785 research outputs found

    Mercury BLAST dictionaries: analysis and performance measurement

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    This report describes a hashing scheme for a dictionary of short bit strings. The scheme, which we call near-perfect hashing, was designed as part of the construction of Mercury BLAST, an FPGA-based accelerator for the BLAST family of biosequence comparison algorithms. Near-perfect hashing is a heuristic variant of the well-known displacement hashing approach to building perfect hash functions. It uses a family of hash functions composed from linear transformations on bit vectors and lookups in small precomputed tables, both of which are especially appropriate for implementation in ardware logic. We show empirically that for inputs derived from genomic DNA sequences, our scheme obtains a good tradeoff between the size of the hash table and the time required to ompute it from a set of input strings, while generating few or no collisions between keys in the table. One of the building blocks of our scheme is the H_3 family of hash functions, which are linear transformations on bit vectors. We show that the uniformity of hashing performed with randomly chosen linear transformations depends critically on their rank, and that randomly chosen transformations have a high probability of having the maximum possible uniformity. A simple test is sufficient to ensure that a randomly chosen H3 hash function will not cause an unexpectedly large number of collisions. Moreover, if two such functions are chosen independently at random, the second function is unlikely to hash together two keys that were hashed together by the first. Hashing schemes based on H3 hash functions therefore tend to distribute their inputs more uniformly than would be expected under a simple uniform hashing model, and schemes using pairs of these functions are more uniform than would be assumed for a pair of independent hash functions

    Mercury BLASTN Biosequence Similarity Search System: Technical Reference Guide

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    This guide documents the operation of the Mercury BLASTN system for hardware-accelerated DNA similarity search. It includes detailed information on the syntax and limitations of the system\u27s component commands, as well as a description of the system\u27s hardware platform suitable for administrators who need to maintain a Mercury BLASTN system. Mercury BLASTN is a product of the High Performance COmputational Biology Group at Washington University

    Choosing the best heuristic for seeded alignment of DNA sequences

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    BACKGROUND: Seeded alignment is an important component of algorithms for fast, large-scale DNA similarity search. A good seed matching heuristic can reduce the execution time of genomic-scale sequence comparison without degrading sensitivity. Recently, many types of seed have been proposed to improve on the performance of traditional contiguous seeds as used in, e.g., NCBI BLASTN. Choosing among these seed types, particularly those that use information besides the presence or absence of matching residue pairs, requires practical guidance based on a rigorous comparison, including assessment of sensitivity, specificity, and computational efficiency. This work performs such a comparison, focusing on alignments in DNA outside widely studied coding regions. RESULTS: We compare seeds of several types, including those allowing transition mutations rather than matches at fixed positions, those allowing transitions at arbitrary positions ("BLASTZ" seeds), and those using a more general scoring matrix. For each seed type, we use an extended version of our Mandala seed design software to choose seeds with optimized sensitivity for various levels of specificity. Our results show that, on a test set biased toward alignments of noncoding DNA, transition information significantly improves seed performance, while finer distinctions between different types of mismatches do not. BLASTZ seeds perform especially well. These results depend on properties of our test set that are not shared by EST-based test sets with a strong bias toward coding DNA. CONCLUSION: Practical seed design requires careful attention to the properties of the alignments being sought. For noncoding DNA sequences, seeds that use transition information, especially BLASTZ-style seeds, are particularly useful. The Mandala seed design software can be found at

    MERCATOR (Mapping EnumeRATOR for CUDA) User\u27s Manual

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    Welcome to the MERCATOR user\u27s manual! MERCATOR is a CUDA/C++ system designed to assist you in writing efficient CUDA applications by automatically generating significant portions of the GPU-side application code. We hope you find it helpful; please feel free to contact the authors with any questions or feedback

