167 research outputs found

    Positive conflict resolution behaviors in psychological health: Northern Cyprus sample

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    Conflicts are an inevitable part of school life, as in all areas of life, and minimizing the negative effects of conflicts and trying to develop constructive conflict resolution skills will positively contribute to human relations and mental health. The aimed of this study was to investigate the conflict resolution behaviors of secondary school students in terms of some psycho-social variables. The sample of the study was 6th, 7th and 8th grade students attending the state secondary schools of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The study was conducted with a total of 175 students of the students. The research was a descriptive study which is prepared by using quantitative research method which examines conflict resolution behaviors of secondary school students. The sample of the study was determined by non-random sampling method. In order to collect data, Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination Scale was used. In the analysis of the data; percentages, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-tests were used. As a result of the study, there was no significant difference according to the gender and grade level of the students. A significant difference was found according to their age, parental partnership status and success levels


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    Değerli Araştırmacılar, Dergimizin dolu dolu içeriğiyle Haziran 2022 sayısını yayımlamaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Yazarlara ve alana katkı sağlamayı ve akademik çalışmalara nitelik kazandırmayı misyon edinen dergimizin özverili editöryal ekibi tarafından yürütülen özgün yayım süreçlerinin olumlu sonuçlarını görmek oldukça memnuniyet vericidir. Akademik yazarlığın ve bilimsel çalışmaların etik ilkelere uygun olması konusunda oldukça hassasiyet göstermekteyiz. Bu konuda karşılaştığımız etik sorunların daha etkin ve etik ilkelere uygun olarak çözülmesi için çalışma ekibimize bir Etik Editörü dahil ettik. Etik Editörünün, yazarların sorumluluklarını yerine getirmesinde ve çalışmalarının etik ilkelere uygun olmasında rehberlik etmesini hedefledik. Haziran 2022 sayısında olumlu sonuçlarını gördüğümüz etik editörlüğünün diğer dergilere örnek olmasını ümit ediyoruz. Haziran 2022 sayısında yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen çok sayıda çalışma arasında, yayım süreçlerini başarıyla geçen ve Yayın Kurulu’nun nihai kararı neticesinde 26 araştırma makalesi ve 3 kitap değerlendirmesi yer almaktadır. Makalelerin sıralaması Yayın Kurulu’nun ön inceleme sırasında verdiği puanlar göz önünde bulundurularak yapılmıştır. Dergimizin süreçlerine katkı sağlayan tüm paydaşlarımıza dergi ekibimiz adına teşekkür ediyorum. Aralık 2022 sayısında görüşmek üzere... Doç. Dr. İsmail BULUT Editö

    An Ethnobotanical Analysis on Wild Edible Plants of the Turkish Asteraceae Taxa

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    Asteraceae (Compositae) is one of the biggest families in the Flora of Turkey as in the World. Also, it is one of the most important families in which many popular plants are used as food and recreational tea in Turkey. The aim of this study is to make an ethnobotanical analysis on the wild edible plants of the Asteraceae family in Turkey, according to our investigations and scientific literature records. This study is based on local ethnobotanical investigations. The information about the plants was obtained from the local people through open and semi-structured interviews. In the light of our investigations and the literature records, 43 genera (including 121 taxa) of Asteraceae (used for food, tea and other purposes) were determined. Among them, Scorzonera, Tragopogon, Cirsium, Centaurea, Onopordum, Taraxacum, Echinops, Achillea, Anthemis and Carduus are the most popular genera in the localities of Turkey


