428 research outputs found

    Effect of building orientation on indoor microclimate of classroom buildings at the Kaduna State University / Markus Bulus.

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    Current studies have discussed the significance of building orientation to the building indoor micro-climate and highlighted the need for more empirical research in other to establish the best orientation for buildings. Other scholars have argued that the impact of building orientation is insignificant and varies from one climatic region to another. This study, therefore, examines two prototype classroom buildings at the Kafanchan campus of Kaduna State University –Nigeria. The main purpose of the study is to determine the effect of building orientation on the indoor micro-climatic performance of two classroom buildings. Three Hobo Weather Data Loggers (HWDL) were used to collect data in the selected case-studies, and the third one was used as a benchmark. The study showed a remarkable difference in the indoor microclimatic conditions of the two buildings. The air temperature in case-study (B) is 1o C to 2o C lower than that of case-study (A) in all the respective time intervals. Also, 2% to 4% relative humidity difference was observed in favour of case-study (B). In conclusion, case-study (B) has demonstrated a more favourable indoor micro-climatic performance than case-study (A), and future simulation studies towards understanding the indoor micro-climatic performances of all possible building orientation options such as North-East/South-West, North-West/South-East, North/South and East/West in other to ascertain the optimum option are recommended


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    This paper explores the syntactic and semantic of discourse connectives typically produced in a competitive setting. The discourse was produced by 98 students comprising 12 secondary schools. Coherence in discourse can be achieved by different mechanisms at play: morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic. Morphologically, tense, for instance, helps to mark temporal relations, guiding the reader in the interpretation of progressions or flashbacks in time. One syntactic mechanism is sentence mood (indicative, imperative and interrogative). Mood is a structural marker of pragmatic meaning. Semantically, verb meaning can point to certain relations, cause, trigger, provoke, or effect which can all indicate a cause relation. Pragmatically, phenomenon such implicature establishes propositions that are not explicitly present in the text, but are constructed in the minds of the speakers. The aim was to unveil through analysis whether discourse uttered under this environment could be disorienting. Contrary from the expectation, the result indicated connectives worked on different levels which provided tacit and coherent interactions.   Article visualizations

    Narratives Of Nigerian Educated Women Pursuing Higher Education Degrees In Western Universities

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    The impetus for conducting this research is near and dear to my heart along with desiring to make a change for the better. In conducting interviews of Nigerian women\u27s experiences, struggles and accessibility to secondary education, the research shows significant barriers to secondary education in their narrative experiences that their male counterparts do not experience. Specifically, the experiences of these selected Nigerian women who have shared their aspirations, goals and accomplishments through narrative form can be generalized to the women of Nigeria as a whole. The cultural background is an overwhelming obstacle which, although seems to be slowly eroding, the women still must deal with imbued beliefs that a woman\u27s place is in the home and therefore not entitled to access higher education. The Nigerian women, therefore, face various challenges in their endeavors to pursue higher education. Qualitative research by means of interviews was used to generate details of the Nigerian women\u27s struggles, determination and their resilience despite the overwhelming sacrifices that they made. The reason as to why only women were chosen is due to the fact that cultural, religious and societal mechanisms affect women in Nigeria to a much greater degree than men. Equal access and acceptance of that concept are integral in helping Nigerian women secure educational access for all Nigerian women in the future. Quantitative research was obtained by using a survey instrument distributed to Nigerian women obtained their advanced degrees and others who are still pursuing their higher education. A total of approximately 300 surveys were distributed with 278 respondents for a response rate of 93%. The survey sought to examine Nigerian women\u27s struggles as they pursue higher education, the challenges they face, the support they gain through these struggles, the issues they go through, and their needs, motivational factors, encouragement factors, the role of religion, the impact of obtaining a higher education, and the impact of shaping strategic government policies towards women\u27s educational awareness, and empowerment of women both in the family and society at large

    Toxicity of three comercial tannins to the nuisance invasive species Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857): implications for control

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    Adding biocides to water is one strategy to control macrofouling organisms. A natural biocide that helps to prevent/control macrofouling of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) on human installations is one way to minimize environmental impacts of different control strategies. Laboratory tests were carried out to evaluate effects of three commercial tannis preparations (ECOTEC®-UA, ECOTEC®-L and ECOTEC®-MC) on the survival of two life-history stages (larvae and adults) of L. fortunei. In addition tests were performed on two non-target species, a crustacean Daphnia magna and a plant Lactuca sativa, to evaluate effects of these tannins on the aquatic environment. The larvae of L. fortunei were more vulnerable to the concentrations of the three tannins than adults. The two nontarget species were not affected at concentrations that were effective for larvae. These results suggest that these products could be used as biocides to control macrofouling caused by L. fortunei.Fil: Pereyra, Patricio Javier. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bulus Rossini, Gustavo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Química. Centro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Darrigran, Gustavo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentin

    El culto al cuerpo y los nuevos ascetismos corporales

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    En la actualidad, el culto al cuerpo es un fenómeno que inunda el terreno social con una gran influencia en muchas áreas. A diferencia de como se ha dado en otras épocas, este culto al cuerpo que se da en nuestros días, va de la mano con la cultura de consumo, y está fuertemente atravesado por los discursos médico y estético hegemónicos, que despiertan en los sujetos la necesidad de ser/parecer joven y delgado. Si bien difieren en sus objetivos, ya que en el ascetismo griego se sometía al cuerpo a rituales de moderación dietética y erótica para demostrar virtudes cívicas y lograr determinadas conquistas en el ámbito público; y en el ascetismo medieval se practicaban privaciones y mortificaciones en pos del desarrollo intelectual, sentimental, moral y espiritual; podríamos considerar una nueva forma de ascetismo a ciertas prácticas a las que se someten los sujetos hoy en día, aunque el cuidado de sí pasa a enfocar el cuerpo físico como un fin en sí mismo: purgas, ayunos, dietas; masajes y aplicación de todo tipo de sustancias y aparatos estéticos novedosos; práctica excesiva de actividad física en todas sus formas. Se puede observar así un paralelismo entre el concepto de violencia simbólica según Bourdieu y estos neo ascetismos, que resulta fundamental como punto de partida para reflexionar sobre las prácticas gímnicas, la mercantilización de las mismas y del cuerpo en la actualidad, y sobre el posicionamiento que tomemos como profesores de Educación FísicaFil: Bulus Rossini, Viviana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    The impact of Ivermectin mass treatment on the prevalence of onchocerciasis by rapid epidemiological assessment in Galadimawa, Kaduna state, Nigeria

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    The impact of repeated mass treatment with ivermectin on the prevalence of onchocerciasis in Galadimawa, Kaduna State, Nigeria, was assessed. The 1988 pre-ivermectin treatment baseline data was compared with the 12 years post-ivermectin mass treatment prevalence of clinical manifestations of the disease (1989-2001) obtained in January 2002. The Rapid Epidemiological Assessment (REA) method was used to determine the prevalence of palpable nodules as an alternative to the more invasive skin snipping. From the 1988 pre-control data, 717 persons were examined of which 176 (24.5 %) had nodules. Parasitological confirmation by skin snipping of the same individuals revealed 346 (48.3 %) persons with Onchocerca volvulus microfilaria. In 2002, 700 persons were examined by REA alone, of which 53 (7.6 %) had nodules. Prevalence reduction post-ivermectin mass treatment was significant for palpable nodules (

    Comparative antitrypanosomal screening of methanolic extracts of khaya senegalensis and Moringa oleifera

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    The in vitro and in vivo activities of methanolic extracts of defatted leaves and stems of Khaya senegalensis and Moringa oleifera on Trypanosoma  brucei brucei were investigated and compared. The in vitro assessment involved incubating the parasite (in triplicate) in the presence of various extract concentrations in a 96-well microtitre plate against negative and  drug controls. The stem extract of Khaya senegalensis and Moringa  oleifera stem extract gave the highest and the least in vitro activities with per cent drop in parasite population of 43.76 and 29.46 respectively. The in vitro results compared well with that of Diminazine Aceturate, a standard trypanocides employed in the control well. Intraperitoneal treatment of T.  brucei brucei-infected mice using these stem extracts at 200 mg/kg b.w.  revealed complete elimination of the parasite from blood circulation in Moringa oleifera –treated animals and suppression of parasitaemia in  Khaya senegalensis-treated group, contrary to expectation raised by the in  vitro findings. Subinoculation experiment with various organ homogenates, however, showed residue of live parasite hidden within organs of infected animal whose parasites were cleared from systemic circulation. The  implications of these findings is discussed.Keywords: Comparative, Antitrypanosomal activities, Khaya senegalensis, Moringa oleifera, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Traditional medicine

    Citizenship and Political Participation in the Mediterranean Region: EUMEF 20th New Faces Conference; Istanbul, February 27-March 2, 2014

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    Vom 27. Februar bis 2. März 2014 lud das EU-Middle East Forum 24 junge Berufstätige aus den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft aus Nordafrika, der Türkei und Europa zur 20. New Faces-Konferenz nach Istanbul ein. Die Teilnehmer diskutierten über die Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen neuer Formen politischer Partizipation. Die Konferenz wurde in Kooperation mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung, der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und der ZEIT-Stiftung durchgeführt

    Species of Clarias anguillaris Linnaeus, 1758 in River Galma, Zaria, Northern Nigeria

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    The study is an icthyological survey of River Galma. the study was carried out to confirm or other wise the finding that there was no species of Clarias anguillaris in the river. The paper morphologically described the different species of Clarias found in the river and concluded that one of the species with gill rakers count ranging from 78 to 103 is clarias anguillari