41 research outputs found

    Priprava i karakterizacija disperzije polivinil-acetata modificiranog 3-metakriloksipropiltrimetoksisilanom

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    Semi-continuous vinyl acetate (VAc) radical emulsion polymerization in water with 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GF31) co-monomer was performed using protective colloid PVA and surface-active compound. The impact of GF31 on polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) dispersion physicochemical and production parameters were determined. Even low quantities of GF31 (up to 1.5 % of VAc mass) had crucial impact on PVAc dispersion and dispersion film’s parameters.U vodi je polukontinuirano emulzijski polimeriziran vinil-acetat (VAc) s komonomerom 3-metakriloksipropiltrimetoksisilanom (GF31) uz PVA ili surfaktant kao zaštitni koloid. Određen je utjecaj GF31 na fizičko-kemijska svojstva i tijek priprave disperzija. Već i mala količina GF31 (do 1,5 % mase VAc) ima izrazit utjecaj na svojstva disperzije i filma

    Wileńscy kolekcjonerzy zabytków i pamiątek historycznych na przełomie XIX–XX wieku

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    THE VILNIUS COLLECTORS OF OBJECTS OF ART AND HISTORICAL MEMENTOS AT THE TURN OF THE 19TH CENTURYThe present publication is devoted to private collections of art and historical mementos in Vilnius at the turn of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. In the article, the author presents the silhouettes of a number of lovers of antiquity who represent various social strata of contemporary Vilnius; he also takes into consideration the collectors’ biographies and the character of their collectors’ passion. He also describes the content of the collections preserved by them.In spite of the repressive policy of the tsarist authorities, following the suppression of the January insurrection, the Polish community of Vilnius cultivated the historical memory, among others, by collecting mementos of the past. It was at this time, that a great number of big and small art collections came into existence, side by side with collections of archeological excavations, books, manuscripts, religious objects, as well as mementos of outstanding historical personages. Among the best known Vilnius art collectors, one finds names such as: Lucjan Moraczewski, Albert Zasztoft, Bolesław Szulski, Tadeusz Stanisław Wróblewski, Antoni Szutinas and many others. It was thanks to the activity of those people that many precious monuments of material culture have been preserved until the present day

    Essays in Applied Microeconomics

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    Thesis advisor: Julie MortimerEssays on the effects of health policy payment systems in long-term care and end-of-life care institutions are studied. In the arena of long-term care, state Medicaid agencies have recently implemented pay-for-performance (P4P) programs to address poor quality of care in nursing homes. Using facility-quarter level data from 2003 to 2010, we evaluate the effects of Medicaid nursing home P4P programs on clinical quality measures, relying on variation in the timing of P4P implementation across states. Further, we exploit variation in the structure of states' programs to investigate whether programs that reward certain dimensions of quality are associated with larger improvements. We find P4P decreases the incidence of adverse clinical outcomes by as much as 8%, and the improvements are concentrated among the measures that experienced an increase in their relative returns and share strong commonalities in production. In the Hospice industry, changes to the current reimbursement system are mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The motivation stems from noticeable hospice utilization changes since the Medicare Hospice Benefit (MHB) introduced a per-diem reimbursement in 1983. This research analyzes the abilities of a multi-tiered payment system, and a simpler two-part pricing system, to accurately match Medicare payments with hospice patient costs. Both systems improve on the current payment mechanism, while two-part pricing is the only system to maintain access to care for all MHB eligible patients. In addition, consumer disutility incurred by driving to airports is estimated and used to define air travel markets. Though an accurate definition of an economic market is important for any study of industry, there is no rule governing what exactly constitutes a market. To define a market we must ask the question ``between which products do consumers substitute,'' knowing that the answer to this question will depend on how ``close'' products are to one another in product space, as well as how close they are to one another, and to consumers, in geographic space. We estimate a discrete choice model of air travel demand that uses known information about the locations of products and consumers, which allows us to study substitution patterns among air travel products at different airports. We evaluate the commonly used city-pair and airport-pair definitions of a market for air travel, and conclude that a city-pair is the appropriate definition. We also employ the Hypothetical Monopolist test for antitrust market definition, as defined by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission, and conclude that the relevant geographic market for antitrust analysis is frequently more narrowly defined as an airport-pair.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Economics