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    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında “4-6 Yaş Din Eğitimi Projesi” kapsamında yeni bir misyon daha üstlenmiş ve 4-6 yaş grubu Kur’an kurslarıyla hedef kitlesini farklılaştırmıştır. 4-6 yaş grubu Kur’an kursları programında öğretici rehberliğinde, öğrenci merkezli, öğrencinin yaparak ve yaşayarak öğrenebileceği, etkinlik temelli öğretim yöntemine göre düzenlenmiş muhtelif etkinlikler uygulandığı görülmüştür. 4-6 yaş grubu Kur’an kursları öğretici kitaplarındaki uygulamaların incelenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışma, karma araştırma desenine göre yapılmıştır. Araştırmada; Kur’an öğrenmeye yönelik etkinlik ve materyallerin yeterli olmadığı, ilkokula hazırlayıcı uygulamaların yetersiz olduğu, etkinliklerin birbirinin tekrarı niteliğinde olduğu ve öğrenci yaş seviyeleri ihmal edildiğinden öğreticilerin alternatif etkinlik üretmekte güçlük yaşadıkları sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır

    Repeatability of facial soft tissue thickness measurements for forensic facial reconstruction using X-ray images

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    The repeatability of facial soft tissue thickness measurements at 10 standard anatomical landmarks was evaluated using lateral X-ray images obtained from 50 adult subjects. The intra-and inter-observer error rates were calculated after four practitioners took measurements using Denta Pacs 8.1 software. The results indicated high inter- and intra-observer repeatability, suggesting X-ray images can be used to measure facial soft tissue thicknesses for the purpose of craniofacial reconstruction and superimposition

    The socio-demographic, clinical and forensic medical investigation of suicide attempts over 18 years old presented to a training and research hospital’s emergency department: Izmir example

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    *Parlak, İsmail ( Aksaray, Yazar )Suicide and attempted suicide are among the causes of serious morbidity and mortality and are an important public health problem today. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate socio-demographic, clinical and forensic medical aspects of suicide attempters admitted to our hospital, to identify some risk factors. Thus, we emphasize the importance of suicide and drawing attention to taking measures to prevent suicides. The necessary permissions were obtained for the study. The records of 710 patients who applied to the Emergency Department of Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital between 01 January 2014 and 31 December 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. 54.9% of the patients were female and 45.1% were male. Their ages ranged from 18 to 87 years and the mean age was 32.13 ± 11.52 years. It was determined that they preferred to drink drugs most frequently (n = 665, 93.7%) and then die with firearm (n = 30, 4.2%). Four (0.6%) cases died after all interventions. There is much scientific research on suicide attempts. However, there is insufficient research on how to approach suicidal cases when emergency department workers encounter suicide attempts. In order to prevent suicide attempts and deaths which are a serious public health problem, we think that risk factors should be determined, and protective measures should be taken

    The Medicinal and Wild Food Plants of Batman City and Kozluk District (Batman-Turkey)

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    This paper reports an ethnobotanical investigation carried out in 2012 to record medicinal and wild food plants of Batman City and Kozluk District. Totally, forty-one plants are recorded as used as traditional folk medicine for the region, and twenty of these are also used as a source of wild food. The most commonly used plants in the region as medicinal remedies were Malva nicaeensis, Pistacia khinjuk, Plantago major subsp. intermedia and Teucrium polium. Plants are mostly used for the treatment of gastrointestinal system diseases, respiratory system diseases and diabetes. The species most commonly used for food are: Gundelia tournefortii, Pistacia khinjuk and Rhus coriaria. This ethnobotanical study conducted in both districts will enable the traditional use of wild plants both as food sources and herbal remedies to be passed on to future generations

    Intracranial Meningioma Diagnosed during Pregnancy Caused Maternal Death

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    Brain tumors are rarely diagnosed during pregnancy. Accelerated growth of intracranial meningiomas during pregnancy sometimes requires urgent surgical intervention. We describe a 41-year-old pregnant woman with severe neurological decompensation requiring immediate neurosurgery. Cesarean section resulted in maternal death. Meningioma diagnosed during a viable pregnancy should be managed according to the severity of maternal neurological symptoms and gestational age of pregnancy. Early intervention for intracranial tumors during pregnancy may save maternal and fetal lives