22 research outputs found

    ECHO octroie ses financements, non pas en fonction de ses partenaires mais des besoins sur le terrain

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    Revue Humanitaire : Dans la lignĂ©e de la DĂ©claration de Paris de 2005 et du rapport de l’OMS de 2010, on perçoit une tendance de fond oĂč les financements internationaux en faveur des projets cĂ©deraient le pas Ă  ceux versĂ©s aux États mettant en place des plans d’amĂ©lioration de la santĂ©. Si cette tendance se confirmait, quel impact faudrait-il en attendre pour les ONG europĂ©ennes sachant que, par ailleurs, ECHO pourrait financer directement des opĂ©rateurs dans les pays du Sud ? Quelles seraien..

    Structures anatomiques du cerveau : permanence, évolution et différences individuelles

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    La neuroanatomie comparĂ©e au cƓur du dĂ©bat Cette discipline traditionnelle, fondĂ©e par Cuvier au tournant du XVIIIe siĂšcle, consiste Ă  Ă©tudier l'anatomie du systĂšme nerveux des animaux et Ă  effectuer des comparaisons. L'anatomie, tout d'abord par la description de la morphologie externe des structures, est cependant beaucoup plus ancienne. Elle a Ă©tĂ© suivie par l'Ă©tude des sillons, des circonvolutions, de la lamination, des aires cytoarchitectoniques et enfin des aires fonctionnelles. En ce q..

    Trigemino-solitarii-facial pathway in rats

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    International audienceThis study was undertaken to identify premotor neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) serving as relay neurons between the sensory trigeminal complex (STC) and the facial motor nucleus in rats. Trigemino-solitarii connections were first investigated following injections of anterograde and/or retrograde (biotinylated dextran amine, biocytin, or gold-HRP) tracers in STC or NTS. Trigemino-solitarii neurons were abundant in the ventral and dorsal parts of the STC and of moderate density in its intermediate part. They project throughout the entire rostrocaudal extent of the NTS with a strong lateral preponderance. Solitarii-trigeminal neurons were observed mostly in the rostral and rostrolateral NTS. They mainly project to the ventral and dorsal parts of the spinal trigeminal nucleus but not to the principal nucleus. Additional neurons located in the middle NTS were found to project exclusively to the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars caudalis. No solitarii-trigeminal cells were observed in the caudal NTS. In addition, evidence was obtained of NTS retrogradely labeled neurons contacted by anterogradely labeled trigeminal terminals. Second, solitarii-facial projections were analyzed following injections of anterograde and retrograde tracers into the NTS and the facial nucleus, respectively. NTS neurons, except those of the rostrolateral part, reached the dorsal aspect of the facial nucleus. Finally, simultaneous injections of anterograde tracer in the STC and retrograde tracer in the facial nucleus gave retrogradely labeled neurons in the NTS receiving contacts from anterogradely labeled trigeminal boutons. Thus, the present data demonstrate for the first time the existence of a trigemino-solitarii-facial pathway. This could account for the involvement of the NTS in the control of orofacial motor behaviors

    High Specificity of Single Inertial Sensor-Supplemented Timed Up and Go Test for Assessing Fall Risk in Elderly Nursing Home Residents

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    The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is commonly used to estimate the fall risk in the elderly. Several ways to improve the predictive accuracy of TUG (cameras, multiple sensors, other clinical tests) have already been proposed. Here, we added a single wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) to capture the residents’ body center-of-mass kinematics in view of improving TUG’s predictive accuracy. The aim is to find out which kinematic variables and residents’ characteristics are relevant for distinguishing faller from non-faller patients. Data were collected in 73 nursing home residents with the IMU placed on the lower back. Acceleration and angular velocity time series were analyzed during different subtasks of the TUG. Multiple logistic regressions showed that total time required, maximum angular velocity at the first half-turn, gender, and use of a walking aid were the parameters leading to the best predictive abilities of fall risk. The predictive accuracy of the proposed new test, called i + TUG, reached a value of 74.0%, with a specificity of 95.9% and a sensitivity of 29.2%. By adding a single wearable IMU to TUG, an accurate and highly specific test is therefore obtained. This method is quick, easy to perform and inexpensive. We recommend to integrate it into daily clinical practice in nursing homes

    Perceived Usefulness of Telerehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Belgium-France Pilot Study during Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    International audienceBackground: COVID-19 has affected the practice of physiotherapy, and telerehabilitation (TR) may be seen as an alternative model of care if it is accepted by patients and physiotherapists. This study investigates the perceived usefulness of TR and the intention to use it among physiotherapists and patients from Belgium and France concerned with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) during the pandemic period. Methods: An online questionnaire based on the technology-acceptance model was designed. Sociodemographic data were collected and Likert scales were proposed to assess perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness and intention to use TR. Data were collected between 17 January and 17 March 2021; 68 patients and 107 physiotherapists answered. Results: In total, 88% of patients and 76% physiotherapists had not used TR at the time they answered. Only 12% of patients and 1% of physiotherapists are willing to use TR, and 50% of physiotherapists think they will never use TR compared to 25% of patients. A total of 98% of participants agreed that they had a good mastery of the technological tools requested. Conclusions: Physiotherapists are more reluctant to use TR than patients, regardless of convincing EBM results. This is related to their own representation of proper MSD management, which must include the use of hands-on techniques

    TUG + IMU / Risk of Fall

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