143 research outputs found

    Continuous mush disaggregation during the long-lasting Laki fissure eruption, Iceland

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    Plagioclase textures were investigated in the products of the voluminous AD 1783–1784 Laki eruption from the Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ) of Iceland to establish whether mush disaggregation occurred solely at the onset of the eight-month eruption or throughout its whole duration. Phase proportions and plagioclase size distributions were determined using standard optical and manual techniques as well as automated approaches based on Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANing electron microscopy (QEMSCAN). Based on optical microscopy and the explicit combination of textural and compositional information in QEMSCAN images, plagioclase crystals were divided into two populations: small ( 4) microcrysts with low-anorthite (0.5 mm long), low-aspect ratio(length/width = 2–3) macrocrysts with high-anorthite (An₈₄–An₉₂) cores. Small microcrysts grew from their carrier liquid during the final phase of pre-eruptive crystallization while large macrocrysts, which are out of geochemical equilibrium with their carrier liquids, were entrained from crystal mushes. Changes in phase proportions and plagioclase size distributions between eruptive episodes demonstrate that macrocryst entrainment efficiency varied substantially during the eruption; material erupted in later episodes contain proportionally more mush-derived material. Using stereologically corrected plagioclase size distributions, we estimate that the pre-eruptive residence times of microcrysts in the Laki carrier liquid were probably of the order of 2–20 days. Because microcryst crystallization was concurrent with macrocryst rim growth, these day-to-week residence times also indicate that macrocryst entrainment occurred on much shorter timescales than the eruption’s eight- month duration. In line with constraints from independent geochronometers, macrocryst entrainment and mush disaggregation thus appears to have continued throughout the eruption. Magmas were assembled on an episode by episode basis, and the volume of eruptible magma in the plumbing system at any given time was probably closer to 1–2 km³ than the final erupted volume of 15.1 km³.This work was supported by NERC grants NER/S/A/2004/12727, NE/1528277/1 and NE/I012508/1. DAN acknowledges support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

    Monitoring settling and consolidation of fluid mud in a laboratory using ultrasonic measurements

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    Ultrasound measurements are routinely used to evaluate the safe depth for ships navigation - nautical depth - at waterways and ports using single-beam dual-frequency echo-sounders. The nautical depth is routinely defined by suspension density in the range of 1100–1300 kg/m3 in the mud layer. While ultrasound measurements have a weak sensitivity to density variations, calibration is always needed to convert ultrasound measurements into reliable indicators for nautical depth levels in the mud layers using densely distributed density rheological in-situ measurements. We present a laboratory ultrasonic transmission experiment to monitor the fluid mud’s settling and consolidation processes using a sample from the Port of Rotterdam. We use P- and S-wave ultrasonic transducers in the frequency range between 200 to 1000 kHz. Our results show that the P-wave velocities slightly increase during the consolidation and settling process while the P-wave amplitudes decrease. On the other hand, we observe a high S-wave velocity that increases together with amplitudes over time. The P- and S-wave amplitude and S-wave velocity variation over time correlate well with the mud average density variation. The presented results can be very useful for fluid-mud monitoring at a lab scale, besides possible utilization for large-scale monitoring field campaigns

    Ascertainment of the truth in international criminal justice

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    This thesis seeks to answer the principal question as to whether international criminal justice systems can serve as adequate truth-ascertaining forums. In doing so, it reviews the practice of three international criminal justice systems: the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is not the purpose of this research to review the black letter law adopted and applied by these international tribunals and court, but rather to review the implementation of the legal principles in practice. It is a socio-legal research project which focuses on the practice of the tribunals and court. It discusses socio-legal, institutional and political issues relating to the ascertainment of the truth in international criminal justice. In addition, it examines the gaps between the theory and practice of ascertaining the truth in the ICTY, ICTR and ICC. It does so principally by exploring the roles of the parties, participants and judges in ascertaining the truth. This includes the obstacles they face in doing so and the responses given, if any, to accommodate these difficulties. Challenges include the politicised climate of most post-conflict societies, the remoteness of the crime base areas from the seat of the Court, the lack of enforcement mechanisms and reliance on State cooperation, as well as the unfamiliarities with the cultural and linguistic features of the affected communities. This thesis reveals that these difficulties are not the principal cause of truth-searching impediments. Indeed, it is asserted that the ascertainment of the truth can be fair and effective notwithstanding these difficulties. It also demonstrates that truth-ascertaining impediments are mainly caused by failures to adequately investigate the crimes and relevant evidence. At the ICTY, investigations have been carried out in the most efficient and fair manner possible under the circumstances. By contrast, the ICTR and ICC investigations are far from adequate and should be improved. The Prosecution should make more efforts to obtain the best evidence available. It further concludes that international justice systems have set their goals too highly. Instead of seeking to meet objectives such as reconciliation, peace and security, they should restrict their focus to the question as to whether the guilt of a particular accused has been established in respect of the crimes charged.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Eruption of kimberlite magmas: physical volcanology, geomorphology and age of the youngest kimberlitic volcanoes known on earth (the Upper Pleistocene/ Holocene Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania)