    Mediação: uma parajurisdição no sistema judicial brasileiro

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    [POR] A mediação no Brasil foi implantada por lei e é uma adaptação de técnicas negociais visando a composição consensual de conflitos, o que desafia a comunidade jurídica a discutir e compreender o seu significado, na medida em que esse método está explicitamente inserido como uma atividade técnica que compõe um procedimento necessário e essencial no processo judicial, consoante as regras instituídas na Lei de Mediação (Lei n.º 13.140/2015) e no Código de Processo Civil (Lei n.º 13.105/2015), ambos com início de vigência em 2016, definindo o marco legal da mediação brasileira. Na constatação da existência de um entrelaçamento entre a mediação e a jurisdição, torna-se necessário abordar a problemática de saber se é possível caracterizar a mediação como um instituto parajurisdicional de resolução adequada de conflitos, de forma que se preserve a consistência do conceito de jurisdição, impedindo que haja confusão desta com a mediação, eis que esta, a despeito de sua função pacificadora (similar à da jurisdição), se realiza por método diverso (não impositivo). Questiona-se, ainda, a diferenciação entre a conciliação e a mediação, eis que, na prática, tais atividades se confundem e ambas objetivam o consenso. Propõe-se, por fim e em vista disso, a modificação de artigos do Código de Processo Civil e da Lei da Mediação, com a supressão de parágrafos e sugestão de aperfeiçoamento em alguns de seus dispositivos.Mediation was introduced in Brazil by law and consists of an adaptation of negotiating techniques aimed at securing mutual dispute settlements. As such, the instrument challenges the legal community to consider and understand its significance, to the extent the method is explicitly prescribed as a technical activity and a necessary and essential procedure of judicial proceedings, pursuant to the provisions governing the matter in the Mediation Act (Lei de Mediação – Law No. 13,140/2015) and the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (Law No. 13,105/2015), both of which entered into effect in 2016 and formally establish the legal framework for mediation in Brazil. In the light of the connection between mediation and jurisdiction, addressing the issue is required for purposes of determining whether mediation can be defined as an adequate parajurisdictional dispute settlement instrument, in a manner that preserves the substance of jurisdictional fora and prevents their comingling with the practice of mediation, which, notwithstanding its pacifying role (similar to that of legal jurisdictional fora), is applied by different means (i.e. without mandatory imposition). An additional matter warranting consideration is the distinction between conciliation and mediation, insofar as the two activities intersect in practice and aim to achieve consensus. Finally, and in the light of the above, amendment of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure and of the Mediation Act is proposed, specifically through the removal of specific clauses and recommended improvements to others.La mediazione in Brasile è stata stabilita dalla legge ed è un adattamento di tecniche di negozi mirando la composizione consensuale di contrasti, il che sfida la comunità giuridica a discutere e comprendere il suo significato, nella misura in cui questo metodo è esplicitamente inserito come un’attività tecnica che compone un procedimento necessario ed essenziale nel processo giudiziario, in conformità con le regole istituite nella Legge di Mediazione (Legge n. 13.140/2015) e nel Codice di Procedura Civile (Legge n. 13.105/2015), entrambe in vigore dal 2016, definendo l’intera legislazione della mediazione brasiliana. Nella costatazione dell’esistenza di un intrecciamento tra la mediazione e la giurisdizione, si rende necessario affrontare la problematica di sapere se è possibile caratterizzare la mediazione come un istituto para-giurisdizionale di risoluzione adeguata di contrasti, in modo a preservare la consistenza del concetto di giurisdizione, impedendo che si faccia confusione della stessa con la mediazione, ecco che questa, a dispetto della sua funzione pacificatrice (similare a quella della giurisdizione), si realizza per metodo diverso (non impositivo). Si questiona, inoltre, la differenziazione fra la conciliazione e la mediazione, giacché, nella pratica, tali attività si confondono ed entrambe hanno come obiettivo il consenso. Si propone, infine e in vista di ciò, la modifica di articoli del Codice di Procedura Civile e della Legge della Mediazione, con la soppressione di paragrafi e suggestione di perfezionamento in alcuni dei suoi dispositivi.La mediación en el Brasil fue implantada por ley y es una adaptación de técnicas de negocio buscando la composición consensual de conflictos, lo que desafía la comunidad jurídica a discutir y comprender su significado, en la medida en que ese método está explícitamente inserido como una actividad técnica que compone un procedimiento necesario y esencial en el proceso judicial, consonante con las reglas instituidas en la Ley de Mediación (Ley n.º 13.140/2015) y en el Código de Proceso Civil (Ley n.º 13.105/2015), ambos con inicio de vigencia en 2016, definiendo el marco legal de la mediación brasileña. En la constatación de la existencia de un entrelazamiento entre la mediación y la jurisdicción, se vuelve necesario abordar la problemática de saber si es posible caracterizar la mediación como un instituto parajurisdiccional de resolución adecuada de conflictos, de forma que se preserve la consistencia del concepto de jurisdicción, impidiendo que haya confusión de esta con la mediación, ya que ésta, a despecho de su función pacificadora (similar a la de la jurisdicción), se realiza por método diverso (no impositivo). Se cuestiona, también, la diferenciación entre la conciliación y la mediación, ya que, en la práctica, tales actividades se confunden y ambas buscan el consenso. Se propone, por fin y en vista de eso, la modificación de artículos del Código de Proceso Civil y de la Ley de la Mediación, con la supresión de párrafos y sugestión de perfeccionamiento en algunos de sus dispositivos

