7 research outputs found

    La importancia de la histéresis en las exportaciones de manufacturas de los países de la UEM

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    En este trabajo se pretende comprobar la posible existencia de histéresis en la oferta de exportaciones de manufacturas en algunos países de la zona del euro, es decir, se analiza si los movimientos transitorios del tipo de cambio tienen un impacto permanente sobre las exportaciones. La presencia de costes irrecuperables en la entrada y salida del mercado a los que se enfrentan los productores puede justificar la existencia de histéresis en el comercio, ya que las empresas exportadoras tomarían en consideración el tipo de cambio futuro como una variable adicional a la hora de decidir si se entra o no en el mercado, afectando de esta forma al volumen de exportación agregado. Así, el trabajo presenta una estimación de un modelo de oferta y demanda de exportaciones de manufacturas para la mayoría de los países de la zona euro, donde la oferta toma en cuenta la evolución futura del tipo de cambio a partir de la estimación secuencial de sus dos primeros momentos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, el tipo de cambio esperado no es, en la mayor parte de los casos, una variable explicativa de la evolución de la oferta de exportaciones. De este modo, en contra de la evidencia disponible con datos de empresas, el análisis macroeconómico efectuado no detecta efectos de histéresis significativos en la oferta de exportaciones.Histéresis; tipo de cambio; exportaciones; unión monetaria; zona euro;

    Un indicador de gasto en construccion para la economia espaNola

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Herbicide selectivity for a new crop: tritordeum

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    Comunicación presentada al XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología, celebrado en la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona-Iruña, entre los días 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.El tritordeum es un nuevo cereal obtenido por hibridación inducida de un trigo duro y una cebada silvestre originaria de Chile y Argentina. Es un cultivo prometedor, si bien hay poca información sobre la posibilidad del uso de herbicidas sobre él. Se planteó un ensayo en bloques al azar, con 4 repeticiones y dos dosis por tratamiento de los herbicidas: diclofop 36%, fenoxaprop-p-etil 6,9%, pinoxaden 6%, iodosulfuron-metil-sodio 0,6% + mesosulfuron metil 3%, iodosulfuron-metil-sodio 5%, prosulfocarb 80% y florasulam 2,28% + piroxsulam 6,83%, incluyendo además parcelas testigo sin tratar. No se constataron diferencias significativa en los parámetros evaluados entre los testigos y las parcelas en las que se aplicaron los herbicidas, por lo se concluye que a las dosis ensayadas estos son selectivos para este cultivo en las condiciones del ensayo.Tritordeum is a new cereal obtained by hybridization induced between durum wheat and a wild barley from Chile and Argentina. It is a promising crop, although there is little information about the possibility of using herbicides on it. A field trial in blocks with 4 randomly distributed replications and two doses for treatment was made with the herbicides: diclofop-methyl 36%, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 6.9, pinoxaden 6%, iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 0.6% + mesosulfuron methyl 3%, iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 5%, prosulfocarb 80% and florasulam 2,28%+ piroxsulam 6.83%, including also control plots without treatment. No significant differences were found in the evaluated parameters between control plots and plots treated with herbicides. It is concluded that these herbicides were selective of this crop in the present conditions

    Identifying causative mechanisms linking early-life stress to psycho-cardio-metabolic multi-morbidity: The EarlyCause project

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    Introduction Depression, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are among the major non-communicable diseases, leading to significant disability and mortality worldwide. These diseases may share environmental and genetic determinants associated with multimorbid patterns. Stressful early-life events are among the primary factors associated with the development of mental and physical diseases. However, possible causative mechanisms linking early life stress (ELS) with psycho-cardio-metabolic (PCM) multi-morbidity are not well understood. This prevents a full understanding of causal pathways towards the shared risk of these diseases and the development of coordinated preventive and therapeutic interventions. Methods and analysis This paper describes the study protocol for EarlyCause, a large-scale and inter-disciplinary research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project takes advantage of human longitudinal birth cohort data, animal studies and cellular models to test the hypothesis of shared mechanisms and molecular pathways by which ELS shapes an individual’s physical and mental health in adulthood. The study will research in detail how ELS converts into biological signals embedded simultaneously or sequentially in the brain, the cardiovascular and metabolic systems. The research will mainly focus on four biological processes including possible alterations of the epigenome, neuroendocrine system, inflammatome, and the gut microbiome. Life-course models will integrate the role of modifying factors as sex, socioeconomics, and lifestyle with the goal to better identify groups at risk as well as inform promising strategies to reverse the possible mechanisms and/or reduce the impact of ELS on multi-morbidity development in high-risk individuals. These strategies will help better manage the impact of multi-morbidity on human health and the associated risk

    Identifying causative mechanisms linking early-life stress to psycho-cardio-metabolic multi-morbidity:the EarlyCause project

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    Abstract Introduction: Depression, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are among the major non-communicable diseases, leading to significant disability and mortality worldwide. These diseases may share environmental and genetic determinants associated with multimorbid patterns. Stressful early-life events are among the primary factors associated with the development of mental and physical diseases. However, possible causative mechanisms linking early life stress (ELS) with psycho-cardio-metabolic (PCM) multi-morbidity are not well understood. This prevents a full understanding of causal pathways towards the shared risk of these diseases and the development of coordinated preventive and therapeutic interventions. Methods and analysis: This paper describes the study protocol for EarlyCause, a large-scale and inter-disciplinary research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project takes advantage of human longitudinal birth cohort data, animal studies and cellular models to test the hypothesis of shared mechanisms and molecular pathways by which ELS shapes an individual’s physical and mental health in adulthood. The study will research in detail how ELS converts into biological signals embedded simultaneously or sequentially in the brain, the cardiovascular and metabolic systems. The research will mainly focus on four biological processes including possible alterations of the epigenome, neuroendocrine system, inflammatome, and the gut microbiome. Life-course models will integrate the role of modifying factors as sex, socioeconomics, and lifestyle with the goal to better identify groups at risk as well as inform promising strategies to reverse the possible mechanisms and/or reduce the impact of ELS on multi-morbidity development in high-risk individuals. These strategies will help better manage the impact of multi-morbidity on human health and the associated risk