73 research outputs found

    A Cross-Age Study of Students’ Understanding of Limit and Continuity Concepts

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 The aim of this study is to reveal concept development and the way limit and continuity concepts are understood by students from different levels of education. For this purpose, a test comprising open-ended questions about verbal, algebraic and graphical representations of concepts was administered to students from different levels of education. When students’ understandings of limit and continuity concepts are compared, the pre-service teachers in their 3rd year of study were found much less successful than other students in algebraic, verbal and graphical representations of limit and continuity concepts. It may be recommended that when designing instructional activities verbal, graphical and algebraic representations should be prioritized to enhance the development of students’ interpretation skills of different representations of functions.
 Keywords: Mathematics Education. Limit and Continuity Concepts. Cross-Age Study
 A Compreensão dos Conceitos de Limite e Continuidade: um estudo desenvolvido com alunos em distintos momentos de um curso de formação inicial para professores
 O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como os conceitos de limite e continuidade são compreendidos por estudantes em diferentes momentos de formação. Para isso, foi aplicado a esses alunos um teste composto por questões abertas no qual foram privilegiadas as representações verbais, algébricas e geométricas (gráficas) de funções. O estudo das compreensões manifestadas nos testes revela que os estudantes, futuros professores, em seu terceiro ano de formação, apresentam maiores problemas que os demais alunos quanto aos conceitos em questão. Disso decorre a recomendação de que, quando elaborando atividades instrucionais, representações verbais, visuais e geométricas (gráficas) devem ser priorizadas de modo a viabilizar o desenvolvimento de estratégias interpretativas adequadas que permitam trabalhar com diferentes representações de funções.
 Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática. Limite e Continuidade. Estudo comparativo transversal (por idade)

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    An Alternative Source of Development for Local Governments: Local Literacy

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    Local literacy could be defined as a process of gaining skills for the recognition of local assets, historical sites, places and literary works, which are important for countries in a national and spiritual sense (historical, cultural, touristic, economic, etc.) in the areas where citizens live, being aware of the basic characteristics of the local habitat, and when necessary, reporting the gained knowledge and skills to other people through presentations appropriately prepared (Güven, 2019). This conceptual article discusses opinions and suggestions about the introduction of local literacy skills, which are considered very necessary and profitable for local governments, education and training institutions. It also discusses the contributions provided with the gain of local literacy skills to local governments. The article presents ways in which students can be supported to learn about and adopt the material and spiritual items with a certain value, the individuals and institutions that provide community benefits, sites, natural resources, and the richness around them. Local governments are also provided with some considerations and suggestions about local literacy, which is considered necessary for local governments, and their contributions to local governments as an incentive to invest

    The Effect of Project Based Learning on the Statistical Literacy Levels of Student 8th Grade

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    This study examines the effect of project based learning on 8th grade students’ statistical literacy levels. A performance test was developed for this aim. Quasi-experimental research model was used in this article. In this context, the statistics were taught with traditional method in the control group and it was taught using project based learning in the intervention group. Statistics was given for four weeks according to pro ject based learning at intervention group. The performance test was applied to total 70 students as pre and post-test. Participants are from two different classes of a middle school in Trabzon. The data were analysed using Rasch measurement techniques. This measurement allowed both students’ performance and item difficulties to be measured using the same metric and placed on the same scale. All raw scores converted linear score in order to obtain equal interval scale. Acquired linear scores were compared. In the analysis of gained datum covariance analysis are used. According to gained results in pre-processing application there isn’t substantial difference between the achievements of intervention group and control group; but after processing between the achievements of intervention group and control group there is a substantial difference statistically in favor of intervention group. The results of the study revealed that the project based learning increased students’ statistical literacy levels in the intervention group

    The Effect on the 8th Grade Students’ Attitude towards Statistics of Project Based Learning