    Universities and Transit Agencies: Partnering for Improved Transit

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    Universities and colleges are important users of regional transportation, and can work with regional transportation agencies to mutual benefit by increasing transit ridership and improving transit opportunities for the campus population. In this session, university and college staff will describe collaborative projects with regional transportation agencies and the resulting transportation successes. San Diego State University and UC Riverside will discuss the projects for which they won 2008 Sustainable Transportation Awards

    Insect diversity on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) stems

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    Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ant paprastųjų eglių (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) ir europinių maumedžių (Larix decidua Mill.) kamienų sutinkamą vabzdžių rūšių įvairovę ir jos skirtumus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti suformuluoti uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ant paprastųjų eglių (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) kamienų sutinkamas vabzdžių bendrijas. 2. Nustatyti ant europinių maumedžių (Larix decidua Mill.) kamienų sutinkamas vabzdžių bendrijas. 3. Atlikti ant P. abies ir L. decidua kamienų aptinkamos vabzdžių įvairovės palyginimą. Tyrimo objektas: Paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) ir europinio maumedžio (Larix decidua Mill.) 40-80 metų amžiaus medynai esantys Raseinių, Rokiškio, Ukmergės, Kazlų Rūdos ir Veisiejų VMU regioniniuose padaliniuose. Tyrimo metodai: parinktuose 5 paprastosios eglės ir 5 europinio maumedžio medynuose taikytas lipnių gaudyklių vabzdžių apskaitos metodas. Tyrimo aikštelėse parinkti 5 sąlygiškai sveiki (I pažeidimo kategorija) ir 5 švieži sausuoliai (V pažeidimo kategorija) medžiai, prie kurių kamienų prisegtos lipnios gaudyklės. Tyrimo metu atliktos trys vabzdžių apskaitos. Sugauti vabzdžiai suskaičiuoti, identifikuoti ir priskirti rūšims. Tyrimo rezultatai: Iš viso tyrimo metu sugauti 2799 vnt. vabzdžiai, iš kurių 1754 vnt. eglynuose ir 1045 vnt. maumedynuose. Išanalizavus sugautų vabzdžių duomenis nustatyta, kad eglynuose aptiktas didesnis vabzdžių kiekis ir įvairovė, nei maumedynuose (p<0,05). Eglynuose aptikta 81, o maumedynuose 71 vabzdžių rūšis. Nustatytos 52 bendrai eglynuose ir maumedynuose aptiktos rūšys. Be to nustatytos 48 besiskiriančios vabzdžių rūšys, iš kurių maumedynuose neaptiktos 29, o eglynuose 19. Pagal apskaičiuotą Shannon įvairovės indeksą didesnė vabzdžių įvairovė nustatyta eglynuose (2,06–2,74). Maumedynuose Shannon H įvairovės indeksas buvo kiek mažesnis (1,76-2,73). Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog maumedynai negalėtų deramai pakeisti eglynų ir išlaikyti tą pačią vabzdžių rūšių įvairovę, tačiau gali ją praturtinti sau būdingomis vabzdžių rūšimis.The aim of this study - was to determine the diversity and it’s differences between insect species on European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stems. The following objectives have been determined to achieve the goal: 1. Identify insecst communities on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stems. 2. Identify insects communities on European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) stems. 3. To compare the diversity of insects found on P. abies and L. decidua stems. Methods of the work: In 5 Norway spruce and 5 European larch stands selected for the survey, the sticky trap insect counting method was used. Five relatively healthy (damage category I) and 5 freshly dead trees (damage category V) were attached with sticky traps using pins in selected plot. Sticky trap samples were collected three times during the study. Catches of insects were counted, identified and classified as species. The results of the work: In total 2799 units of insects were caught during the investigation (1754 pcs. in spruce stands and 1045 pcs. in larch stands). Insects caught data analize showed that higher number and variety of insects were found in spruce stands than in larch stands. It was determined that 81 species of insects were found in spruce stands and 71 in larch stands. It was found that 52 species was common in spruce and larch stands. In addition, 48 different insect species were found, of which 29 were not found in larch stands and 19 in spruce stands. According to the calculated Shannon diversity index, higher insect diversity was found in spruce stands (2.06–2.74). In larch stands Shannon H diversity index was slightly lower (1.76–2.73). The results of the study show that larch stands could not properly replace spruce stands and maintain the same diversity of insects species, but can enrich it with their own insect species.Miškų ir ekologijos fakulteta