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    The Igwisi Hills volcanoes (IHV), Tanzania, are unique and important in preserving extra-crater lavas and pyroclastic edifices. They provide critical insights into the eruptive behaviour of kimberlite magmas that are not available at other known kimberlite volcanoes. Cosmogenic 3He dating of olivine crystals from IHV lavas and palaeomagnetic analyses indicates that they are Upper Pleistocene to Holocene in age. This makes them the youngest known kimberlite bodies on Earth by >30 Ma and may indicate a new phase of kimberlite volcanism on the Tanzania craton. Geological mapping, Global Positioning System surveying and field investigations reveal that each volcano comprises partially eroded pyroclastic edifices, craters and lavas. The volcanoes stand 102 to 106 Pa s) for kimberlite, attributed to degassing and in-vent cooling. Each volcano is inferred to be the result of a small-volume, short-lived (days to weeks) monogenetic eruption. The eruptive processes of each Igwisi volcano were broadly similar and developed through three phases: (1) fallout of lithic-bearing pyroclastic rocks during explosive excavation of craters and conduits; (2) fallout of juvenile lapilli from unsteady eruption columns and the construction of pyroclastic edifices around the vent; and (3) effusion of degassed viscous magma as lava flows. These processes are similar to those observed for other small-volume monogenetic eruptions (e.g. of basaltic magma)

    A siltstone reaction front related to CO2- and sulfur-bearing fluids: Integrating quantitative elemental mapping with reactive transport modeling

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    For the purpose of geological carbon storage, it is necessary to understand the long-term effects of introducing CO2 and sulfur-species into saline aquifers. CO2 stripped from the flue gas during the carbon capture process may contain trace SO2 and H2S and it may be economically beneficial to inject S-bearing CO2 rather than costly purified CO2. Further, reactions between the S-bearing CO2, formation brines and formation minerals will increase pH and promote further dissolution and precipitation reactions. To investigate this we model reactions in a natural analogue where CO2 and SO4-H2S bearing fluids have reacted with clay-rich siltstones. In the Mid-Jurassic Carmel formation in a cap rock to a natural CO2-bearing reservoir at Green River, Utah, a 3.1 mm wide bleached alteration zone is observed at the uppermost contact between a primary gypsum bed and red siltstone. Gypsum at the contact is ∼1 mm thick and shows elongate fibers perpendicular to the siltstone surface, suggesting fluid flow along the contact. Mineralogical concentrations, analyzed by Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN), show the altered siltstone region comprises two main zones, a 0.8 mm-wide hematite-poor, dolomite-poor and illite-rich region adjacent to the gypsum bed and a 2.3 mm-wide hematite-poor, dolomite-poor, illite-poor region adjacent to the hematite alteration front. A one-component analytical solution to reactive-diffusive transport for the bleached zone implies it took less than 20 years to form before the fluid self-sealed, and that literature hematite dissolution rates between 10-8 and 10-7 mol/m2/s are valid for likely diffusivities. Multi-component reactive-diffusive transport equilibrium modeling for the full phase assemblage, conducted with PHREEQC, suggests dissolution of hematite and dolomite and precipitation of illite over similar short timescales. Reaction progress with CO2-bearing, SO4-rich and minor H2S-bearing fluids is shown to be much faster than with CO2-poor, SO4-rich with minor H2S-earing fluids. The substantial buffering capacity of mineral reactions demonstrated by the S and CO2–related alteration of hematite-bearing siltstones at the Green River CO2 accumulation implies that corrosion of such a cap rock are, at worst, comparable to the 10,000-year timescales needed for carbon storage.Funding for Carbon Storage research at the University of Cambridge was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to the CRIUS consortium (NE/F004699/1), Shell Global Solutions International, and the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) through a CCS Innovation grant. A.M. was supported by an EPSRC doctoral training grant

