15 research outputs found

    Direct Cost of Reprocessing Cotton-woven Surgical Drapes: a Case Study

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    OBJECTIVE Identify the direct cost of reprocessing double and single cotton-woven drapes of the surgical LAP package. METHOD A quantitative, exploratory and descriptive case study, performed at a teaching hospital. The direct cost of reprocessing cotton-woven surgical drapes was calculated by multiplying the time spent by professionals involved in reprocessing the unit with the direct cost of labor, adding to the cost of materials. The Brazilian currency (R)originallyusedforthecalculationswasconvertedtoUScurrencyattherateofUS) originally used for the calculations was converted to US currency at the rate of US0.42/R.RESULTSTheaveragetotalcostforsurgicalLAPpackagewasUS. RESULTS The average total cost for surgical LAP package was US9.72, with the predominance being in the cost of materials (US8.70or89.658.70 or 89.65%). It is noteworthy that the average total cost of materials was mostly impacted by the cost of the cotton-woven drapes (US7.99 or 91.90%). CONCLUSION The knowledge gained will subsidize discussions about replacing reusable cotton-woven surgical drapes for disposable ones, favoring arguments regarding the advantages and disadvantages of this possibility considering human resources, materials, as well as structural, environmental and financial resources

    Estágio de administração em enfermagem: repercussões para a equipe em unidades clínico-cirúrgicas

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    RESUMO Objetivo Conhecer as percepções de enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital universitário sobre o processo interativo com estagiários de administração em enfermagem. Método Estudo qualitativo, exploratório, descritivo, mediante 11 entrevistas semiestruturadas com enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem de unidades clínico-cirúrgicas. As informações, coletadas entre dezembro de 2013 e janeiro de 2014, foram submetidas à análise temática e discutidas à luz de Pichon-Rivière. Resultados Agrupados em três categorias: Acadêmicos e equipe de enfermagem: interação que pode propiciar aprendizado, ajuda mútua e satisfação; Apesar da pré-tarefa, o trabalho tem que continuar; e, Equipe de enfermagem: a facilitadora do estágio. Conclusões O início da convivência é repleto de ansiedades básicas, mas é no movimento de elaborá-las que o grupo se constitui e se transforma para o trabalho em equipe. Nessa lógica, quesitos como paciência, empatia, comunicação e coerência facilitam o processo interativo, além de serem fundamentais para a (re)leitura crítica da realidade


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    Objective To analyze the possibilities and limits of competency-based training in nursing. Method An integrative review of the literature on the subject was carried out, and an analysis was made of the results of a survey evaluating a nursing course based on areas of competency. A dialog was then established between the review and the results of the research. Results On the question of which theoretical type of competency the articles from the literature relate to, there is a predominance of the constructivist perspective, followed by the functionalist approach and the dialog-based approach. In the dialog between the literature and the research, limits and possibilities were observed in the development of a training by areas of competency. Conclusion The dialog-based approach to competency is the proposition that most approximates to the profile defined by the National Curriculum Guidelines for training in nursing, and this was also identified in the evaluation survey that was studied. However, it is found that there are aspects on better work is needed, such as: partnership between school and the workplace, the role of the teacher, the role of the student, and the process of evaluation