    Diversity studies of insects colonizing larch (Larix sp.) and norway spruce (Picea abies) trees

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    Paprastoji eglė (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) yra viena iš labiausiai paplitusių medžių rūšių šalies miškuose, tačiau eglė laikoma jautria klimato kaitai rūšimi. Šiltėjančio klimato modeliavimo rezultatai rodo, jog eglės arealas slinksis šiaurės, šiaurės rytų kryptimis (Žemaitis, 2014). Pagal modeliuojamus scenarijus maumedis bus tinkama rūšis augti Lietuvos klimato sąlygomis (Stakėnas, 2012). Todėl paprastosios eglės vietą ekosistemose galėtų užimti maumedžiai (Larix sp.). Tačiau kyla klausimas ar maumedis yra tinkamas augalas-šeimininkas egles kolonizuojančioms vabzdžių rūšims. Tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti maumedžius (Larix sp.) ir paprastąją eglę (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) kolonizuojančių vabzdžių rūšių įvairovę ir jos skirtumus. Parinktose 5 maumedynų ir 5 eglynų tyrimo aikštelėse taikytas lipnių gaudyklių vabzdžių apskaitos metodas. Tyrimo aikštelėse parinkti 5 sąlygiškai sveiki (I pažeidimo kategorija) ir 5 švieži sausuoliai (V pažeidimo kategorija) medžiai, prie kurių kamienų prisegtos lipnios gaudyklės. Tyrimo metu atliktos dvi vabzdžių apskaitos. Sugauti vabzdžiai suskaičiuoti, identifikuoti ir priskirti rūšims. Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis nustatyta, kad didesnė vabzdžių įvairovė aptikta eglynuose. Vidutinis sugautų rūšių kiekis ant sąlyginai sveikų eglės medžių buvo tik 2,4% mažesnis, nei sąlyginai sveikų maumedžių (p>0,05). Tuo tarpu paprastosios eglės šviežiems sausuoliams nustatyta 37,7% didesnė vidutinė vabzdžių įvairovė lyginant su V pažeidimo kategorijos maumedžiais (p 0.05). Meanwhile, freshly dead norway spruce showed 37.7% higher average insect diversity compared to V damage category larches (p <0.05). Similarly, higher insect abundance was found in spruce stands, where relatively healthy spruce trees exhibited 61.5% higher insect abundance than same condition larch trees (p <0.05). Norway spruce freshly dead trees showed almost three times higher insect catch than V damage category larch (p <0.05)Miškų ir ekologijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta