73 research outputs found

    Divorce and Suicide: A Subnational Analysis in Turkey

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    This paper investigates the relationship between divorce and suicide in Turkey. To this end, we employ province-level data between 2008-2017 and estimate two-way fixed-effect models. We find that divorce is positively correlated with suicide, with greater effects for males than females. However, the coefficient estimate of divorce on suicide is smaller for the prime working-age group. Divorce also has an indirect impact on suicide through income and unemployment. Accordingly, low income and high unemployment exacerbate the effect of divorce on suicide. Finally, results indicate that divorce increases the skilled male suicide rate and unskilled female suicide rate. These results are robust to several sensitivity analyses. This study\u27s main policy implication is that divorce prevention could be more effective than other factors to decrease suicide mortality

    Is There any Difference Between the Results of the Survey Marked by the Interviewer and the Respondent?

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    Systematic errors can significantly affect the results of research. Interviewer errors and respondents (participants) errors constitute a large portion of systematic error sources. The purpose of this study is to show whether there is a difference between the results of the questionnaire marked by the respondent and the results of the questionnaire marked by the interviewer. For this purpose, the responses of 150 participants to the questionnaire were compared and analyzed. The findings of the analyze reveal that there is a difference between the results of the questionnaire marked by the interviewer and the results of the questionnaire marked by the respondent. Another result is that the reliability of the questionnaire data marked by the interviewer is lower than other group. This study is part of a research carried out with the support of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK – 115K155) and the results provide preliminary information

    Prognostic factors and clinical features of rhino-orbital-mucormycosis cases: an update for patient and visual survivals

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    AIM: To determine the frequency of patients' vision survival and prognostic factors and evaluate clinical features in rhino-orbital mucormycosis. METHODS: Forty-three eyes of 43 patients followed up with orbital mucormycosis infections were included in the study. Demographic characteristics of the patients, symptoms at admission, ophthalmologic and non-ophthalmologic examination findings, clinical findings during follow-up, medical and surgical procedures, and complications were recorded. Patient survival was determined by assessing the incidence of mortality, and vision survival was defined as achieving a final visual acuity of at least light perception. RESULTS: Twenty-seven (62.8%) patients were male, and 16 (37.2%) were female. When the underlying disease status of the patients was examined, it was observed that all patients had an underlying disease and diabetes constituted the majority (65.2%). Periorbital swelling (69.8%) and ophthalmoplegia (53.5%) were the most common symptoms and findings at the admission of patients with mucormycosis infection. The disease resulted in death in 22 (51.2%) patients. The presence of fever and shorter duration of antifungal therapy were associated with lower patient survival. Exenteration surgery was not found to be associated with the survival of the patients. Frozen eye, loss of pupillary light reflex, and development of central retinal artery occlusion were associated with lower vision survival. CONCLUSION: This study presents one of the most extensive patient series in the literature on rhino-orbital mucormycosis. Knowing the patients' symptoms at the time of admission and the clinical findings during the infection process will increase awareness about the disease

    Tüketicilerin Marka Tercihlerine Göre Etnosentrik Eğilim ve Dindarlık Düzeyleri

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    Küreselleşme tüketici pazarlarının birbirine benzer hale gelmesine ve kültürler arası etkileşimin gerçekleşmesine neden olmaktadır. Bununla birlikte tüketici pazarlarını etkileyen ve farklılaştıran kültürel faktörlerin etkisi de gözardı edilmemekte, etnosentrizm ve dindarlık kavramları bireylerin tutumlarını ve tercihlerini etkileyen önemli faktörler olarak literatürde tartışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı tüketicilerin yerli ve yabancı markalı ürün tercihleri ile etnosentrik eğilimleri ve dindarlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya çıkarmaktır. Tüketici tercihlerini değerlendirmek için beğenmeli mallardan cep telefonu markaları, kolayda mallardan ise soğuk çay ve çikolata markaları araştırmada ürün grupları olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların etnosentrik eğilimlerinin ve dindarlık düzeylerinin, çay ve çikolata marka tercihlerinde farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Cep telefonu marka tercihinde ise herhangi bir farklılık bulunamamıştır

