2,316 research outputs found

    An end-to-end big data analytics platform for IoT-enabled smart factories : a case study of battery module assembly system for electric vehicles

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    Within the concept of factories of the future, big data analytics systems play a critical role in supporting decision-making at various stages across enterprise processes. However, the design and deployment of industry-ready, lightweight, modular, flexible, and cost efficient big data analytics solutions remains one of the main challenges towards the Industry 4.0 enabled digital transformation. This paper presents an end-to-end IoT-based big data analytics platform that consists of five interconnected layers and several components for data acquisition, integration, storage, analytics and visualisation purposes. The platform architecture benefits from state-of-the-art technologies and integrates them in a systematic and interoperable way with clear information flows. The developed platform has been deployed in an electric vehicle battery module assembly automation system designed by the Automation Systems Group at the University of Warwick, the UK. The developed proof-of-concept solution demonstrates how a wide variety of tools and methods can be orchestrated to work together aiming to support decision-making and to improve both process and product qualities in smart manufacturing environments

    Kann Cannabis das Risiko fur schizophrene Psychosen erhöhen?

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    Hintergrund: Cannabis wurde in den letzten Jahren zunehmend als einer der wichtigsten umweltbezogenen Risikofaktoren für die Entstehung von schizophrenen Psychosen diskutiert. Dies ist hauptsächlich auf folgende Beobachtungen zurückzuführen: 1. Bei hohen Dosen kann Cannabis auch bei gesunden Personen vorübergehend akute psychotische Symptome auslösen. 2. Patienten mit schizophrenen Psychosen missbrauchen Cannabis deutlich häufiger als altersvergleichbare gesunde Kontrollpersonen. Fragestellung: Es ist weiterhin umstritten, ob Cannabis kausal an der Entstehung von schizophrenen Psychosen beteiligt ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden deshalb die wichtigsten Evidenzen, die für oder gegen einen kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen Cannabiskonsum und Auslösung schizophrener Psychosen sprechen, gesichtet und kritisch überprüft. Methodik: Systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken PubMed, ISI Web of Science und PsycINFO zu den Schlüsselwörtern cannabis, marijuana, THC, hashish, psychosis, schizophrenia. Schlussfolgerungen: Es zeigte sich, dass ein kausaler Zusammenhang zwar nicht eindeutig belegbar, aber doch zumindest plausibel ist. Die Ergebnisse wiesen auch darauf hin, dass der Konsum von Cannabis insbesondere bei einem niedrigen Einstiegsalter das Risiko für schizophrene Psychosen erhöht. BACKGROUND: In recent years, cannabis has been increasingly discussed as one of the most important environmental risk factors for developing schizophrenic psychoses. This is mainly due to the following observations. (i) Cannabis at high doses can cause acute transient psychotic symptoms even in healthy individuals. (ii) Patients with schizophrenia abuse cannabis more often than age-matched healthy controls. OBJECTIVES: It is still controversial whether cannabis use can cause schizophrenic psychoses that would not have occurred otherwise. In our review, we have critically evaluated the evidence for a causal link between cannabis use and schizophrenic psychoses. METHODS: A systematic literature review in PubMed, ISI Web of Science and PsycINFO was carried out using the following keywords: cannabis, marijuana, THC, hashish, psychosis, schizophrenia. CONCLUSIONS: We have concluded that although a causal relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenic psychoses cannot be definitely proven, the available evidence strongly supports its plausibility. Furthermore, the results of the review indicate that cannabis might cause psychosis especially in individuals with a predisposition for schizophrenia and in adolescents with an early onset of cannabis use

    Cannabis use and cognitive functions in at-risk mental state and first episode psychosis

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    BACKGROUND: Meta-analyses suggest that schizophrenia patients with a history of cannabis use have less impaired cognitive functioning compared to patients without cannabis use. AIMS: The objective of this study was to assess the association between recency and frequency of cannabis use and cognitive functioning in at-risk mental state for psychosis (ARMS) and first episode psychosis (FEP) individuals. METHODS: One hundred thirty-six participants completed a cognitive test battery and were assessed for current and past cannabis use. Analyses of covariance models were applied to evaluate the main effects of cannabis use and patient group (ARMS vs. FEP) as well as their interactions on cognitive functioning. RESULTS: No differences were observed in cognitive performance between current, former, and never users, and there were no significant interactions between cannabis use and patient group. Furthermore, within the group of current cannabis users, the frequency of cannabis use was not significantly associated with cognitive functioning. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study do not support the notion that FEP patients and ARMS individuals with a history of cannabis use have less impaired cognitive functioning compared to those without cannabis use

    Cannabis use and cognitive functions in at-risk mental state and first episode psychosis

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    Background: Meta-analyses suggest that schizophrenia patients with a history of cannabis use have less impaired cognitive functioning compared to patients without cannabis use. Aims: The objective of this study was to assess the association between recency and frequency of cannabis use and cognitive functioning in at-risk mental state for psychosis (ARMS) and first episode psychosis (FEP) individuals. Methods: One hundred thirty-six participants completed a cognitive test battery and were assessed for current and past cannabis use. Analyses of covariance models were applied to evaluate the main effects of cannabis use and patient group (ARMS vs. FEP) as well as their interactions on cognitive functioning. Results: No differences were observed in cognitive performance between current, former, and never users, and there were no significant interactions between cannabis use and patient group. Furthermore, within the group of current cannabis users, the frequency of cannabis use was not significantly associated with cognitive functioning. Conclusion: The results of the present study do not support the notion that FEP patients and ARMS individuals with a history of cannabis use have less impaired cognitive functioning compared to those without cannabis us

    Das Basler Interview für Psychosen (BIP): Struktur, Reliabilität und Validität

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    Hintergrund: Obwohl in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Instrumente entwickelt worden sind, um Psychoserisikopersonen und Psychoseersterkrankte zu identifizieren, gab es bisher keine geeigneten Instrumente, um solche Personen ausführlicher über ihren Krankheitsverlauf sowie die Risikofaktoren und frühen Indikatoren der Erkrankung zu befragen. Wir haben deshalb das Basler Interview für Psychosen (BIP) entwickelt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Entwicklung und den Aufbau des BIP zu beschreiben sowie über seine psychometrischen Eigenschaften zu berichten. Methoden: Das BIP ist ein halbstrukturiertes klinisches Anamneseinterview, das im Rahmen des Basler Projekts zur Früherkennung von Psychosen (FePsy) auf der Basis der wichtigsten in der Literatur beschriebenen Risikofaktoren und Indikatoren für Psychosen und unter Berücksichtigung schon existierender Fragebögen entwickelt wurde. Es gliedert sich in sechs Bereiche: 1. Soziale und körperliche Entwicklung/Familie, 2. Anzeichen und Symptome, 3. Vulnerabilität, 4. Hilfesucheverhalten, 5. Krankheitseinsicht, 6. Interviewereinschätzung. Um die Interrater-Reliabilität der Items der Abschnitte 2 und 3 zu bestimmen, wurden 20 Patienten von insgesamt 8 unterschiedlichen Ratern beurteilt. Die faktorielle Struktur des Abschnitts 2.3 „Prodromi und Symptome“ wurde in einer Stichprobe von 120 Psychoserisikopersonen und 77 Erstpsychosepatienten untersucht. Auf der Basis der gefundenen Faktorstruktur wurden neue Skalen gebildet und auf ihre Reliabilität und Validität untersucht. Ergebnisse: Von 153 untersuchten Items der Abschnitte 2 und 3 wurden 150 (98 %) mit ausreichend hoher Übereinstimmung (Interrater-Reliabilität > 0,4) eingeschätzt. Die Items des Abschnitts 2.3 „Prodromi und Symptome“ konnten zu 5 Subskalen gruppiert werden. Die Subskalen wiesen überwiegend gute bis sehr gute interne Konsistenzen, Homogenitäten und diskriminante und konvergente Validitäten auf. Für die Subskalen „Positive psychotische Symptome“ und „Störungen des Denkens“ sowie den Gesamtscore konnte zudem eine prädiktive Validität nachgewiesen werden. Diskussion: Mit dem BIP haben wir erstmals ein halbstrukturiertes klinisches Anamneseinterview konstruiert und validiert, das geeignet ist, Psychoserisikopatienten und Psychoseersterkrankte detailliert über Psychoserisikofaktoren und -indikatoren sowie den psychopathologischen Verlauf seit der Kindheit zu befragen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass das BIP hervorragende psychometrische Eigenschaften aufweist. BACKGROUND: Although several instruments have been developed to identify patients with an at-risk mental state (ARMS) for psychosis and first episode of psychosis (FEP), up to now there were no instruments for a detailed assessment of risk factors and indicators of emerging psychosis and the temporal development of psychiatric symptoms over the whole life span in these patients. We therefore developed the Basle Interview for Psychosis (BIP). The aim of this study is to describe the development of the BIP and to report about its psychometric properties. METHODS: The BIP is a comprehensive semi-structured interview that was developed for the Basel early detection of psychoses (FePsy) study. Its items were derived from the most important risk factors and indicators of psychosis described in the literature and from several existing instruments. It contains the following six sections: 1) social and physical development and family, 2) signs and symptoms, 3) vulnerability, 4) help-seeking behavior, 5) illness insight, 6) evaluation of the interview. To estimate the inter-rater reliabilities of the items of sections 2 and 3, 20 interviews were conducted and rated by 8 well-trained raters. The factorial structure of the BIP section "signs and symptoms" was explored in a sample of 120 ARMS and 77 FEP patients. On the basis of the discovered factorial structure, we created new subscales and assessed their reliabilities and validities. RESULTS: Of the 153 studied items of sections 2 and 3, 150 (98 %) were rated with sufficiently high agreement (inter-rater reliability > 0.4). The items of section "signs and symptoms" could be grouped into 5 subscales with predominantly good to very good internal consistencies, homogeneities, and discriminant and convergent validities. Predictive validities could be demonstrated for the subscales "Positive Psychotic Symptoms", "Disturbance of Thinking" and the total score. DISCUSSION: The BIP is the first interview for comprehensively assessing risk factors and indicators of emerging psychosis and the temporal development of psychiatric symptoms over the whole life span, which has been validated in ARMS and FEP patients. We could show that the BIP has excellent psychometric properties

    Vorhersage von Psychosen durch stufenweise Mehrebenenabklärung - Das Basel FePsy (Früherkennung von Psychosen)-Projekt

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    Hintergrund: In Basel haben wir verschiedene Studien zur Verbesserung der Methodik zur Früherkennung von Psychosen (FePsy) durchgeführt. Methodik: Vom 01.03.2000 bis 29.02.2004 wurden 234 Individuen mithilfe des Basler Screening Instruments für Psychosen (BSIP) gescreent. Bei 10 6 Patienten konnte ein Risikostatus für Psychosen diagnostiziert werden, 53 davon konnten bis zu 7 Jahre (Mittel 5. 4 Jahre) nachuntersucht werden. Die weiteren Untersuchungen erfolgten u.a. mit einem spezifisch entwickelten Anamnese - Instrument, verschiedenen Skalen zur Psychopathologie, Untersuchungen der Neuropsychologie u n d Feinmotorik , klinische m und quantitative m EEG, MRI des Gehirns, Labor. Ergebnisse: Allein auf der Basis des BSIP konnte eine relativ zuverlässige Vorher sage getroffen werden: 21 (39.6 % ) der als „ Risikopatienten “Identifizierten entwickelten innerhalb der Beobachtungszeit tatsächlich eine Psychose. Post hoc konnte durch spezifischere Gewichtung der Psychopathologie und Einbezug neuropsychologischer Untersuchungen die Vorhersagegenauigkeit auf 81 % gesteigert werden. Die anderen oben genannten Verfahren können offensichtlich zur weiteren Verbesserung der Prädiktion beitragen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Risikoabklärung für Psychose sollte stufenweise und unter Einbezug verschiedener Untersuchungsebenen erfolgen. Background: We have conducted various studies in Basel with the aim of improving the methods for the early detection of psychosis (Fruherkennung von Psychosen, FePsy).Methods: From 1.3.2000 to 29.2.2004 234 individuals were screened using the Basel Screening Instrument for Psychosis (BSIP). 106 patients were identified as at risk for psychosis; out of these 53 remained in follow-up for up to 7 years (mean 5.4 years). The assessments were done with a specifically developed instrument for history taking, various scales for the psychopathology, assessments of neuropsychology and fine motor functioning, clinical and quantitative EEG, MRI of the brain, laboratory etc.Results: Based on the BSIP alone, a relatively reliable prediction was possible: 21 (39.6 %) of the individuals identified as at risk developed psychosis within the follow-up time. Post-hoc prediction could be improved to 81 % by weighting psychopathology and including neuropsychology. Including the other domains obviously allows further improvements of prediction.Conclusions: The risk for psychosis should be assessed in a stepwise procedure. In a first step, a clinically oriented screening should be conducted. If an at-risk status is found, further assessments in various domains should be done in a specialised centre

    COVID-19 and the Global Impact on Colorectal Practice and Surgery

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    Background: The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus that emerged in December 2019 causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to the sudden national reorganization of health care systems and changes in the delivery of health care globally. The purpose of our study was to use a survey to assess the global effects of COVID-19 on colorectal practice and surgery. Materials and Methods: A panel of International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ISUCRS) selected 22 questions, which were included in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to ISUCRS fellows and other surgeons included in the ISUCRS database and was advertised on social media sites. The questionnaire remained open from April 16 to 28, 2020. Results: A total of 287 surgeons completed the survey. Of the 287 respondents, 90% were colorectal specialists or general surgeons with an interest in colorectal disease. COVID-19 had affected the practice of 96% of the surgeons, and 52% were now using telemedicine. Also, 66% reported that elective colorectal cancer surgery could proceed but with perioperative precautions. Of the 287 respondents, 19.5% reported that the use of personal protective equipment was the most important perioperative precaution. However, personal protective equipment was only provided by 9.1% of hospitals. In addition, 64% of surgeons were offering minimally invasive surgery. However, 44% reported that enough information was not available regarding the safety of the loss of intra-abdominal carbon dioxide gas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, 61% of the surgeons were prepared to defer elective colorectal cancer surgery, with 29% willing to defer for ≤ 8 weeks. Conclusion: The results from our survey have demonstrated that, globally, COVID-19 has affected the ability of colorectal surgeons to offer care to their patients. We have also discussed suggestions for various practical adaptation strategies for use during the recovery period. We have presented the results of a survey used to assess the global impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the delivery of colorectal surgery. Despite accessible guidance information, our results have demonstrated that COVID-19 has significantly affected the ability of colorectal surgeons to offer care to patients. We have also discussed practical adaptation strategies for use during the recovery phase