127 research outputs found


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    Kolaborasi menjadi bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari pengembangan perangkat lunak. Perangkat lunak skala besar selalu melibatkan banyak collaborators dalam proses pengembangan. Collaborators yang terlibat biasanya berada pada tempat dan waktu yang berbeda, sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem yang bisa menangani masalah ini. Selain masalah tempat dan waktu yang berbeda, masalah management files juga merupakan masalah pokok dari sistem kolaborasi.Pada pengerjaan Tugas Akhir ini dirancang dan diimplementasikan suatu system yang mampu menangani kolaborasi. Menggunakan git version control yang mampu menangani manajemen berkas dan repository pusat untuk memudahkan akses dari tempat dan waktu yang berbeda. Sistem ini juga dirancang untuk lima level pengguna yang disesuaikan dengan struktur team kerja pada umumnya.Dari hasil implementasi dan pengujian, diperoleh hasil seperti sistem tidak bermasalah dengan koneksi ssh jika digunakan pada sistem operasi Linux dan OS X Mavericks, dan pada sistem operasi windows 7 terjadi masalah pada otentikasi ssh_key dimana selalu meminta phrase id_rsa yang digunakan. Sedangkan hasil yang didapat dari pengujian blackbox yaitu semua fitur telah berjalan 100%. Collaborative Work, Git, Version Control, Repositor

    Consideración de la cognición y de la emoción en el aprendizaje: implicaciones para la orientación

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    ABSTRACTThinking is a natural process. There are various cognitive processes that occur in the three reciprocal phases of Beginning Awareness and Organization, Critical and Creative Thinking, and Meta‐cognitive Processes. Individual’s thinking and feelings are continually co‐joined and impact each other in a reciprocal fashion. Awareness of “who” one is as a learner impacts “how” one learns. “How” one learns and teaches is reliant on awareness of “what” one thinks and feels, which forms belief and value systems. There are common social and societal realities that encompass and transcend one’s culture. We consider these are basic issues to address in Educational Guidance.RESUMENPensar es un proceso natural. Existen varios procesos cognitivos en las tres fases recíprocas de: Inicio de la Conciencia y Organización, Pensamiento Crítico y Creativo, y Procesos Meta‐cognitivos. Las creencias y los sentimientos de un individuo se entremezclan continuamente influyéndose de forma recíproca. La consideración de “quién” soy como aprendiz influye en “cómo” se aprende. “Cómo” se aprende y se enseña depende de la conciencia sobre lo que uno piensa y siente, lo cual conforma sis‐ temas de creencias y valores. Hay algunas realidades sociales comunes que engloban y trascienden a la propia cultura. Estos temas son relevantes en la Orientación Educativa.ABSTRACTThinking is a natural process. There are various cognitive processes that occur in the three reciprocal phases of Beginning Awareness and Organization, Critical and Creative Thinking, and Meta‐cognitive Processes. Individual’s thinking and feelings are continually co‐joined and impact each other in a reciprocal fashion. Awareness of “who” one is as a learner impacts “how” one learns. “How” one learns and teaches is reliant on awareness of “what” one thinks and feels, which forms belief and value systems. There are common social and societal realities that encompass and transcend one’s culture. We consider these are basic issues to address in Educational Guidance

    Educação inclusiva no ensino primário guineense

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    A escola inclusiva constitui uma matéria atual no mundo e na Guiné-Bissau. Este estudo exploratório-descritivo e de natureza qualitativa concretizado num estudo de casos múltiplos visou conhecer os progressos e desafios da educação inclusiva no ensino primário guineense. Centrou-se intencionalmente, em duas escolas assumidamente inclusivas numa comunidade de Bissau, recorrendo a entrevistas semidiretivas a dois Diretores Gerais do Ministério de Educação na Guiné-Bissau, a dois Diretores das escolas inclusivas, a quatro professores, a quatro encarregados de educação e a um representante dos alunos. Como principais resultados foi possível conhecer perspectivas sobre a inclusão/exclusão da criança com necessidades específicas no ensino primário guineense; Identificar mecanismos e estratégias de inclusão escolar; saber como têm os pais/encarregados das crianças com deficiências lidado com esta situação no ambiente familiar e na comunidade; e perspetivar o papel dos agentes educativos no processo de inclusão escolar das crianças com necessidades específicas no ensino primário guineense. Como principal conclusão, emerge a urgência de educar e formar para a consciencialização da população sobre a importância da inclusão, sobretudo, a inclusão escolar nas diversas comunidades de Bissau.Inclusive school is a current subject in the world and in Guinea-Bissau. This exploratory descriptive and qualitative study carried out in a multiple case study aimed to know the progress and challenges of inclusive education in Guinean primary education. It intentionally focused on two openly inclusive schools in a community in Bissau, using semi-directive interviews with two General Directors of the Ministry of Education in Guinea-Bissau, two directors of inclusive schools, four teachers, four parents and a student representative. As main results, it was possible to know perspectives on the inclusion/exclusion of children with specific needs in Guinean primary education; Identify mechanisms and strategies for school inclusion; knowing how parents/guardians of children with disabilities have dealt with this situation in the family environment and in the community; and to put into perspective the role of educational agents in the process of school inclusion of children with specific needs in Guinean primary education. As a main conclusion, emerges the urgency of educating and training to make the population aware of the importance of inclusion, above all, school inclusion in the various communities of Bissau.N/