    Instantaneous Gain in Video Head Impulse Test: A Reliability Study

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    Objective:Vestibulo-ocular reflex gain at 40, 60, and 80 ms following the head movement start is calculated as the instantaneous gain. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of instantaneous gain values at 40, 60, and 80 ms with testing and retesting in healthy adults.Methods:The study was conducted with Interacoustics EyeSeeCam vHIT (Interacoustics, Denmark), and 42 healthy adults were evaluated twice at half-hour intervals (test and retest) by the same practitioner. Agreement of mean gain, gain asymmetry, and instantaneous gain was evaluated using a paired samples t-test.Results:Mean age of the participants was 33.62±11.17; 38.1% were male and 61.9% were female. In the degree of the agreement, paired sample correlation (r) between test and retest results of the horizontal semicircular canals was found to be higher than those of the vertical semicircular canals. Moreover, the highest correlation between test and retest for instantaneous gain, calculated for only horizontal semicircular canals, was found at 80 ms on each side (0.791; 0.838, right and left, respectively), while the lowest correlation between these parameters was found between the gain asymmetry values.Conclusion:The video head impulse test used in studies calculates the mean gain in approximately at 60 ms. However, the higher correlation between mean gain values at 80 ms in our findings indicates that gain calculation strategies and techniques for latencies should be discussed. Additionally, the low correlation of vertical semicircular canals for mean gain and gain asymmetry between semicircular canal pairs, which clearly shows that more standard and more reliable methods should be developed

    Kikuchi Fujimato Disease

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    Kikuchi Fujimato disease (KFD) also know as histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (HNL) is a benign, self limiting disease, which commonly affects young women under 30 years of age. Most of the cases resolve in a six month period. Laboratory and clinical findings of KFD show similarities with tuberculosis lymphadenitis, mailgn lymphoma, other malign and benign diseases. The diagnosis is established on the basis of histology of lymph node excisional biopsy. The differentiation of KFD from Sistemik Lupus Eritematosus (SLE) can sometimes be problematic because both can show similar clinical and histological features. KFD and SLE can be seen together. Forty two years-old female patient diagnosed with KFD was discussed in light of current literature

    Süt Dişlerinde Ferrik Sülfat Amputasyonunda Kullanılan Farklı Kaide Materyallerinin Başarıya Etkilerinin Klinik ve Radyografik Olarak İncelenmesi

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    The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the clinical and radiographic success rates zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide and MTA products in pulpotomized primary molars. Access cavities for pulpotomy were prepared in 105 primary molars in 40 children. Following hemorrhage control with ferric sulphate, the teeth were randomly assigned into three groups with respect to the medicament used over the pulpotomy site: Group 1: zinc oxide eugenol; Group 2: calcium hydroxide cement and Group 3: MTA. The teeth were further restored using glass ionomer cement and stainless steel crowns. Follow-up examinations were carried out at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 21 and 24 months. Clinical failure rate was % 11,8 in Group 1, % 26,0 in Group 2, % 14,3 in Group 3. Radiographic failure rate was % 20,8 in Group 1, % 37,6 in Group 2, % 25,7 in Group 3. The present results demonstrate that calcium hydroxide yields significantly lower radiographic and clinical success rates compared to zinc oxide eugenol and MTA products at 24 months. The difference of both three products is not statistically relevant (p<0,05).Bu çalışma, süt dişi pulpotomi tedavisinde ferrik sülfat uygulamasını takiben kaide materyali olarak yerleştirilecek kalsiyum hidroksit, çinko oksit öjenol ve MTA ürünlerinin klinik ve radyografik başarı düzeylerini kıyaslamak amacıyla yürütülmüştür.40 çocuğa ait 105 süt azı dişinde pulpotomi tedavisi uygulanmak üzere endodontik giriş kavitesi açılmıştır. Ferrik sülfatla kanama kontrolünü takiben kullanılacak pulpotomi medikamentine göre dişler rastgele 3 gruba ayrılmıştır: Grup1 (kontrol grubu): çinko oksit öjenol siman, Grup 2: kalsiyum hidroksit pat ve Grup 3: MTA. Dişler cam iyonomer siman ve paslanmaz çelik kronlarla restore edilmiştir. Dişler klinik ve radyografik olarak 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 21 ve 24 ay periyotlarında düzenli takip edilmiştir. Klinik olarak Grup 1?de % 11,8; Grup 2?de % 26,0 ve Grup 3?te % 14,3 oranında başarısızlık görülmüştür. Radyolojik değerlendirme açısından Grup 1?de genel başarısızlık oranı % 20,8 iken Grup 2?de bu oran % 37,6 olup Grup 3?de % 25,7 şeklinde tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, süt azı dişlerinde pulpotomi ajanı olarak kullanılan kalsiyum hidroksitin 24 aylık takip periyodu sonunda klinik ve radyolojik olarak test edilen MTA ve çinko oksit öjenol preparatlarına göre daha düşük başarı oranına sahipken, diğer iki materialin benzer sonuçları vermiş olduğunu göstermektedir. Her üç preparat arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildir (p < 0,05)

    A microextraction technique based on ionic liquid for copper, lead, gold, palladium preconcentration

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    Bu tez çalışması Pamukkale Üniversitesi bilimsel araştırma projeleri tarafından 2013FBE010 nolu proje ile desteklenmiştir.Bu çalışmada, çeşitli doğal su, atık su, ve musluk suyu örneklerinde bulunan bakır, kurşun, altın ve palladyum zenginleştirilmesinde, ekstraksiyon çözücüsü olarak, 1-hekzilpiridinyum hekzafluorofosfat iyonik sıvısı kullanarak dispersif sıvı sıvı mikro ekstraksiyon yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. İyonik sıvının çözüldüğü asetonitril, dispersif çözücü olarak kullanılmıştır. Ektraksiyon sonrası analit derişimleri, mikro örneklemeli injeksiyon sistemli alevli atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi ile tayin edilmiştir. Cu (II), Pb (II), Au (II) ve Pd (II)’nin ekstraksiyon verimi üzerine örnek çözeltisinin pH’ı, ligand olarak kullanılan ditizon miktarı, iyonik sıvı miktarı gibi analitik parametreler optimize edilmiştir. 8 mL örnek hacmi, 0.25 mg ditizon, 70 mg iyonik sıvı optimum koşullar belirlendi ve bu koşullarda kantitatif geri kazanma değerleri elde edildi. Deriştirme faktörü 16 olarak bulundu. Değişkenlerin optimizasyonu sağlandıktan sonra, yöntem çeşitli su örneklerindeki bakır, kurşun, altın ve palladyum tayinine uygulandı. Yöntemin doğruluğu endüstriyel atık su standart referans madde (SPS-WW2 BATCH 114) ile kontrol edildi. DLLME- AAS yönteminde gözlenebilme sınırları Cu (II) için 2,22 μg/L, Pb (II) için 2,48 μg/L, Au (II) için 3,21 μg/L, ve Pd (II) için 2,65 μg/L olarak bulunmuştur (3s, N=16).In this study, ionic liquid based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method has been developed for enrichment copper, lead, gold and palladium in the various natural waters, wastewater and tap water samples. 1-hexylpyridinium hexafluorophosphate solution was used as the ionic liquid in this method. Acetonitrile was used dispersive solution. Analytical concentrations after extraction were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FASS) with microsample injection system. The analytical parameters such as the pH of the sample solution, the amount of ditizon used as the ligand, the amount of ionic liquid that are effective on the extraction yield of Cu (II), Pb (II), Au (II) and Pd (II) have been optimized. The correctness of the proposed method was checked using addiction/recovery tests on water samples. developed method lastly was applied to the analysis of the anode slime analytical content. Under the optimum conditions, i.e., sample volume: 8 mL, amount of dithizone: 0.25 mg, amount of ionic liquid : 70 mg, a quantitative recovery value was obtained. Enrichment factor was found to be 16. After the optimization of the variables was established, the method was applied to various water samples and dry mint. The accuracy of the method was controlled with industrial waste water standard reference material (SPS-WW2 BATCH 114). The detection limits for Cu(II), Pb(II), Au(II) and Pd (II) in the determination by DLLME-AAS (3s, N=16) were found to be 2,22 μg/L, 2,48 μg/L, 3,21 μg/L and Pd (II) için 2,65 μg/L, respectively