    Designing seeds for similarity search in genomic DNA

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    AbstractLarge-scale comparison of genomic DNA is of fundamental importance in annotating functional elements of genomes. To perform large comparisons efficiently, BLAST (Methods: Companion Methods Enzymol 266 (1996) 460, J. Mol. Biol. 215 (1990) 403, Nucleic Acids Res. 25(17) (1997) 3389) and other widely used tools use seeded alignment, which compares only sequences that can be shown to share a common pattern or “seed’’ of matching bases. The literature suggests that the choice of seed substantially affects the sensitivity of seeded alignment, but designing and evaluating seeds is computationally challenging.This work addresses the problem of designing a seed to optimize performance of seeded alignment. We give a fast, simple algorithm based on finite automata for evaluating the sensitivity of a seed in a Markov model of ungapped alignments, along with extensions to mixtures and inhomogeneous Markov models. We give intuition and theoretical results on which seeds are good choices. Finally, we describe Mandala, a software tool for seed design, and show that it can be used to improve the sensitivity of alignment in practice

    Split and Merge Functions for Supporting Multiple Processing Pipelines in Mercury BLASTN

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    Biosequence similarity search is an important application in computational biology. Mercury BLASTN, an FPGA-based implementation of BLAST for DNA, is one of the alternatives for fast DNA sequence comparison. The re-design of BLAST into a streaming application combined with a high-throughput hardware pipeline have enabled Mercury BLAST to emerge as one of the fastest implementations of bio-sequence similarity search. This performance can be further enhanced by exploiting the data-level parallelism present within the application. Here we present a multiple FPGA-based Mercury BLASTN design in order to double the speed and throughput of DNA sequence computation. This paper describes a dual Mercury BLASTN design, the detailed design of the split and merge functions, and simulation results

    Streaming Computations with Precise Control

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    Fast, sensitive discovery of conserved genome-wide motifs

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    Regulatory sites that control gene expression are essential to the proper functioning of cells, and identifying them is critical for modeling regulatory networks. We have developed Magma (Multiple Aligner of Genomic Multiple Alignments), a software tool for multiple species, multiple gene motif discovery. Magma identifies putative regulatory sites that are conserved across multiple species and occur near multiple genes throughout a reference genome. Magma takes as input multiple alignments that can include gaps. It uses efficient clustering methods that make it about 70 times faster than PhyloNet, a previous program for this task, with slightly greater sensitivity. We ran Magma on all non-coding DNA conserved between Caenorhabditis elegans and five additional species, about 70 Mbp in total, in <4 h. We obtained 2,309 motifs with lengths of 6–20 bp, each occurring at least 10 times throughout the genome, which collectively covered about 566 kbp of the genomes, approximately 0.8% of the input. Predicted sites occurred in all types of non-coding sequence but were especially enriched in the promoter regions. Comparisons to several experimental datasets show that Magma motifs correspond to a variety of known regulatory motifs

    Throughput-optimal systolic arrays from recurrence equations

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    Many compute-bound software kernels have seen order-of-magnitude speedups on special-purpose accelerators built on specialized architectures such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These architectures are particularly good at implementing dynamic programming algorithms that can be expressed as systems of recurrence equations, which in turn can be realized as systolic array designs. To efficiently find good realizations of an algorithm for a given hardware platform, we pursue software tools that can search the space of possible parallel array designs to optimize various design criteria. Most existing design tools in this area produce a design that is latency-space optimal. However, we instead wish to target applications that operate on a large collection of small inputs, e.g. a database of biological sequences. For such applications, overall throughput rather than latency per input is the most important measure of performance. In this work, we introduce a new procedure to optimize throughput of a systolic array subject to resource constraints, in this case the area and bandwidth constraints of an FPGA device. We show that the throughput of an array is dependent on the maximum number of lattice points executed by any processor in the array, which to a close approximation is determined solely by the array’s projection vector. We describe a bounded search process to find throughput-optimal projection vectors and a tool to perform automated design space exploration, discovering a range of array designs that are optimal for inputs of different sizes. We apply our techniques to the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to generate multiple mappings of this algorithm into systolic arrays. By combining our library of designs with run-time reconfiguration of an FPGA device to dynamically switch among them, we predict significant speedup over a single, latency-space optimal array
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