    Strategies for Improving Labor Productivity in Construction Companies

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    Even with advanced technology and new project management methodologies, construction company leaders continue to face challenges to improve labor productivity. This multiple case study was an exploration of the strategies that construction company leaders use to improve labor productivity in Doha, Qatar. The case population consisted of 6 construction company leaders operating in Doha, Qatar, who successfully identified and implemented strategies to improve labor productivity. The conceptual framework for this study was the expectancy theory. The data collection process included semistructured interviews and company documentation. Data were compiled and organized, disassembled into fragments, reassembled into a sequence of groups, and interpreted for meaning. Methodological triangulation and member checking bolstered the trustworthiness of those interpretations. Five themes emerged from these 6 construction company leaders: exploring, identifying, and evaluating issues affecting labor productivity; applying an appropriate leadership style; motivating the workforce; providing training and development; and implementing effective project management processes. By improving labor productivity, similar construction companies can complete construction projects faster and with lower construction costs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to lower construction costs and enable individuals with lower incomes in Doha, Qatar, to afford houses that they could not previously afford

    "Why Be Average When You Could Be Extraordinary?": A Case Study of an Exemplary African American Math Teacher

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    It is well documented that as an educational system we subject students from particular racial and socioeconomic backgrounds to unequal schooling experiences. Some researchers attribute the unequal schooling experiences and outcomes of minoritized students of color to their limited access to educational resources, like skilled teachers and quality curriculum. Other researchers identify that even in highly resourced American schools, African American students are specifically subjected to oppressive learning conditions. Given this context of schooling for African American students, this study explores how an African American 8th-grade mathematics teacher, Ms. Collier, may be a protective factor in her students’ education. Specifically, I use qualitative case study methods to examine how Ms. Collier’s instructional practice relates to historical conceptualizations of African American teachers of African American students, and how her mathematics instruction socially positions her students as learners of mathematics. For this case study, I conducted classroom observations in two differently tracked mathematics classes, as well as semi-structured interviews with Ms. Collier and her students in both classes. Ipay particular attention to how she enacts a historically situated practice of care for her students, through how she facilitates whole class discussions and maintains high expectations for her students. I then consider how her instructional practice positions the students as learners of mathematics and compare how the students are positioned in her honors and on-level classes. The findings of this study suggest that Ms. Collier’s instructional practices are rooted in a historical legacy of African American teachers resisting antiblack, deficit characterizations of Black students. Instead, Ms. Collier cares for her students by supporting them in their pursuit of mathematics learning in multifaceted and nuanced ways. Her care manifests in her teaching practice by cultivating a classroom culture that centers student belonging. She does this by allowing students to experience a range of emotions, like nervousness and joy, all the while still perceiving and treating them as mathematically competent. She also makes considerable demands of her students, including that they publicly participate in problem solving during whole class discussions, even when they do not know the answer. The classroom interactions reveal that all of Ms. Collier’s students, across both tracked classes, are positioned as mathematically competent. However, there are some distinctions in how the students are positioned across the two classes. Whereas the students in the on-level class are positioned as capable of making sense of and persisting in mathematical problem solving, in the honors class the students are positioned as capable of making mathematical connections and solving problems independently. Despite these differences, all of Ms. Collier’s students, across both tracked classes, are positioned as human

    How to improve cultural identity and equality: experiences from intercultural dialogues in a school for all

