62 research outputs found

    Immune epitope database analysis resource

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    The immune epitope database analysis resource (IEDB-AR: http://tools.iedb.org) is a collection of tools for prediction and analysis of molecular targets of T- and B-cell immune responses (i.e. epitopes). Since its last publication in the NAR webserver issue in 2008, a new generation of peptide:MHC binding and T-cell epitope predictive tools have been added. As validated by different labs and in the first international competition for predicting peptide:MHC-I binding, their predictive performances have improved considerably. In addition, a new B-cell epitope prediction tool was added, and the homology mapping tool was updated to enable mapping of discontinuous epitopes onto 3D structures. Furthermore, to serve a wider range of users, the number of ways in which IEDB-AR can be accessed has been expanded. Specifically, the predictive tools can be programmatically accessed using a web interface and can also be downloaded as software packages

    Inhibitors can arrest the membrane activity of human islet amyloid polypeptide independently of amyloid formation

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    AbstractHuman islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), co-secreted with insulin from pancreatic ÎČ cells, misfolds to form amyloid deposits in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Like many amyloidogenic proteins, hIAPP is membrane-active: this may be significant in the pathogenesis of NIDDM. Non-fibrillar hIAPP induces electrical and physical breakdown in planar lipid bilayers, and IAPP inserts spontaneously into lipid monolayers, markedly increasing their surface area and producing Brewster angle microscopy reflectance changes. Congo red inhibits these activities, and they are completely arrested by rifampicin, despite continued amyloid formation. Our results support the idea that non-fibrillar IAPP is membrane-active, and may have implications for therapy and for structural studies of membrane-active amyloid

    Epitope length variants balance protective immune responses and viral escape in HIV-1 infection

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cell responses to a single optimal 10-mer epitope (KK10) in the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) protein p24Gag are associated with enhanced immune control in patients expressing human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B∗27:05. We find that proteasomal activity generates multiple length variants of KK10 (4–14 amino acids), which bind TAP and HLA-B∗27:05. However, only epitope forms ≄8 amino acids evoke peptide length-specific and cross-reactive CTL responses. Structural analyses reveal that all epitope forms bind HLA-B∗27:05 via a conserved N-terminal motif, and competition experiments show that the truncated epitope forms outcompete immunogenic epitope forms for binding to HLA-B∗27:05. Common viral escape mutations abolish (L136M) or impair (R132K) production of KK10 and longer epitope forms. Peptide length influences how well the inhibitory NK cell receptor KIR3DL1 binds HLA-B∗27:05 peptide complexes and how intraepitope mutations affect this interaction. These results identify a viral escape mechanism from CTL and NK responses based on differential antigen processing and peptide competition

    A Detailed Analysis of the Murine TAP Transporter Substrate Specificity

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    The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) supplies cytosolic peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum for binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Its specificity therefore influences the repertoire of peptides presented by MHC molecules. Compared to human TAP, murine TAP's binding specificity has not been characterized as well, even though murine systems are widely used for basic studies of antigen processing and presentation.We performed a detailed experimental analysis of murine TAP binding specificity by measuring the binding affinities of 323 peptides. Based on this experimental data, a computational model of murine TAP specificity was constructed. The model was compared to previously generated data on human and murine TAP specificities. In addition, the murine TAP specificities for known epitopes and random peptides were predicted and compared to assess the impact of murine TAP selectivity on epitope selection.Comparisons to a previously constructed model of human TAP specificity confirms the well-established differences for peptide substrates with positively charged C-termini. In addition these comparisons show that several residues at the N-terminus of peptides which strongly influence binding to human TAP showed little effect on binding to murine TAP, and that the overall influence of the aminoterminal residues on peptide affinity for murine TAP is much lower than for the human transporter. Murine TAP also partly prefers different hydrophobic amino acids than human TAP in the carboxyterminal position. These species-dependent differences in specificity determined in vitro are shown to correlate with the epitope repertoire recognized in vivo. The quantitative model of binding specificity of murine TAP developed herein should be useful for interpreting epitope mapping and immunogenicity data obtained in humanized mouse models

    Lysyl tRNA synthetase is required for the translocation of calreticulin to the cell surface in immunogenic death.

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    In response to immunogenic cell death inducers, calreticulin (CRT) translocates from its orthotopic localization in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the surface of the plasma membrane where it serves as an engulfment signal for antigen-presenting cells.(1) Here, we report that yet another ER protein, the lysyl-tRNA synthetase (KARS), was exposed on the surface of stressed cells, on which KARS co-localized with CRT in lipid rafts. Depletion of KARS with small interfering RNAs suppressed CRT exposure induced by anthracyclines or UVC light. In contrast to CRT, KARS was also found in the supernatant of stressed cells. Recombinant KARS protein was unable to influence the binding of recombinant CRT to the cell surface. Moreover, recombinant KARS protein was unable to stimulate macrophages in vitro. These results underscore the contribution of KARS to the emission of (one of) the principal signal(s) of immunogenic cell death, CRT exposure

    Lysyl tRNA synthetase is required for the translocation of calreticulin to the cell surface in immunogenic death.

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    In response to immunogenic cell death inducers, calreticulin (CRT) translocates from its orthotopic localization in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the surface of the plasma membrane where it serves as an engulfment signal for antigen-presenting cells.(1) Here, we report that yet another ER protein, the lysyl-tRNA synthetase (KARS), was exposed on the surface of stressed cells, on which KARS co-localized with CRT in lipid rafts. Depletion of KARS with small interfering RNAs suppressed CRT exposure induced by anthracyclines or UVC light. In contrast to CRT, KARS was also found in the supernatant of stressed cells. Recombinant KARS protein was unable to influence the binding of recombinant CRT to the cell surface. Moreover, recombinant KARS protein was unable to stimulate macrophages in vitro. These results underscore the contribution of KARS to the emission of (one of) the principal signal(s) of immunogenic cell death, CRT exposure