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    This study investigates the effect of the project based learning approach on 8th students’ attitude towards statistics. With this aim, an attitude scale towards statistics was developed. Quasi experimental research model was used in this study. Following this model in the control group the traditional method was applied to teach statistics wheras in the intervention group project based learning approach was followed. The attitude scale towards statistics was applied as pre-test and post-tests to 70 students studying at two different 8th grade classes of a middle school in Trabzon during the 2011–2012 Academic Year. The results of the study revealed that the project based learning increased students’ attitude towards statistics in the intervention group. Therefore, the use of project based learning approach during statistics course in mathematics classes is recommended

    According to the M3ST Model Analyze of the Statistical Thinking Levels of Middle School Students

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    WOS: 000332750100005In this study, the statistical thinking levels of middle school students have been examined by using M3ST statistical thinking model based on SOLO taxonomy. This model consist of 4 compenents. Definition of data, organization and reduction of data, representation of data, analyzing and interperetation of data. 90 middle school students from different classes participated in the study. In accordance with the statistical acqusitions of middle school education, open-ended and multiple choice questions have been prepared by analyzing the questions in the literature and taking opinions of professionals. Analyzing the responses of students' response, the levels of students have been searched according to the statistical thinking model. According the findings, the middle school students' levels are in the fourth level in the definition of data, it has been understood that they are in the first level in the other statistical thinking components. The students are reach higher level when reach higher class. Development and change is occur guickly particularly between 6 and 7 class. The results of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the grades of students and the levels of statistical thinking. Results are compared other research in this field

    Factors associated with seizure recurrence after antiepileptic drug withdrawal

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    In seizure-free patients, there are difficulties in deciding to discontinue treatment and optimal timing of withdrawal. We aimed to investigate the disease characteristics associated with recurrence of seizures after discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), as well as the factors affecting the time to seizure recurrence. Patients with epilepsy who had seizure recurrence after withdrawing AED treatment for at least 2 years of the seizure-free period included. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded. Of the 107 patients included, time to recurrence of seizures after AED withdrawal was 18 (1-188) months. Univariate cox regression analysis showed that later onset of epilepsy, older age at AED withdrawal, discontinuation of treatment by the patient, and shorter AED withdrawal periods were associated with recurrence (p=0.041, p=0.028, p [Med-Science 2020; 9(4.000): 1065-71

    Metacognitive Behaviours of the Eighth Grade Gifted Students in Problem Solving Process

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    WOS: 000301720400021This research aims to examine how gifted students exert their metacognition in each problem-solving step while solving a problem. In this sense, the researchers gave four students of the 8th grade three mathematics problems. The data of the study was collected through clinical interviews. The voice recordings of the students during the problem solving process and the solutions they wrote on paper formed the data of the study. The findings show that gifted students display metacognitive behaviours in problem solving process intensity. It was also observed that gifted students display some metacognitive behaviours which had not been determined by researchers before. These behaviours are seen at the stage of looking back and they are revision of connections between topics which were learnt in the past aft er solving a problem and relaxation of brain in order to evaluate what has been done by thinking over alternative ways. The findings of the research are important in terms of determining how gifted students exert their metacognition in each problem-solving step

    Critical views of 8th grade students toward statistical data in newspaper articles: Analysis in light of statistical literacy

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    Understanding and interpreting biased data, decision-making in accordance with the data, and critically evaluating situations involving data are among the fundamental skills necessary in the modern world. To develop these required skills, emphasis on statistical literacy in school mathematics has been gradually increased in recent years. The critical views of 8th graders with respect to statistical data presented in several newspaper articles were investigated from various aspects through this descriptive study. The study was conducted in a middle school with 9 students at the 8th grade level. The statistical data included in news articles selected from different national newspapers published in Turkey were used to collect the data. Through clinical interviews, the evaluations of the students were determined from the aspects of consistency, sample, data collection, data analysis, data presentation, and data support; the reasoning behind the students’ evaluations was also discussed. As a result, it was determined that the students did not perform well during their critical evaluations of newspaper articles that included research data