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    This article presents results of a research project concerning intercultural education in Norway. The increasing diversity of students in inclusive schools in Norway calls for increased cultural competence on behalf of educators to teach them effectively. To teach and learn from an intercultural perspective is to build understanding for diversity and equality. Focusing on intercultural education is to switch from a homogeneous perspective to a diverse perspective in the process of learning which acknowledges and develops individual variation. When teachers focus on diversity they will encourage abandoning the idea of the model student. If students are not pressurised to fit into homogeneity, some stress is going to be removed from the student and in this way it will be easier to recognize individual merit in an individual way. That means that teachers and students should learn to negotiate norms and values that we share as a group and which will let us set up and reach our goals. This will create room to work on a positive self-image, improving each student’s abilities and capabilities and let them benefit from their classmates, and avoiding the traditional pictures of success and failure. In the intercultural classroom the teacher's task is to guide and facilitate students' learning towards cultural differences and self-efficacy. The methodology design of this research project involved dialogues between the researcher, teachers and pupils with the purpose of discovering what they were thinking in relation to self-esteem and empathy, and how they put emphasis on these aspects in the classroom. The procedure adopted was based on dialogues by means of the group interview method, with open questions. Ten teachers and twenty students in one school participated in the workshops, one for the teachers and one for the students. The result of this research is that the action learning approach helped the teachers and students to get a better understanding of different cultural customs and beliefs of each student in their class

    Det humanistiske menneskesynet i skolen

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    Masteroppgave i pedagogikk – Universitetet i Agder 2014Oppgavens tema er «Det humanistiske menneskesynet i skolen». Bakgrunnen for dette valget er den senere tids endringer i samfunnet og skolen. Det som tidligere ble betegnet som et industrisamfunn, betegnes nå som et kunnskapssamfunn. Offentlige tjenester blir i økende grad omtalt i økonomisk terminologi. I skolen snakkes det om konkurranse, kostnadseffektivitet og målinger. Det kommer for lite kunnskap ut i forhold til hvor store beløp som puttes inn. Kunnskap har blitt en økonomisk konkurransefaktor, det snakkes om kunnskapskapital. Det skaper grunn til bekymring med tanke på enhetsskolens framtid i Norge, samtidig som det kan stilles spørsmål ved om endringene får implikasjoner for skolens verdigrunnlag. Dersom så er tilfelle er det fare for at det også kan ha implikasjoner for det humanistiske menneskesynet i skolen. Det handler om å belyse spørsmål knyttet til oppgavens tema, gjennom litteraturstudie. Oppgaven har sitt utgangspunkt i filosofisk antropologi, med en hermeneutisk tilnærming. Første del handler kort om idehistoriske røtter, knyttet til spørsmål om hva det humanistiske menneskesynet er. Dernest handler det om dannelsestenkningen i norsk skole, hvordan den har utviklet seg fra slutten av 1800 tallet, og hvordan det humanistiske menneskesynet kommer til uttrykk i skolen i dag. Denne tematikken belyses ytterligere ved hjelp av filosofi, der det stilles spørsmål om hva som er mest grunnleggende i forholdet mellom menneske og skolens. Videre handler det om endringer som følge av skolereformen Kunnskapsløftet og hvorvidt den har ført til et brudd med det humanistiske menneskesynet som verdigrunnlag i skolen

    Kan en verdibasert prisstrategi påvirke publikumsutviklingen for Tippeligaen?

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    Bakgrunn for oppgaven kommer fra en delt interesse og lidenskap for både Revenue Management og fotball. Vi har observert den negative utviklingen blant oppmøte av tilskuere på kamper i Tippeligaen og tenkte at det var interessant å sette dette i sammenheng med Revenue Management. Vi endte til slutt med følgende problemstilling: Antall tilskuere på norske Tippeligakamper har blitt redusert de siste årene. Kan verdibasert prising endre denne utviklingen? Studiet berører hovedsakelig fagfelt som markedsføring, Revenue Management, forbrukeratferd, strategisk prising og opplevelsesøkonomi. Vi tok i bruk ett kvalitativt casestudie hvor vi har vært i kontakt med 8 informanter som har bidratt med verdifull informasjon om klubbenes situasjon. Spørsmålene vi brukte var dannet på bakgrunn av teori, og intervjuene ble transkribert direkte etter endt intervju.For å begrense oppgavens omfang valgte vi tidlig å ta utgangspunkt i fire teoretiske antagelser. Problemstillingen og de fire antagelsene har vært sentrale i hele forskningsprosessen og danner grunnlag for analysen og tolkning. Avslutningsvis i oppgaven kom vi frem til hvilke effekter en verdibasert prisstrategi kan ha for publikumsproblematikken. Disse effektene gjenspeiler i stor grad våre teoretiske antagelser disse er formulert følgende: - Strategisk kartlegging av kundenes verdidrivere vil ha en positiv effekt for kundens økonomiske verdi av produktet. - Tippeliga-produktets kompleksitet gjør at verdibaserte priser ikke vil ha en helhetlig positiv effekt. - Innføring av verdibasert prising vil ha en positiv effekt for Tippeliga-klubbenes evne til å forstå markedet, kommunisere med markedet og til å tilegne seg kunnskap om de ulike kundene.- Bruk av pris som et strategisk virkemiddel vil ha positiv effekt for kundenes betalingsvillighet og på klubbenes evne til å styre kundenes kjøpsatferd