123 research outputs found

    Pairs of Full-Rank Lattices With Parallelepiped-Shaped Common Fundamental Domains

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    We provide a complete characterization of pairs of full-rank lattices in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} which admit common connected fundamental domains of the type N[0,1)dN\left[ 0,1\right) ^{d} where NN is an invertible matrix of order d.d. Using our characterization, we construct several pairs of lattices of the type (MZd,Zd)\left( M\mathbb{Z}^{d},\mathbb{Z}^{d}\right) which admit a common fundamental domain of the type N[0,1)d.N\left[ 0,1\right) ^{d}. Moreover, we show that for d=2,d=2, there exists an uncountable family of pairs of lattices of the same volume which do not admit a common connected fundamental domain of the type $N\left[ 0,1\right) ^{2}.

    Unit Origami: Star-Building on Deltahedra

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    This workshop provides instructions for folding the star-building unit – a modification of the Sonobe module for unit origami. Geometric questions naturally arise during this process, ranging in difficulty from middle school to graduate levels. Participants will learn to fold and assemble star-building units, then explore the structure of the eight strictly convex deltahedra

    Porównania społeczne i ich rola w kształtowaniu zachowań współczesnych konsumentów

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    People tend to perceive value of their attributes and objects they possess in relative terms, i.e. based on social comparisons. These comparisons shape consumers’ behavior as well as their aspirations, lifestyle, self-esteem and happiness. The aim of the paper was to establish the role of social comparisons in shaping consumers’ behavior and to identify comparative reference groups, in the light of literature and primary research results. The data confim that Polish consumers engage in social comparisons, and some of them do it regularly. Small but signifiant fraction of consumers use effects of comparisons, i.e. knowledge of consumption patterns realized by peer and aspirational groups, while shaping their current and futureconsumptionLudzie mają skłonność do postrzegania wartości posiadanych przez siebie przedmiotów w kategoriach relatywnych, wynikających z porównań społecznych. Procesy te w istotny sposób kształtują zachowania konsumentów, a także ich aspiracje, styl życia i zadowolenia z różnych jego aspektów. Celem opracowania było ustalenie roli porównań społecznych w kształtowaniu zachowań konsumentów w świetle literatury i wyników badań pierwotnych. Dane dowodzą, że polscy konsumenci dokonują porównań społecznych, a część z nich robi to systematycznie. Mały, ale znaczący odsetek konsumentów korzysta z efektów porównań, robiąc użytek z wiedzy na temat konsumpcji realizowanej przez ich grupy odniesienia podczas planowania własnego spożycia

    Logarithmic Spirals and Projective Geometry in M.C. Escher\u27s Path of Life III

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    M.C. Escher\u27s use of dilation symmetry in Path of Life III gives rise to a pattern of logarithmic spirals and an oddly ambiguous sense of depth

    Regulacja odpowiedzialności karnej za podanie nieprawdziwych lub zatajenie prawdziwych danych w dokumentach prospektowych oraz związanych z obowiązkami informacyjnymi spółek publicznych

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    Artykuł przedstawia analizę regulacji odpowiedzialności karnej za podanie nieprawdziwych lub zatajenie prawdziwych danych w dokumentach prospektowych oraz związanych z obowiązkami informacyjnymi spółek publicznych. Szczegółowa analiza przepisu art. 100 ustawy o ofercie, który reguluje powyższą kwestię, prowadzi do powstania uzasadnionych wątpliwości w kontekście ustalenia zakresu określonej w tym przepisie czynności wykonawczej oraz, pośrednio, podmiotu przestępstwa. Propozycja regulacji de lege ferenda powinna dotyczyć jasnego i precyzyjnego sformułowania powyższych znamion typu czynu zabronionego.The article presents an analysis of the regulation of criminal liability for providing false or concealment of true information in the prospectus or related documents or in information concerning disclosure obligations of public companies. Detailed analysis of art. 100 of the Public Offer of Financial Instruments Act, which regulates the above issue, leads to a reasonable doubt in the context of determining the extent of an executive action and, indirectly, the person having committed a crime. Proposed regulations de lege ferenda should include a clear and precise formulation of features of a prohibited act

    Notation for Symmetric Images

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    A Center for Academic Achievement: How Innovative Collaborations Between Faculty and Learning Center Administrators Built Model, Credit-Bearing, First-Year Courses with Embedded Support for At-Risk Students

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    Establishing a centralized learning assistance program to systematically address the academic challenges of all students was the first priority of the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) at Bridgewater State College when it was formed in 2001. This new, open, bright, comfortable, and inviting place has truly become the heart of the campus, for it is here that abundant human and material resources are available to support all students. In this learning environment, students can access services in advising, testing, disabilities resources, study, research, writing, communication, mathematics, adaptive technology, tutoring, and English as a second language. Primary responsibility for learning assistance lives with faculty directors who plan how to place meaningful assistance in the path of all students. This article describes the challenges and rewards in establishing and sustaining campus commitment to centralized learning assistance programs as well as some of the exciting opportunities for collaborative innovation on learning assistance that have resulted from such a commitment at Bridgewater State College. An additional discussion focuses on the administrative strategies that support this successful model, and the profound professional opportunities presented to faculty, graduate students, undergraduate student staff, and professional staff through this model. Besides the various services provided at the AAC, systemic delivery of learning assistance is meshed through academic courses for at-risk, first-year students. A description and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data point out the observed trends of student persistence and academic standing for each cohort that has benefited from this comprehensive model

    Emergent Technology Smorgasbord

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    New technologies for communication and collaboration are emerging, and some established technologies are just starting to make their way into the higher education consciousness. Join us on a whirlwind tour through all of the possibilities imaginable for teaching and learning as we look at Google Wave, mobile learning, wordle, Google Docs, embedded RSS news in your LMS, YouTube for student video projects, Twitter, netbooks, virtual world gaming, and more. Related Links: 2010 Horizon Report Preview 2009 Horizon Report Project Natal video Embedding Audio, Video and News in Blackboar