabled the inclusion of cells without hindering printability. The cell-laden constructs were printed under mild conditions (50–80 kPa, pneumatic 3D printing), providing remarkable cellular viability (>90%) as well as a stable platform for cell growth and proliferation in vitro. Therefore, the native, type I collagen masses characterized in this work offer a reproducible and reliable source of collagen for 3D printing and bioprinting purposes.This research was funded by Viscofan (S.A.) Centro para el Desarrollo TecnolĂłgico Industrial (CDTI) IDI-20210050 and the Basque Country Government/Eusko Jaurlaritza (Department of Education, University and Research, Consolidated Groups IT907-16). Author Sandra Ruiz-Alonso thanks the Basque Country Government for the granted fellowship PRE_2021_2_0153. JosĂ© M. Rey thanks the funding from the European’s Union Horizon 2020 research and Innovation framework program (Triankle Project; Grant Agreement #952981). BioRender.com has been used as support for some figures assembly

    Exploring the Potential of Integral Field Spectroscopy Observing Extrasolar Planet Transits: Ground Based Observations of the Atmospheric Na in HD209458b

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    We explore the use of Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) to observe extrasolar planet transits. Although this technique should find its full potential in space observations (e.g. JWST, TPF), we have tested its basics with ground based time series observations of HD209458b obtained with WHT+INTEGRAL during a transit. For this analysis we used 5550 spectra, obtained in 150 exposures during a period of >7 hours. We found that IFS offers 3 fundamental advantages with respect to previously used methods. (i) It improves the effective S/N in photon limited observations by distributing the light coming from the star into the 2 dimensions of the detector. (ii) This type of IFS data allows to 'auto-calibrate' instrumental and background effects. (iii) Since the star image characteristics as well as its photometric properties are extracted from the same data-cube, it is possible to decorrelate photometric instabilities induced by PSF variations. These data have also allowed us to explore the accuracy limits of ground based 'relative' spectrophotometry. This was done using a photometric index that probes the NaD lines, for which we obtained a nominal 1-sigma error of ~1.0x10^-4. This result, based on observations of only 1 transit, indicates that this type of ground observation can constrain the characterization of the transmission spectrum of extrasolar planets. The present observations are compatible with no extra NaD depression during the transit. Though this result seems to be inconsistent with the recently reported HST-STIS findings we point out its limited statistical meaning: the results disagree within 1-sigma, but agree within 2-sigma. We also give some recommenda-tions to instrument developers in order to enhance the efficiency of the method.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, 10 figures. To appear in PASP (January 2006