    Megacrystals track magma convection between reservoir and surface

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    Active volcanoes are typically fed by magmatic reservoirs situated within the upper crust. The development of thermal and/or compositional gradients in such magma chambers may lead to vigorous convection as inferred from theoretical models and evidence for magma mixing recorded in volcanic rocks. Bi-directional flow is also inferred to prevail in the conduits of numerous persistently-active volcanoes based on observed gas and thermal emissions at the surface, as well as experiments with analogue models. However, more direct evidence for such exchange flows has hitherto been lacking. Here, we analyse the remarkable oscillatory zoning of anorthoclase feldspar megacrystals erupted from the lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica. A comprehensive approach, combining phase equilibria, solubility experiments and melt inclusion and textural analyses shows that the chemical profiles are best explained as a result of multiple episodes of magma transport between a deeper reservoir and the lava lake at the surface. Individual crystals have repeatedly travelled up-and-down the plumbing system, over distances of up to several kilometers, presumably as a consequence of entrainment in the bulk magma flow. Our findings thus corroborate the model of bi-directional flow in magmatic conduits. They also imply contrasting flow regimes in reservoir and conduit, with vigorous convection in the former (regular convective cycles of ∼150 days at a speed of ∼0.5 mm s−1) and more complex cycles of exchange flow and re-entrainment in the latter. We estimate that typical, 1-cm-wide crystals should be at least 14 years old, and can record several (from 1 to 3) complete cycles between the reservoir and the lava lake via the conduit. This persistent recycling of phonolitic magma is likely sustained by CO2 fluxing, suggesting that accumulation of mafic magma in the lower crust is volumetrically more significant than that of evolved magma within the edifice.The work reported here has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation (Division of Polar Programs) under grant ANT1142083. The authors thank the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for access to the NERC Ion Microprobe Facility (Grant IMF453/1011) and Richard Hinton for invaluable help with SIMS analyses. Y.M. acknowledges support from the Cambridge Philosophical Society, the University of Cambridge Home and EU Scholarship Scheme, and the Philip Lake and William Vaughan Lewis funds from the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Y.M. also acknowledges support from ERC grant #279790.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X14007833#

    Insights into volcanic hazards and plume chemistry from multi-parameter observations: the eruptions of Fimmvörðuháls and Eyjafjallajökull (2010) and Holuhraun (2014–2015)

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    The eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010 (including its initial effusive phase at Fimmvörðuháls and its later explosive phase from the central volcano) and Bárðarbunga volcano in 2014–2015 (at Holuhraun) were widely reported. Here, we report on complementary, interdisciplinary observations made of the eruptive gases and lavas that shed light on the processes and atmospheric impacts of the eruptions, and afford an intercomparison of contrasting eruptive styles and hazards. We find that (i) consistent with other authors, there are substantial differences in the gas composition between the eruptions; namely that the deeper stored Eyjafjallajökull magmas led to greater enrichment in Cl relative to S; (ii) lava field SO2 degassing was measured to be 5–20% of the total emissions during Holuhraun, and the lava emissions were enriched in Cl at both fissure eruptions—particularly Fimmvörðuháls; and (iii) BrO is produced in Icelandic plumes in spite of the low UV levels

    The Effect of Histopathological Growth Patterns of Colorectal Liver Metastases on the Survival Benefit of Adjuvant Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy

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    Background: Histopathological growth patterns (HGPs) are a prognostic biomarker in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Desmoplastic HGP (dHGP) is associated with liver-only recurrence and superior overall survival (OS), while non-dHGP is associated with multi-organ recurrence and inferior OS. This study investigated the predictive value of HGPs for adjuvant hepatic arterial infusion pump (HAIP) chemotherapy in CRLM. Methods: Patients undergoing resection of CRLM and perioperative systemic chemotherapy in two centers were included. Survival outcomes and the predictive value of HAIP versus no HAIP per HGP group were evaluated through Kaplan–Meier and Cox regression methods, respectively. Results:We included 1233 patients. In the dHGP group (n = 291, 24%), HAIP chemotherapy was administered in 75 patients (26%). In the non-dHGP group (n = 942, 76%), HAIP chemotherapy was administered in 247 patients (26%). dHGP was associated with improved overall survival (OS, HR 0.49, 95% CI 0.32–0.73, p &lt; 0.001). HAIP chemotherapy was associated with improved OS (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.45–0.82, p &lt; 0.001). No interaction could be demonstrated between HGP and HAIP on OS (HR 1.29, 95% CI 0.72–2.32, p = 0.40).Conclusions: There is no evidence that HGPs of CRLM modify the survival benefit of adjuvant HAIP chemotherapy in patients with resected CRLM.</p

    The agricultural world in equations: an overview of the main models at LEI

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    At LEI, several different quantitative models are being used. In many projects more than one model is used and in some cases information from one model is explicitly used in another model. This report attempts to sketch brief overviews of the main models used at LEI
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